Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Elk Konnected, LLC nor the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners have the time to talk, that is to have an open, honest two way dialog with us.

Especially the founding member our Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, I don't see how she has time for Elk County at all these days. What with all the hats she wears and has trouble leeping them straight. Now she is President of Public Squares Communities INC. That's right No longer an LLC.

She now not only does Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks votes during County Commissioners meetings to provide county  funds to Elk Konnected, LLC which she leads, it's possible some of those dollars could be making their way to the parent company (more or less, I don't) Public Squares Communities INC.

Oh, all them hats she talks about. I found a list she composed for everyone.
Here it is:
                 President and Accountant for Hendricks Enterprises
•   Elk County Commissioner - 2002 to present
•   Real Estate Agent - Sundgren Realty
•   Founding Member - Elk Konnected Community Development
•   Howard Chamber of Commerce Member
•   Howard Rotary Member
•   Elk County Farm Bureau Member
•   Elk County Country Cattlewomen Member
•   Kansas Farm Bureau Member
•   Kansas State High School Activities Association Member
•   Kansas Governor's Ag Advisory Past Board Member
•   Kansas Cattlewomen Past Member
•   Married to Doug with twin girls Rachel and Anna

Don't you think it's time for some new blood on the County Commissioner Panel.
Some one not so busy, perhaps, and they could perhaps focus better on county business

She has been in office ten years and what has been done to lower property taxes or improve the Elk County Quality of life.
Oh, that's right she started Elk Konnected, LLC  which says it will inprove the Elk County Quality of Life, riiight?
Where is it? How does she propose to accomplis an improved Quality of Life. She can't or won't say, or hasn't got a clue how to do it.

Don't we want our Congressmen limited to the number of terms they can serve, Why not at home in Elk County?

I don't happen to live in her district but i do happen to live in the county where her decisions affect everyone in the county, so yes I'm speaking up.

I know there is a really nice guy there in Howard that is running against her, that isn't so busy with all thosw hats she says she has trouble keeping straight. I believe him to be a man of Ethic's, Principals, Honorable Actions, Integrity, morals, and Common Decency.

How about some of that POSITIVE stuff of Elk Konnected, LLC and go for some positive change.

Please don't tell Hebb I said this about him, he makes about two of me, and right now I can run due to being slightly, temporarily handicapped.

No, Hebb has no idea I put this up here, none what so ever and I hope it stays that way. LOL


I think you can add one more hat....

President of Public Square Communities, Inc. as of a couple of months back.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Some people, like Liz and Ken, work all of the time for the good of the county and the people and some just jabber. I think the people will remember who works for them and who just jabbers the same old same O.


Quote from: Oldtimer on August 27, 2012, 06:48:59 PM
Some people, like Liz and Ken, work all of the time for the good of the county and the people...

And since we're trying to keep this at a factual level... can you provide the facts to support your generalization?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Oldtimer on August 27, 2012, 06:48:59 PM
Some people, like Liz and Ken, work all of the time for the good of the county and the people and some just jabber. I think the people will remember who works for them and who just jabbers the same old same O.

You are so right Oldtimer they sure do jabber a lot about Elk Konnected, LLC why, even when they spoke at the Meet and Greet the Cabdidates about Elk konnected, LLC.

Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks quit working at the West Elk High School before the end of the year, she said she was too busy. Wow! And the school didn't even give her any recognition for her time in service as the Head Girls Volley Ball Coach. But I guess that's another story. Or another different thing for her.

Was she so busy working to become the great and awsome President of Public Squares Communities, LLC (oop's) now INC.

Don't ya reckon she got to busy and important for the kids of West Elk and consequently is too busy and important as President of Public Squares Communities INC, for Elk County.

I mean Public Squares Communities INC has little groups as far away as all four corners of Kansas, won't that require a lot of travel for her to visit all those lemmings? So, where is she going to find time for Elk County. I'm sure She has already missed county meetings before becoming the all powerful President of that little company, that wants to become a big company, which will require a lot of work on her part and probably away from home.  Afterall didn't the previous President from Leoti, Kansas spend a lot of time here in Elk County to seel us his bill of goods? Leoti is a decent distance from us and yet now there are some that are even further from home for her. Just something to think about.


