Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Again Diane alot of people that I talk to enjoy your posts. Ross must definitely be the uneducated hick he claims to be if he cannot see the difference in the spelling of Diane and Liz.

Diane Amberg

Thank You. I don't like  to be mean. It really isn't in my "helper" nature, but one can only take so much abuse without saying "enough all ready" and fighting back.
   Now we're off to the fire station to sell bingo and put together the Fire Prevention Contest Rules packets for the 21 K-8 schools (of all kinds) who we have in our district.


Here is the way to go, for a Better Elk County with no Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County

Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County

the shadow

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 10, 2012, 01:13:57 PM
They can't have a nice day unless they are dumping on something or someone They are apparently very insecure or they wouldn't have to do that and show off for each other.They don't really want answers, they want be as rude and immature as possible. You'll never see them take their lumps or be willing to turn the other cheek. How about if I remind them what state Westboro BAPTIST church is in? Ya don't get much more rotten than that.
  Go ahead and attack me and Delaware once again. You don't seem to comprehend anything I say. Learning disability perhaps?   Wanna pick on me some more? How about if you clean your own house first! Ya wanna get dirty, go ahead, just keep messing with me. You just don't know what I could come back with. And I do mean several of you...Since you've been tearing into me, I've been told several very interesting things that you might not want made public. I'll just leave it at that and watch you blow your own top. Back off!
Steve, I'm your special project?  How very Christian of you!  Be sure and share that with your preacher. You probably pulled the wings off insects,  abused animals, teased retarded children and made fun of anyone who wasn't beautiful or had to wear glasses.  Perhaps you still do. and then you go to church to show how good a Christian you are....HA! Perhaps you should read some of those Bible passages to yourself.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 10, 2012, 03:07:50 PM
Thank You. I don't like  to be mean. It really isn't in my "helper" nature, but one can only take so much abuse without saying "enough all ready" and fighting back.

My mother and father always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, I didn't need to say anything at all. Am I guilty of "fighting back"? You betcha. But, I also know when I have made my point in the fact that I'm not going to take any stuff off of bullies and "give it back to them," and I quit doing exactly what upset me that they were doing. I don't just keep it up and keep trying to justify to everyone that 'since you're mean and a bully, I can be just as bad even though I'm a wonderful person deep down; you all just bring it out in me!' Enough all ready, you've made your point; but to keep doing it and keep doing it, means that you may not be that 'wonderful person' and just be an ass like everyone you say you don't like. Take a look at your last few posts: you sure don't sound like an educated woman when you're ranting and raving and causing the same trouble you say you hate. I actually thought you were a better person than that, but it goes to show that even though I'm the Shadow and I know a lot of things, I must not know everything.

Just a few thoughts to ponder.

The Shadow knows!


Thank you for that Shadow. I sure hope it brings some sanity back to the thread.
I have tried hard to be decent but I just lost it temporarily and therefore I apply your post to myself as well.
Thanks again.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



Quote from: proelkco on September 10, 2012, 05:08:42 PM
Why come down on Diane and not Mr.Ross

One reason is that Ross doesn't take bait and implode.  Secondly, i don't have a problem with his asking questions.  It only seems to annoy the liberal group.  Third i totally agree with the concept of trust noone in authority, verify that all their actions are above board and give no quarter to them whatsoever when they do something unconstitutional. 

IF they do good then give a attaboy but if they try to pull a fast one slap em down as hard as you can. I do not believe that you can ever have a honest politician after 2 years into their term.  They are always corrupted by the power.  ALWAYS. 

When a county is in the red in its finances that always means someone is mismanaging money.  There can be no other explanation.  You do not spend what you do not have. Simple economics.

Elk is in the hole as well as many other counties but there are counties that aren't in the hole.  So there are some good managers of money in some of the couties. 

Last of all, as Ross has pointed out as has others, when a huge windfall of money getins into 95% of peoples hands, they are broke within a year or two from blowing it needlessly.  That includes governement officials.   And by speaking out like ross and patriot does, they become the "squeaky wheel" that constantly warns about foolish spending.  And that only angers the lefties because they think its their right to suck the well dry.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: proelkco on September 10, 2012, 05:08:42 PM
Why come down on Diane and not Mr.Ross

BTW i didn't come down on diane, i pointed out her propensity to stir the pot with her poke pokes and comments she makes. The impression she always has given is that of a "hamptons" resident with the attitude looking at the red neck america that has no culture. She's never said it but it does come across in her writing style that she is a elitist
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I have asked many times of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners who we all know are reading this thread, how they propose to meet their goals? Especially since they don't seem to believe in two way community communications? It's all one way communication, in the newspaper!

They llist their goals as a Vision Statement, whatever that means. They list the following:

Strong families:  Just how do they propose to interfere in families?
                           What gives them the expertise to do so?
                           Where do they get the authority to do so?
                             What particular families do they intend to make stronger and how?

Solid education:  What possible authority do they have over the local school board? Is it
                             Their Elk Konnected, LLC member as school board President?
                             Do they have other members on the school board?
                             Do they have authority over the state school board?
                             How do they propose to provide a Solid Education and to who?

Superior Lifestyle: What exactly is it they call a Superior Lifestyle?
                                How do they propose to provide a Superior Lifestyle?
                                 Who do they intend to provide a Superior Lifestyle to?

What are the specifics? Without specifics all I see is an Emperor with no clothes, how about you? What do you see?

Is it possible this is just a cover for "The Old Guard" that Konnected Kommissioner Hendricks referred to in her open letter on the internet? Possibly just in a new dress?

How does this organization affect the Governing of Elk Kounty by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners? Do the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners get their instructions from the privately owned company? Who are the bonifide members of this organization?
How many members are there? Are you a member? I know I'm not! So, who is?

Why all the secrecy?     There appears to be no answers!    No open Dialog available to Elk County Citizens!      I wonder why? 

I do believe there are members of our community that are unencumbered by all of this and will think for themselves and on their own for the good of all of Elk County.

And perhaps eliminate all the questions that surface because of the present situation.

All we have to do is get out there and vote them in.

As a team, the citizens of Elk County can do it.
No club membership required! (Figuratively speaking)
Or do we want to continue down the path towards a "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" County?

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