Author Topic: back to civilization  (Read 62036 times)

Offline Lucky Irish Tom

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #80 on: June 10, 2009, 10:20:41 AM »
Once everything was cleared up and the men were mounted they headed on toward Prescott.

Cyrus and Leonard rode for a while in silence.  Cyrus turned the last five years of his life over and over in his mind.

Finally he drew in a long breath and looked over at Leonard. "I owe you some explaination since you have put your life on the line for me several times now."

"I became a deputy to try and uphold law and order when Prescott was just a big mining camp.  It gradually grew into a Town over time.  Since I had seemed to have put down roots I met a woman and married, and then we had a son. About 3 years ago a gang showed up around the Prescott area.  They made a lot of trouble around some of the mines and then began robbing and terrorizing the townsfolk and businesses.  They always seemed to know when we were out searching for them and when the mines or businesses were least guarded."

"We finally got a lead on where they were hiding.  A drifter who had ridden with them got arrested in another town and offered to trade information for a lighter sentence. He was actually trying to get free of jail before they got word he had murdered a man.  We got the information we wanted, and before he could be released they got word about the murder.  They hung him the following week."

"Since we were worried about someone in town passing information to the gang the Sheriff made arrangements to get a group of men together in secret, who weren't townsfolk and set up a day and time to meet them outside of town.  Sheriff and I rode out leaving three deputies in town, we rode out like it was our normal tour of the mines, so no one would be suspicious.  We met up with the Posse that the Sheriff had set up and we caught the gang by surprise. They decided to fight, a couple of the miners who had lost friends to these men had brought dynamite.  They began tossing it into the camp and the cabin where the gang was holed up. The men survived the initial blast, ran to a nearby barn, and grabbed their horses and tried breaking through.  In the fight that followed only four survived, and one of them was severely wounded.  We took them back to Prescott to wait on the Circuit judge."

"The word spread through Prescott like wildfire.  What the Sheriff and I didn't know was that there were six more gang members who lived in the town.  They worked in the General Store, the Saloon, the Freight Depot, anywhere they could pick up a bit of information or gossip that would help them make their plans. Once they got word that we had brought some of the others in alive they must have gotten worried that they might talk. Even though each of them had met the other gang members outside of town and had been masked they knew that their identities would be eventually found if the prisoners talked."

"They ran, but before they left Prescott for good they decided to exact a little revenge.  They raped my wife Margaret, then killed her and my boy Jacob.  They set the house on fire hoping it would destroy the evidence, unfortunately for them someone saw the smoke and I made it to the house in time to see what had been done.  I would have died right there if the Sheriff and one of the other deputies hadn't pulled me out of the house. I was torn by grief and burned with vengance.  I turned in my badge and set out the next morning to hunt those animals. We had general descriptions since they had all disappeared from town the same day.  The descriptions were sketchy in nature since they had always worked at common jobs where people don't seem to notice you.  They had kept to themselves and didn't socialize among themselves or others in town. The prisoners could only add some information about what there horses looked like and that one was a crazy half breed and another a mexican with a mean streak. I set out and hunted them for a year and a half until the trail went cold.  During that time I had my reckoning with four of them. Today you saw me deal with the one they called the Mexican.  That only leaves the half breed and I will hunt him until the day I die, or the day he dies, whichever comes first. You can think what you want of me, but this task goes beyond my ability to resolve as a lawman."

At this Cyrus went quiet and began to chew on some jerky! Now at least one other person knew about the pain he carried and the fires of vengance that still burned bright after all these years. 
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Offline Leo Tanner

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #81 on: June 11, 2009, 07:20:54 PM »
     Leonard considered the man’s story.  He considered how easily the man had come clean.  He now felt compelled to do something he had never done before outside of a small farmhouse in Kansas and the confines of Lily’s room at the Goose. 
      “You say I saved yer hide?”
     “Yes” was Cyrus’ response.
     “So if I tell you about me, ya won’t make a fuss?”
     Cyrus looked at Leonard and wondered how the man could even consider such a thing.  He himself had just made a confession of epic proportions.  “No Leo, I owe you that much.  Whatever you’ve done is none of my business.”
     Leonard took a deep breath and said, “Ok, here it is.  I’m a deserter from the United States Army.  But I’m not a coward Cyrus.  It is an offense punishable by hanging.  I’ve also killed several men on ma journey out here, but them fellers were tryin’ ta kill me.  Well, one of em just had a pert mouth I guess ya could say, but he caught me in a bad frame of mind.  I aint raped no women er killed no children, but I got a lot of reasons fer folks ta not know me.”
     Cyrus looked at him with lawman’s eyes for a second, then they softened.  He only asked, “Why?”
     Leonard answered quickly, “If you were there, you’d know.  They didn’t have time ta treat wounds proper an were cutting men up in pieces.  Didn’t want ta be one of  ‘em.  No Sir, when I caught that lead I did my duty and left.  Went home an no one was there.  Went to a neighbor’s home and he an some others told me about the little copper town in Arizona Territory where some southern whores could fix me up.  Told me ta get out of Kansas quick.  Seemed everywhere I went there was trouble.  Seemed like I couldn’t do nothin’ without havin’ any.  This is trail talk an all, so I’ll tell ya, some days I feel like I’m here just ta get rid of certain folks.  If that sounds strange I unnerstand."
     Cyrus tilted his head toward the sky and with a moments thought he said, “No, that doesn’t seem strange at all.”
     Leonard continued, “Now all I know is that ya know about me an I know about you.  Ya can call me a murderer, but I can call you a liar.  There won’t be no protection fer me in Prescott, cause you is just a bounty hunter an aint no marshal no more.  That’s ok, just see that I get ma money ta help Lily an pay that old drunk without trouble.  I’m startin ta like you, just don’t cross me.”
     Cyrus gave this thought and said, “Fair enough, we’ll get the bounties and leave.  I shouldn’t have opened my mouth.”
     Leonard looked over at him and said, “I’m glad you did.  Now we can go on bein’ friends.”
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.

