Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Great Moral Ideas I don't think so, I think,  Great Moral Bust is more like it.

What I witnessed at the County Commissioners meeting today was just plain ugly in my opinion.
I saw what looked to me like to be two very unhappy Konnected Kounty Kommissioners gang up in an ugly manner attempting to intimidate County Commissioner Ritz.

Do you think you will read that in Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks newspaper column?
Do you think you might read that in her next open letter to the public? No, I don't think so either.

However, the intimidation did not appear to me to be working, in my opinion.

What happened to that Konnected happy, positive attitude?

But still folks this was far worse then when Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau yelled at me about volunteering and calling my post's here on the forum vile.

What I feel, I saw was very vindictive, malicious and far worse then vile.

Is this the Konnected way?

Do we need this kind of un-business, unprofessional  like behavior in our County Government.

It's like this proposed Community Revitalization Program thingy. I asked to see the feasibility study that was mentioned in the copy that I had read.
Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks said I don't read anywhere in the proposal about that. I received a copy from a county employee and sure enough it was there. It had been rewritten once again. And mention of the study had been left out.

In my opinion Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks new it had been rewritten but would not just simply say so, instead says I don't read that in here, or something to that effect.

I asked that they perform a feasibility study and guess what, no response, don't you wonder why?
Again my opinion, a truthful study would probably show there is probably no benefit to Elk County as a whole.

But guess what folks there are four applications for this PROPOSED Program before there is even a single hearing.

I told the two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners that it appeared to me that they have already passed this proposal.

And I asked, how they could be accepting applications for a program, that hasn't even had one of the two hearings, before it can be approved?

Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau said something to the effect that he applies for a bull tag in August and doesn't know until September.  I told him that is an already approved program.

This is not an approved program and that he can't compare apples and oranges. Meaning comparing an approved program with a proposed program.

I asked what the rebate on a TWO MILLION DOLLAR REBATE would be, do you think I could get an answer? NO!

Do they care? I don't think so. They call it rebate, I like the name kick back much better. But I behaved myself and didn't call it that during the meeting, even though I wanted to?    

They Don't Seem to care about giving tax breaks to a few people, and guess what, I don't think they will care when they increase your property taxes in the near future.

Do you really want to keep this bad attitude going in Elk County?
Do you?

If so just vote for the same people and keep them in office!

I've lived here since 2012 and I have paid my property taxes each and every year.

Now that the county is getting the Wind Farm money there are groups lining up with their hand out begging for some of that money.

That's almost equivalent to one third of the county's tax collection from all the atxpayers. You and me!

Should any of that money Be turned over to any group, while the county continues to raise our property taxes?

Should anyone get tax breaks while the county continues to raise our property taxes?
If you think not, I hope you vote that way!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2012, 11:47:28 AM
2012? Very strange.

Yes, Diane you're right.

I personally find a lot very strange about our Konnected Kounty Kommissioner controlled commissioners panel.

And just in case you haven't noticed none of the Followers are disputing any of these questions or statements or my personal opinion on this subject.

Oh, a month ago or so, one or two said it was such a small piddling amount, why worry about it.
If that wasn't a gigantic puff of hot air, what was it?

Heck, they aren't even calling me nasty names any longer.
I wonder where the Followers went?

Heck, I find it really strange that more people aren't busy asking for a feasibility study on this new proposal, I wonder why?

Perhaps as I have said, because there is absolutly no way that the program wil lure people to move to Elk County?

It would be real simple, simply ask the population growth in other counties that have implimented this program, right?

If there has been major population explosions in those counties it would readily show it is worthwhile.

If not, then we would know it is only a scam on the rest of the county's honest taxpayers, in that particular county, don't ya think?

Are politicians above scamming the public?                        I don't think so, do you?

Why can't they tell me what the kick back on a $2 million dollar investment would be?

Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks answered my question with a question.
She asked if it would be a bad thing if someone made a $2 million dollar investment?
I responded that, that was not what I was asking. I never recieved an answer?
Just like a true politician, avoid the question by asking  question unrelated to the answer, right?
Mis-direct she did, no answer.

