Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Mom70x7 on December 04, 2012, 11:38:30 PM
It's not a matter of how many students; it's a matter of how many grades are now using the buildings.

And my question was how would you arrange the students and classes in the current buildings?

What would you do now? Ideas?

All I can say is the word is the building was designed to hold 600 students.
If the space is being improperly allocated, that could be the problem.
And I am not in possession of the blue prints.
However, it sounds more like anadministrative problem then a square foot problem.
Perhaps put a few more administrators desks in one office, Each room has four corners and a desk could go in each corner, instead of one desk in the middle and more space could be utilized for the children. Just one simple idea.
Perhaps the problem would best be served by a survey of the building and a whole lot more econonomical.

Just curious, were you there arguing to save the Moline Brick and mortar Grade School with all those rooms for teaching?

The real issue at the moment is spending thousands an thousands of dollars on a very expensive outsider Facilitator to maniopulate the population of the West Elk School District which includes our children.

Do you think the school district needs to spend your tax dollars in this manner?


Mom is right, the building may be made to hold 600 students, but it is not equipped to hold so many different classes and grade levels.  I have children that attend West Elk and have been in the building many times.  I believe that there are about 15 classrooms.  I know that one hallway has Jr. high math, jr. high science, jr. high resouce room, grade school resource room, computers/business, sixth grade class.  The other hallway consists of high school english, spanish, government/history, high school math, high school science, jr. high english, high school resource room, and kindergarten.  I am pretty sure that there is a a grade school library that is now being used 1/2 day for teaching an oversized grade school class.  There is also a high school library that has a section set aside for tutoring.  The vo-ag class is always busy, as is the woods/drafting classrooms, and the home ec classrooms.  My child has told me that many times the cafeteria is even used for some classes throughout the day, and that multiple grade levels are taught PE in the gymnasium.  From what I have seen and what my children have told me, I believe that the building is utilized to its full potential.  Unless you want to include small grade school children into geometry/trig classes with juniors and seniors, or combine grade school science with a senior class of physics?

Red, if only times were that simple again.  But the government has its nose so far into education that there are so many hoops that schools must jump through to receive funding to stay open.  I truly don't believe that the government is concerned with true education for our children.  The things that they feel are important for our children to learn are not necessarily what is best. 


Quote from: Ross on December 05, 2012, 09:07:03 AM
The real issue at the moment is spending thousands an thousands of dollars on a very expensive outsider Facilitator to maniopulate the population of the West Elk School District which includes our children.

Do you think the school district needs to spend your tax dollars in this manner?


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Where did all the space go?
More class rooms could be filling the space!
That simply sounds like an engineering problem within the building!
Are either of you engineers?
Shouldn't the powers to be, be looking into it?

Or is the goal simply to build a new building?
Is the only solution to spend, spend?
I think they already recieved the District taxpayers opinion on that solution, haven't they?

Does that mean the solution to the voters answer is to keep coming back at them,
only this time with a very expensive high priced outsider called a facillitator to manipulate the people?
Is that the answer you agree with?
Someone tomanipulate the School Board and the children (students) and the taxpayers?

Why exploit the children in an adult problem?
Go ahead tell me exploiting and manipulating the children is okay under the circumstances, I wnant to hear that,  please?

This smells of Konnected Kounty  Komissioner Hendricks NGO and they way they exploited the children, IMO.

But, I bet you are blind to the Konnection, even though the School Board President is Konnected, right?

It all sure smells of "The Old Guard" that Konnected Kounty  Komissioner Hendricks has referred to in the past.

And I suspect this is just a manuvere to control the voters for an election for another School Bond and this is the only way to try to get enough votes in their favor. I don't believe the smoke screen will work, I pray the voters are smarter then that.

But I am jus an ignorant old fart of a redneck and I advise everyone to ignore all these posts.


I fail to see where anyone is exploiting children. Daisy and Mom both tried to converse with Ross and he gets more radical and snide. Not everything that happens is this county is elk konnected's doing.


