Author Topic: Adadoda* (solo short)  (Read 18161 times)

Offline Patches McDuff

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Re: Adadoda* (solo short)
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2004, 09:35:17 AM »
"Tell you what," Patches said with a little chuckle and a tilt of her head. "That was one hellova party!" She looked at 'Sleep who simply sat there with an odd little smile on his face.

"I reckon so!" He said finally. "So were you adopted after that?"

"Yep," she said. "May 28th 1866 saw me before the Elders all dressed up fancy. I was inducted into the Anitsisqua Clan. Clan of the Bird." She laid her finger on the side of her nose and smiled, her eyes shining. "The messengers."

'Sleep chuckled. "I'd say that fits. Yer still doin that job well," he winked. "What did your totem turn out to be?"

"Snowy Owl, believe it or not," she said. "It was kinda strange to me at first cuz the Snowy's don't generally migrate that far south, but Silver Tree had seen them on occastion years before. At one point she found a dead one, and saved its wings. She gave'em to me as a token."

"Whatja do with'em?" Sleep asked around his pipe.

"Used some of the feathers to decorate my pouches, some on my dresses, wore a couple in my hair." She shrugged one shoulder. "The usual stuff."

'Sleep leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees. "You think the white wings in your dreams when you were sick were owl not angel?"

She looked at him. "Oh definately. Lotsa stuff came clear in those moments."

"That's sumpthin," he said. "Ya want more coffee?"

"Ack, no thanks," she said. "I are prit near coffee'd out."

"Sleep laughed. "Me too." He set his cup down. "But Im kinda likin' this fire and I get the feelin you aint done with yer story yet."

Patches rolled her eyes. "Persistant aintcha?"

"You know it," he said as he put more wood in the chiminea. "So what happened next? Anything exciting?"

Patches leaned back and put her feet up on the table. "Nope. In fact, just the opposite. The next year was just filled with peace and quiet."

"Ever hear from the tribes in the Nations? Did they beat the Yankee's?"

"Yep, they sent a messenger a few months later with news on how it went. We lost a lot of good men, but they turned the soldiers back."

Sleep nodded. "Good. Then alla that wasn't fer nuthin. Ya musta been proud of yerself fer doin a good job like that."

Patches tilted her head. "I think Father had enough pride for ten people," she said thoughtfully. "I was more humbled by the experience."

'Sleep looked at her. "Why?"

She thought about that, then shrugged. "Donno really," she said looking back at  him. "I was just doin what I knew how to do, yanno? Wasn't really a job, but ..." she trailed off.

"Nah," 'Sleep said with a wave of his hand. "Ya earned braggin rights."

Patches smiled softly. "Earnin braggin' rights don't neccessarily mean takin braggin rights. I just felt this overwhelming sense of honor. Felt like I was chosen to do something in a grander scheme of things. Little speck like me don't get that kinda opportunity often." She tilted her head to look at him straight on. "Does that make sense?"

'Sleep reached over and patted her shoulder gently. "Yeah. Makes a lotta sense."

The two were quiet for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. To Patches every memory her mind cought hold of seemed so clear as they played out over the darkened Texas ranch. So far away those times, yet so near.

"Never felt such peace in my entire life," she said softly. "Not before or since. I had a home there, a life, work, family. It was beautiful."

"You miss it." It was a statement more than a question.

Patches nodded. "Sometimes, when I'm feeling kinda low. Will always be grateful for the time we had though." She looked at him sideways. "Yanno I almost got married."

'Sleeps head snapped around. "Really?"

Patches laughed. "Really, really. Hard to believe huh? Irish girl like me becoming an out and out squaw?" She shook her head and stared out over the veranda wall. "But when I first saw him I thought my heart was gonna pound outta my chest."

"Uh...Patches?" 'Sleep now totally intrigued. "Saw who? I can pretty much guess you ain't talkin about Bill."

Patches smiled. "His name was Big Heart," she said. "Little Skunk's eldest son." Her eyes got that far away look for a moment, then she brought herself back. "Donno if I ever told Bill this story, now that I'm thinkin about it. But he's a good man and I love him. I"m sure he'd understand."

