Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Seems like you had quit posting on the political thread.  Was thinking you were done with it.

Now I see you're still supporting the EK thing.  That's sure appears to be a super liberal group
drawing their money and support from the State. 


Does this ring a bell ?  ;D

Quotes from Diane:
Reply # 3180
'll be back to the real me tomorrow, so we'll see how many of the verbal bullies or whatever they are will take advantage of that. I guess I'll have to get my final licks in here today, as I don't go on the political threads any more.

Reply # 174
That's why I've given up the political threads

Reply #270
I'll try to talk shorter, but keep in mind I don't go on the political forums any more at all and only here because it's in the coffee shop. I don't have many choices left. 

Re: County Roads & Windfarm Money... WE HAVE A PLAN!
« Reply #65 on: Today at 10:34:13 am » 


I left the politics threads never to return, so don't any of you bother asking questions of me on any of them.They will go un acknowledged and unanswered. Make sport of that as you all wish.

Diane Amberg

Yup, I had stopped and I was told I could change my mind. Look how many of my comments now are on political topics that migrated to other threads that are not labeled political and were allowed to stay. Because of that, if no thread is "safe, what the heck.
 I don't plan on making it a habit. But since you folks changed the rules, I can still play when the mood strikes me.
  Hey Jar, ya make me feel very special that you would take the time to go look up all that you posted. ;D As long as everyone is allowed to post and it's not titled "for ultra conservatives" only, a moderate Independent shouldn't be discriminated against, now should they? As far as supporting EK..I support any group who gets out here and gets things done.
Whether it's church committees, raising a church from it's ashes, parade committees, etc. That doesn't make all of them liberals does it? Or is it that conservatives complain a lot but don't do anything?  ;) I had not planned to post here today but Jar pulled me into it...blame him... Still waiting to hear who Ross is going to endorse for commissioner, though I can guess. But wait, that means really getting involved. HA! It won't be long now! I gotta keep tail twisting.It makes people think.


Don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back because I did not go back and read posts to find where you were quitting the politics never to return. I kept the posts in my drafts folder when you posted them because I knew then that you were as full of shit as a Christmas turkey to even imply such a thing.
Nice to know you endorse the New Black Panther Party. Yep, them boys get things done---like keep whitey from voting.
The old Swabbie can speak for himself but why do you think he owes you, to tell you who  he endorses for any election ?
So "someone" told you , you could change your mind ? Interesting ! Do you hear "voices" talking  on a regular basis ?
"Tail Twisting" ???? You win---I don't even want to go there !!!


Sorry, Diane I have been very busy, here is the response you have been waiting for.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AM
I admit I made an error about the rodeo. I thought you went. I know I shouldn't assume anything. So, OK, what about the County Fair in general did you not like? What didn't meet with your expert expectations and approval?
 Was it the belly dancers?  Bears on roller skates? Mud pie eating contest?  The mosquito chariot races? Please enlighten us, who are just waiting to hear and take notes for next year. ;D ;D ;D ;D
 I just copied your own writing style and tied a bunch of things together that really have nothing to do with each other. It was fun.

No, Diane you have not copied my writing style, you have totally failed, once again! I have never made such ludicrous request about such information. And Liz, (my new nickname for Diane) I believe that mis-direction may be one of your greatest assets both with Elk Konnected, LLC and as Konnected Kounty Kommissioner, but you are failing terribly on this forum. You are failing at making this Concerned Citizen, Taxpayer and Vietnam Veteran look the fool. I have only asked as pleasantly as possible, very simple and honest questions. I have not asked about belly dancers and mosquito races. I have also openly admitted to being an uneducated hick, with no college edumacation.

Yes, Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and Diane it is very possible for someone else to post under another persons name. And I believe that is what is happening here because Diane, I don't believe, I have ever said anything offensive enough to you, for you to retaliate in such a hateful manner. Your previous post was just not your style and neither was this post. This post appears to be more of what a politician might pull in an attempt to discredit a person, it has more of a ring of a bully and bullying tactics. So I really don't believe this is something Diane would write, and that to you Diane is a compliment.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AM
 I don't recall saying anything one way or another about Elk Konnected. I doubt they would accept me as a spokes person anyway...and I'm on the mid east coast.  I happen to like forward thinking people who stop talking and start doing. I don't care what group they are or are not in.Tag, you're it!

As I said, I don't believe you wrote this Diane and I hope you are not offended by me calling you by a nickname, I like Liz, okay. After all Diane you did say you were through with this thread and would not be posting any more and I don't believe that has changed.