Offline Lily Lockwood

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #82 on: June 18, 2009, 11:49:17 PM »
     “Good mornin’ George, is the coffee hot yet?”  Clara asked quietly as she wondered downstairs earlier than usual. 

     “Sure ‘nough Missy, go-on and getcha cup and come have a sit with me out front.  But heavens, be quiet not to wake anybody, I can’t start the grub till I’ve had mine.”  George replied as he was making his way to the front porch.  She quickly made her way out and sat next to him on the bench.  “Heavens girl whatcha doin’ up this early, not that I mind of course.”

     Clara thought for a moment and answered, “reckon I jus’ woke up feelin’ kinda anxious, all the newcomers round here n’such I spose.  It’s excitin’ ta think of who might be movin’ back to our town and how it may begin to grow!”

     George just looked over at her and shook his head back-n-forth, “drink yer coffee and enjoy the quiet while ya can little Miss.”  She took the hint rather well and did just that.

     A short time later people began to come down for breakfast, the room filled up rather fast.  The new customers were even walking in from the side of town where some visitors had camped out over night.  Business was doing well this morning and as Lily began to walk downstairs she noticed Clara already doing rounds greeting guests.  This struck her oddly as Clara was never one to begin her day so early.  As Lily sat down at her corner table for a bite and a cup she realized what the girl was up to.  The young man who arrived late last night had began to walk down from his room, by the time he reached the bottom step Clara stood up and walked over to him.  While trying very hard not to seem anxious she smiled and asked him if he would like a seat in the dining room.  He shyly looked at her and said “No thank ya maam, I really jus’ need to know where to find the bath house and then I’ll come on back fer a bite I’fn’ ya don’t mind showin’ me the way?”

     Her eyes sparkled as she replied, “Of course I’d be happy to, oh and by the way, my name’s Clara what’s yours?”

    “I’m Laney Stevens ma’am and thank you.”

     Lily watched them as they walked out the front doors and thought to herself, “There sure is somethin’ in the water around here lately!” 
Just a lil ol' southern gal....gone out west   :)

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.  ... Thomas Paine


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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #83 on: Today at 08:56:07 AM »

Offline Lucky Irish Tom

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #83 on: June 25, 2009, 05:53:24 PM »
As they rode on toward Prescott Cyrus mulled over the words that Leonard had spoken.  Finally he broke his silence.

" The only men I hunt without the law behind me are the ones that killed my wife and son. When we get to Prescott we'll turn over these bodies and you will get your reward, and Artie's money for safekeeping.  I won't get a share of the reward, the Town and the State will decide how that money gets used.  One thing I plan to bring away from Prescott for our return trip is a Writ from the Judge with the power to appoint a new Sheriff in place of Lou.  I want that choice to be made by the citizens, but I have already suggested to Lily that you would be a good choice and I think if she supports you the rest of the town will too. You have a good mind, can size up a difficult situation quickly, and know how use a gun when necessary.  I think you would be a boon to a place trying to get a new start, and would serve as a deterrant to those that would try to prey on the weaker townsfolk."

As Cyrus finished they began to pass a ranch a few miles from Prescott.  A group of Ranch hands were returning from town, one driving a wagon with supplies.  Most of them nodded in the men's direction and the lead rider said, "Mornin Marshal, don't look like that group will be running from ya, but they do seem to be getting a mite ripe."  They rest of the riders and the wagon driver veered away from Cyrus and Leo to minimize the smell from the bodies.

Cyrus nodded toward Leonard and said, "Buck, this is Leo, he helped me bring these men down and kept a group of townsfolk from lynching me till things could be sorted out.  The two draped over the mule back there killed Lou and Langley, but the townsfolk thought it might have been me. Leo kept em off me till everyone calmed down and the story could be told."

Buck looked at Leo and said, "Well that act made you a lot of friends, Cyrus is pretty well thought of in these parts."
If ya can't be fast it's good to be Lucky!
Official Irish Whiskey Taster
SASS 40271, WARTHOG, Darksider, Dirty RATS, RO2

Offline Lily Lockwood

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #84 on: July 08, 2009, 01:06:23 AM »
     After the morning rush the bar actually became quiet once again.  Most of the visitors that came in for the funeral had begun to pack up for their journey’s home.  However the people who had decided to stay longer were wondering about the town, some even inquiring about jobs and places to rent.  As he drew in a deep breath Bill happily looked all around.  He desperately needed new regular customers.  After all he had come very close to losing his mercantile several times during the long slump while the mine was shut down.

     “Good Morning!” he said as he nodded at a well dressed woman walking down the sidewalk.  “Sure is a nice day for a stroll wouldn’t you say?”  He kindly asked the woman in passing.

     “Morning” was all the woman replied as she quickly looked down at the ground as she walked by.  Bill felt as if maybe he was being a bit too pushy or excitable to the stranger so he took his broom, placed it behind the door and walked inside the store leaving the door open to the public. 

     “Clara if you’d pay our customers as much attention as you’ve been payin’ to that window we’d all be rich.” Lily smiled as she whispered to Clara.  Just then the newcomer Laney came walking out of the bathhouse with his satchel under his arm.  It was all Lily could do to gently grab Clara’s elbow and stop her from running out the door to greet the man.  “Good things come to those who wait” Lily stated, “you don’t want to seem desperate now so take yer time and let him come to you.”

