Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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      The Hendrick's had absolutely nothing to do with Enel's decision to build anything. What awesome accomplishment ? Contract negotiations ?  That's really funny. ROFLMAO.


Quote from: ELK@KC on September 05, 2012, 09:09:09 AM
OT, I think you are right and Ross's payback will hopefully be when the voters reelect the 2 young people that have worked so hard for the people of Elk County. The Widfarm Contract alone was an awesome accomplishment in itself. I hear so many people say they are proud of and appreciate the time and effort that Ken and Liz have given to so many.

First I think you have a misconception of what young is? Sorry about that!

You are so right Elk that would be a nasty payback, I agree with you on that!
But I pray to God it doesn't happen.

Sure and what is the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners involvement in the windfarm?
Who is so proud of that waste out there, their family, is that all the people you are talking about?
How much do they get in royalties?
While my electric bill has gone up to support the windfarm.
Sure people can wear blinders to the involvement of the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and their proifiting from it  I guess?
You seem to be doing a good job of just that?


Quote from: Oldtimer on September 05, 2012, 08:15:06 AM
When you do the work of the Devil, you have to pay.

Truely, I am not offended by such crass and ignorant remarks!

I just consider the source and the lack of reasoning behind them,
You sir have my pity.

Especially, if you feel that is the way to defend Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

Such hatefulness must stem from somewhere and I am sorry for you.

This re-enforces the need for new County Commissioners and two who I consider very worthy of the job.

Please consider: 

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County


I do not need nor want pity. So tell me if Hendricks and Liebau had nothing to do with Elk Konnected would you still say they need replaced? Have you ever called them with your concerns? Have you called and talked to Wunderlich or Julian or Lear? If you read back you had alot of people answer alot of your questions but you do not respect people enough to believe them.


       I think it would be wise for some posting here to go back to page one of this thread and see what it's all about.  ::) How many of the big ideas listed have come to fruition ?

      What has our paid economic development person actually done ? ::) Why is there not going to be a festival this year if we have someone paid to bring in people that have crafts to sell, people with money to spend, people looking to spend the day with neighbors, etc. etc.? One of the only things that happens in Howard that has any bearing on the local economy has been abandoned. Why? If there are all of these volunteers available and those leaders who give so much to so many, Why? :o

       How can Moline put on a successful Crazy Days and yet the Elk River Festival has tanked ?

      Instead of Ross bashing, take a good look at why he started this thread and try answering some of the questions raised. Inquiring minds want to know.

      And Mrs Delaware, stuff a sock in it and as Jarhead said, Leave The Room. 8)


Great post Bullwinkle!
We really have gotten off track.


I enjoyed playing with the Followers on their new thread, "Top 10 Reasons to Write-in Ross for County Commissioner", but I have left them to play with themselves or each other as they see fit. Their distraction from the real issue was fun for a short time.

But the real issue is right here.
Remember page one of this thread.
All the great ideas Elk Konnected, LLC gave to the Elk Konnected County Commissioners plus one Commissioner? Remember that?

Here were some of their great ideas:

Centrally located county fairgrounds with 1 fair - I (Big Idea's)
Centralized community facility w/ transportation--lg and sm meeting rms

Centrally located county fairgrounds with 1 fair

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

Just what does that sound like?
Does it sound like a desire to control the County from Howard?
Cities and all?

Well Elk Konnected, LLC a privately owned company that will not talk with you or me already has control of our County government through two Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners IMHO! Remember their speeches at the "Meet and Greet the Candidates" it sounded more to me like they were running as Elk Konnected, LLC then as themselves! Just think about that?

All it takes is 2 out of 3 votes to control the Elk County Government and they have that. Don't you think it is time to return our government to a government of the people, by the people and for the people?

Instead of a government of Elk Konnected, LLC, by Elk Konnected, LLC and for Elk Konnected, LLC ?

Isn't it time to vote them out before they bore in and can not be removed?