"I'm sure," 'Sleep said comfortingly. "But didn't Little Skunk's sons die in the war?"

"All but Big Heart, he survived. But like most of us he was told that all his family was dead and I guess the tribe too. So instead of looking or going home he took a job out west scouting. A visit to the Nations on one trip told him different and he ran back home."

"Wow. Bet Little Skunk was overjoyed."

Patches laughed. "To say the least! I'll never forget the look on his face that day. It was a perfect day too. Late June '67. Wasn't a cloud in the sky, the air was warm, a soft breeze ablowin the smells of the land all over. Dang." She shook her head. "Days like that don't happen often."

"Hmmm," 'Sleep leaned back and puffed  his pipe. "I remember days like that. Specially with  the wild flowers bloomin'."

"Yep," she agreed. "I usta pick'em and put'em in our wigwam. Father never said anything about them but I knew he enjoyed'em. I think he loved havin a daughter as much as I loved bein one."

"So where were you when Big Heart returned?"

Patches laughed. "In our wigwam, cookin supper."

'Sleep prit near launched himself out of his chair he sat up so quick. "You cooked?! With alla the jokes runnin' around this crew about yer horrible cookin I figured ya never learned the skill."

Patches shot him a look of distain. "Never said I couldn't cook, only said I couldn't cook onna stove. Y'all never let me cook on the trail cuz Ella has that covered." She winked at him. "Gimme a good open fire, some meat, herbs and wild vegitables and I'll make ya a feast!"

"Huh," 'Sleep sat back shaking his head. "Who'da thunk it. So what was you cookin'?"

Patches grinned. "Deer. The hunt had been good that year, amazingly enough, with always havin' to stay one step ahead of the soldiers. But Father liked his steaks, so I made'em. I was just gettin' the food on the table so to speak, when I realized I could no longer hear Father outside. See he was in front of the wigwam cuttin' kindling with his tomahawk while I was cookin. In fact, now that I think on it, I didnt ever hear so much silence in camp....."

Offline Patches McDuff

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Re: Adadoda* (solo short)
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2004, 10:17:52 AM »
"Father!" Many Colors called from inside the wigwam. She had just tossed a few peices of thick fat to the two dogs that had taken up residence with them. She called one Bandit because he had dark circles arounds his eyes that made her think of a mask. The other one she named Fox because the color down her back and her fluffy tail were similar. Soon Fox would have puppies. These were the two dogs that had kept her warm when she had been sick. "Food is ready! Come and eat!"

Little Skunk smiled to himself as he cut another peice and tossed it on the pile. His Little One had come a long way since he first brought her, proving herself over and over that she was indeed an asset to him and the tribe as a whole. He was very proud. "I will be right there Little One!" He called back. "Almost finished now."

"Hurry please, before it gets cold!" She knew how he enjoyed his food practically straight off the fire.

Little Skunk chuckled a bit. He put his tomahawk down and stretched his back. Little One would have a bowl of water near the eating area so that he could wash his hands, but he dusted them off on his pants anyway. No sense in bringing more dust into the wigwam. She was very good at keeping thier little home organized and neat.

He had just stooped to pick up a few peices of kindling to take inside when a voice called out to him softly from behind.


He knew that voice as well as he knew his own. He straightened up hardly daring to believe, and turned around slowly, the kindling falling to the ground unheeded.

"Big Heart?" He said as he cought sight of the man standing there. He was tall, broad in the chest and shoulders, slim in the waist. His legs clad in army pants, his boot mocs tied to his knees. He was bare chested but wore a choker. The same choker his mother had made for him years ago. His hair was long and dark, his skin tanned, his eyes of the deepest blue. It was obvious he favored his Cherokee mother but his eyes were just like his fathers.

"It is I, Father." Big Heart replied with a small smile. Little Skunk could do no more than drink in the sight of his son with his eyes.

Inside, Many Colors was puttering about when Bandit raised his head and growled softly. Then she noticed the silence. Either something was wrong or Father had got distracted again. She sighed and made her way to the opening.

