Author Topic: At Wit's End  (Read 71882 times)

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #120 on: August 01, 2010, 08:49:20 PM »
The church bell ringing for 10 a.m. recalled Marshal Phillips to his duties. It took a few minutes to get the last prisoner in the cell block loaded onto a horse for the ride to Santa Fe.

Marshal Phillips walked into the courtroom while the prisoners were being brought back in.

"What's been going on?" he asked Fritz.

"Judge cleared the courtroom for a conference with the lawyers. They all pleaded guilty, so the judge will pass sentence once everyone is settled again."

Just then, the bailiff called out, "All rise!" and the judge entered the courtroom.

"Defendents, remain standing. The audience may be seated," called the bailiff.

The judge declared, "You are all found guilty of conspiracy to commmit bank robbery. Benjamin Pole, I sentence you to seven years in Huntsville Federal Prison.
Maxwell Collins, I sentence you to five years in Huntsville Federal Prison.
Gus Rodriguez, I sentence you to five years in Huntsville Federal Prison.
Edmund Cox, I sentence you to five years in Huntsville Federal Prison.
Ulysses Evans, I sentence you to five years in Huntsville Federal Prison.
Juan Sanchez, I sentence you to five years in Huntsville Federal Prison.
Eduardo Perez, I sentence you to three years in Huntsville Federal Prison."

"Don't they hang bank robbers?" asked Phillips, while the townspeople in the audience expressed satisfaction with the sentence.

"Not lately. Horse thieves only get hung if they get caught by the people they stole the horses from. Once a judge gets involved, most theft gets a prison sentence," replied Fritz, while Jimmy fought to restrain a laugh.  

"What now?" asked Phillips.

"Now we, as Federal Marshals, are responsible for delivering the prisoners to Huntsville. It's usually a boring duty, assigned to the juniormost deputies." Fritz looked at Jimmy, who no longer felt so amused.

"I'll leave you to arrange that," said Phillips, standing up to follow the townspeople out of the courtroom.

Elegant Ella

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #121 on: August 07, 2010, 10:32:00 AM »
Late in the morning, Scarlet watched Phillips walk over to the telegraph office. When he had returned to the Marshals office, she went downstairs and paid her own visit to Tink.

Tink greeted her, and added, "Eddie here was going to come find you as soon as he finished decoding the message."

Eddie said, "Done!" and handed Scarlet the paper.

She read, "Brown headed to Sante Fe for trial. Pole and others headed to Huntsville Prison. Two deputies." She tapped the paper and said, "This looks like an invitation to an ambush. Tink, have you sent this already?"

"Nope, wanted to run it by you first."

"Eddie, can you change the locations? Say Omaha for Santa Fe, and Yuma for Huntsville."

"Sure thing." Eddie pulled the book closer and set to work, then handed the finished message to Tink.

"I'll get this sent off. Eddie, come back after lunch. I don't expect any reply sooner than that."
Elegant Ella

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #122 on: August 09, 2010, 09:10:55 AM »

Archie looked over at Hayes, "We got word Carter sentenced Pole's gang. Now that the deal has been cut, you've got all of your information and a warrant, how do you plan to use it? You can break into the Castle with the Army, but Ray is going to take his essential records, destroy the rest, and be out through the caves before you get near him."

"We need to think of a way to get to Ray and all the information, and capture him before he gets wise to us," Hayes replied.

"We?" Archie said raising an eyebrow, "My cover has been broken and I would kind of like to stay alive. I don't know if Pole will help you any more by giving you ideas or not, but his sentence has already been delivered, so don't count on it."

"Pole already gave all the useful information he had about how the Castle recruits, and named some of their recruiters. We'll see who we can find to be recruited, but we do know someone who has been approached." Hayes handed the page of translated telegrams to Archie.

Archie looked at the page, then protested, "You're not thinking of sending the Coatsworths!  Perry knows Ella as a deputy marshal. He wouldn't let them near anything sensitive. You can't send civilians like Dr. Alan and Ella into that kind of danger!"

"Perry spends a lot of time away from the Castle. And Phillips sent that Ella is no longer a deputy."

"Perry was intrigued by Ella when he met her at Fort Fetterman. Most of that might have been the challenge of taking something others had failed to take, but there was an attraction that would greatly increase the danger to her."

"I have no doubt in Ella's abilities to handle herself, she has a good reputation." Hayes replied.

Archie looked at Hayes, "How many innocent lives are you willing to gamble for this?"