You say, you like forward thinking people who stop talking and start doing, I suppose you like all those high-faluting, highly respectable, wealthy, upstanding, honorable, forward thinking people with The Second Mile. I don't suppose you would question their motives, even a little bit, because they stopped talking and started doing? I don't suppose it would matter, to you, what they started doing, or why, either would it?

Well, in my humble opinion, you would be as wrong as they were or as wrong as they are? Please consider the reasons for questions and the reasons for failing to answer them. Read this article at http://americanfreepress.net/?p=5116  isn't that a shockingly great organization.

So, do you still support just anything that is forward thinking and not talking and just doing? Well, if you do that is your right and privilege, and I hope you enjoy yourself. Of course, that in my opinion a very narrow minded way of thinking.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AM
 You apparently have a preference for Longton at the expense of the other little towns, since you said you always enjoyed their parade and apparently don't always enjoy what Moline and Howard do, at least according to what you said, before you backed that horse up and rewrote what you had said.  
 See ? Now you know how it feels. If you don't like something, why not say nothing at all instead of insulting the time and effort people put in on those events.

There you are twisting words again. I have stated on this thread, that I like all the little towns and their activities, so you are very wrong, once again, thank you. By the way this thread is about Elk Konnected, LLC and Elk Konnected Kounty Komissioners, and Elk County, not about Ross. So let's try to stay on topic, okay?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AM
   As far as my making professional comments... who cares.

Well, apparently you do, because you started throwing the word professional around, not me. I have only stated, that I am a concerned citizen and taxpayer and apparently you don't appreciate that aspect of an Elk County Citizen and attempt to discourage citizen input by using such statements. And that is why, I suspect that this post is written by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and not you Diane. Also, you claim not to be a bully and teach children agout bullying, isn't that right?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AMI'm not the one trying to influence people to think like I do and become so " anti "any one group.

Oh, but you are trying to influence people, simply by the fact that you are posting on this political thread and by this personal attack, by using such a remark as ""anti "any one group". If you consider the asking of reasonably simple questions of a group "anti" anything, then I think, your thinking in MHO is flawed. I would think such a group of forward thinking people would be flattered that a person cares enough to ask. Especially, when they portray themselves as a community organization, why would they be offended? Wouldn't they be able to garner more support by being open and honest?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AM
I think you will be very disappointed in the changes that won't happen no matter who the commissioners are.

Pardon my ignorance, I don't understand that statement, as I have stated many times, I don't have no college education. Does that mean the "Old Guard" that Elk Konnected, LLCreferenced in their open letter will still be running the county government? I don't understand the negative ring to your statement. Please clarify for me?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AM
Politics is what it is and certain things will happen just because they will. You will never be satisfied.
I do support the little towns out there, even from so far away. Not the same as being there of course, but I do what I can.

If you are truly so far away and you are truly Diane, which I doubt, how can you support these little towns?
Do you shop in their stores?
Do you go you attend their churches?
Do you pay property taxes in any of the communities?
Do you attend any of the community functions?
Do you vote for city council men/woman?
Do you vote for the mayor?
Do you volunteer for community clean up days?
You can claim you support any small town or major city in the US, but the proof is in the pudding?
So truthfully, you can't provide any kind of support that amounts to anything, right?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AM
  Ross, everybody gets it, they know your opinions in detail. More than a year's worth!  Ad Nauseam! You keep asking "why" questions that aren't ever going to be answered.

Why would a privately owned company that started out as a community organization by our County Commissioner Hendricks not want to answer a few honest, simple questions? Especially when she takes every opportunity to flaunt Elk Konnected, LLC. Why is Elk Konnected, LLC founder and President of Public Squares Communities, LLC and Elk County Commissioner  More than 5 year's worth!  (in your words) Ad Nauseam! And Unable to provide any answers or any real results?

Aren't they really just the "Old Guard" they referred to, only in a new dress?
Or are they a Secret Society and that's why they won't answer any questions?
Or is it another one of those different thingys, you know the way Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks referred to some of the money in the County Coffers?

Why, last night at the Meet and Greet the Candidates I heard Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau each mention their own names once when introducing themselves and asking for our vote, but I heard each mention Elk Konnected, LLC several times. It sounded to me, as if Elk Konnected, LLC was running for two seats on the County Commission. These folks have even bragged at a County Commissioners meeting that Elk Konnected, LLC[/color] recommended that they hire a Youth Development employee and they, themselves are admitted Elk Konnected by their own words. Isn't that amazing?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AM
 So what candidates are you backing? Speak up and let those candidates know so they can benefit from your help and campaign knowledge. How will you vote? How goes Ross, so goes the election? Could it backfire? You might want to be careful. have you ever worked for a candidate in a big state or national election? I have and local elections also. It can be very complicated and you can hurt your candidate if you aren't very careful. Back to my political posting vacation...just have to twist your tail occasionally. ;) :angel:

Now that is just rude, IMHO !