"Father!" She scolded as she came bursting out. "Your food is getting...." she trailed off her eyes lighting on the man standing there. Her breath cought in her throat and her heart pounded in her chest. She'd never seen such a magnificent man. "...cold." She finished her voice barely a whisper.

Big Heart's eyes flicked to her. She was pretty to say the least. Her doe skin dress exquisitly beaded, her long red braids falling nearly to her waist. Green eyes the color of twilight on the pines.

"Father," He said finally. "You have taken a wife?"

"Uh..." Little Skunk stammered trying to quell the dizzy feeling in his head. "No." He held an arm out to her and she stepped up. "This is Many Colors, my daughter. Adopted last year." His voice still rang of total shock.

Big Heart's smile touched his eyes. "It seems I have a very beautiful sister."

Many Colors blushed to the roots of her hair.

By this time, someone had walked by, realized what was going on and went running to gather the rest of the tribe. People were starting to quietly gather toward them.

Finally the haze over Little Skunk's mind cleared. "You are alive." He stated the obvious. Big Heart laughed.

"Yes, Father," he said. "And finally home."

With that the two men stepped forward and embrased each other. A cheer went up from the group behind them. After many welcoming greetings from the rest of the tribe Mountain Bear announced that they should celebrate.

Silver Tree, however, nudged him in the ribs. "Let them in peace for tonight Mountain Bear. Let them be a family. We can celebrate tomorrow."

Mountain Bear conceded to her wisdom. "Tomorrow we celebrate the return of Big Heart!" He announced. "Make ready your preperations!"

Another cheer went up and everyone scuttled off.

Many Colors had taken the opportunity to go back into the wig wam and make more food. She was just setting it out when Little Skunk and Big Heart entered.

"My heart is filled with joy, my son," Little Skunk said as he sat crosslegged by the fire. "You are staying? My wigwam will be full again?"

Big Heart smiled at Many Colors as she handed him his food. Again she blushed, still unable to say much of anything. "Yes, Father. I plan to stay. I am weary of traveling and fighting. I seek peace again."

"Hmmm," Little Skunk agreed. "I know that feeling." He smiled. "Welcome  home. I will make you a pallet after we eat."

Many Colors had just sat down between the two men with her own food. "Already done, Father," She pointed to the corner, past the dogs.

Little Skunk smiled his pride. "She works without hesitation," he stated.

"Mmm," Big Heart said around a mouthful of meat. "And cooks like mother. I say this is a good thing."

Many Colors was honored by the compliment. Of course Little Skunks wife had died many years before and so all she knew of her was what others had said. Little Skunk was reluctant to talk about her often, as her death still cut him deeply. She smiled her thanks.

"So," Little Skunk said. "Tell me of your adventures."

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Re: Adadoda* (solo short)
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2004, 10:44:32 AM »
"I swear they talked all night long," she said with a fond smile and a little shake of her head.

"What did you do all that time?" Tensleep asked feeling a little of what she felt all those years ago. Home, family, a wonderfully surprising reunion. He reckoned he felt like that now, here at the Southern Star. His deputies and Scarlets family being his family now.

She looked at him. "Me? Aw I just sat and listened. I'd never seen Father so happy or so content." She chuckled some. "And of course I couldn't take my eyes off Big Heart. I was content to serve, keep the fire going and not say much."

"Couldn't keep yer eyes offa him huh?" Tensleep chided.

"Yeah well, there I was bein a girl for prolly the first time in my life. Certain things I didn't understand completely at the time were goin through my mind. Late bloomer I guess but boy it felt good. Of course, he was theoretically my brother so I didn't take no stock in what I was feelin. Just kinda chalked it up to excitment and left it at that."

"Yeah, but ya said ya almost married him," Tensleep reminded. "If ya chalked it up to excitment only AND ya saw him as your "brother", then how'd alla that come about?"