Hayes retorted, "How many innocent lives are lost every time the Castle operates? How many lives will be lost when the Castle makes its move and uses all those munitions it has been stockpiling? But the decision to go will be left to the Coatsworths, after they hear everything you can tell them. Even if they agree, it wouldn't be just the two of them. They can take Lily as a lady's maid, and Eddie Washington as an assistant to Dr. Alan."

"Don’t strong arm the Coatsworths into doing this or Lily and Eddie." Archie paused, "Lady's maid, doctor’s assistant? Just how long have you been planning this?"

"The idea of involving the Coatsworths only came up when I saw those telegraph messages on Friday. The idea of including Lily and Eddie came up when they were out here on Saturday. You were taking a nap while they were getting knife-fighting instruction from Johnny Longknife and Scarlet. I believe you have seen Scarlet in action. Lily has the potential to be every bit as good. Eddie pulled out an Indian trick that surprised Johnny." Hayes paused before confessing, "They each beat me soundly."

"Their survival in the Castle would depend on acting ability. If they are suspected, fighting skill will not get them out. "

"Dr. Alan is going to get the most attention, and his role is straight-forward: he's a doctor considering a post. He hasn't read the collected information, which is probably good, because he doesn't have knowledge he would have to hide. Eddie will probably be mostly overlooked because he is young. Lily will be overlooked because she is young and a woman."

"No chance that Perry would overlook Ella!"

"But she can act the role of doctor's obedient, subservient wife amazingly well. Eddie told me about the times Marshal Phillips has come to dinner. The core of the plan is for those four to go into the Castle, find what needs to be found, and send a telegram out. Once we get the telegram, your job will be to lead the Army to the Castle."
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain


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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #123 on: Today at 06:13:56 PM »

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #123 on: August 09, 2010, 02:22:56 PM »
Eddie went back to Tink's office after lunch, code book in hand.  The reply from the Castle had arrived, so Eddie sat down to translate it.


He coded the word "Huntsville" and Tink copied the edited message on the usual flimsy.

"Do you want me to deliver the message to the Marshals office?"

"No, let Phillips come pick it up. You can take the original message over to the Ace for Scarlet, though."

"I bet Phillips invites himself to dinner again this evening. I'll let Mrs. Coatsworth know."

At the Coatsworth house, Ella sighed at Eddie's warning, and went into the kitchen to talk to Bella. Dr. Alan still needed to get acclimated to the hottest foods. Maybe dropping in on meals of Chili Diablo or Volcano Stew would discourage Phillips. But tonight's dinner would be Alan's favorite chicken and dumplings.
Elegant Ella

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #124 on: August 11, 2010, 10:48:25 PM »
Scarlet read over the message. She would mention the comment regarding Yuma and Pole to Hayes.

She also began to wonder what exactly Phillips spoke to Dr. Alan about on all these visits for dinner. At times he stayed well into the evening. This evening was no exception.

After breakfast Scarlet headed over to the Coatsworth’s.

"Good morning, Bella," she greeted when the door opened.

"Good morning, Mrs. King," Bella said, inviting her in, "are you here to see Mrs. Coatsworth?"

"Yes, I was wondering if she was headed out to the Starr today to see her horse, I could ride with her."

"She and Dr. Alan are out in the stable. Come on through." Bella led Scarlet through the garden.

Ella and Dr. Alan were both saddling up. "Good morning, Scarlet. Care to join us on a ride to the Starr?"

They finished and led the horses out of the stable. Eddie opened the gate for them, and they were soon on their way.

Once they were out of town, Ella spoke up, "I insisted that Dr. Alan talk to Archie before he gives Phillips a decision."

"What has Phillips said to think he has intrigued Dr. Alan?" Scarlet asked glad to hear Archie would be the one Dr. Alan was going to speak to. She still didn’t completely trust Hayes.

"I'm invited to be the town physician for Castletown, New Mexico. It's a salaried position, paid by the town government out of income from mining concessions, serving a population of currently 2000, about 3/4 men, with expectations of the population increasing to closer to 5000 within 10 years. I'm invited to come visit before making a final decision. On the surface, it looks like an interesting job."

"If it weren't Phillips bringing the proposal, and we didn't have reason to suspect that Phillips has undesirable connections, then I would agree that it looks interesting," said Ella. "The trouble is what is under the surface. If the way Phillips and White view women is normal for men in the Kingdom, I would find living there more stifling than living in Boston. And I don't think anyone who visits the heart of the Kingdom is allowed to leave easily."

"If you went, who would take care of the people in El Paso, now that Dr. Stuart retired and moved to where his daughter lives in Louisiana?"