But consider this, if someone is already planning to build a $2 million dollar home in an obscure corner of the county, but are holding off until this package is delivered, how does that help the county?

All I see is a legal means of property tax evasion, I see someone not wanting to pay their fair share, I see all other tax payers in Elk County supporting a mooch, I also see every honest taxpayer getting screwed over.

Show me something postive about this proposal besides hot air.

Why don't we see Elk Konnected, LLC setting up a question and answer session between those running for County Commissioner and the Voters of Elk County?

Wouldn't that be a thing that a civic group like that, would do?

Wouldn't that benefit the candidates and the voters?

Wouldn't that bring the communities together?

No, I'm not talking about a circle of chairs that look like a multi-ring circus, I don't think that would work, do you?

I think having microphones for the candidates and one for the audiance and give everyone a chance to ask their questions.

Perhaps, the questions would be to difficult to answer, perhaps it would be too difficult to deflect or mis-direct, I just wonder?

Perhaps because their visionaries haven't thought of it, or perhaps it would be to difficult for them to accomplish, perhaps that is why it won't happen,  what do you think Diane?

Don't forget to vote!

Diane Amberg

I just wondered if you'd been time traveling. As far as anything else, I've moved on.


As usual Ross, she's avoiding the substance of the issues and focusing on what was obviously a typo regarding how long you said you've lived & paid taxes here.  Never mind the elephant in the room, let's worry about the fly speck on the window.  Deflect & divert, it's part of the liberal mentality.

Quote from: Ross on July 09, 2012, 09:48:03 PM
I've lived here since 2012 and I have paid my property taxes each and every year.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2012, 04:56:33 PM
I just wondered if you'd been time traveling. As far as anything else, I've moved on.

Did I say I've lived here since 2012, I sure did. LOL

I had a slight distraction while typing, my 14 year old son.
No, I'm not blaming him, I simply had to give him some momentary attention.
I'm saying I am human and I do screw up, and more then I care to admit.

I meant to say I have lived here since 2005, please accept this simple correction, thank you.

I suppose to, the fact that our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners want to back date a proposal to 2012 that hasn't even had it's first hearing and has already been accepting applications just sux to me. It has the ring of a scam to it in my personal opinion.

I hope you understood that Diane, because that was the real reason and subject of the post!

But my blunder was good for a laugh on me. Thanks for pointing it out.

I hope everyone gets out and votes for positive change in Elk County Government.

Diane Amberg

As I said, I've moved on, not in this discussion, and Patriot's obvious lack of respect of a poster is one of the main reasons why. I wasn't speaking to him. "Ridicule"....the instant weapon of the other wise intellectually unarmed. As in Patriot.
  Nothing has changed...just pointing out a funny. It's a shame some are clinging on to being even remotely civilized by their fingernails. Leaving again.  Bah!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 11, 2012, 01:20:53 PM
As I said, I've moved on, not in this discussion, and Patriot's obvious lack of respect of a poster is one of the main reasons why. I wasn't speaking to him. "Ridicule"....the instant weapon of the other wise intellectually unarmed. As in Patriot.
 Nothing has changed...just pointing out a funny. It's a shame some are clinging on to being even remotely civilized by their fingernails. Leaving again.  Bah!

I believe Patriot is justified. Our county has some pretty rediculous stuff going on, that can cost taxpayers considerable!
Now that may sound kind of strong but I do believe most taxpayers in Elk County are on low or fixed incomes and probably can not afford further taxation either.

I personally don't believe the County can afford to give tax kick-backs (rebates) to special people while raising taxes on everyone else. They in no way show that such a plan will bring growth to Elk County. And to top it off back date the whole thing and already accepting applications.

I also personally believe this proposal is an Elk Konnected, LLC(or as they refered to in their open letter as "The Old Guard", and I believe that is exactly who they are because they will not dispute it.) program. The reason I feel that way is because it is being proposed by two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and a Konnected Kounty Economic Development employee who was suggested to be hired by the Elk County Government, by Elk Konnected, LLC.  