Patches snorted. "Well it seems that the Cherokee had a different way of doin' things, specially when it came to half breeds. See, Father is one half Indian and half white, which made Big Heart one quarter white and three quarters Indian. Me I was just white AND adopted, so there was no blood relation between me and Big Heart. Naturally all girls should eventually find a mate. Silver Tree and Mountain Bear had a few bucks in mind fer me, and Little Skunk would'a been happiest if'n I didn't marry at all. So there was little debate when I showed no interest in them other bucks." She giggled and raised one finger. "However! I was of a different clan than Little Skunk and Big Heart." She leaned forward. "See, people of the same clan are considered blood relation, so one can't inter-marry with clan members. But I was Bird and they was Wolf, so that didn't count either. I guess they just realized when it became obvious that Big Heart and I were more than just sister and brother, that white is white and Indian is Indian and who has the right to put a stop to love?"

"Dang," 'Sleep muttered scratching his head. "Ain't never heard of such a complicated thing for somethin' so simple."

Patches laughed. "The way of the People is simply complicated," she said with a wink. "But once ya git the concept it works out real good."

"So how long did it take ya ta figger out yer feelin's," He asked. Then quickly added, "If that aint too personal acorse."

She held up her hand and shook her head. "Nah. Its part of the story I reckon. Believe it or not it took prit near a year. Three seasons at least. Not long into fall he began giving me little gifts. We'd spend a great deal of time with eachother. I made him a new shirt, with beading. By winter he'd be runnin around with the other bucks, he'd stop to show off whenever he thought I was lookin'." She laughed with the memory. "At home, inside the wigwam we'd share stories and secrets. I don't think there was anything we couldn't tell eachother."

"Uh-huh," Sleep said. "Kinda like you and Bill."

Patches smiled. "Didn't think I could ever feel so deeply for a man again. Bill changed all that. I guess I just have a sense of what's supposed to be. Know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I think so," he said after thinking for a minute. There's just some things you KNOW to be true, even when no one tells you such. "So why'd it take so long?"

Patches frowned. "Well, I kinda had another suitor," she sighed. "In the form of Running Wolf."

"Aw geez," 'Sleep rolled  his eyes. "How'd I know he was gonna come up in this? Din't you say he had a wife and kids though?"

"HAD," she looked at  him, "bein the key word. His wife and two of his children died in a storm that spring. The other child was taken by his sister for raisin'. That's the way of the Tribe. Men don't raise babies by themselves. So, he was on the lookout for another wife. Personally I was clueless until it became apparent that me and Big Heart were fond of eachother....."


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Re: Adadoda* (solo short)
« Reply #23 on: Today at 01:39:00 AM »

Offline Patches McDuff

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Re: Adadoda* (solo short)
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2004, 11:17:39 AM »
Running Wolf scowled as he leaned with his back against a tree, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. He watched the women tanning hides, listening to their endless prattle. He did not like what he was hearing.

"You should be proud, Many Colors," Little Tree said. She was Silver Tree's eldest daugher. "Between Little Skunk and Big Heart you have the most meat and the largest hides."

Many Colors smiled softly. "I am." She said continuing to scrape the hide she was currently working on. After this one she had two more to do.

"What will you do with that one?" She asked, sitting up for a moment to stretch her back.

"Mmmm," Many Colors tilted her head. "I think I will make britches for Big Heart. His army pants are becoming thread bare and I do not like the color." To this day that deep blue gave her the chills.

Little Tree smiled brightly. "Will you bead them?" Many Colors had gotten quite the reputation for beading. It was, after all, the reason they called her Many Colors to begin with. She was an expert at trading for beads, making beads from bone and antler, and she had more beads in more colors than all the women of the tribe put together.  All of her own dresses had beads and whenever someone of the tribe needed beading done, they would come to her, usually trading pelts or other useful items for her work.

"Of course," she said with that little smile again. She had worked out a beautiful pattern just the other night and had set out the beads for them already. "I will begin as soon as these are scraped and drying."

"What colors will you use?" Little Tree was truely interested. She was not one much for beading although she loved the way it looked.

"White, red, black, yellow, and a little blue," she returned. "It will have a medicine wheel pattern."

Little Tree sat up and looked at her friend. "Medicine wheel?"

"Yes," she said not looking up, but moving to another section of the hide. "To bring  him luck. Keep him safe."

"You worry about him." Little Tree stated.

Many Colors shrugged one shoulder. "He is my brother."

Little Tree laughed. "He is more to you than brother."

Many Colors looked up sharply. "What do you mean?"