"You remember Major Martin from Fort Fetterman?" replied Ella. When Scarlet nodded, Ella continued, "He's now retired from the Army, not by his choice. His last letter accepted our invitation to visit us, and said he'll be here next week. I've trained a half-dozen good midwives over the past few years, so we actually could go somewhere without feeling that we've abandoned El Paso."

“When you speak to Archie make sure Hayes is not nosing around, you’ll get his honest opinion that way without having to defend it.” 
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #125 on: August 12, 2010, 06:22:02 PM »
"I see that Jesse Campbell brought some fine horses this time," said Perry, as he entered Ray's office. "What did you want to see me about?"

"Which of our law-abiding suppliers would be available for escort duty from El Paso in a week or two?" asked Ray.

"Either Eldon Taylor or Elijah Hughes. Why?"

"To bring a new doctor."

"You are inviting Dr. Coatsworth here? His wife is a deputy marshal, for crying out loud."

"His wife WAS a deputy marshal, according to Phillips, and confirmed by Campbell. After what the town went through last summer with smallpox, my people need a better doctor than the town butcher. Dr. Coatsworth's reputation in El Paso is outstanding. Mrs. Coatworth's reputation in El Paso is also interesting. She might have worn a badge, but residents speak of her as a midwife and doctor, not as a deputy. She is also reputed to be a good cook. I know I'm tired of chilies in every meal."

"Why should Dr. Coatsworth accept an invitation?"

"He's an educated man, and cultured. After a life in Boston and some years in Vienna, El Paso must be boring to him."

"You can't really say that Castletown is less boring than El Paso."

"That is true now, but won't be too much longer. Once the Kingdom takes its rightful place, he would travel the world as my royal physician."

"Mrs. Coatsworth knows about the wanted poster from Louisiana."

"Maybe you should be elsewhere when they arrive in Castletown. We need to replace Pole and his gang anyway."

"I think we can replace Pole easily enough but we lost some good men when Pole was captured. Jackson, Rico and some of the other men who were good at doing the dirty jobs. I will start talking to my contacts, see if there's others suitable." Perry paused then asked, "How can we be sure Mrs. Coatsworth would keep her mouth quiet once here and not sneak out messages somehow to her deputy friends?"

"Dr. and Mrs. Coatsworth will be in Castletown, where there is nothing sensitive, until we are sure of them. There shouldn't be any way for her to get a message out unless she brings homing pigeons. The people who are permitted to come and go know better than to carry a letter that hasn't been approved. I have trouble imagining any proper lady exploring the caves far enough to find the connection to the Castle or breaking into the telegraph office, as if a woman could do anything with a telegraph key anyway, but I can assign her a couple watchers. "

"Good, that would be good," Perry replied. "She may be a proper lady, but she defends herself much better than one. We should not let our guard down around her, we don’t want any unexpected surprises."

"Mrs. Coatsworth would serve as a hostage should we need to control the doctor, if he's fond enough of her. Is she good-looking?"

"She is presentable, but hardly a beauty."

"Unlikely to cause trouble then. Phillips commented to Campbell that she is appropriately quiet when he's been around her."
Elegant Ella

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #126 on: August 16, 2010, 10:41:57 PM »
At the infirmary, they found Archie sitting in a chair in his room talking to Hayes.

"Marshal Hayes, I would like to speak to you for a few minutes," said Ella, drawing Hayes out of the room.

"As you might have anticipated from the messages that Eddie decoded, Marshal Phillips has asked Dr. Alan to come to someplace in New Mexico called 'Castletown'. How badly do you need a new person on the inside?"

Ambrose couldn’t believe his ears. He had been thinking of how to bring it up, pull it all together and now it was being dropped right into his lap. He didn’t want to seem too anxious but he thought about it.

"I was told to be honest when I came here. Without somebody on the inside we would have to try and fight our way in, and I don’t think we would get the leader that way. I think all we would get is a lot of good men dead and a few bad ones."

"What could a couple people on the inside do?"

"That can't be predicted. One possibility is to find the leader's emergency exit and let our people in that way."

"I doubt if Dr. Alan or I would be able to do the exploring needed for that. White knew me as a deputy marshal. He must have told the leader that. I can expect to be watched, either overtly or discretely, almost every minute. Dr. Alan might not be watched as closely, but he is going to have his time filled just evaluating the job offer."

"You could take servants with you."

"Bella would not be any help for what you need."

"I was thinking more of Lily as a maid and Eddie as an assistant to Dr. Alan."

"Phillips knows Lily is a deputy marshal, whether he admits it to her or not. Eddie just turned 17, which means he has almost no sense of self-preservation."

"Phillips hasn't sent any telegram identifying Lily as a deputy yet, and now that you've broken the code, he won't."

