Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: the shadow on June 17, 2011, 08:45:48 PM
I wonder if either of the commissioners that stand to gain money from this windfarm filed a substantial interest report with County Clerk Kaminska prior to voting on that windfarm?

1. A local government official voted on a matter in which he/she has a "conflict of interest."Is that legal?

The statutes that address local government officials using their positions for personal benefit are K.S.A. 75-4304 and 75-4305.K.S.A. 75-4304 prohibits local governmental officials and employees from participating, in their governmental capacities, in making contracts with persons/businesses that either employ the official/employee or the official/employee has a "substantial interest" in the business."Substantial interest" is defined at K.S.A. 75-4301a and, generally, means some kind of financial interest.There are exceptions to this general prohibition involving competitive bidding and where the price/rate is fixed by law.

As far as voting on a matter which will affect a business in which a local government official has a "substantial interest," K.S.A. 75-4305 allows an official to vote provided he/she has filed with the county election officer either of the following: a disclosure of any "substantial interest" or a report of the nature of the interest.
Violations of these statutes may result in criminal prosecution and forfeiture of office.

the Shadow---------------------KNOWS!

Janet, have you had time to write your letter to County Clerk Kaminska about this substantial interest report yet?




...The McCarthy period is the Rosetta stone of all liberal lies. It is the textbook on how they rewrite history -- the sound chamber of liberal denunciations, their phony victimhood as they demean and oppress their enemies, their false imputation of dishonesty to their opponents, their legalization of every policy dispute, their ability to engage in lock-step shouting campaigns, and the black motives concealed by their endless cacophony.

The true story of Joe McCarthy, told in meticulous, irrefutable detail in Blacklisted by History, is that from 1938 to 1946, the Democratic Party acquiesced in a monstrous conspiracy being run through the State Department, the military establishment, and even the White House to advance the Soviet cause within the U.S. government.

In the face of the Democrats' absolute refusal to admit to their fecklessness, fatuity and recklessness in allowing known Soviet spies to penetrate the deepest levels of government, McCarthy demanded an accounting.

Even if one concedes to on-the-one-hand-on-the-other-hand whiners like Ronald Radosh that Truman's Secretary of State Dean Acheson didn't like communism, his record is what it was. And that record was to treat Soviet spies like members of the Hasty Pudding Club.

Rather than own up to their moral blindness to Soviet espionage, Democrats fired up the liberal slander machine, which would be deployed again and again over the next half century to the present day. In hiding their own perfidy, liberals were guilty of every sin they lyingly imputed to McCarthy. There were no "McCarthyites" until liberals came along....


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Wilma on June 20, 2011, 08:35:30 PM
Then who is Sheriff's Deputy Kevin Wray that was listed in the commissioner's minutes in last week's paper?  Who are the part time deputies?  What about city law enforcement?  Who else works in the sheriff's office?  Who is it that takes our emergency calls?




Mother, You just read that list of who attended the meeting wrong.  Here is what was published (just the part telling who was there)...These are the minutes of the Elk
County Commission meeting held on April
Those present were: Douglas C. Ritz,
District I; Donna K. Kaminska; Elizabeth M.
Hendricks, District II; K.R. Liebau, District
III; Earnie Lackey, Road; David Evans;
John Collins; Byrdee Miller-Marcic, Emer
Prep; Micky Wunderlich; Rudy Taylor; Kenneth
Mitchell, EMS; Dale Clubine; Rob
Wolfe; Connie Hey, Dep Appraiser; Barbara
Clubine; Jackie Perkins; Neva Walter,
Reg of Deeds; William Bischof; Maurice
Perkins; Jim Criger, Rural Fire; Joe Snively;
Fran Wray; J.P. Logan, Maintenance;
Pat Snively; Kevin Wray; Zeb Hare, Dep.
L.W. Ross; Velva Hoyt; Jennifer
Brummel, Econ/Youth Dev; Jim Lane; Jack
Hoyt; Kandy Dowell, Health Nurse; Pauline
Bellar; Susie Perkins; Boyd Koehn; Irene
Keast; Susan Galvan; Ron Dellinger; Dana
Mills; Shelby Moore; Don Roe; Sue Roe;
Irene Julian

It was Zeb Hare, Dep. Sheriff, not Kevin Wray, Dep. Sheriff.


Would the following people please go start a new thread to impress each other.
Because you are not impressing anyone on this thread.
Janet Harrington
You have admitted your ignorance to the questions?
And continually behave as juveniles from Elk Konnected.
So, please go start a new thread, or stay on subject. Please.
The world is watching you.
Quote from: Ross on June 20, 2011, 08:17:55 PM
Folks all over the world that may be watching this thread, I simply want to apologize for the people in our county that have so little respect for the subject matter tha pertains to the control of our county that they will not stay on subject. The supposedly educated people are behaving like high school drop outs. No actually most high school drop outs have better manners. So I apologize to high school drop outs.
The subject matter is a serious matter in this county and is being treated in an infantile manner by the followers. They have no idea who they follow. They just follow blindly.
Or perhaps these followers will be polite enough to take their childishness and start another thread.
A couple of subject questions are. Let's see if they can communicate intelligently!
Who steers the steering committee?
Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Quote from: jarhead on June 20, 2011, 08:31:35 PM
Quote from Ross:
The supposedly educated people are behaving like high school drop outs.
Amen to that Ross !!