     Clara smiled and nodded, “I will Lil, do ya really think he’ll notice me?” 

     “Hon, he already has, why do ya think he wanted to clean up first? And with that said Lily walked toward the bar to let nature take over.

     As Laney walked through the door and up to the bar to ask if food was still being served.  George just happened to be nearby and answered “yep, jus find ya a table and I’ll take yer order.” 

     After he sat at a table over near the window George came right over.  After ordering, Laney looked to Clara and motioned her to come and proceeded to ask her to join him.  She was more than happy to oblige and sat down.  “Would you like to have a bite to eat with me Miss.?  I have some questions and thought you might be able to help, that is If ya don’t mind of course.”

     “Well thank ya but I have already had breakfast however I will take ya up on a cup of coffee if that’s allright?”  Clara smiled a comfortable smile as they began to talk.  He began by asking her if she knew of any work in the area. After that the conversation seemed to continue on until the early afternoon.
Just a lil ol' southern gal....gone out west   :)

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.  ... Thomas Paine

Offline Leo Tanner

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #85 on: July 14, 2009, 09:05:27 PM »
     Leonard saw the respect these men gave Cyrus.  He had been rash in his conclusion that the lawman was no longer a lawman.  He now understood that the marshal walked a fine line; most days on one side and some others on the dark side.  But he was righteous.  At least in Leonard’s eyes he was.
     “I’m not so sure about this job yer suggestin’.  Trouble seems ta find me were ever I go.  I don’t want ta make problems in that town.”
     Cyrus looked over at his partner and said, “Leo, the job of town sheriff is a good one for the right man.  You don’t have to get your hands dirty too often and you don’t have to ride the trail very often.  You can go home to your loved one everyday.  Pay isn’t too bad either.  All you have to do is command respect from the folks and not abuse your power, and from what you just said and from what I’ve seen I don’t think you will.”
     Leonard considered this for a few moments and then asked, “Cyrus, do you speak mesican?”
     The marshal said, “not unless I have to”.
     “But you unnerstand it?”  Cyrus nodded.
     “Well what that fat feller said ta me back there just before he crossed himself, well he said that ta me before.  Had the same look in his eyes both times.  I seen fear in men’s eyes plenny a times in the war, but he was differnt” 
     Cyrus said, “He was scared, lots of bandits have no true metal when it comes down to it.”
     “Ya sayin the boys in the war weren’t?  He started ta say it again when I shot him behind that rock.  I woulda let him bleed ta death once his partner was dead but I just didn’t wanna here it again.”
     The old marshal stopped his horse and looked at Leonard.  “Leo, he perty much called you the angel of death.  That ain’t such a bad reputation ta have when yer the only law in a little town like that.  It’s perfect.  It will keep bad sorts away and Lily safe, and as long as everyone else feels safe, you will have a good and rewarding life as sheriff.  I can make sure no one makes trouble for you until the war blows over.  You’ve told enough folks yer name, but I don’t think that will matter much out here.”
     Leonard let all this run through his head as the two men sat there with Prescott visible just up ahead.  “Cecil”, he said.
     “My middle name ain’t James, its Cecil.  Now you know everything.” 
     Cyrus just burst out laughing, more so because he now knew their bond was set in its mold rather than just the mention of a silly name.  Leonard looked forward at the town and Cyrus curbed his laughter.  The two men headed forward.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.

Offline Lily Lockwood

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #86 on: July 17, 2009, 03:00:23 AM »
     As the sun began to set the crowd was beginning to liven up a bit at the bar.  “Looks like some of the new comers stayed in town I suppose to see what life would be like if they moved here.”  Lily wondered as she walked down the stairs to greet customers.  While making her way across the bar floor she said hello to old friends and introduced herself to the new ones.  “Everyone havin’ a good time?”  She asked as she smiled at everyone in room.  After taking her time and having a few conversations along the way she ended up at the bar and took a stool next to one of Leo’s old friends that she hadn’t yet had the pleasure of getting to know yet.  “Mr. Dodson, would ya mind if a lady bought you a drink?”

     “Absolutely yes Miss Lil but only if you call me Three Fingers.” was his answer.  “I was hoping we would have time to talk soon.  I did promise my friend that I would look after ya I hope ya don’ mind.”

     “Of course I’d rather appreciate it if’n ya do. But I hope ya don’ mind if I call ya Dod instead, It seems easier to me and Leo told me ya wouldn’t mind.”  Dodson nodded that it was alright with him and then Lily continued,  “I did have to make sure we had some time to get to know each other better without bein’ interrupted of course.”  Would you like to join me at my table, we would have more privacy.”  As she motioned over to the side table she stood up and began to walk over and he followed.

     Lily ordered the drinks and sat down.  She looked over the table at her new friend and mentioned that Leo had told her that she knew they had known each other as youngsters and that Leo had told her that it would be alright to ask him about any stories he might remember.  She had hoped that the gentleman would feel comfortable enough to spark a conversation and boy was she right.  Little did she know that once Dod had a drink or two he could rattle on till the sun came up!