"There is no reason to believe that Phillips communicates with the Castle only by telegram."

"That's true, but Deputy Lily Jefferson dresses and acts one way. A lady's maid would dress and act differently."

"Lily so dislikes dressing and acting like a lady! But she has absorbed enough from Rose and Scarlet to be able to do it at need." Ella paused, then continued. "If we can't find a backdoor for you, how do we get out again? You wouldn't have had so much trouble finding the location of the Castle if they let outsiders leave again after a visit."

Hayes thought about the question. He figured once Dr. Coatsworth agreed to go to evaluate the job, he doubted the group would be allowed to leave. He could hear Archie’s voice, "how many innocent lives are you willing to sacrifice?"

"If you're willing to do it, there are a lot of details we need to work out because the only answer I have right now for that is to sneak or fight your way out."

"The decision is going to be made by Dr. Alan. The basic plan seems to be 'stay in character and watch for an opportunity to complete the mission or escape'. We will have a week or two to work out details. Lily won't be back from escorting Pole's gang to prison until the end of the week. The retired doctor who is coming to visit us next week will need a few days before Dr. Alan can leave the practice in his hands." Ella paused as a thought struck her. "Dr. Martin and Dr. Alan might be allowed to exchange messages about patients, and Dr. Alan should ask about that before agreeing to go. I could work with Patches on code that would fit."

"Excellent, I'm glad you are willing to do this if Dr. Coatsworth is."

"I am not letting him go into this alone. If the decision were up to me, I don't know what I would decide. Duty calls one way, and common sense urges the other."
Elegant Ella

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #127 on: September 10, 2010, 10:17:24 PM »
Dr. Alan had waited until Hayes and Ella were out of earshot before he spoke, which sparked Archie’s curiosity.

"I have been offered a job in another town and am giving it some consideration," Dr. Alan said.

"The folks of El Paso will miss you, I'm sure. I'm glad you were here when I came in," Archie responded, waiting for Dr. Alan to mention why he might be discussing this with him.

"It's a place called Castletown, I thought you may be familiar with it."

Archie's eyes met Dr. Alan's, then glanced past him to see where Hayes may be. "Castletown would keep you busy, Dr. Coatsworth. Who would go with you?"

"My wife, of course. I've been offered a very nice salary."

Archie shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"Are you in pain? Perhaps I should help you back to bed," Dr. Alan said.

"No, I'm alright. Have you spoken to Deputy Hayes about this?"

"My wife insisted I speak to you first. Mrs. King agreed that I should."

The comment seemed to make Archie more uncomfortable. "Why me?"

"You know about the town and frankly, Mrs. King thought you would give me an honest opinion."

"Dr. Coatsworth, why on God's green earth, do you want to work for a man who is going to pay you in blood money and take your wife with you to live with outlaws and thieves?"

"All the stories told back east say that everywhere in the West is full of outlaws and thieves. El Paso certainly doesn't live down to that reputation."

"Mining camps in the West come closer to fitting that stereotype and Castletown is a mining camp. The local law enforcement is a joke. Outlaws routinely come into Castletown to get supplies, knowing that their stolen gold will be taken with no questions asked. Drunken brawls occur frequently. They hang murderers every week."

"It looks like an interesting job. My position would be paid by the town government out of income from mining concessions, serving a population of currently 2000, about 3/4 men, with expectations of the population increasing to closer to 5000 within 10 years. I am invited to come visit before making a final decision."

"My honest opinion is once you show up in Castletown, you will not be allowed to leave until they trust you to keep their secrets. Mrs. Coatsworth would NEVER be allowed to leave. Castletown may have a government with an income from mining and may appear to function like a normal town, but rest assured, you will be living among killers and thieves."

Dr. Alan looked disappointed. "What about helping with the investigation you've worked so hard at?"

"Are you prepared to kill men to save your life and that of your wife?"

"I took an oath to save lives," Dr. Alan replied.

"Then don't go, Dr. Coatsworth. Castletown and the men there may change you and not for the better. While they may desire a good doctor and you fit what they are looking for, you should consider the people you will be living among. Once there, you will have to fight your way out or convince them that they should trust you. If you go, you best have somebody on the inside who has shed blood before and is willing to do it again to help you."

"That sounds like a job for James Bradbury. He might not be much interested in helping me, but he would help Mrs. Coatsworth."

"James Bradbury rides for the Southern Starr, sometimes for the Army and sometimes for the El Paso Marshal's office. While he has a reputation to have killed many men, he always seems to have a legitimate reason. What reason would James have to go with you that would be bought by the men waiting for you? If he went as an escort, they would expect him to leave when you agree to stay." 

