Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 04:13:58 PM
Steve...Blocking unpleasantness is not illegal...Just advisable, under any circumstances.   
Denying access to all parties, is unethical and illegal if they are the mouthpiece for government!  You cannot stifle free speech of the public to the government.  All have the right to make complaints to the government or petition for a redress of grievances in any and all forms of communications present. IF EK is the voice of the government, if EK receives Tax dollars, then they are OBLIGATED to keep all forms of communications open to any and all no matter the unpleasantness. Secondly they are required to answer the questions if they are recipient of tax dollars. The people have a right to know what their money is being used for and an accounting of every red cent must be made!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Ross on September 25, 2011, 03:08:16 PM
It looks like they restored it, doesn't it??????

Same here, Ross.  Nope, no gamesmanship here.

But here we are again, dwelling on minutia.  How about the county employee who has been both instructed, in writing, and paid by the taxpayers to do the work and bidding of the private enterprise known as Elk Konnected.  
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


QuoteDenying access to all parties, is unethical and illegal if they are the mouthpiece for government!

This is a forum...not an access to anyone per their choice.
I choose not to have my age or town posted.  That is my right and I am not hiding anything....however, (comma...which is like a but it negates the first part of the sentence)......
A county entity that joins a forum and chooses not to answer even questions about themselves, is within their right, even though it was ONCE quoted that the Elk County Forum is a speakeasy.....
Perhaps the entity is just gathering info to "Steer" thier people to another task?

then to quote Wilma...."take it up to the proper authorites".   of which would be the comissioner's meetings.
Short answers to deep questions is my take...however I don't attend and hear it firsthand.

I am still curious as to the money trail...it really seems convoluted and trackless.....which raises a yellow flag to me.


Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 03:13:02 PM
My purpose here is much the same as yours, Ross...To bring a viewpoint that is not only worth considering but that is shared by the more sane, deliberate folks.  I have had to smile at some of the PMs I have received...It's nice to know that rational thought, as opposed to worn out, repeated sound bites, is still around.  ;D  And...The ability to PM EK wasn't restored...It was there all along.  Perhaps you just got unblocked... ;D

More B.S. from the peanut gallery. You have not posted on thing positive about Elk Konnnected, LLC on the whole length of this thread.

Your purpose is nowhere near the same as mine. That's just plain dumb to say. You have shown absolutely nothing relating to a view point, INHO. My purpose is to ask questions and receive answers from Elk Konnected, LLC that started out as what I thought was a non-profit organization and is now a private business.

Now a couple of other questions!

How many companies or corporations do you know that are in business and has no desire to make money?

So Elk Konnected, LLC why did you become a privately owned Company?????

But I'll tell you one good thing Elk Konnected, LLC has done, are you ready for this?

Elk Konnected has managed to bring about interest and real conversation on the street and on the phone talking about our County Government and some of the disarray and brought awareness through this thread about what is happening in our beautiful county. People are talking? And that is good for the county IMHO>

The only other thing Elk Konnected, LLC in IMHO ihas done is to put out a few lollipops at taxpayers expense and again IMHO also a distraction from the company's real goals, now can you tell me what have they done good with all those thousands of dollars they have received from ECCEF that has benefited Elk County?????

And by the way doesn't one of those C's stand for Community and would that make that organization that has leadership and members, Better than Elk Konnected, LLC?????

Why is there a need for two such organizations in a county of only 2880 people?????

Especially when one is Organized with leadership and all and the other is a private business??????

You could really show your intelligence with an explanation to the question, Now couldn't you?????

I'd like real answers, not B. S. thank you!

Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 03:13:02 PM
I have had to smile at some of the PMs I have received...
Do you really expect anyone to believe that line??????

Now here is something credible and if you can show the same kind of reliability I will listen, fair enough?
I sure hope I don't make her mad at me, for using her in this manner, because I would have to move out of the county. She might decide to  go hunting, Ross instead of bear?