     After the initial getting to know talk he began his first story.  He told her that Leo was just a few years younger than he was so he felt like he was older and wiser boy to his friend.  Well, they had made their way to the water somewhere and Dodson was teasing Leo about how much better he was at skipping rocks.  Well apparently Dodson was relentless in his teasing that Leo couldn’t hit anything.  So Leo picked up a rock and with all his might beamed Dodson in the head on the first try, hard enough to cut him open.  Right then Dod lifted up his hat and showed her the scar that was still there and began to laugh out loud.  Lily looked at him and just nodded her head and said “No wonder why Leo is such a good shot!   I guess the old sayin’ is true, boys will be boys.”  They ended up talking for hours until Lily thanked him for being so kind to her before excusing herself for the night. 
Just a lil ol' southern gal....gone out west   :)

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.  ... Thomas Paine

Offline Lucky Irish Tom

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #87 on: September 25, 2009, 05:24:44 PM »
The three men rode up to the Grey Goose shortly after dawn. Their dusters were caked with mud and grime and so were the faces under the slouched hats.  Bill was in the process of setting up his mercantile for morning business when he saw them.  They could have been cowpunchers on their way to their next job but something about them seemed wrong for that line of work.  He watched them dismount and then almost in unison they swept their long coats back behind their holsters and loosened the keepers on the hammers so they could draw their guns quickly if needed, they were definitely not just simple cowpokes.

The tallest of the three looked around and led them into the Grey Goose.  Bill decided to take some advice that Cyrus had given him and rather than approach these men as temporary Sheriff, he would simply go to the Grey Goose badgeless and observe, trying to note any details that might prove useful later. When he walked through the batwings the men had seated themselves at a table and had ordered a bottle of whiskey and three glasses.  Bill went to the bar and got some coffee and ordered breakfast then sat at a table close enough to maybe overhear some conversation.

The men took off the coats and their hats and sat down with the bottle.  The apparent leader asked Clara if she could find Lou for him.  Clara looked stunned for a moment and then quickly replied that Lou was deceased.  The man leaned back in his chair at this news and Bill got his first good look at the man's face.  The stranger was at least part indian and had a dark complexion, in the spots where the dust had been rubbed away. There was a scar that ran from just below his left eye down across his lips to the point of his chin.  The left eye was a milky orb, but the right one burned with an intensity that indicated that this man was quick to anger. He stared for a moment at Clara and then looked straight at Bill, "Is she telling the truth?"

Bill gave Clara a quick look meant to convey that she should remain quiet, but Clara was already moving away glad to be from under that man's gaze. Bill swallowed and replied, "Yes sir, a few days ago some men came in looking for money and looking to settle a score with one of Lou's girls they killed Lou and Langley.  "And where are these men now?"  "Well both are dead, there was a Marshal in town and a stranger, they killed the men."  "Is this Marshal still in town?", the man inquired.  "No sir, he and the stranger rode out day before yesterday with the bodies and a prisoner."  The gaze levelled on Bill, "Who was the prisoner?"  A feller who come in here claiming Lou owed him some money. The Marshal wouded him when he pulled his gun and then disarmed him, I think he said the man's name was Lyle Thompson."  At this point the short man to the half breed's left burst out, "Dag blamed mule headed jackass, couldn't manage to stay out ...." The half breed turned quickly and muttered, "Quiet Cole!" cutting the man off in mid rant. "I would like to speak to the current proprieter since Lou was supposed to have been holding a package for me", he calmly went on looking back at Bill. 
If ya can't be fast it's good to be Lucky!
Official Irish Whiskey Taster
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Offline Leo Tanner

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #88 on: September 25, 2009, 08:41:17 PM »
As Leonard rode toward Prescott in a daze he suddenly snapped upright.  He looked over at his partner and said, “Cy, we gotta get this done an get back”.  The old marshal regarded him for a moment and spoke.
     “Leo, we are almost there.  I know the bodies stink, it’s part of the business out here, but we have to finish this”.
     Leonard looked back at him and said, “It ain’t the smell of the dead ‘uns, somethin’ is just wrong.”
     Cyrus shook his head and said, “You fell in love with a public gal and she won’t leave your mind.  I’ve seen this kind of thing before”.
     The ex soldier’s hand went strait to the butt of his gun an there was fire in his eyes.  The wise old law man laughed and said, “See, I told you you were in love,” Cyrus then went on, “Leo, she is what she is.  You knew that all along.  Can’t you just be happy knowing that she saved your life and will always take you in?”
     Leonard broke his gaze and said, “Look old man, somethin’ is wrong.  This feelin’ has saved my ass many times.  So many ya couldn’t count em  all on yer fingers an’ toes.  Fer criminy sake’s the hair on the back of ma neck just stood up.  We gotta go back.”
     The marshal looked over at Leonard and said, “Son, you got desert fever.  Everything will be fine.”
     Leonard just said, “Yes Sir” and rode along not speaking anymore.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.

Offline Lily Lockwood

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #89 on: September 28, 2009, 07:27:59 PM »
     Clara tried hard to act like she wasn't nervous about the newcomers.  She kindly said thank you and good-day to her customers who had just finished their breakfast and quickly cleaned up the table.  As she went into the kitchen, placed the dishes a the sink and leaned over to George and whispered "keep an eye out front please, I need to speak to Lily for a moment.  I promise to be right back"  And she made a tray to deliver to Lily.

     "Well alright, but don't you leave me to handle the customers, you know I'd rather be stung by bees!"  George said quietly with a smirk on his face as he shushed her away.

     The three men were still content with their bottle as shw walked upstairs to Lilys room and knocked.  The voice inside asked, "who is it?"  and Clara answered.  Lily asked her in.

     "I brought you some coffee Lil" Clara said nervoulsy.

     "Thank you so much but what on earth has you in such a stir this early in the mornin'? Lily replied.

     "Oh my Lil, three men just came in looking for Lou.  So I told them that he was deceased and then the big man got a awful mad look and said that Lou had a package fer him and he wants to speak to the proprietor.  Bill is downstairs havin' a bite and I came to worn ya.  Oh Miss Lily, please be careful we don' have the marshall or Leonard here this time, what should we do?"  Clara was practically in a full panic as she finished talking.