"I wasn't thinking that he would go with us. I thought he might be able to get inside to help us get out."

Archie grinned. "I've never heard Mr. Bradbury has had any trouble getting into a place like Castletown. If you think Ella can convince him to go, I would breath easier at night knowing you had him on your side." Archie paused, then softly said, "I wonder if he knows much about Castletown?"

"We can find out by asking him and Scarlet. I also wonder if Jimmy Washington knows anything about Castletown."
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #128 on: September 11, 2010, 11:03:43 PM »
Hayes was in the office when Dr. Alan left Archie resting. Dr. Alan paused for a moment, but only asked Hayes, "Do you know where Mrs. Coatsworth might be?"

"She said she was going to talk to Mrs. McDowell in the telegraph office." Hayes badly wanted to ask Dr. Alan what he thought about the job offer, but Dr. Alan slipped out the door before Hayes could figure out how to phrase the question.

"If you can't get messages out any other way, you could climb a telegraph pole and use a lineman's key. 'Course, the message goes both ways on the wire, and the telegraph office in Castletown will get the message before anyone else, and might figure out to check for someone up a pole." Patches was demonstrating how to connect the lineman's key when Dr. Alan knocked on the open door.

"I know I'm not going to be climbing any poles in proper doctor's wife attire," replied Ella. "But I expect that Lily wouldn't mind escaping from lady's maid attire in order to climb a pole. If Eddie had been working longer on telegraph skills, he would be the obvious pole climber."

"I'll send the practice key home with you, so you can set Eddie studying."

"What are you planning here?" asked Dr. Alan.

"Communications from Castletown," replied Ella.

"I haven't decided to go yet."

"I wanted to start working out a code early. You might be able to insist on exchanging messages discussing your patients in El Paso with Dr. Martin. If so, Patches and I will have a code arranged to fit in those medical messages. That would be the easiest way to let Hayes know when we have succeeded in the mission, or to let him know when we need help."

"Knowing you, there are two more plans. What are they?"

"Breaking into the telegraph office in Castletown to use the key. The lineman's key is the third idea."

"So Lily and Eddie would be going with us?"

"I'd like to take Jimmy as well, but he'll be needed in El Paso to help keep an eye on Phillips. And he's harder to claim as a servant. Lily can be my maid, and Eddie can be your apprentice."

"Jimmy might be able to go to Castletown separately, if he's been there before. We can ask when he and Lily get back. I thought James Bradbury could help us escape if need be."

"Were you going to ask him?"

"Actually, I hope you would ask him, if I decide to tell Phillips I will go take a look. James just tolerates me."

"Remember to ask if you will be able to communicate with Dr. Martin, and maybe insist on a promise of that communication before agreeing to go."

"If Castletown is really what Archie says, that promise is not going to be worth anything."

"True, which is why there are two more ideas for how to send messages."
Elegant Ella

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #129 on: October 08, 2010, 01:31:10 PM »
Armed with a bottle of good red wine, Dr. Alan knocked on the door of the marshal's house. He had noticed a curtain move, and thought that Phillips was watching for him. Catarina who opened the door to him. She put his hat on the rack and led him to the parlor. She took the bottle of wine to the dining room.

Phillips seemed a little anxious, as though Dr. Alan's answer mattered to him personally. As soon as greetings and the required comments on the weather and each others health were out of the way, Dr. Alan brought up the job offer, "I am seriously considering the job in Castletown, but I don't want to leave El Paso without a qualified physician. A friend of mine, recently retired from the Army, is coming to visit next week. I could leave the people of El Paso in his hands, as long as I would be available for him to consult by telegraph. There are a few patients with complicated medical issues."

"Castletown is on a telegraph line. I'm sure you'll be able to send and receive all the messages you need."

Dr. Alan decided that he couldn't insist on a promise without exposing that he suspected there was more to Castletown than just a mining town.

"How long does it take to get there?"

"It's an easy two-day drive for supply wagons."

"That's good. I would rather drive a carriage than spend two days on horseback."

"There will be a train of supply wagons heading that way next week, and you could travel with them."

"Provided Dr. Martin is willing to stay for three months, would a three-month trial suit?"

"That sounds fine. I'll wire your tentative agreement. Would you be taking your wife for the trial period?"

"Yes, of course. She'll want to take a couple servants as well."

"The house they provide for you will come fully staffed and furnished."

"It's going to be hard enough on her, taking her away from Mrs. King and Mrs. McDowell, whom she considers sisters. Let her have a couple familiar people around her."

"Should be no problem. Shall we dine?" Phillips rang a bell on the table, then led the way to the dining room.