Quote from: Teresa on August 31, 2011, 09:57:50 AM
I am staying out of this as much as I can publicly... ( I have been criticized for that too) but that is the way it is going to be.
Of course I have concerns about what is going on in our little community, but to get on here ( as some seem to like to do)  and just "stir the pot" with jabs and slurs ..trying to reroute the intent of the thread is something that I don't do on any subject.

just for general information ( if anyone is interested) ......

as of Aug 23rd to todays date.. .I have received
16 emails..
7 personal messages
14 texts

all but one .. is in support of what Ross and Patriot have brought to light.
They're wanting answers..( on many levels)  and wondering why there has been no response from Elk Konnected's main members.
My response to them is that the forum is there for anyone to use. I have no answers as I am not a member nor do I have the knowledge of what is going on, because of that.

Let me reassure you, I have never met Teresa and her husband. Perhaps someday that may happen, but so far it hasn't.
I do not know her mother either. I did not know her mother was on this forum until after I shot off my mouth at her and then people on the forum told me it was her mother, and that I had better be careful. Ya all had me worried to death and I volunteered on this open forum to graciously depart and never return. But it was not necessary. These people have a tolerance and an honesty worthy of admiration.


Thank you, Ross...Yes, they do... ;)...And it has been reassuring to know that you haven't managed to bully absolutely everyone.  The PMs I have received have been gracious in the extreme and completey reassuring...And that's no BS.  That's just the truth.  So, Ross...Try again.  Your insults hold no water with them...Or me. 


Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 07:58:43 PM
Thank you, Ross...Yes, they do... ;)...And it has been reassuring to know that you haven't managed to bully absolutely everyone.  The PMs I have received have been gracious in the extreme and completely reassuring...And that's no BS.  That's just the truth.  So, Ross...Try again.  Your insults hold no water with them...Or me.  
You have absolutely nothing credible to back up your statement of all those PM's, so the statement is not credible. What is it that you fail to understand.
And on top of that you still haven't answered one single question intelligently.
And I have not bullied anyone but simply refused to be bullied by Elk Konnected, LLC followers.
Yes I have got impatient and used the words like dumb, stupid and show us your intelligence.
But far worse has been used on me.

So try giving us some of your intelligence and answer some questions and show us something credible about your remarks.

I myself am just a dumb country redneck with a high school diploma asking a college educate teacher to answer some questions. And it appears all that education is unable to comply.

And you still haven't made clear what your view point is, so please enlighten us?


And the trivial diversions continue.  

Who was the sole proprietor doing business as Elk Konnected prior to the formation of the LLC in 2009?  And, other than paying dues to Public Square Communities (i.e. Terry Woodbury's organization) what investments did that person make in the development of Elk County.  We know from self-published claims that the sole proprietor of EK raised 3000+ from private donors/investors, another $3150+ in the form of a 'community development' grant from ECCEF in 2007 alone. How much in other revenues or tax dollars they received hasn't yet been reported here.

So were the citizens of Elk County the beneficiaries of $6,000+ in 'community improvements' in 2007?  If so, what were those improvements?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


OK...Ross...I'll write slowly so that you can understand this time...

My viewpoint is as it has been in every post having to do with EK...

They are a bunch of people attempting to do something constructive for Elk County.  Period.

They don't take up lots of space and waste oxygen by repeating...And repeating...And repeating...

And, while I agree with Ready that there are some odd things that I don't understand...I am sure that, if I took the time to approach any of the good people who are involved, they'd be able to not only explain it but show in what way it is entirely legal, ethical and upstanding.  If they wouldn't be able to, then shame on them.

As for you and your minions...I hope you all listened thoroughly this time and are now able to understand my viewpoint.

If not, it's a personal problem on your part...Not mine.


Quote from: Catwoman on September 25, 2011, 08:35:41 PM
They are a bunch of people attempting to do something constructive for Elk County.  Period.

So what are the demonstrated results after 4 and a half years and 10s of thousands of private and public money?

Show me the improvements... new business growth, expansion, higher local employment, growing population? 

As they say, intentions are nice, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions (and sometimes 'positive' conversation).

Entire nations have been distracted and severely damaged by hope and change mentalities and positive appearing attitudes.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I agree, Patriot.  Obama, with all of his hope...And visions of change...Has done nothing but bring this country misfortune.  It is hoped that he is a one-term president.

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