Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

It wasn't my post. Look and you'll find it. I just asked a simple question, sorry you didn't make the connection. You never said what started the fire. Gee, aren't ya gonna say Liz wrote that?


        To infer that Ross is a thief is the most base thing yet. :(  You , Diane, have really shown your true self again.  ::) :o  I hope your 7 followers have read it and think twice about wanting to see more from you.

     In addition, you also infer he is an arsonist ?    " No mas panteloones "


Quote from: Bullwinkle on September 10, 2012, 08:19:14 AM
To infer that Ross is a thief is the most base thing yet.

In addition, you also infer he is an arsonist ? 

Sad, isn't it?    :P

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Where in the world did you get that? I knew your comprehension levels were poor but that is hilarious!  WOW... What a stretch. Not that, frankly, Ross doesn't deserve a slice, after he threw my sincere concern back on me like boiling water!
 I can very easily be an adversary politically but but friends or at least neutral on other things.
 You guys apparently have to have an enemy to fight ..or at least windmills. Too much raging testosterone? Good grief! I thought perhaps whoever the thief was had visited his place too! Why would Ross burn his own barn? He said he didn't have insurance on the contents! I had already said long ago that nobody needs fear me, but ya pick on me I will verbally fight back.  Besides, he said it was Liz posting! How twisted is that!  Did you copy that down too?  I did. I have nothing but pity for his warped character and "shucks, I'm just a hick" attitude. Why should anyone take a self admitted uneducated hick seriously. it's just a cover up.
  It must be sad to have to figure out an inference or implication for everything anyone says in order to have ammunition. What is this a snow ball fight?
   If there is any way to twist something, you'll find or invent a way to do it, won't you? Fine, do what you want. You few have often proved there is no way to have civil discourse with any of you about anything.
     I will not apologize for anything I did not say or mean and you can't put it in my mouth!  What a bunch of nincompoops! Stuff it! Now you'll pretend to be all righteous with your  verbal noses up in the air. I'm glad you have something to do. Keep working at it ,ya haven't driven me off yet...in fact, the worse you treat me the longer and meaner I'll stay...with my red pencil.


ROTFL   Diane,

I haven't done it on here cause most likely if i were to do it, teresa would pull out her broom and beat me with it.   But one of my hobbies is to find folks with liberal ideals, and to make them implode.    Its so easy to do too.  You are very easy to bait and antagonize to the point you implode on yourself.   Its not hard to get you stirred up and frothing. 
It is funny how you can defend a socialist institution like Government school, it is 100% socialist, far left, progressive, etc etc and they even say so.   Their primary religion taught in government schools is humanism.  The ideology of government schools is nothing is wrong, truth is subjective as one persons truth is not another persons truth in their eyes.  No wonder our kids have no clue how to cope and adapt when there is nothing to guide them except for the "hand of Government".  Funny thing is that everyone bitches when God is mentioned and says that the constitution prohibits God.  Well wake up. Government education is prohibited by the constitution. Simple isn't it.  That is the number one trigger that floats your boat.  Criticize the system and you go ballistic.  You can save yourself more aggravation if you didn't get all defensive.  Reminds me of when i was a kid and the older ones kept teasing me about my name. Finally after beating the crap out of them for it, i realized that if i just laughed about it and cut up they would stop.  Actually one of my favourite ones was smokey robinsons cruising.   
Took the wind out of their sails when i would just snap my fingers and start grooving! 

You are not a moderate.  I am a  moderate.  If you were a moderate, Red is quite a bit more conservative than me, patriot is probably closer to red than i am.  So that's what i base my assessment on you being a moderte. You are far left of me on just about everything.  So that places you in a liberal side.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on September 10, 2012, 09:48:43 AM
So that places you in a liberal side.

Heck, just claiming to be family friends with the Biden's places her left of 60% of the entire country... being educated at the University of Dinkyware must be good for another 15% move to the left.  LOL
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on September 10, 2012, 09:55:15 AM
Heck, just claiming to be family friends with the Biden's places her left of 60% of the entire country... being educated at the University of Dinkyware must be good for another 15% move to the left.  LOL

lol you gotta love biden! ROTFL i love it everytime he opens his mouth, romneys polls get higher!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


The government education system has a lot of liberals.  The liberals seem find a way to spread into
the private schools too.  Not good.


Ross,  I don't care who runs your county as I do not live.  Srkruzich and I are in the same boat on not living in Elk County.  Not trying to be nasty, just saying there is other options to public schools.  Have a nice day!

Diane Amberg

They can't have a nice day unless they are dumping on something or someone They are apparently very insecure or they wouldn't have to do that and show off for each other.They don't really want answers, they want be as rude and immature as possible. You'll never see them take their lumps or be willing to turn the other cheek. How about if I remind them what state Westboro BAPTIST church is in? Ya don't get much more rotten than that.
  Go ahead and attack me and Delaware once again. You don't seem to comprehend anything I say. Learning disability perhaps? I'm associated with Newark Charter, remember? We are in the process of building a high school now. The state stats came out recently and Newark Charter came out first or second in everything tested in each grade tested.
   Wanna pick on me some more? How about if you clean your own house first! Ya wanna get dirty, go ahead, just keep messing with me. You just don't know what I could come back with. And I do mean several of you...Since you've been tearing into me, I've been told several very interesting things that you might not want made public. I'll just leave it at that and watch you blow your own top. Back off!
Steve, I'm your special project?  How very Christian of you!  Be sure and share that with your preacher. You probably pulled the wings off insects,  abused animals, teased retarded children and made fun of anyone who wasn't beautiful or had to wear glasses.  Perhaps you still do. and then you go to church to show how good a Christian you are....HA! Perhaps you should read some of those Bible passages to yourself.
I don't care whether you call me a liberal or not, it won't affect how I vote in Nov.
Steve, you are not in any way a moderate.
You are a radical far right evangelical conservative, hanging on to the the right edge with the tips of your fingers. Even the Repubs. don't want to acknowledge your type.
   Red, haven't you figured out yet that conservatives don't know how to teach? ;)
  I had a number of Maryland kids whose parents took them out of Elkton Christian down the road apiece from where my school was, because the parents were so terribly dissatisfied and their kids were falling further and further behind.
   One little girl I had was scared to death the first few days (third grade) because she had been told at her school that she would go to the devil if she came to Gilpin and left the Christian school. How cruel was that!
   That kind of thing happened so often I don't know how they kept enough kids to stay open.
  Those kids could parrot back lots of bible verses, but didn't even understand what the verses they were saying meant, nor could they read many of them. So somehow WE were supposed to help them catch up so they would pass...,yeah, all us rotten teachers. The parents had finally decided that that school wasn't what they wanted for their kids.... and they were all devote "born again' Christians.
Once again Ross, I'm sorry...they keep jumping ship on YOUR personally owned thread.

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