Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 04, 2012, 11:29:12 AM
Did the folks at the Lions Den say why they were closing? Is the business for sale?

I have no idea why they closed and haven't heard anything about it being for sale.

My whole point was where is Elk Konnected, LLC in making Elk County a better place to live and where was Elk County Economic Development?

Perhaps, Is it because the Pizza Place wasn't in Howard that they got no help?

Is it because our Economic Development who's mission is to help sustain bussiness, is to busy working on secret projects, which means there is no time for real projects? What are the county tax payers paying for with their tax dollars for Economic Development. (the same goes for Youth Development, does Youth Development really help develop youth by renting a movie every once in a while?) County Commissioners, how many thousands of dollars are we wasting each year on these two positions? Two position s that appear to be accomplishing absolutely nothing?  

I was asking about, where was Elk Konnected, LLC and all it visionaries and talk of making Elk County a better place to live, all that quality of life stuff they talk about. And I am still asking , where were you?

They really failed again didn't they?

Couldn't they have helped the little community of Longton keep their pizza place                                                             and wouldn't that have pulled communities together and put a gigantic feather in their bonnet?

Just some additional thoughts about what happens in our lives:

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth. By Albert Einstein.

Just recently authority is questioned and arrogance is shown based on the belief that respect is due, simply because a person holds an office. In my opinion respect is earned on a daily basis. Check this out arrogance .

AG Eric Holder Chews Out GOP Rep: He was being asked to resign.

"That was among the worst things I've ever seen in Congress" Holder scolded. "There's a whole bunch of things that I could say about what you just did, maybe this is the way you do things in Idaho or wherever you're from, but understand something — I'm proud of the work that I've done as attorney general of the United States, and looked at fairly, I think that I've done a pretty good job."

"Have I been perfect? No. Have I made mistakes? Yes," Holder acknowledged. "Do I treat the members of this committee with respect? I always hope that I do. And what you have just done is if nothing else, disrespectful. And if you don't like me that's one thing. You should respect the fact that I hold an office that is deserving of respect." maybe the office does, but does the person?

Sen. Jim DeMint: 'I Think I Already Have' Called For Holder's Resignation"

The higher up in government the more arrogant they are. Respect is earned not demanded.

And all they ask is your silent, obedient consent.

Diane Amberg

Did the pizza folks ask for help? Their reason for closing may not have been for lack of business. How would anyone know if they needed help if they didn't speak up?  Aren't you jumping to a lot of conclusions based on no information?


Why would they ask for help?  

Would you want them to ask for government help?  If so, why?

Diane Amberg

I'm not the one suggesting the economic development folks didn't do their job. Can't have it both ways.


Having it both ways is a real possibility with government bureaucrats in place.

What do they know about economic development?  Not much except to draw their own wages.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 06, 2012, 09:01:42 AM
I'm not the one suggesting the economic development folks didn't do their job. Can't have it both ways.

Quote from: Ross on February 03, 2012, 07:25:49 AM
Where was all the help to make Elk County a better place to live, what happened to quality of life,
where was all that economic development help for this little Mom and Pop business?

Where was Elk County Economic Development and what were they doing, that function of our county government that operates on our tax money's. oh that's right === working on a secret project.

Do we really need to pay for Economic Development with our tax dollars?
Especially when it sits back doing secret projects?
And doesn't appear to be there for the whole county, is it or isn't it for the whole county?

Where was Elk Konnected, LLC with their improving quality of life in Elk County?
Where were the visionaries?
Wasn't this small business worth any bodies efforts in Elk County?

Where was all that pulling the communities together, stuff?

They must all be busy looking out for some tourism trail ride through the Howard area right?
Is that the big secret our Elk County Economic Development is working on?

The only suggestion I have made is the second line down, Define Economic Development.
Everything else is questions or statements or opinion.

Quote from: Ross on February 03, 2012, 07:25:49 AM
What is Economic Development????

I'd like to suggest the county Commissioners Define Economic Development and post it on our county web site.

How about posting the job description as well?
I know Commissioner Liebau you don't micro-manage.
I heard you loud and clear at the Commissioners meeting.
That's not what I'm suggesting, I am suggesting only to manage for the taxpayers.

Is Economic Development only for a few in special circles?

Quote from: Ross on February 03, 2012, 07:25:49 AM
What is our Economic Development Employee doing?
Has our Economic Development Employee visited any small business outside of Howard?
Visit them to let them know what Economic Development has to offer?
Especially during these hard economic times.
Or is that strictly an office job?

I still see nothing on the County Web site that says what Elk County Economic Development has to offer.
Why is that?

