Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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[quoteWho knows but the Professional Facilitator (Controller) and the konnected School Board President have planned? If you know will you share with us?][/quote]

Hey Ross!   
I am going to take the middle road like I did when I first joined:
How do we even know what others think, other than you and Patriot?  We don't know, only by actions from all.
The ends to the means are questionable, and my momma alwys said, "It's in your best interest that I do this"...and dad said  "What the hell????"   (Mom was what you now consider the 'old guard' and dd ws the 'outsider')   :o

Could it be the quick response to  a new Commissioner's e;ection result....2-1 can't get er done no more?
hmmmmmm :o
ready to read more......not background, but results.



Quote from: readyaimduck on November 19, 2012, 08:33:43 PM
I hve GOT to get  new keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need new fingers, I keep hitting the wrong keys.

And the shortened indes finger on my left hand just doesn't reach the keys. LOL


This thread is about kounty kommissioner Hendricks elk konnected, llc which she claims to be the founding member.

And now considering the fact that she is president of public squares communities, inc, it's also about them.

This thread is also about Elk County Government and its konnected kounty kommissioners.

But mainly it is about highly respected, pillars of the community and leadership.

The reason I left military service after 10 years service, was because of the title leadership.

The term leadership was in my opinion very loosely used, it lacked any real substance, it lacked meat, and it was just a word for impressing people. Well, that was back in 1976, in today's world it appears to be even worse.

Today the titles are used for taking and doing what the person wants to take and do for themselves or their friends, relatives, cronies and such. With no due consideration for the community as a whole.

Therefore IMHO the terms highly respected, pillars of the community and leadership mean absolutely nothing. Respect is earned not bought, just as friends are not bought!

Leadership does as much following as leading,
Leadership means accepting responsibility,
Leadership entails more then, a whole lot more than what is happening here in Elk County.
Leadership is not about hiring a Professional Facilitator with someone else's money to do your job or to force your ideas on someone else that is definitely not Leadership.

Frequently our military is firing highly respected, high ranking Officers, the Leaders of our military. Is it do to the fact that they don't understand the concept of Leadership?
Two more Commanders bite the dust, story at:

I notice that County Commissioner Ritz understands and lives by the concept of
No, I do not live in his district,
No, I and Commissioner Ritz are not related,
No, I and Commissioner Ritz are not friends.
I do respect him for his attitude towards Elk County as a whole and his roll as County Commissioner!
Thank you County Commissioner Ritz for your Leadership.

I wish, I could say the same for the konnected kounty kommissioners, but as long as they push the proposed SCAM called the "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" that offers WELFARE to some taxpayers called rebates, I just can't say that about them. They sure want to push it before konnected kounty kommissioner Hendricks loose her position on the Board, why do you suppose that is? Could it be that they don't think it will pass because the konnected kounty kommissioners won't have the controlling votes? Isn't that in and of itself a failure in Leadership?

Failure, Failure, Failure!

Happy Thanksgiving to you County Commissioner Ritz and your Family.

I wish each of the members of "The Elk County Forum" a very Happy Thanksgiving,

And I am thankful for having you, yes for you visiting with me on this thread.

I am also thankful for the owners for providing this forum for Elk County.


I've got to get this off my chest!

Economic Development, what is it in Elk County and what is it to elk konnected, llc and their konnected kounty commissioners?

Is it like running for elected office?
If you were not born and raised inn Elk County you have no business running for office because you are considered an outsider?

Is it about offering WELFARE/kickbacks to your friends, relatives, etc as in the proposed "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" that the State of Kansas strongly suggest not using in a rural area? Isn't Elk County a rural area? They also don't suggest using it city wide. Yet the konnected kounty commissioners still push this program that leaves the rest of us picking up the slack for these WELFARE recipients, Go figure! This program is not designed to bring in outsiders for population growth, NOPE, no matter what the visionaries say.

And how is it they can accept applications for something that does not exist and to even choose to back date it to cover things that are already built. The proposed program states that they have to have approval before they start rebuilding. Where could they go to get prior approval a year before the program is approved? No konnected kounty kommisioner can give that approval, because the County Commissioners Board has approved the program. Why all the cheating?
And that folks is exactly what it is CHEATING, IMHO!

We have heard about it on this thread about outsiders, so how can you bring jobs to Elk County that might bring prosperity to everyone in the county, wouldn't that require bringing in outsiders?

But isn't the idea of Economic Development in Elk County only for born and raised people of Elk County?

There is no chance of Economic Development in Elk County without an industrial park where a business of any consequence could do business. Can't you see that? Look at Independence and Coffeyville and I think even little Cherryvale might have an industrial park. But nobody will even consider the idea. And we have the crossroads of highways 99 and 160 and only 20 short miles to highway 400. These highways lead to every where from south central Kansas.

Don't you wonder why?
Perhaps they don't want better wages for the people?
That way people will gladly continue to work for minimum wage, don't you think?

All this because of the fear of outsiders IMHO!

And this attitude will lead to further population decline and continued poverty for the population. And what kid with a college education worth any thing will return to this atmosphere, and why would they?

There is no Economic Development in Elk County so why should the taxpayers continue to pay an employee to pretend there is Economic Development? My bet is they sure don't teach this kind of stuff in college, what do you think?

I will be asking people, friends and outsiders like myself, to boycott the boycotters of property taxes associated with the "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" if it passes.

Because it is not an Economic Development program for rural development. IMO!

So go for it!

This program even deprives Elk Vally School of funds for the childrens education, good job konnected kounty kommissioners! At least the West Elk School Board had the wisdom to vote against this bogus program. Thank you West Elk School Board members, Kudos to you!

Can we be thankfull for konnected kounty kommissioners?

Fire Elk

I know Kjell or Teresa did not give my information away. What I was saying was that the only way you could know what you claimed was if they did. Talk about your poker tells and all the other. I too play poker. Poker is a good analogy for what I am doing on here.  I like the fact that you know my tells it makes it easier for me to win in the end. Jarhead, thanks for helping implement my strategy. I know way more about you than you do of me. I am related to Sodbuster, but I am the from a different side of the family.



Quote from: Fire Elk on November 21, 2012, 09:01:25 PM
I know Kjell or Teresa did not give my information away. What I was saying was that the only way you could know what you claimed was if they did. Talk about your poker tells and all the other. I too play poker. Poker is a good analogy for what I am doing on here.  I like the fact that you know my tells it makes it easier for me to win in the end. Jarhead, thanks for helping implement my strategy. I know way more about you than you do of me. I am related to Sodbuster, but I am the from a different side of the family.


Uh... Sybill?  Multiple personality disorders have nothing to do with 'being related to someone but from a different side of the family'... different sides of the same brain, perhaps.  As for your purpose in being here... only a good shrink would know... or care.  Run along and play now.   :P

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Fire Elk

Quote from: Patriot on November 21, 2012, 09:46:56 PM
Uh... Sybill?  Multiple personality disorders have nothing to do with 'being related to someone but from a different side of the family'... different sides of the same brain, perhaps.  As for your purpose in being here... only a good shrink would know... or care.  Run along and play now.   :P

Patriot, you are digging the hole. I have always been honest on why I am here. Many people care that I am here. A good shrink would help you get that conspiracy theory tinfoil hat off your head and back to reality. Besides who would you, Ross, jarhead, and Bullwinkle respond to on the forum?



So, until your banned again.. have a nice Tranny San Fran day.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from fire elk:
I too play poker

You finally said something I believe, David. I have no doubt that you and your buddies play strip poker on a regular basis. You have a nice Thanksgiving now.

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