Doesn't this sound like some kind of scam?
Doesn't it sound like Prince so and so has money he needs to move to a bank in Amerika and will give you a million in your account if you will hel him out?

So, although the pun was made towards me I can appreciate Patriot's remarks about missing the jist of the message.
So don't be so easily offended. But apparently you are still following the discussion and hav just posted to it.


is this 2 million dollar investment,the waste transfer station that is going to bring tons of trash from other places?


Quote from: upoladeb on July 12, 2012, 05:54:12 AM
is this 2 million dollar investment,the waste transfer station that is going to bring tons of trash from other places?

I don't know anything about a waste transfer station. However I don't think it would be unreasonable for someone to build a 1 or 2 million dollar home. Therefore I would like to know what the kick back would be on those figures. And If a county commissioner is incapable of answering such a simple question then I don't believe that commissioner has done the work required to propose such a plan.

I'd also like to see a study done that proves such a program would create a population growth and not of just 5 or 10 people.

Did you see, Elk Konnected, LLC  blew their chance to invite the candidates to debate or present themselves to Elk County Voters? The Grenola Community Club is on the front page of the newspaper as planning a candidate meet and greet on Monday, July 23rd from 7-9 pm. in Grenola.

Good Job Grenola.
I'm looking forward to the event.

We do have
                                           and great
                                                                                       in Elk County   
                                                                                                                 that care.

I also read in the newspaper about the Elk County/ Elk Konnected, LLC  Summer Kids Day Camp and it make me wonder why Elk Konnected is like such a leach on Elk County Sponsored events? Can't Elk Konnected, LLC do anything original and on their own? Why does Elk Konnected, LLC need to attempt to take credit for what the taxpayers provide for through their county government?

Just like the special event being put on by the County Employee who has the title of Elk County Youth Development and is paid by the Elk County taxpayers. She is putting on a Dive-n-Movie at the Howard City Pool. But in the paper it says Elk Konnected and Elk County Youth Development is putting on the event. I wonder if Elk Konnected, LLC is really doing anything at all. After all why should the taxpayers of Elk County be paying for an Elk County Youth Development Employee is she can't do the job? Or is it just Elk Konnected, LLC leaching off the Elk County Government because they have two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners? It just doesn't make sense to me, so perhaps Elk Konnected, LLCmight accept this request to explain just what they have to offer and if perhaps we can stop wasting taxpayers money paying for an Elk County Youth Development Employee? Perhaps the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners can give her a full time job with Elk Konnected, LLC instead of just a job on their steering committee, do you suppose?

After all wasn't it Elk Konnected, LLC that suggested that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners hire this person for and create the job? I'm surprised your visionaries haven't came up with the idea of you Konnected Kounty Kommissioners giving her a full time job with Elk Konnected, LLC  ? She could do grants for you and do entertainment directly in the name of Elk Konnected, LLC, can't you see how well that would work?  Can't you see how that would save taxpayers money and maybe even lead to a possible reduction of property taxes for everyone? And then boy, would people be lining up to move to Elk County! Just think, they would flock here so fast, those other programs, that are only aimed at a very few people, wouldn't be needed, would they. Especially, since those other programs would cost the taxpayers more money then they are worth, right?

When I was a kid, there was what we called a mooch amongst us, he didn't want to work and earn money, so he would beg us for money, so he could go to the movie with us or go to the skating rink with us. Well you know, it finally got so bad, it was as if he were a leach. You know, those black slimy things in the river, that latch on to you and suck your blood. Well, we finally had to tell him NO. We told him he would have to work and earn his own money or do without. He learned some very important values and it made him a better person. He ceased being a leach. He became very productive and had his own money to have a good time on. Now isn't that a great story? Yes, it's a true story and not fabricated as a fake third person story written to myself and placed in some magazine or newspaper, refreshing isn't it ?

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