     "Don't ya worry,"  Lily said calmly, men like that have a bigger bark than bite, I'll be down in a few minutes.  "Now ya go on back to work and mind yer own self."  She slowely walked clara to the door and then finished dressing.  Lily was courious and also a little nervous as well about having more trouble while the men were gone.  She knew that she had to hold herself togeather and not let the others see her be anything but confident.  So she took the Johnny Reb gun that her love had givin her, pulled up her dress bottom and strapped it to her lower leg with the barrell stuck in the top of her boot, just in case talkin wasn't enough.  She took a deep breath and out the door she went and carefully began down the stairs.

     Now, upon reaching the middle of the staircase she took a good look at the men at th table.  She instantly knew who they were and what she was up against.  As she reached the bottom two steps the tall one noticed her as well.

     As she approached their table she called out in a hospitable yet sturdy southern way.  "Mr Price, I hadn't expected you back here so soon"

     "Glad to see your still here Lily"  he said as he spit on the ground.

     "I'd appreciate you not spittin' on my floor, I'd be happy to grab a spittune fer ya if'n youd like."  Lily stated with her head held high.

     "Your floor! ya sayin' yer the new owner of this place?"  said the ugly, tall man as he began to chuckle.

     Lily looked him dead in the eye and smiled as she said  "I most certainly am and if you'd like ta do business with me you will kindly show me a bit more respect in the future, i would hope."

     Now, Stanley Price was a hired killer and she knew this, she also knew what he was after.  Lou had business with him and the package was more than likely the same money those others were after.   But now she had the upper hand and he knew it.  "Why don't you fellas have some breakfast and Stan you and I will meet this afternoon to conduct our business, is that alright with you.  I know why yer here and you know I'm not goin' anywhere."  They both nodded at each other and Lily walked to the back and into the kitchen.

     Stanley looked over at his companions and laughed "She's nothin but a whore, this is too easy!"
Just a lil ol' southern gal....gone out west   :)

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.  ... Thomas Paine

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #90 on: October 31, 2009, 05:39:46 PM »
Bill headed back over to the Mercantile and wrote down everything he could that described the men, just like Cyrus had told him to do.  Once he had finished he slipped the paper into a secret drawer behind the counter.

Back in the Grey Goose the three men quietly ate breakfast.  Stanley pulled some money from his pocket and gave the money and the list to Cole. "Buy the supplies we need for the trail, they are on that list."  

Cole replied, "We could just steal them, aint like there's anyone in this town that could stop us."

Stanley backhanded Cole out of his chair, Cole's hand went toward his gun, but he was already staring down the barrel of Stanley's weapon. Cole eased his hand away from his gun as Stanley growled quietly, "We don't cause trouble here, this is one of the few places a man on the run can find some safety in and I don't expect Lily to change that."  "Now do as I said, my business with Lily shouldn't take long, the envelope with the mining payroll schedules should have my name on it."  "They probably think we are after money, since Lou would often hide stolen goods in exchange for a small portion of the take."

"Now you and Charlie finish yer grub and then go do as I told ya too."
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Official Irish Whiskey Taster
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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #91 on: November 09, 2009, 12:24:53 AM »
     Lily went on with her own chores after having words with Stan, she tried to seem like she wasn't nervous.  After all he had been coming into town periodically to meet with Lou since before she ever came out west.  He was also one of her regulars.  She knew that she needed to make it clear to him that things have changed drastically, not just about the bar but that she no longer was a girl to be had by any men other than Leo.  This was going to take some careful planning because Stan was not the kind of man to take no for an answer, Hired guns usually aren't. 

     "George, I want you to tell anyone who asks for me that I had to go out fer a bit,"  Lily quietly said while in the back room.  "I won't be long and jus so ya know, I need to go on down to the root cellar but no one can know I'm in the building, alright?" 

     "I'll keep a watch fer ya Mamm, you can count on it." George answred back with a wink and a nod.

     She very quickly and quietly went down the old stairs, lite the lantern and shut the door behind her. I have to get those men out of town as quick as possible.  She thought to herself  But at the same time I need to be smart and conduct this business so they will want to leave.  Lily was scared but she knew she had to be level headed.   "There it is!" She said outloud.  And she took the small bag and sat down on a bench and began to look through it.  She already knew that the money was going to pay for the last job that Lou had hired him for, so since she didn't want any trouble she would just give it to him.  After all Lou was aware that Lily knew about his dealings with Stan and that she stayed out of his business and never got nosey.  She had figured it all out a long time ago that Lou was having people killed to try and close the mines so he could buy them up at a low rate.  But now was the time to stop this business and let the miners feel safe again.

     Then she noticed something else in the bag, an envelope.  She opened it slowely, it only took a few seconds to realize what it was, the payroll schedule for the mines.  "Theres no way in hell I will ever let them have this, and I know exactly what to do with it!"  Lily said outloud once again, as she placed it in the waistband of her dress.

     She knew she needed help.  "Leo, where are ya sugar, I need ya right now please hurry back"  Lily whispered to herself in hopes that somehow he would feel her calling him.  As she blew out the lamp, and shut the door behind her she stopped to say a small prayer for strength and continued back up the stairs.  On the way back she glanced over to Clara and gave a signal to have her meet up in Lil's room.

Just a lil ol' southern gal....gone out west   :)

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.  ... Thomas Paine

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #92 on: November 11, 2009, 02:26:21 PM »
Cyrus picked up the pace since Leonard seemed jumpy and kept insisting he needed to get back to Lily.  They rode into Prescott an odd little procession towing the dead slung over the mules.  Almost eveyone on the streets stopped and watched them pass, a few tipped their hat to the Marshal.  One woman in particular kept staring at Leonard.