Just Plain Rude!
Now folks if you go back and read some of Diane's posts, I believe you might agree with me that this is not something Diane would write and I quote, "Back to my political posting vacation...just have to twist your tail occasionally."

I am not literally backing any one for any office. I have not made up my mind as of yet, who I might vote for. Perhaps there may be another Meet and Greet the Candidate type of meeting and I may get further information. But, who I choose to vote for is and will be my personal choice and will be by secret ballot as provided by the law of the land. Just as everyone else is allowed. No, I will not tell anyone else how or who to vote for, this is a very simple and honest answer.

Your remark, "How goes Ross, so goes the election?" is very moronic IMHO.
And your remark, "You might want to be careful.", would you please clarify that?
What do I have to be careful about?
Is that another one of those back-handed threats, that I have received on this thread?
Remember the threat of a lawsuit against me?
Is that the purpose your remark, is that what you are trying to do, intimidate me?

And now Liz (remember, my new nickname for Diane) that I have answered a few of your questions, would you kindly drop the attitude and answer a few honest questions, simply with honest and simple answers?

Personally, I simply encourage everyone to Get Out and Vote and who they vote for is their own personal and private business. Don't you agree?

Who knows, I might just vote for the incumbent, Mr. Liebau, but you will never know. And I won't know untiI mark my "X" in the little box, on my secret ballot.

Is the existing trajectory of Elk County spending, taxation and administrative practices sustainable?

         Perhaps the basic problem is not cyclical, perhaps it is structural?

                                       Perhaps the time to act is now.

Don't you think?

Let's get out the vote.

Diane Amberg

You people stop talking at me and I'll stop posting here. Jar, I am surprised at you. Tsk. I must be getting close to something to get such a response.
   Ross, you didn't answer my question about the fair.  No one said you asked questions  about the belly dancers etc .Can't you read? Iwas/am trying to figure out what you so rudely stated you didn't like. Now you are flailing at me looking for a plank to float on. Put on those cowboy undies and deal with it. I haven't failed. I've got you all stirred up so I must have done some thing right. So you don't have college...at your age, who cares? Your personality is on you by now to stay.
So you're a vet. Nice touch. That should get ya some sympathy.  Why bring that up now?  Most vets are good people.Ya came home alive didn't ya?
   What are you flailing around for? You are trying to tie me into all sorts of things. I must have really touched a nerve for you to try so hard to discredit me, going off in different directions...Ya can't do it, so don't waste your time. You can stretch my statements and tie all sorts of knots in them.. Who cares? You want to believe what you want to believe and no amount of additional information or correction will ever change that. So be it.
You wrote the book on rude, so you should know it when you see it. Don't like it aimed at you? No kidding. Don't act like such a sad sack looking for sympathy. Now I have beans to snap. Don't you need to go tighten some loose screws or something? Ah, I love the smell of satire in the morning! ;D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2012, 03:32:19 PM
You people stop talking at me and I'll stop posting here. Jar, I am surprised at you. Tsk. I must be getting close to something to get such a response.
   Ross, you didn't answer my question about the fair.  No one said you asked questions  about the belly dancers etc .Can't you read? Iwas/am trying to figure out what you so rudely stated you didn't like. Now you are flailing at me looking for a plank to float on. Put on those cowboy undies and deal with it. I haven't failed. I've got you all stirred up so I must have done some thing right. So you don't have college...at your age, who cares? Your personality is on you by now to stay.
So you're a vet. Nice touch. That should get ya some sympathy.  Why bring that up now?  Most vets are good people.Ya came home alive didn't ya?
   What are you flailing around for? You are trying to tie me into all sorts of things. I must have really touched a nerve for you to try so hard to discredit me, going off in different directions...Ya can't do it, so don't waste your time. You can stretch my statements and tie all sorts of knots in them.. Who cares? You want to believe what you want to believe and no amount of additional information or correction will ever change that. So be it.
You wrote the book on rude, so you should know it when you see it. Don't like it aimed at you? No kidding. Don't act like such a sad sack looking for sympathy. Now I have beans to snap. Don't you need to go tighten some loose screws or something? Ah, I love the smell of satire in the morning! ;D

My, my Diane are we being a bit touch and a bit of a slumgullion?  Or isn't this representative of all Elk Konnected, LLC Followers?  And what a great job of twisting of words ! So, who is actually flailing around ? And sorry to have to break the news to you, but, I am not all stired up. Howeer,  I am hungery and dinner will be on the table shortly. Yummy!