Like I said some people just jabber. Ross what have you done for the good of Elk County.


Where is it that folks come up with this requirement that a person has to do good for the community?  As long as they are honest, stay out of trouble, raise their kids up to stay out of trouble and work hard, then that is the extent of any requirement. No one has to do any more than that to be considered a good citizen.  This mentality that you have to follow the leader and do whatever they say is a bunch of hooey.   Personally stand up and questioning authority is what makes a good citizen.   It is amazing that its ok when the left/liberals do it, its ok. but when anyone else does it its considered an attack and vile.  I call it absolute stupidity if you don't question authority and their actions.  Not questioning authority and actions is what got 6 million jews  murdered in death camps and 50million russians, as well as God only knows how many people have been killed under islam while the "majority" that just followed the leader cheered them on. 

Individuality and refusal to accept what the authority says as Gospel is what won our freedom and has kept us free for all this time.  It is unbelievable that folks today don't give a rats ass about being free.   

"Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say 'what should be the reward of such sacrifices?' Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!"
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Nice post there, Srkruzich.  The liberals and Republicans won't like it - they'd prefer hearing something more like
"you didn't build it yourself.  Our foundation is not sociialism.

Oldtimer, what do you believe that Ross should do for the community and what have you done?
You talk like you've became a legend in your own time.


Quote from: Oldtimer on August 28, 2012, 07:02:56 AM
Like I said some people just jabber. Ross what have you done for the good of Elk County.

I chose to retire here. I wasn't born and raised here without ever leaving it.
I did a considerable amount of world travel and have lived in several states and locations, I chose retirement.
I moved here! LOL
I brought outside money into the county, which I believe falls under economic development.
I cleaned up my little 60 acre  farm and built several structures on it. Isn't that what the Beggar-Thy-Neighbor, Neighborhood Revitalization Program is all about?

Oh, and I started this thread, and I thank the owners of this forum for prividing this forum.

I try to avoid being a braggart so I will stop right here.

If you wish to read about a few others that I accomplished without Elk Konnected, LLC involvement you may at your leisure read back in numerous pages into this thread.

When is the last time you personally welcomed anew resident to Elk County, I just did that very thing Sunday.

So what have you done for Elk County?
I can tell you must do for Elk Konnected, LLC but that's not Elk County, now is it?

Thanks for asking, Your turn.


Quote from: redcliffsw on August 28, 2012, 08:31:49 AM
Nice post there, Srkruzich.  The liberals and Republicans won't like it - they'd prefer hearing something more like
"you didn't build it yourself.  Our foundation is not sociialism.

Oldtimer, what do you believe that Ross should do for the community and what have you done?
You talk like you've became a legend in your own time.

I get tired of being told i owe something to the damn community!  I owe no one anything other than to be responsible honest individual.  Period. thats it.   ANYTHING ELSE is granted by my good graces and charitable giving which the only authority in that is my Lord!  I don't do it for anyone but him when I do it.    I honestly am tired so tired of it all anymore and am to the point i wish he would come snatch me out of it all. 

I feel as if i am surrounded by a bunch of greedy squabbling little children who bitch and moan if they don't get their way.  They can take their toys and go home as far as i am concerned but shoving, cajoling, intimidating, guilting folks into your ideology is only going to cause those like me to say shove it up your fat ******.  Cause i only responsible for me and my actions not the life welfare and prosperity of others.  READ THE CONSTITUTION.  IT SAYS  we have a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, there is no reference in there stating that it is my responsibility to fulfil those principles for you!   DO it yourself. Each one of us is responsible for our own lives, our own liberty and our own happiness. And when a collective force comes against those ideals. The individals that are responsible and take care of their own business will come together in force against those who wish to deny us our liberties.  ITS JUST AN AMERICAN THING!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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