They hitched their horses outside the jail and went inside, Leonard looked a bit nervous walking into a jailhouse.  The Sheriff listened to the story that Cyrus layed out and thanked Leonard for his public service.  He then proceeded outside and verified the identities of the wanted men.  As he was writing out a validation for the bounties one of his deputies walked up with the woman who had been staring at Leonard while they rode into town.  The deputy walked over and whispered something to the Sheriff at which point he turned to the woman and said, "Are you sure it's him?"  The woman replaid "Yes, I would never forget that face."

Leonard's hand slid toward his pistol, but Cyrus checked his arm's movement.  "Wait and hear them out", was all he said.

The Sheriff squared up and looked Leonard in the eyes, "According to the woman you killed a man and wounded his partner."  "The two of them had been terrorizing the townfolk and had stolen from them and threatened to kill anyone who spoke up."  "Their Sherrif was oof hunting a horse theif and wasn't in town at the time, whne you killed him the man was on his way to kill her husband for refusing to pay him so no harm would come to his store."  Seems like you have another bounty to collect on, it's only a hundred dollars, but that is no small sum."

The Sheriff went back into the jailhouseand went over to his desk and wrote out another voucher.

"Here Cyrus take him and the vouchers to the judge."

Cyrus and Leonard went over to the courthouse and the judge certified the vouchers, then Cyrus showed Leonard to the bank where they were able to cash the papers.  After that Cyrus shook Leonard's hand and thanked him for his help as he led him to the livery.  Cyrus had already left word and there was a fresh fast horse waiting for them. "Leonard I took the liberty of having a fresh fast horse prepared for your return.  He can probably get you there by tomorrow morning if you don't push him too hard.  I'll be along the day after with your horse, I still need the judge to prepare a writ so we can permanently swear in a Sheriff. "Good luck on your return journey, and stay safe I'm looking forward to swearing you in."
If ya can't be fast it's good to be Lucky!
Official Irish Whiskey Taster
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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #93 on: November 11, 2009, 02:40:04 PM »
Back at the Grey Goose Stanley went back in to meet with Lily in private. She handed him the money and explained that there was no envelope to be found, she even handed him the bag with all of Lou's possesions.  Stanley routed through the bag and satisfied himself that nothing was there other than some of Lou's memorabilia. Stanley asked Lily if she had removed anything from the bag.  Lily showed him the letter that was Lou's Last Will and Testament.

Stanley was extremely mad but he knew Lily wouldn't lie to him.  Lily politely expalined that she was no longer actively in the business when Stanly asked her if she would like to go upstairs, instead she suggested on of her other girls. He then wanted to know if the the Grey Goose was still a safe haven for him and his men, to which she indicated that at the moment it was, but that the town was coming back to life and growing and that a new Sheriff might not take the same view of things that Lou had.

Stanley understood this and went to fetch his men, they would have to scout out the mining payroll schedules themselves.  He walked down to the General Store rounded up his men and they mounted up and rode out.  Lily watched them ride out and realized that his would not be the last time she saw them.
If ya can't be fast it's good to be Lucky!
Official Irish Whiskey Taster
SASS 40271, WARTHOG, Darksider, Dirty RATS, RO2

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #94 on: November 11, 2009, 09:10:04 PM »
     Laney Stevens was an interesting man.  Born in Ohio and raised to be of even temper, he still had an inherent killer’s instinct.  A quiet sort of man that was always willing to raise a fellow’s spirit but when the chips were down he was hell.  He qualified as a sharpshooter when he joined the Army but never bragged about it.  When Laney got his marching papers, he was detached to a special outfit whose purpose was to get an edge on the Rebs when a grim battle was foreseen by the higher ups.  This suited Laney fine, he was a man of faith and felt he was saving more lives than he was taking with his job.  One day in a small town in Iowa they were called to a halt and ordered to set up camp.  There they would wait for a small group of soldiers from Kansas that would be joining them.  Specially trained men that fit right in with this crew.
       This unit had been together so long that most of the men were uneasy about the newcomers.  When the Kansas boys arrived at dusk there were mixed feelings throughout the camp.  There had been a couple of scuffles in camp that first night and Laney had stood back and watched.  He didn’t realize someone was watching him, and it was one of the Kansas boys.  The man quietly approached Laney and said, “Looks like they’s tryin’ ta put their heads together an form a rockpile.”
     The young man from Ohio burst out laughing and looked at the stranger.  The other man greeted him with a smile and stuck out his hand.  “Name’s Leonard, glad that gave you a chuckle, you must be a good ‘un stayin’ over here out a this mess.”
     Laney reached out and grasped the other man’s hand and said, “Stevens, Corporal Laney Stevens.”

     And that’s how their friendship had begun.  They spent hours together talking about childhood and girls they had known.  Laney learned all about Three Fingers Dod and how he came to be called by that.  Leonard learned of the tragedies that had stricken Laney’s family.  They had become brothers by the time Leonard left a battlefield severely injured and headed for home to try and save his leg.  Shortly after that skirmish Laney had been injured by a blade and it greatly affected his skills as a sharpshooter.  He took Leonard’s cue and left the war himself.  The stories he had heard of the west fascinated him, and that’s where he chose to go.  He would think of his old friend often as he traveled and wondered if they would meet again, or if Leonard was dead.  This subject was on his mind the day he road into a two bit town that would be known as Copper Run.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #95 on: November 11, 2009, 10:24:32 PM »
     Leo looked at the fine gelding offered to him.  It had the same coloring as Boy and the way it returned his gaze told him much.  He asked Cyrus, “Does this one have a name?” 
     “Didn’t ask, I just know he’s a runner,” was the reply.
     Leonard grinned and said, “Well he’s gotta name now.  Gonna call him Quatro.”
     Cyrus looked puzzled and asked “Four?”
     “Are you a religious man Marshall”.
     Cyrus looked at Leonard and said, “I do the best I can”.