"Oh please," Little Tree rolled her eyes. "Are you the only one who cannot see it?"

"See what?" Many Colors asked as she finally straightened up herself.

Little Tree rolled her eyes. "The way you look at each other, the way you speak to each other, the things you do for each other. Really Many Colors, it is so obvious!"

"Don't be silly," she said as she returned to her work. "He is my brother."

Little Tree shook her head and bent to her own work once again. There was silence between the two women for a time. Then: "You are not of the same clan."

"So?" Many Colors looked up at her.

"You are not blood relation, only adopted." Little Tree's lips curled in a half smile as she glanced up at her friend.

"So?" What exactly was she getting at here?

"You are both white." Little Tree said as if it were a great revelation.

Many Colors sighed. "So?"

"He is a great hunter." Little Tree could hardly keep herself from laughing out loud.

Many Colors put down her scraping tool and straightened up. She put her hands on her hips. "What are you saying Little Tree?"

Little Tree grinned. "I'm saying that there are no boundries between you. If you were to fall in lo--"

Many Colors held up her hand, stopping Little Tree in mid-sentance. "He is my brother."

Little Tree sighed, but said nothing more. She could see her friends mind working as she scraped with more enthusiasm though. This caused her to smile softly to herself.

"Will you dance behind him at the Sun Dance?" Little Tree asked after a while. Many Colors had gotten up to stretch one of the other hides.

"If he asks me," she returned. "Otherwise I will dance behind Father as usual."

Little Tree got up to help her with the stretching. One beautiful thing about the People, they never let another work alone unless that was wished. It was a way of sharing. No one person would carry a burden by themselves.

"He will ask you," Little Tree predicted confidently.

"What makes you say that?" Many Colors asked.

Little Tree let out a little giggle. "Because here he comes now."

Many Colors turned around quickly. Sure enough here he came, walking toward her confidently, smiling. Slowly she stood to greet him.

"You work quickly Many Colors," he said as he approached. He smiled handsomly and his eyes shown.

"You bring me big hides," she smiled back. She couldn't help it. "I would not want them to spoil."

He frowned a little. "I do not mean to make more work for you."

She shook  her head. "I don't mind." Her voice was soft as she glanced down at the hides. She looked up at him again and seemed to get lost in the light of his eyes. There was silence for a time.

"Uh..." He shook himself out of his revery. "I have something for you." He brought his hands around from behind his back. "A new loom. I made it. Yours seemed a bit worn." He paused to watch her smile brighten her face as she took it from him. "And you do so much work with them. I thought ...."

"It is beautiful," she said looking to him again. It was true. He had obviously spent a great deal of time on it. "Thank you. I will use it well."

Big Heart nodded with a small smile. "Also," he said clearing his throat. "I wanted to ask you something."

She set the loom down near the hides and looked up at him quizzically. Would he ask her now? She hoped with all her heart.

This little interraction was more than Running Wolf could stand, however. He pushed himself off the tree, grabbed the bundle at his feet and strode over to the gathering.

Big Heart had taken her hand. "Many Colors, would you honor me by--"

"Many Colors," Running Wolf said harshly as he approached, interrupting Big Hearts words. She looked to the sound of his voice and her face fell.

"Running Wolf," she said. He threw the bundle at her feet. It came open.

"You will tan these hides for me." It was an order, not a request.

"My sister has enough to do," Big Heart stated with more than a little malace in his voice. "Ask  Willow Fawn or Speckled Deer."

"I will have hides tanned by Many Colors," Running Wolf spat, pointing to the bundle. "And she will dance behind me at the Sun Dance."

Many Colors' eyebrows rose. "I will?" She didn't mean it to sound like such a surprise, but then again, she didn't  mean to speak out loud either. Everyone knew Running Wolf had gall, but he had not even properly asked.

Running Wolf's eyes narrowed as if he were daring her to defy his wishes. "You will."

Suddenly a feeling of dread coursed through her body. "I...." she started.

"Many Colors cannot dance behind you, Running Wolf," Big Heart stepped up beside her protectively. She could tell by the way his body moved that there would be no hesitation should Running Wolf make any untoward move. Big Heart would be more than happy to kill him.

