Author Topic: Leftover Ham Samitches  (Read 4139 times)

Offline Cary Kid

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Leftover Ham Samitches
« on: November 28, 2008, 06:19:04 PM »
Durn that Thanksdgiving day ham I made for TYQ and the kids was good.
Still is good........
I made myself a ham samitch for supper tonight, and another for lunch tomorrow.........
I really do enjoy the light aftertaste of cloves............
Ya'll just gots to stick cloves in a baked ham...........
I think it might be a law..........

I put it on the Q, all covered in tinfoil, just the thermometer sticking out....Let it go to 140 degrees...........

Pulled off the foil and let it crisp for a bit..............

That were a durn tastey ham...........

Can't wait until lunchtime tomorrow................
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Re: Leftover Ham Samitches
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2008, 08:08:05 AM »
Ham sammiches is good anytime.
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Offline Cary Kid

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Re: Leftover Ham Samitches
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2008, 04:31:36 PM »
You ain't lying Pard......
Couple squirts of coarse ground mustard sauce, on Rye bread........
Several Jalepenos......
Some tater salad...........
It made a heck of a Saturday lunch at work............

Course TYQ had lots of leftover Sweet pickles and olives I tossed on top of the tater salad..........
Today was a good lunch...........
Leftovers can be some great eats.............
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Re: Leftover Ham Samitches
« Reply #3 on: Today at 09:36:23 PM »

Offline Sir Charles deMouton-Black

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Re: Leftover Ham Samitches
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2008, 05:56:08 PM »
This will be a bit OT, which is normal for me. 

I don't mind leftovers, but with turkey, my wife & I have come up with a couple of leftover-avoidance tactics;

1.  Get a butcher to quarter a frozen bird on the bandsaw, so you can cook a quarter of it at a time.

2.  INSIDE-OUT TURKEY DINNER.  For a couple, (as our kids are scattered about), just get some turkey drumsticks, breast, or some such pieces.  Put the bits in a small roaster, cram your favorite stuffing around the turkey parts, cook, and serve with the appropriate trimmings.

Happy Thanksgiving Y'All!
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
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Offline Cary Kid

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Re: Leftover Ham Samitches
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2008, 07:25:56 PM »
Talking Turkeys and Hams this time of year ain't OT, SCdM.......
Some folks in these parts traditionally do up a Turkey for Thanksgiving Day. It's quite acceptable.
I just like to do up a Ham as well. I have maneged to end up with my Mother's roaster, top and bottom.
The old blue ceramic with the white spots..... ;D My sisters didn't want it, and my wife was unimpressed with it.
I remember being a very little Dude, and knowing some Damn good things to eat came out of that blue and white speckled pan.
I do admit I have an attachment to the roaster pan. I even have Mom's lift out frame for Turkey's Roasts and Hams....
Good thing she bought a SS one, it's still fine today......

So, I stick the lift frame in the pan, stick the ham in the frame.
Lay on the Pineapple Slices, stick them down with clove spikes. More clove spikes wherever I can find room......
Add ther rest of the Pineapple juice to two cups of water. Add two cups of brown sugar to the water.
Spread this all over the top of the Ham, paint the thing............
If I set my new Q to medium, I know it's going to keep a heat of about 275Deg......
That's just fine for my ham for a spell.......When the thermomoter gets up around 130, I pull it out of the ham, pull off the tinfoil, and baste........I'll generally toss a few more cups of water in the bottom of the pan. I'll use a glass bulb baster to keep the ham wet with the water, brown sugar, pineapple juice mix in the bottom of the pan....
After several bastes, 10 minutes apart, I'll stick the thermometer back in the ham.....I keep basting with the glass and bulb every ten minutes until the thermometer reads a steady 140...........DONE..............It's perfect.........
Shut down the Q........Wait for further orders from Managment (TYQ).................

When ready, I picked out the cloves, and sliced it up for the family.
Of course after years of practice my son and daughter are quite adept at lifting the pineapple slicees off the ham while my back is turned...... ;D   And perhaps I turn my back to give them time to hit the pineapple slices and little squares of baked pork fat...
I pretty much did the same as a youngun............

Cookin is fun............Any old time..........I'm always up for somethin new.................
Cooking for the Holidays........It's tradition.............
I get it as close as to my Mom's cooking as humanly possible.............
And it always comes out Primo...........

I give TYQ some elbow room in her kitchen, I stay out of there.........She had a Mom too, who must have been a hell of a cook too....... ;D  I never got to meet wreck when TYQ was 14....................
TYQ's Pop drove XKE's, and her Mom drove Lotus's.........
It was a different planet here in the old days............
You could drive your butt off...........
We had lots of open roads NW of Chicago in the 60's

I do a ham as close to my Mom's as I kin get.....Nobody's slamed it yet............ ;D

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Offline Beans

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Re: Leftover Ham Samitches
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2008, 07:31:46 AM »
No such thing as Leftover Ham Samitches.