     As Leonard checked the tack he said, “I wanna thank you fer stoppin’ me back there.  Listenin’ to you got me an extra hundred an’ this fine horse.  Tell ya the truth, I wouldn’t a known that lady from Eve.  I remember her now but I’ve been runnin’ so long it gets easy ta forget.”

     Cyrus watched as Leo mounted the horse and couldn’t help but ask, “Why Quatro?”
     “I’ll put it to ya this way Marshall, Ol’ boy over there is gonna be Seis once I get him back.  Way I see it Lily is doomed ta be Cinco, an if all goes right you’ll get back like ya said an’ be Siete”.  And then he laughed. 
     Cyrus took off his hat and scratched his head.  “Leo, do you need a rest, you aren’t making any sense?  What do Mexican numbers have to do with anything?”
     Leonard chuckled again an said, “My Mama was a religious gal an everything I just said makes perfect sense Cy.  That town has already seen Uno, Dos an Tres, time ta finsh the game.”  And with that, Leonard James Tanner road out of the corral and broke his new horse into a dead run leaving Cyrus to wonder what all that had meant.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #96 on: November 12, 2009, 05:25:19 AM »
Stanley arrived at his camp in a small canyon with only one entrance, the lookout waved him and the others through, and passed the signal back to the other men hidden along the winding canyon train into the camp.  Stanley had picked this hideout because they could ambush anyone who got nosey, or even fight off a Posse from superior positions.  Stanley had ridden for a while with Quantrell, and ambushes were something he was well schooled in. The camp was active,but only about ten of his men, including the lookouts were present.  About an hour or so later 15 more men came riding in, all in small groups of 3.  Stanley regularly sent men out to forage or to buy food from some of the small towns nearby.   He knew that smaller groups raised less suspicion, and it allowed his men to get to know townsfolk and learn valuable information.

Once the bulk of his men had gathered Stanley laid out his plan. "Lou is dead and he apparently died before he acquired the mine information.  I plan for you to go out in pairs to the saloons in these towns and befriend the miners you find there, if you can find someone who works in a paymasters office or a bank so much the better.  I'll give you money to ply them with liquor and women so you can try to find out the delivery schedules. Report back here when you have found something out.  This will delay the plan, but we will still be hitting those deliveries, there's too much money to be had to let this pass.

If ya can't be fast it's good to be Lucky!
Official Irish Whiskey Taster
SASS 40271, WARTHOG, Darksider, Dirty RATS, RO2

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #97 on: November 13, 2009, 10:43:07 PM »
     As Leonard road back to the town he thought of the lessons his mother had taught him, especially the Bible studies.  She seemed to have a better understanding of things than the church folks did.  He had begun to understand this as he and Cyrus were about to enter Prescott and his mind had been processing it ever since. 

     One evening when Leonard was young his mother had set down with him for the nightly studies and they worked on his spelling for a bit and then his arithmetic.  The boy was starting to get tired when his Mother fetched her Bible.  He had asked her why he had to do this at home when it was Parson Willits’ job to tell those stories on Sunday.  His mother looked at him patiently and said, “The Parson is a good man but do you understand all those stories he tells?”
     Leonard looked up at her answered, “Well I understand I’m supposed ta be good ta folks and respect you and Pa”.
      “But what about the other stories Leo?  What do they mean to you?”
     Leo cocked his head and said, “Well I reckon not much.  Just a bunch of stuff that happened a long time ago”.
     His mother kept her patient tone and said, “ Leo, those stories are important and it’s my job to tell them to you in a way you will understand”.  She looked at him in way he had never seen before and said, “Do you want to know what I believe?”
     “Sure Ma”.  Leonard figured everything else she said was true, so this shouldn’t be any different.
     “Well young man, I believe that those stories are more than just history.  I believe that they happen over and over again in every place you can imagine and the key is to recognize one happening around you when you see it and knowing what to do.  Those stories were put there for a reason far beyond being a record of ancient times.  You could end up being a character in any of them.  You may not like the part you’re handed to play but every man serves a purpose”.  She paused a moment and continued, “Do remember when your father brought home that new rifle?” 
     Leonard thought back and replied, “Yes Ma’am!”
     “Do you remember that it came with a book?”  Young Leonard nodded.  She continued, “That book didn’t just tell him where the rifle came from and how it was made, it told him how to handle it and what to do with it if things weren’t working right.  It also told him how to keep it working right so there wouldn’t be a problem to fix.”  She looked down at her Bible and said, “I believe this book is intended for the same purpose”.
     That night he had heard a story about a dream a man had had.  His mother said he most likely wouldn’t understand it and explained it the best she could.  Now, here on the trail back to Lily he understood it very well and had come to realize on his way into Prescott that his mother had been right.  That story was unfolding before his very eyes and he was most definitely a character in it, and no, he didn’t care much for his part.  His cryptic discussion with Cyrus had been his way of reconciling it all.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #98 on: November 14, 2009, 01:01:20 AM »
     As the lunchtime crowd began to thin out Clara watched a calm Stanley make his way down the stairs and motion to his men to go on outside.  She took a deep breath and whispered "Good Ridence!" to herself as she watched Stanley, Cole and Charlie slowley mount up and ride out of town without causing any trouble.  She thought this was odd, but she counted her blessings knowing that Lily must have convinced Stanley that she didn't know anything, however, this made Clara even more uneasy so she thought she would go back up to check on her new boss and see if she was allright.