Elegant Ella

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #130 on: March 30, 2011, 08:06:36 AM »
Fritz had taken the evening watch.  Most of the shops were closed, but the the lights were still on in his favorite store.  Hardesty's had been open since the 1820's.  It was a family owned, business, passed from father to son.  The last generation produced no male heirs, but a feisty daughter named Catherine now ran the place.  She heard Fritz's boots on the boardwalk and waved him in.

"Hello stranger," she smiled.  "You haven't darkened my door in awhile.  How goes the job?"

Fritz took off his slouch and returned the smile.  "There's a new Marshal in town.  He's not the man 'Sleep is."

"So I've heard," Catherine replied.  "So, what can I get you?"

"Phillips made a crack about my conversions.  He said I should be carrying a man-sized pistol."

She looked at his rig.  "He should review his history.  James Butler did good work with a set of those, and in percussion to boot!"

The comment made Fritz smile.  He purused the glass cases, coming to the end case.  

"Nobody wants those anymore.  Cartridge guns are in vogue.  But the right man could make good use of them."

Fritz tapped the glass.  "There.  Can I look at those Cat?"

She smiled and unlocked the case.  "You have a good eye my friend.  A Ranger retired a few years back.  He was down on his luck and needed money.  He hated to part with them, but I gave him a good price."

Cat set the velvet on the glass and laid the pistols before him.  They were well worn, but well cared for.  Almost no finish remained, but there wasn't a trace of rust.  Fritz picked one up and cycled the action.  It was smooth as glass, and the trigger broke clean.

"They're a matched set.  Obsolete, yes, but still the most powerful pistol available."

Fritz remembered them well from the war.  Confederate troops carried whatever they could find.  With a powder charge of 60 grains, these massive pistols could take down a horse.  They were not meant to be carried on the belt, but in pommel holsters on the saddle.  He turned the Colt over.  "1847" was still cleary marked on the barrel.

"I'll take them."

Cat put the Walkers back in the pommel holsters they came in.

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #131 on: March 30, 2011, 10:57:28 AM »
Fritz sat at his desk in the Marshal's office and began disassembling his Walkers.  He did one pistol at a time so as not to confuse the parts.  They had been thoroughly cleaned and oiled by Cat.  As he worked, he recalled the history behind these magnificant weapons.

Sam Colt's first revolver was the Patterson.  It was a breakthrough design, being a five-shot, .36 caliber with a fixed barrel.  Colt thought he'd set the world on fire with his design, but only one service truly took it seriously: the Texas Rangers.  They ordered large quantities of his revolver.  Each Ranger was armed with two Pattersons and a Colt Revolving Carbine.  They used these weapons to great effect against the Commanche, but the design was far from perfect.  There was no loading lever on the gun, which required the cylinder to be removed to be reloaded.  There was no triggerguard; the spring-loaded trigger dropped down when the hammer was cocked.  And the .36 caliber load though effective, wasn't a one-shot stopper. 

One Ranger decided to help Colt redesign his pistol.  Sammuel Walker suggested a caliber change to .44, backed with a charge of 60 grains of black powder, in addition to adding the loading lever and triggerguard.  The new pistol was huge and heavy, but would bring down a horse as well as the rider.  Sam Walker carried a brace of these new pistols in the Mexican War, and died with them in his hands.  Fritz liked to think that both guns were empty when he went down. 

Once both Walkers were cleaned and reassembled, Fritz loaded five chambers each.  In deference to their age, he only loaded 40 grains of black powder.  With hammers down on empty chambers, he reholstered the guns.  In the morning when he rode out of town, they'd be hung on his saddle.

"Let Phillips talk now," he thought.  He imagined Scarlet wearing hers.  Although he doubted they'd adorn his hips as well as her shapely ones, he knew he'd be well-armed.     

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #132 on: April 06, 2011, 10:04:12 PM »
Archie caught Jimmy’s attention as he passed by the infirmary.

Jimmy stepped inside “Whatcha need?” he asked.

Archie really wanted to ask him what he knew about Castletown but instead said “I don’t think I ever thanked you for helping save my life.”

Jimmy touched the brim of his hat in acknowledgement and started to turn to leave.

Archie was a bit surprised, he guessed he shouldn’t be James Bradbury wasn’t known for being much of a conversationalist, although Archie had heard he could be rather sociable if he liked someone “Wait.”

Jimmy turned back towards him “somethin’ else?”

“Why did you do it?”

One side of Jimmy’s mouth curled up as he half laughed. “I know you’ve helped people when you didn’t have to.” Jimmy replied looking at him suspiciously.