If so VOTE for a healthy change:

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County


Quote from: proelkco on September 05, 2012, 01:27:58 PM
I do not need nor want pity. So tell me if Hendricks and Liebau had nothing to do with Elk Konnected would you still say they need replaced? Have you ever called them with your concerns? Have you called and talked to Wunderlich or Julian or Lear? If you read back you had alot of people answer alot of your questions but you do not respect people enough to believe them.

There has been no real answers since the beginning of this thread.
And when questioning some responses fro Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks she fled to never return.
So you tell me what answers have been given?

Why doesn't the governing body the "Steering Committee" never change?
Why is Konnected Kounty Kommissioner the founding member always on the governing body the "Steering Committee"
First it was suppose to turn over every two years and now it's every four years?
Konnected Kounty Kommissioner the founding member has been on the on the governing body the "Steering Committee" since it inception, why?
Can't she let loose of control?
What other possible excuse is there except people have wisened up to the con and won't participate?

We need to vote for a healthy change for Elk County.
Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County


Just look at that:

Howard's Elk Konnected, LLC made the newspaper this week.
I sure have missed reading about them and their big headlines about how they planned to save Elk County from it's self.

Well, I still miss it.

The only mention for this Tiny LLC was under the Howard Chamber of Commerce article with a one sentence paragraph, wow!
Quote, "Elk Konnected youth Development Action Team will sponsor a dessert walk on the 29th at the Jackson Park Event." End Quote.

Amazing, huh!

Doesn't that go right along with the failure to fight obeseity with their Wellness Center failure in Howard?
I mean if ya can't get 'em to take it off, help them put it on. Will all that dessert help make strong families and a superior lifestyle they talk about for Elk County. I'm sure it will, it might make a few people bigger. You rock Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner. Your visionaries are right on!

Oh, congratulations on the one sentence paragraph, good job!

Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks when is the next Community Conversation?
Isn't time running out for Elk Konnected to meet the requirements of Public Square Communities, INC peer group pressures to sustain your little accredation in their little club? I'm really worried about losing that little accredation, aren't you?

This is not really about Howard's Elk Konnected, LLC.
It's about the marriage of Elk Konnected, LLC's marriage to Elk County government through the two Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

Thiis is really about control of our county by people hiding behind Elk Konnected, LLC in my opinion.

You see Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks is the one that said something to the effect of removing the "Old Guard",
She even alluded to knowing who the "Old Guard" was and therefore trying to keep them out of her organization Elk Konnected, LLC.
If the "Old Guard" was really a problem why hide them, why not show some guts and call them out and stop what must have been something considered bad.

Was it cowardice that stopped Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks from doing the right thing?

Or was it in fact just a tall tale?

Why do you think the Followers call me paranoid?

I believe they know I am about to expose them and the truth about them.

It never really crossed my mind untill they started calling me paranoid, but just think about that.

Who is really paranoid me asking questions or those afraid to answer questions?

Who is really paranoid, what about the people making direct threats, indirect threats and those that are calling names as attempts of shutting up the citizens of Elk County?

Do they have to be here on this thread to read what they call lies?

Do they provide any information that what is written here is lies?

Did they say no  Elk konnected, LLC is not merely the "Old Guard" in a new dress when asked ? No they did not?

What do I have to be paranoid about?

I don't work for any of them, they can't fire me can they?

I dont work for anyone, I'm retired, they can't get me fired from any job at all, now can they?

So really who is paranoid? Wouldn't that be those that don't want the truth out?
Wouldn't that include those that want County Welfare in the form of tax rebates through Neighborhood Revitalization, those that don't want to pay their fair share of property tax? Think about it.

If they get this "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" won't it be the first of many more such programs?
Do we really need to start an esculation of social welfare programs?

But think for yourselves and make your own decisions.

The truth is we need new Couinty Commissioners. Commissioner that think for themselves and are not controlled by a small group of people, right?

We need Better and Best:

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County

Diane Amberg

Hey Ross, none of you are paranoid but several of you are indeed neurotic about certain things. HA!
  EK also sponsored a run., Did you miss that one? Perhaps Elk County can adopt a new motto...."Never try anything new unless you are guaranteed success."

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