They are ham Samitches in waiting  ;D

Offline El Peludo

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Re: Leftover Ham Samitches
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2008, 06:02:54 PM »
I sure do agree with that, Beans.  Just needs to get all the parts together, then the ham won't be waitin', any longer.  Speakin' of ham, I saw something the other day that I figure might be purty larupin'.  I was watching some "Food Network", and Miz. Paula Deen was deep frying a ham.  She'd brined it for 24 hours in an apple cider brine, then put it in the fryer for a spell.  It came out with the skin that beautiful brown crisp, and just about falling off, and the insides was enough to make me drool just watchin' the picture show.  I saw all sorts of things I could do with that ham, includin' sammiches on a whole bunch of different breads.  Dang, I'm hongry, again, and I ain't got any ham.
El Peludo (The Hairy Man)
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Offline Cary Kid

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Re: Leftover Ham Samitches
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2008, 01:59:38 PM »
EP, I hear'ed ya'll got some snow in Las Vegas yesterdy?.....
I never heard of such goings on..........

I on the other hand............
25hp Deere, with a plow blade...... ;D

I just finished plowing the driveway. It didn't stop snowing until about noon. It was such a mess yesterday, and today, TYQ worked from home yesterday and today.

Anyway, I plowed about 12" off the driveway........

But back to Ham  ;D

I always wake up pretty early......I snuk into the kitchen to make some coffee at about 4:30......
I opened the shutters and took a peek at world, it was snowing to beat the band......
I knew TYQ weren't going up to her office today......
She drives an S-10 Blazer with 4 wheel drive, that ain't enough ride for what I was looking at out the window...
I knew she'd probably be on the phone for most of the day.
I figured it would be a great morning for a big time breakfast....
I took some of that "Ham in waiting"  ;D
Started it up in a frying pan with some peanut oil.......Started dicing up an onion and a bell pepper, some mushrooms......Tossed that in soon after the ham.
I cheat on the hash browns, I get them cut up and frozen. I got the potatoes going in another pan with salt, pepper, and some cayenne sprinkles.....
I whupped up 6 eggs with some cream.
I got the biscuits in the oven.
I was a bit ahead of schedule. I shut off the frying pans, to let the biscuits catch up, and fed the cats. They just might be spoiled little critters, they are extremly insistant. Or perhaps just hungry......

So, if it's too early in the day for ham sammitches, omlettes work out just fine...........
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Offline El Peludo

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Re: Leftover Ham Samitches
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2008, 06:17:32 PM »
Yeppers, C K, yer right.  We got sn&*^.  Nuthin' compared to what y'all get back in your neck of the woods, but way more'n I want to put up with.  I had to work in the stuff from time to time for the forty or so years I was productive, and when I retired, we moved to the Sierra foothills n/e of Sacrament - up there where Leo lives, now.  In the ten years we had that place, we got snow every year, and four or five times, we were fairly snowed in at our place, about fifteen miles out of town.  The plows usually didn't get to our neck of the woods for at least a day after a big snow, and we were over a quarter mile off of the plowed road, so if we had to get out, it was "chain up the four by" and plow it myself - and I didn't have a plow.  After wreckin' my leg on the snow and ice two winters in a row, '01 & '02, we decided to find warmer environs, and me bein' a desert rat, we just sort of bounced in Bakersfield for a short spell, and wound up in "Vegas".  Silly, or odd, thing:  The 30th Dec., '03, I was here working with the painters getting the house re-done, and woke up to about six inches of the nasty white stuff.  I was sure the "hurt me" gods were taunting me.  Oh well, it comes and goes so quick that it's just something to yak about.

So, you got's noisy cats, too.  Our guys have their morning routine; whichever one of us hits the floor first, they get at the bathroom door and set up a meowing, and then follow us to the kitchen and boss us around until they get fed; then they go sit in the living room and wash, then off to nappy land.  Goofballs.

We were talking about Christmas dinner just a bit ago, debating: ham, standing rib roast, duck/goose, but not turkey.  I think we can pretty well toss out the duck/goose, too, so that just leaves two choices, and both of them are top runners.

Either way, the leftovers get royal treatment; nothin' like hamaneggs, or thin sliced prime, pan seared, and eggs for breakfast.  I'm sort of a purist, most of the time, though; I usually leave out the onions and peepers and such; not that I mind 'em, they just talk back to me for hours afterward.  All the rest is just winder dressin'; spuds of whatever variety, gravy, biscuits, etc.  Lots of times, I just cook my eggs over easy and put 'em on a slab of well buttered toast - rye is my favorite, and maybe have an extry piece of toast with some pre-serves of some sort for a sweet bite.  I find that mighty pleasin'.
El Peludo (The Hairy Man)
Las Vegas, Nevada Territory
IBEW(Retired), Shooter since 1955.
             Roop County Cowboy (FF)
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