“I mean it James.” He noticed Jimmy’s eyes slightly narrow as he said it.

“Is that all?” Jimmy asked.

“Yes” Archie replied realizing Jimmy could read him well enough to know he was lying.

Jimmy turned to leave “I prefer Jimmy” he said flatly.

Archie was a little surprised to hear him say that.

Jimmy didn’t like it, didn’t like it at all. Wits and Hayes both on the Southern Starr and Wits was being careful about something.
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #133 on: April 06, 2011, 11:29:46 PM »
Jimmy caught up with Scarlet on her way to town “Wits thanked me for helping save his life earlier.”

Scarlet looked questioningly at him.

“It’s not what he said it’s the way he kept looking at me. He was thinking something else.”

“Castletown has been a subject of discussion recently. He probably wonders if you know anything about it.”

“Well he’s gonna have to ask the questions.” Jimmy said.

Jimmy noticed they had come to a stop on the bluff; she was looking towards the houses in town.

“I always used to tell Hart he needed to keep the curtains drawn on this side. I’d be too easy for someone to watch him without him knowing, in fact a good rifleman could probably take him out from here.”

Jimmy smiled and shook his head as he asked “have you taken that long rifle from the scabbard and lined your sights up on him yet?”

Scarlet shot him a dirty look trying to be innocent of such a thought causing Jimmy to laugh. “That tells me everything.” he said asking his horse to move forward to follow her.

Jimmy planned to enjoy the company of the girl he was sweet on while Scarlet poured two cups of coffee and went across the street to the marshal’s office.

“I saw the light on thought you could use a good cup of coffee Deputy” she said with a smile as she opened the door.

Fritz looked up with a smile. “The coffee here is good.”

“Mmm perhaps, but this comes with company if you like.” She said half smiling as she placed the cups on the desk; thinking what a nice distraction this was from things happening at the Starr.

“Your company is always welcome.” He said as she stepped behind him and began to rub his neck. Her hands were warm from holding the cups, Fritz could feel his muscles relax.

“I’m on duty ma’am.” He said teasingly. He couldn’t see her but he knew she was smiling.

“I couldn’t help but notice your rather large pistol’s Deputy, care to tell me about them?” Scarlet whispered in his ear. She figured he had arrested somebody that may have been carrying them.
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #134 on: April 07, 2011, 06:41:52 PM »
"Surely you recognize them Darlin''ve got a set yourself!"

Scarlet smiled.  "And I just had your Navies converted.  Are you going back to cap'n ball?"

Fritz pulled one Walker from its holster and set the hammer to half cock.  "She's loaded," he said, handing the pistol butt-first to his wife.  She closed her eyes and turned the cylinder with her fingers, listening for the clicks.  Scarlet lowered the hammer on the nipple without a cap and handed it back, nodding her head.

"Well worn, but not worn out.  Cat sell you those?"

"Yep.  Phillips busted my balls about my conversions.  Let him talk now."

"It's not the size of your gun Darlin," Scarlet smiled sweetly.  "It all in how you use it!"

Fritz swatted hert but and laughed.  "No complaints about the size of my gun?"

She sat down in his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.  "It fits my holster just fine."


Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #135 on: April 12, 2011, 11:33:47 PM »
The time always seemed to go by fast when they were together. They had talked about Ella and Dr. Allen going to Castletown. Before he knew it Scarlet was excusing herself to avoid seeing Marshal Phillips. Scarlet ran her fingers across Fritz’s new guns one more time.

“I knew you’d like them.” Fritz said smiling.

“Oh yes Darlin’.”

By the sound of her voice he knew she was having a devilish thought. “Care to tell me what you’re thinking before you go?” He asked.

Scarlet stopped at the door, turned to him and grinned. Her eyes danced wickedly. “Just a thought Darlin’, sometimes you shouldn’t ask a lady what’s on her mind.”

Fritz shook his head back and forth.

“Phillips will be by soon, I’ll see you at the Ace for breakfast once he lets you go.” She said pulling open the door.

Fritz wasn’t sure but he thought he heard her say “Those things make a hell of a mess at close range.”

"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #136 on: April 13, 2011, 12:37:37 PM »
Fritz stoked the stove and put a fresh pot of coffee on the boil.  The shift had been quiet; nothing of note had occurred.  As the the sun lit the town he closed out the blotter for the shift, and left it open on the Marshal's desk.  Fritz blew out the lamps and opened the front door to let the air in.  There was still a chill in the air, so he slipped on his coat and waited.