Quote from: Patriot on June 20, 2011, 08:33:15 PM
Well said.  Thanks Ross.  Intellectuals?  I wonder.
Quote from: flintauqua on June 20, 2011, 07:49:40 PM
I own property in Elk County,  I bank in Elk County.  My family is in Elk County and has been there since before there was an Elk County.  My lifelong friends are in Elk County.  And for 37 of my 42 years I was a resident of Elk County.  Just because I currently reside in NW Ark. does not mean that Elk County, Kansas is not my county.
Okay, this guy doesn't even live here. Does that help. Lives in Arkansas, which is beautiful country.So what? You choose not to live here now, right?
You can't even rate as an Elk Konnected follower, you are not here to do their bidding.
So what do you know about anything happening here, now?
Do you know the answers to the following:
Who steers the steering committee?
Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.
Why are they hiding?
Show us that even though you are a not an Elk County resident how smart you are.
Don't put that KState emblem to any more shame, simply answer the questions.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 20, 2011, 10:04:49 PM
Mother, You just read that list of who attended the meeting wrong.  Here is what was published (just the part telling who was there)...These are the minutes of the Elk
County Commission meeting held on April
Those present were: Douglas C. Ritz,
District I; Donna K. Kaminska; Elizabeth M.
Hendricks, District II; K.R. Liebau, District
III; Earnie Lackey, Road; David Evans;
John Collins; Byrdee Miller-Marcic, Emer
Prep; Micky Wunderlich; Rudy Taylor; Kenneth
Mitchell, EMS; Dale Clubine; Rob
Wolfe; Connie Hey, Dep Appraiser; Barbara
Clubine; Jackie Perkins; Neva Walter,
Reg of Deeds; William Bischof; Maurice
Perkins; Jim Criger, Rural Fire; Joe Snively;
Fran Wray; J.P. Logan, Maintenance;
Pat Snively; Kevin Wray; Zeb Hare, Dep.
L.W. Ross; Velva Hoyt; Jennifer
Brummel, Econ/Youth Dev; Jim Lane; Jack
Hoyt; Kandy Dowell, Health Nurse; Pauline
Bellar; Susie Perkins; Boyd Koehn; Irene
Keast; Susan Galvan; Ron Dellinger; Dana
Mills; Shelby Moore; Don Roe; Sue Roe;
Irene Julian

It was Zeb Hare, Dep. Sheriff, not Kevin Wray, Dep. Sheriff.
Most ot those you have listed would be non supporters of Elk Konnected, right?


I believe elk Konnected still has time to write their retraction in the newspaper even though the deadline for advertisement is done.
The newspaper owner tells me he has an affiliaton with Elk Konnected so it should be no problem. right?

We will all be watching for the truth to be printed.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?


The REAL puppet master is the one who can tug one little string and get a whole lot of jumping around to occur...lol...Ross, you are so funny... ;D...I am just hoping this keeps up for another 100 pages...I've not had this much amusement in years!! 

You still haven't stated to what purpose you'll put all this information that you supposedly so desperately need...You certainly haven't followed up on any of the leads you've been presented with so far...So...The real question here would have to be why you keep persisting?  Narcissism has been suggested before...And I'd have to start agreeing at this point.


Quote from: Ross on June 20, 2011, 08:57:13 PM
Elk Konnected followers just can't tell us who they are following.
That has got to be the height of sheeple dumb.

They can't seem to stay on subject either. That's weird considering they claim to be educated and even have a couple of supposed educator amongst their miidst.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Come on folks try a little harder to stay on subject, try to concentrate. Good night.

I had to calm down a little before I replied to your down right rude manner of this comment. Just because I choose not to post the names of the people that I know that are members of Elk Konnected doesn't mean that I'm dumb. I choose to not say because I feel it is common curtiousy not to put names of people out there. I'm not hidding a thing, I went and got some of the information that you asked about and you can do the same. But you choose to want to get it from here, that's your choice and I don't think your dumb for doing it, maybe not the way I would choose to get information but that is your choice. And Teresa and her husband run this whole forum, you have no right to tell anyone to get off this thread. If they choose to read it it is their choice, and if they choose to comment it's their choice not yours. Just because some of us choice to not pin point names and have actually went and talked to people about the subject and questions that you have been asking, we are now dumb!! WOW!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Oh, I asked a county commissioner about this issue, just so you know. He is kind of related to me and you know what you could surely do the same and get the answers alot faster then you have gotten them off of this thread.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Janet, you are right.  mea culpa.  What a relief.


I retract my request for the names of all the sheriff's department employees.  They might not want their names out there in cyberspace.  If they do, they can post them.  I would still be interested in who all the employees are, though.  Also, who the road department employees are.  Those are the two largest Elk County departments that are being paid with taxpayer money.  It would be nice to know just who is receiving it. 

I wonder if maybe the reason no EKLLC members names are forthcoming is because they don't care to have them published in this manner.  After all, their names are in the paper quite often.  AND, they are not being paid with taxpayer money.  I can't see where anyone has the right to demand that their names be published on this forum.

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