That almost made her smile.

"Why not?" Running Wolf demanded, his voice sounding like that of a petulant child.

"Because," Big Heart stated cupping her elbow in his strong hand. "She has already agreed to dance behind me." He looked down at her. "Isn't that right Many Colors." His hand squeezed her elbow.

"Umm..yes. Yes. That is right." She said through a dry mouth. Suddenly she was dizzy. She wasn't sure if she was dizzy because of Big Hearts touch or if she was dizzy because of Running Wolfs brazeness. She leaned closer to Big Heart, not aware that she had done it.

"You lie," Running Wolf growled accusingly. His whole body tenced as if he were ready to attack.

Now Many Colors was offended. If he had not so rudely interrupted Big Heart would have asked and she would have said yes. Thus Big Heart's words were not a lie, they were a not-yet-spoken truth.

Lying was, by definition, a serious offence among the People and it was not tolerated any more than stealing or murder. There was just no cause to do these things.

Big Heart glared at Running Wolf but instead of challenging him or exchanging more words he turned to Many Colors. He took both her hands in his. "Then I will ask again, so that all is clear." He stated. "Many Colors, will you honor me by dancing behind me at the Sun Dance?"

She relaxed some. Big Heart was not only brave and strong, but wise also. Running Wolf could not refute a truth heard by his own ears.

"Again," she said before Running Wolf could interrupt again. "I say yes." She rewarded Big Heart with a smile not only of gratitude but also of relief.

Big Heart nodded with a return smile of his own then turned to Running Wolf. "You have heard, Running Wolf. Now take your hides to another and leave us alone."

Running Wolf was so angry he had no words. He bent to pick up the hides but Many Colors pushed them away with her foot.

"No," she said feeling much more confident although she didn't let go of Big Heart's hand. "I can tan the hides. They are small."

That added insult to injury. The small comment jibed at his inablity to hunt big game, that she agreed to tan them served to show him that she held no malace. "Being kind to your enemy is like putting hot coals upon their heads"--a passage from a book obtained by long ago teachings that still resided in a box by her pallet.

"I will expect no flaw," Running Wolf stated, then turned on his heal and stomped away.

Many Colors and Big Heart watched him go and when he was out of sight, Many Colors sighed and leaned against him heavily.

"He worries me," she said softly into Big Hearts shoulder. He lifted her chin with his fingers.

"Worry not," he said cupping her cheek. "I'll not let anything happen to you."

She should have kissed him then. But her heart was so full of conflicting emotions she couldn't do anything more than smile gratefully and nod her head. He returned her smile and then simply walked away. She watched after him, not failing to notice he turned back to look at her twice before he reached his destination--Silver Tree's wigwam.

She knelt, glancing up at Little Tree who was working and listening the whole time. Little Tree just shook her head and smiled as if to say "I told you so."

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Re: Adadoda* (solo short)
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2004, 01:16:36 PM »
"Yanno," Tensleep said though clentched teeth. "That kinda stuff just pisses me off."

"Hmm," Patches agreed. "Father and Big Heart weren't too happy either."

"Didja tell Little Skunk about it?" He asked.

"Nah." She said. "I din't think it was anything I couldn't handle, and Big Heart was never far. Yanno Father was a kind and loving man for the most part. But when his dander got up there was no stoppin'im."

"You didn't wanna get his dander up." 'Sleep said with a little nod. "I reckon I could understand that."

"I didn't see any reason to, at least not yet. I mean all Running Wolf had done so far was annoy the crap outta me and be demanding. He hadn't touched me or anything like that. But Father had his own ways of finding things out."

"Oh yeah? What happened?"

Patches smiled. "He's a very observant man...."

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Re: Adadoda* (solo short)
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2004, 02:00:12 PM »
Little Skunk stood outside the wigwam, watching his daughter, thoughtfully chewing on a small twig. She had fixed them an excellent meal, but had taken hardly any for herself. As soon as the meal was finished, she had gone outside, taking several of her bowl-lights with her.

He watched as she lit the bowl-lights, and set them around her tanning area.