The duty roster was broken down into three eight hour shifts, so that each deputy could stay focused on the job.  They'd tried 12 hour shifts but they weren't as productive.  Since Jimmy was gone escorting prisoners, Fritz was forced to pull a 12-hour shift, and he was tired.  Phillips had not volunteered to help him, and that stuck in his craw.  Fritz sneered at the thought.

The Marshal walked in at exactly 7:30 AM.  He walked past Fritz and into his office without saying a word.  Phillips sat down at his desk and began to read the blotter.  Fritz shook his head and grabbed a tin cup for coffee.  As he poured, Phillips said "Bring me one."

"Please," Fritz replied.

"What was that, King?"

Fritz walked into the office.  "That's bring me one please, Phillips."

"That's Marshal Phillips to you, Deputy."

"Then it's Deputy King to you, Phillips."

"Were you this insubordinate in the Army, King?"  

"Were you this much of an ass in the Navy, Phillips?  I spent 20 years of my adult life serving my country.  You stayed in the Navy just long enough to make some connections."

"I've had about enough of you..." Phillips started.  Fritz slammed the cup down on the desk hard enough to sloush the contents over the edge.  He closed the gap and leaned in close.  Phillips tried to push his chair back, but its back was aginst the wall.

"Now hear this, Sailor.  I've had a belly full of you and your lack of manners.  My job is done, and the town is safe.  Nothing unusual to report during my shift.  You are my relief.  I'm leaving.  Any questions?"

Phillips shook his head.

"I'm going to the Ace for bed and breakfast.  Don't bother me for at least eight hours."  Fritz turned on his heel and slammed the office door shut.

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #137 on: April 14, 2011, 06:33:53 AM »
By the time he'd hit the Ace, Fritz was fuming.  The place was empty, so he went behind the bar and helped himself.  The coffee was still drinkable.  He took a cigar from the humidor and struck a Lucifer on the bartop.  Fritz knew it was early, but he was off-duty.  He poured himself a shot of good bourbon and drank it down.  He didn't want to go up to Scarlet this way, so he walked to the corner table and laid his Walker rig on the tabletop.  Fritz sat down with his back to the wall and his eyes on the door, and relaxed with a coffee and a good smoke.  

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #138 on: April 16, 2011, 01:32:23 AM »
Hank had heard the doors of the Ace open and swing close, he’d also heard footfalls and thought he recognized them as Fritz’s, although they were longer and hit harder than normal. When he came out of the office he was surprised to smell bourbon in the air, more so to see the empty glass on the bar and Fritz watching the door.

Hank recognized the look Fritz wore, irritation mixed with relaxed calculation. He had worn it all too often himself and seen on the faces of the people he had called his family. He smiled and nodded in Fritz’s direction  ducked back into the office then made his way to the kitchen.

“Fritz is startin’ to pick up your habits.” He said walking past Scarlet who had been sitting there talking with Jimmy.

They both looked at him. “Who you talking to?” Jimmy asked.

“Which ever one of you is listening.” Hank looked pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“Yeah?” Jimmy said looking Hank up and down.

Scarlet looked at Hank questioningly. “I ain’t seen you wear your gun like that for along time.” She commented getting up to fix something for Fritz to eat.

“That looks good.” Jimmy said getting up and checking his gun and reholstering it before heading out into the main room. Fritz was in one back corner watching the door so Jimmy took the table in the other back corner.

 Scarlet filled the plates then poured a fresh cup of coffee and refilled her own before heading out of the kitchen wearing a smile. Hank was right, one could try and hide the look of what Scarlet would have bet was irritation but not from someone who had worn it as often as she had over the years. It looked like Fritz was trying to forget what ever it was that put the burr under his saddle blanket. She didn’t miss the empty glass on the bar as she put Jimmy’s breakfast down in front of him then went to the table Fritz was sitting at.

Scarlet stepped around Fritz and put the plate and cup down. “It’s hot and fresh.” She said giving him a kiss on the cheek as she sat down next to him.

Instead of bringing Phillip’s name up Scarlet eyed the rig on the table. “Ya know if you don’t tie those down tight when ride you get black and blue spots on your thighs.”

Fritz looked at her; it was about the last thing he expected to hear.

She grinned “Oh it’s true. They thump up and down while you ride and the next thing you know you’re wondering why you are black and blue.” She laughed softly. “After you get some rest we can see how they shoot.”
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: At Wit's End
« Reply #139 on: April 17, 2011, 11:47:36 AM »
Of all the things she could have said, Fritz did not expect that.  Imagining her with black and blue thighs suddenly made him bust out laughing.  He laughed so hard that it immediately broke his mood.  Fritz smiled and kissed Scarlet on the cheek.

"Thanks alsways seem to know exactly what I need, when I need it."


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