I read the following on our county web site about Economic Development:

This office is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the citizens of Elk County.  The focus of this office is to attract new business and retain existing business.

I want to know how they propose to do what they say in that statement, please tell us?

Do we have so many business in Elk County that our Economic Development Employee can't visit them
and let the business know what Elk County can do to help them?

Oh, I understand the arguments of socialism, but if the state and the federal governments make the monies available to the county, are those monies only to be used only by a few in special circles?

Quote from: Ross on February 03, 2012, 07:25:49 AM

Don't we have two County Commissioners that are Konnected and Defend and Cheer for the pulling together of the communities through Elk Konnected, LLC ?

How are they accomplishing any that?
It doesn't appear through the use of Economic Development, does it?
It doesn't appear through the use of Elk Konnected, LLC, does it?
It doesn't appear through the use of Visionaries, does it?
It doesn't appear using Lollipops does the job either does it?

Come on County Commissioners how about some real answers?

Diane, why shouldn't our employee be out there contacting the people she is hired to assist?
Why shouldn't our employee have a defined program?
Why shouldn't that information be available on our expensive web site for the general public?
Isn't just about everything in the county government public information?

I'm simply asking the questions everyone should be asking, I hope you understand that?
Anything beyound that is just my personal opinion. And I do not wish to offend anyone.
It's just the truth as I see it. And I believe everyone else is entitled to their opinion, even if it is different from mine.

To question the ones that are suppose to be served by government and pays the taxes for government to hire such people to serve in my opinion is wrong. If government does not want to serve the taxpayer perhaps they should return the taxpayers money. Instead of giving tax dollars away.

Diane Amberg

This is very entertaining. Red thinks the Gov't shouldn't "help" and doesn't know how and people shouldn't ask for help anyway and Ross wants someone out there running the roads to find out who needs help, which doesn't sound very efficient to me. ;D ;D ;D
     How about an economic development office that people can walk into and sit down with someone and ask to see what help and information is available? A website would be good too of course. I'd still want to know WHY the place closed.It might be personal and nobody's business anyway.

W. Gray

I have patronized the place three times that I can recall.

When it first opened its doors, I wondered how another eatery in the town could make a go.

That was a while ago.

But then, I never thought Howard would support three (apparently) prospering eating places.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I think you miss the whole point. We have an organization that is a private company an LLC telling us they are there to improve the quality of life for the county. When asked how they can't tell us. We have county commissioners who act as cheer leaders for the LLC during County Commissioners meetings when county business is uppose to be the subject. One Commissioner also admitted he had no clue what Economic Developement is.

Yet when asked what the Elk County  Economcmic Development employee is doing we are told it's a secret? In other words we are spending taxpayers dollars for an employee to keep secrets from their employeer. So far as I can see is what we are recieving for our money is that there is finally a new web site that has been activated and not anything of substance concerning Economic Development on it. This position has been filled for nearly two years and nothing to show for the salary paid for two years. Diane how many tons of road gravel could have been purchased with that money? Diane how many farmers would like their county roads repaired with that road gravel. That would have been something far more substantial, don't you think?

As for Red, I can't speak for him and I won't try to.

I will state as I did earlier, I do understand how some people might look upon Economic Developement as a form of socialism.

But as far as your remark:
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 06, 2012, 08:16:25 PM
Red thinks the Gov't shouldn't "help"
Please tell me how they are helping?
Which is the whole point.

What exactly has Elk County Economic Development accomplished in the last (nearly) two years?
We have been told --- answered the telephone to answer a few questions about where to eat, where to sleep, where to buy fuel.That would be fine for about the first month or two of the windfarm project's start up, but that's about all. Those questions could easily be answered by their employer or fellow employees or google. I'm sure Some of the people on the project even had GPS's which provide the same info at the touch of a button. This is the twenty first century. The age of computer's, smart cellphones and GPS's.

We as taxpaying concerned citizens of the county have every right to ask these questions and not have them considered as rude, vulgar or vile?

I think every one is aware by now that at least two Elk County Commissioners and Elk Konnected, LLC read this forum and yet they refuse to provide any answers.

Why the business that was refered as going out of business, went out of business is not relevant in my opinion. However, my bet would be not enough business.
And as I understand this was not the first time a business at that location closed. The question is where was the support to sustain the business as touted on our county web site?

I hope I have made that clear as mud?  Diane thanks for asking.

Good night Diane.


Diane, how much government help does the public need? 

Is the public so helpless that only you elites by and thru government have the ability to direct the needs of the ignorant masses?

Government people do not think "liberty", except only to take our liberty.


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