Quote from: proelkco on December 05, 2012, 03:26:11 PM
I fail to see where anyone is exploiting children. Daisy and Mom both tried to converse with Ross and he gets more radical and snide. Not everything that happens is this county is elk konnected's doing.

And Proelco you continue to be condescending, another tactic I Believe stems from elk konnected, llc.

Not elk konnected, llc's doing's, then read the konnections below, and not radical, just check elk konnected, llc's web sight? Now I think you are trying to pull our leg, making a joke, right?

What is your definition of radical?

My definition of radical is spending taxpayers money in a wasteful manner such as hiring an expensive highly paid outsider to fFACILITATE the children of West Elk School District over taxpayer and school board problems.

And in my opinion that is exactly exploiting the children (Using the children) to further someones agenda.
Ad to waste money on a Facilitator, when the West Elk District is suppose to have all those leaders called a SCHOOL BOARD and a President of the Board whose main Function is to Facilitate over the School Board.

Or are you suggesting that our leaders lack the ability to lead and need an outsider doing the job they were elected to do?
Now that is really radical, IMO!

Are you refering to the possible Konnections between konnected kounty kommissioner Hendricks, NGO, Elk konnected, LLC and the Konnected President of the School Board and the konnection of Facilitators as radical?

That's not radical, it is very possible!

Why do or what do the official members of Elk Konnected, LLC have to hide?
Who are the official members?
Why is it know one knows?
Why the secreativeness?
Isn't that the same way "The Old Guard" worked?
Cloaked behing closed doors, right?
So perhaps elk konnected. LLC is "The Old Guard" in anew dress?
Nothing radical about that, if no one has any answers, now is there?

But you know it is this kind of questioning and critical thinking that sets you followers off and then you start calling people names?

Well, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you Followers.
And I sincerely mean thatl
I am not offended by your comments.
But, I am still trying to converse with you and not pull your leg.


Quote from: daisy on December 05, 2012, 11:10:05 AM
Mom is right, the building may be made to hold 600 students, but it is not equipped to hold so many different classes and grade levels.

Daisy I have a problem understanding how a building can be designed to accomodate 600 children and then not do it.

I was told the building was designed to add more class rooms for those additional students.

But also there ar only grades K through 12 and the grade shool children are in the portable buildings.

Perhaps they need the Moline Grade school back and the use the portable buildings for additional classes.

Or as I said before, put more administrators in a room. Maybe 4 to 6 of their desks in a room and clear up that many more rooms.

Could't they reduce the space for the teachers lounge or the foyer and put in walls for additional rooms, isn't that what the building was designed for, adding more rooms.

How about moving the School Superintendents office into the main building where his principles office is or vice versa and open up more rooms for teaching  the kids?

I'm sure there are plenty of other options versus spending lots and lots of money, perhaps save as much as $5.5 million during these hard financial times which includes austerity.

It sounds to me like looking for excuses to continue what I refer to as (HTMS) Howard Taj Mahal Syndrome, instead of looking for more proper solutions, that's all I'm saying.

Janet Harrington


Where did you get your information that the school was built to hold 600 students? Just wondering.

I don't remember what the original plans were. My Uncle Bob was on the school board at the time. I may call him and ask him if he remembers how many students the school was built for.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on December 05, 2012, 08:31:33 PM

Where did you get your information that the school was built to hold 600 students? Just wondering.

I don't remember what the original plans were. My Uncle Bob was on the school board at the time. I may call him and ask him if he remembers how many students the school was built for.

From a few different people that don't want to be disclosed as to who they are.

You see, I'm retired and I don't have any debts, I have nothing anyone can threaten me with?
Even the threat of a lawsuit as stated earlier in this thread don't scare me. Not everyone is as fortunate. They could lose their job if someone wanted to go after them.

I've seen that happen in a different state. In fact I, had it happen to me, they spoke to my boss about firing me and they failed. That is what I think frustrates some of the followers, a few people on this forum don't have to worry about such things.

That is my personal opinion. After all you haven't heard of any lawsuits against me have you?

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