     "Llily, are you in there"  She asked as she quietly knocked on the door.
     "Yes Clara come on in,"  Lily answered from the chair near the window "would you kindly have a seat with me for a moment, I do believe I could use a drink, how about you join me?"
     "I'd love to Miss Lily," Clara slowley sat down with her in front of the window and the ladies just sat in silence for a few minutes while taking in their new reality.  Then the girl mustered up the voice to carefully say,  "Lil, I sure am glad that there was no trouble.  Do ya think they'll be back?"

     "It's only a matter a time Clara, I think I've managed to buy us some though, hopefully enough till Leo gets back.  But I'm tellin' ya,  I may not have any fingernails left by then!"  Lily stated as the girls nervously began to chuckle.

     "If'n ya don' mind Mamm, may I please suggest that we get some temporary help until Leo gets here, just-n-case he's runnin' a might late or they come back sooner than expected?"  Clara asked nervously.

     "That would probably be the best way to be prepared I would imagine, who'd ya got in mind Clara, anybody in particular?"

     "Well, I would like fer ya to get to know the young man I've been seein' lately, his name is Laney and he is quiet, honest, smart, kind and I could say he can shoot better than anyone I've ever seen.  He is over at the livery workin' on his saddle, that's what his trade was before the war.  Please, Lil would ya just talk to him, I'd be happy ta fetch him over to meet with you?"   Clara asked excitedly.

     "I'd say yer a pretty good judge of character Clara and I don't have much ta choose from at the moment so I'd be happy if'n you'd ask him to come and talk to me about working for me here at the bar for a bit.  Do ya think he's planning on stayin' for a while?"

     "He said he was looking for work over at the livery, but I'm sure he'd be glad to help us once he know's your situation"  Clara said excitedly.  

     "You'd better let me talk to him about what's goin' on Clara, you jus run a fetch him fer me, I'll handle the rest Sugar."  Lily smiled, she was happy with the options opening up to her now even though she did have one more ace in the hole with Dodson.  She'd hoped that she would be speaking to him as well, after all he was a friend of Leo's.  "Now, why don't ya run and fetch that man a yers so we can have a palaver.  Oh, and Clara, This is all jus between you and me, do you understand?  I don't need anyone else ta know my business."  Lily gave her a look like Clara had seen from Lou before.

     "Oh yes Mamm, Miss Lily you can count on me" Clara replied.  "I'll be right back with Laney."  Clara hurried out the door and down the stairs.

     Lily went downstairs to check on the bar and it's customers and to go about business as usual.  Constantly looking over her shoulder just in case.  Nobody had any idea that she had anything to be nervous about.  She actually began to relax and enjoy the rest of her day.  She met with Laney and was very impressed with her friends choice.  She agreed to hire him temporarily until her partner had returned from Prescott.  She never mentioned Leo's name during this conversation so she had no idea what fate had in store for her later.  But she felt better and safer for the time being.  

     Now, evening was about to begin and the bar was just beginning to fill up with patrons, "Hey, Dodsaon, how are ya?"  Lily met him at the bar to buy him a drink.  "How about we have us a little talk, I believe I may have a proposition fer ya."

Just a lil ol' southern gal....gone out west   :)

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.  ... Thomas Paine

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Re: back to civilization
« Reply #99 on: November 14, 2009, 02:03:07 AM »
  Lily brought Dodson over to her private table to talk about what was going on.  She confided everything about Stanley and the money and the envelope to him.  She knew she had to tell him everything so that he could protect her and her business from anything that may come until Leo's arrival back to town.  She knew that Leo had asked him to look after her before he left and that he would do everything he could for his lifelong friend.  She also informed Dodson that she had temporarily hired Laney earlier that day to look after the place as her eyes and ears and for protection of her girls and such.

     Dodson agreed without hesitation to her request.  "You may be suprised at my tactics, I suppose you get to see first hand what a so called Drunk can do when he's not really impared, you, my lady will be the only one who will know the truth about my sobriety tonight.  It's atually the best way to not be seen as a threat to any one making trouble.  So just you don't fret and everything will be o.k., and on that note, I'll be headed back to the bar to my post."  Dodson gave a wink to Lily and walked back up to his stool.

     Later that evening as the piano was being played, laughter filled the air and the patrons were having a good time Lily's girls were happily working their magic.  Laney made his way to the bar for a drink and happened to sit next to Dodson.  Lily noticed and went to introduce them. "Gentlemen, how are we all this evening, are ya all havin' a good time I hope?," she said as she looked over to Laney.  then she began, "Laney, I would like to introduce you to my friend who you'll be working with, this is Mr. Dodson and Dod, this is the young man Laney I told you of earlier, he'll be joining our forces this weekend."

     Laney looked at Mr. Dodson and said with bright big eyes, "You wouldn't happen to be called Three-Fingers by some would ya?"

     "Why as a matter of fact I would, how the hell did ya hear about me young man?"  Dodson wondered as he answered.

     "I spent a lot of time traveling with a man that said he grew up with ya, his name was Leonard Tanner, do ya know him?"

     "Why shut my mouth and call me crazy!"  Dodson replied, "Who the hell do ya think asked me to stay here till he got back?"

     And on that note, the two men had alot to talk about for the rest of the evening, needless to say new-old friends began to get to know each other at that very moment.  This would become a duo to be reckoned with until Leo could return.

     Lily was overjoyed knowing that she would be protected better than she could have ever imagined.  "Thank God" was all she could say.  

     By the end of the evening she said goodnight to all, closed the bar and went upstairs for a good nights rest and to be ready  to begin a new day tomarrow.  After all Leo should be home soon.
Just a lil ol' southern gal....gone out west   :)

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.  ... Thomas Paine


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