When have I been rude to you Diane, or is it Liz? I'm just not sure any more because of the attitude change in your postings. I have never known you to be so nasty in your posts. To Diane that should definitly be a compliment!

But it is not much unlike Elk Konnected, LLC  holding a so called community conversation and calling the sheriff to remove members of the community, simply because they wished to ask a few questions and have a real comversation. Now, how rude is that? How could they do that? Simple, because it was actually an Elk Konnected, LLC  meeting.

I am way above looking for sympathy, I am simply looking for some honest answers from our Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

So now you disrespect Veterans as well, how gracious of you..

I hope you have a great evening.

Diane Amberg

Still putting words in my mouth and famously misquoting me still? For what purpose?
   Jar, again with the Black Panthers? And you got it  wrong as usual. Ya must be desperate!
  Ever sit on a jury?  Hearsay is just that, hearsay. Rumors created for a strong emotional response can be very hurtful if one is fool enough to believe the first cut. On a jury, it's just the facts.
  The kid with the camera in Philly was trying to stir things up to create a story and he almost got more than he bargained for. No, I have no reason to fear the Black Panthers of today. Some of you defend the "new" KKK. So what's the difference? Unless one is a racist bigot that is. I'm not afraid of Hell's Angels either, and have patched up a few of them too.  So what?
  Ross ,when have you been rude to me? How many examples do you want?  My word man, you didn't even make it through your next to last sentence with out being very rude and trying to set me up.
  As far as how often and in what way I support Elk county and its citizens, that's my business, not yours.  I'd hardly call supporting Elk County when I  can narrow minded. Also trying to connect me with what happened at Penn State is very rude and you know it. I would have thought that beneath you. But desperate people don't care about what's right, now do they? See ? Your own style. End with a question to engage the reader.
   By the way, I received a very nice e-mail a little while ago from an Elk County resident...just made my day. Now I need to go pack up what I need to take to the camp kids tomorrow who are doing fire safety. Yep, now that's forward thinking.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2012, 06:11:11 PM
...But desperate people don't care about what's right, now do they?

And many people who are emotionally attached to or misinformed about a course of action or belief system won't consider change even when facts show their position or course to be folly.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2012, 06:11:11 PM
Also trying to connect me with what happened at Penn State is very rude and you know it. I would have thought that beneath you. But desperate people don't care about what's right, now do they?

Diane, I did not connect you to Penn State You did by what you said and I quote:

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AM
I happen to like forward thinking people who stop talking and start doing. I don't care what group they are or are not in.Tag, you're it!

You said, "I don't care what group they are or are not in."
Don't you suppose if someone would have questioned what was going on that a lot of children would have been spared.
But i have to assume from your statement that people should not question such prestigious, wealthy, upstanding, forward thinking people that stop talking and take action. After all how many millions of dollars would the University have lost from rich donors?

But, do you suppose if the leadership would have done their jobs properly a lot of children would have been spared the abuse?

But your statement, "I don't care what group they are or are not in."  seems to indicate otherwise.

Anyway I simply responded to your statement by politely pointing the flaw in your thinking.
Here is my quote:

Quote from: Ross on July 24, 2012, 11:06:13 AM
You say, you like forward thinking people who stop talking and start doing, I suppose you like all those high-faluting, highly respectable, wealthy, upstanding, honorable, forward thinking people with The Second Mile. I don't suppose you would question their motives, even a little bit, because they stopped talking and started doing? I don't suppose it would matter, to you, what they started doing, or why, either would it?

Well, in my humble opinion, you would be as wrong as they were or as wrong as they are? Please consider the reasons for questions and the reasons for failing to answer them. Read this article at http://americanfreepress.net/?p=5116  isn't that a shockingly great organization.

So, do you still support just anything that is forward thinking and not talking and just doing? Well, if you do that is your right and privilege, and I hope you enjoy yourself. Of course, that in my opinion a very narrow minded way of thinking.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2012, 06:11:11 PM
My word man, you didn't even make it through your next to last sentence with out being very rude and trying to set me up.
   End with a question to engage the reader.

I in no way set you up, you simply made a statement on your own accord, that I could in know way have predicted.
And isn't engaging a person the purpose of communication?
There I am ending with another question, sorry about that.

Is the existing trajectory of Elk County spending, taxation and administrative practices sustainable?

          Perhaps the basic problem is not cyclical, perhaps it is structural?

                                        Perhaps the time to act is now.

Don't you think?

Let's get out the vote.

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