Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Warph, this kind of "EK" stuff is not limited to Elk County.  This one fellow from Leoti is working in other places beyond
Elk County.  No doubt there's more of 'em operating in Kansas, across the country and worldwide.

Yes sir, Ross is doing right.


Quote from: Wilma on June 18, 2011, 05:47:01 PM
Jennifer, I am surprised that you, a federal employee, are participating in this thread.  When I was a federal employee, we were given a book, "Code of Conduct" and one thing that was pointed out to us at the time was that we were not to participate in any political activities.  We were not being told what we could do or not do.  The reason for this was the possibility of revenge on the employee's workplace or fellow employees if someone became irate because of something the employee had said or done.
Well that is just wrong. As a more recent federal employee it had nothing to do with anyone becoming irate, it had to do with being a representative of the federal government very little was allowed. Especially gifts or anything connected with contracts that may lead to conflict of interest. We were not permitted to campaign on the job, on our own time was another story.
Things have changed considerablly over the years. For a person 81 years old lady it may have been considerably different.


Quote from: redcliffsw on June 18, 2011, 05:09:43 PM
The impact in this country ought to begin at the local level.  That's where Ross is needed so stay right in there, Ross.
Thank you redcliffsw. Some people just don't understand that the problems of this country can't be taken care of on the national level if the local problems are not taken care of first.


That's right Ross. We are ENCOURAGED (at the PO anyway) to do whatever we want politically as long as it's in the Union's best interest, such as Gore, Kerry, Clinton and Obama. Our Postal Union did a LOT to make sure a demoRAT (and yes that's spelled correctly) was elected to the office of President of the United States. We are NOT supposed to do any campaigning on the clock, but any other time is our OWN time and we can do and say as we please. Also, Wilma, if anything I say on here offends someone so much that they feel the need to threaten, harrass, maim or kill me, then as an employee of the federal government, that becomes a federal offense (as long as I'm in uniform and on the clock). The United States Postal Inspection Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation would take care of that case.

By the way, I've been on this forum for how long and have publicly stated who my employer is many times and have taken part in politicial discussions on this forum many, many times. So this feeble-minded attempt to use my employment to shut me up about this subject won't work.




What was it you said earlier? Oh yes, "No one, and I mean, no one, tells me what to post, when to post or to do anything else." I think that goes for anyone and everyone, including me, Varmit, Ronnie, Patriot and Ross, etc., etc., etc.



Janet Harrington

Quote from: readyaimduck on June 18, 2011, 01:34:39 PM
Janet:   Choo-Choo-up the hill.  You can do it!   You can do it!   (plus you have a gun)   lmao
Go ahead (or "goat head"  when I was in the lumber industry talking on the walkie talkies) 
I think you can do it!  (Not to be used at home)  and no offense Janet.

Now, ready, I never said I had a gun, did I? LOL And I liked the big fonts comment. That was funny. LOL


Jennifer, I didn't mean that you might be doing something wrong, but it did occur to me that you might be placing yourself in some danger.  You know a lot of people and a lot of people know you and where you work.  And there are a lot of kooks around.  Just be careful.  And, no, this is not a threat.  It is just an admonishment for your own safety.

Why do you suppose so many people are not posting?  When everything they say seems to make someone mad, it is just better to keep quiet.


Warph, I too have agreed with many, many of your posts & points.  But you have now clearly demonstrated that the NIMBY factor is alive and well.  NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) applied to local issues is the modern equivalent of stiffing one's head firmly in the sand.  "They have problems, but we don't" is a fanciful escape from reaiity.

Only after being perfected at home do the processes of ignoring problems become workable at the regional and national levels.  We can't ignore our local issues and have any hope of national change.  It took a lot of local ignorance to put and keep all of the national idiots in power.  Change, like charity, must begin at home.

So, how about those freely flowing local tax dollars?  Isn't a local county debt of around $1 million a bit steep against revenues of about $2.5 million? And how about that maxed out local option school budget?  Debt service eventually becomes a silent killer.  Just like the national spending problems, local spending concerns surely aren't irrelevant.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Ross on June 18, 2011, 05:46:24 AM
I don't believe anyone has mentioned any of these people in this thread except you. But while you are at it you missed Ms. Brummell. May I ask you? Is Ms. Brummell related to the Perkins. Is she related to the County Commissioner Hendricks??? I have heard she is and I am just curious how?

I only listed the county elected offices of which Ms. Brummell is not. However; I have never heard that she was related to any Perkins. Here is information on Ms. Brummell that I found when I did a Google search on her. This was printed in The Prairie Star on March 31, 2010.

Brummel is a native of Garnett where she graduated from high school before heading off to Independence Community College, then to Oklahoma Panhandle State University in Goodwell, Okla., where she earned a B.S. degree in agriculture economics and agronomy. She also earned her masters degree from West Texas A&M.

At ICC and Oklahoma Panhandle, she was actively involved in the Upward Bound program with students, and at West Texas A&M she ran a residence hall for students.

She previously was employed in the Kansas City area.

"I am so excited about living and working in Elk County," Brummel said. "I came from a small town so I have a good feel for it."

She is especially eager to work toward the wind farm which still is on the drawing board to be built west of Howard.

Brummel has enjoyed getting to know many people already, and especially enjoyed attending the table setting last weekend at Moline and the Elk Konnected update held last Tuesday in Howard.

Brummel can be contacted at 620 205-8514 or by email at <growingelkcounty@gmail.com>.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 18, 2011, 10:00:34 PM

I told her at the County Commissioners meeting I was proud of the job she is doing. She did acquire the grant for the County Government for the Summer Day Camp. Good job, right.

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