$5000.00 REWARD

Started by gasman, January 11, 2006, 08:55:07 AM

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Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc. and the City of Howard is offering a $5000.00 reward for information leading directly to the arrest and conviction of person/persons involved in the vandalism of property belonging to Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline. Specifically, the Howard TB setting, on the night of January 1st, 2006.  Any information about the vandalism should be passed on to the Howard police department.  Callers may contact Sheriff Doug Hanks or Howard Chief of Police Jason Portenier at 620-374-2108.


WOW!! $5,000.00 !

Snoop Teresa on duty.. SIR!
**looking around for my eyeglass and rolling pin.**

Now where are those darn cats of mine.. Tiger & Sheeba
( the most famous undercover detective cats around)

Ok.. I'm set!
Let me at 'em~~

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I read about this in the Wichita paper! Has anyone been held responsible for this prank yet?  :police:

Janet Harrington


Yeah, it was on the news here and everything. Wasn't that kind of a dangerous stunt to pull?  :o

Janet Harrington

I think who ever did it knew what they were doing.


I had wondered about that myself......like maybe whoever did it had experience with that sort of thing. Doesn't seem like your average high school kid prank.

Janet Harrington

Yep.  That's pretty much what I thought, too.  Maybe it was a disgruntled employee with either the gas company or with the city of Howard.  Who knows?


OK, you've piqued my curiosity. I've searched all the Wichita TV web sites and the Eagle web site, and don't find any information about the vandalism. What happened, and when?


Last New Year's Day, the gas to the city was off.  It seems that a main relay had been damaged and the gas was turned off to prevent any more damage.  Whether it was an accident or intentional, I never heard for sure.  Anyway, we were without gas most of the day while the damage was repaired.  All of the gas meters in town were turned off to prevent problems when the gas was turned back on, so everybody had to wait until someone could come turn the meter back on, light pilots and make sure things were all right.  It was the middle of the  afternoon before I was lit again.  Thankfully, it was a mild day, so no great discomfort was suffered.  I was able to stay comfortable without lighting the fireplace.

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