The bowl-lights were interesting things. A few months ago she had discovered that boiling the green bayberries which grew all over the place produced some sort of wax. She poured the stuff into small wooden bowls, setting in the center a piece of twine pulled from a rope. When lit these little devises burned brightly and let off a spicey scent through out the wigwam. They also allowed her to work at night, when the dreams woke her or she simply couldn't sleep, without waking himself or Big Heart.

Now she was lighting them in order to work the hides. That in itself was a strange thing, as it was nearly sundown. Hardly any woman worked past sundown outside.

Little Skunk threw the stick down and ducked into the wigwam. He took up his pipe and sat crosslegged in front of his son. He filled the pipe, lit it from a flaming kindling, drew, puffed and passed it to his son.

"Why does Little One tan hides in the dark?" He asked as Big Heart passed the pipe back.

Big Heart sighed. "She had a confrontation with Running Wolf today."

Little Skunk's eyebrows rose. "Running Wolf? Did he touch her?"

Big Heart shook his head. "No, but he may have if I were not there." Quickly, but accurately, Big Heart related the events of earlier. "She works to tan his hides as quickly as possible."

"He has no right to demand anything of her," Little Skunk said trying to keep the creeping anger out of his voice. How dare he! "Ever since she was chosen to take the message to the Nations, Running Wolf has been upset. I can see his eyes on her and he is angry."

Big Heart sat up. "She rode a message to the Nations?"

"You did not hear?" Little Skunk thought he would have heard since he discovered the life of the tribe in the same place.

"No," Big Heart said. "All they said was a relative of ours came. I thought it might have been Eyes Like the Sky." Eyes Like the Sky was Little Skunk's youngest son.

Little Skunk shook his head. "No. She volenteered, at that point she had no standing in the Tribe." He related the story, and by the time he was done, Big Heart was smiling.

"She is a brave and strong woman," he said softly, his big heart filled with pride.

"Hmph," Little Skunk snorted. "She is a brave and strong man." Big Heart looked up at him quizzically. Little Skunk smiled. "When she wants to be. Silver Tree at first thought that she would not find a mate for Little One due to her strength."

Big Heart hoisted himself into a sitting position, also crosslegged. "A strong woman deserves a strong man." He looked his Father straight in the eye. "Running Wolf is not that strong." He paused for a moment, thinking and smoking.

"Father," he said finally. "I have sought council about Many Colors."

"And?" Little Skunk said raising his eyebrows.

"And it is the thoughts of the Tribe that she and I would make good mates." He swallowed hard, not sure of his fathers reaction.

"Do you love her?" Little Skunk asked in English. He studied his sons face. His eyes never wavered.

"With all I am." He stated in the same way.

"Have you talked to her?" Little Skunk said reverting back to Cherokee.

"Not yet," he said leaning back some. "She has agreed to dance behind me at the Sun Dance. I was hoping to ask her officially then. But I wanted your blessings first."

Little Skunk nodded, puffing on the pipe. "That is right." He said, then his face broke into a slow smile. "You have my blessings."

Big Heart grinned.

"And perhaps with something more official, Running Wolf will leave her alone," he continued, then nodded once. "Otherwise I'll have to skin him."

"I'm sure he will leave her alone," Big Heart stated. How could he not? Official was official after all. And with the whole tribe's blessings he could not refute it.

"Hmmm," Little Skunk murmered in agreement. He'd keep his eye on him anyway though. Running Wolf was notoriously sneaky.

Offline Patches McDuff

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Re: Adadoda* (solo short)
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2004, 02:38:22 PM »
"Hmm," 'Sleep said. "Tell me after the Sun Dance, Running Wolf let up."

Patches sighed. "No. Actually after that it kinda got worse but in a weird sorta way."

'Sleep leaned forward. "Whatcha mean?"

"Well," she thought about it some. "He didn't say or do anything, but he was always near. Watching. I mean every time I turned around, he was there."

"Bet that gave ya the creeps," Sleep said.

Patches shivered. "Yeah. Like you wouldn't believe. Truth be told I started wearing my knife in easier reach. Just in case. I've seen what happens to women who were molested but didn't fight hard enough. Not a pretty thing, and I considered myself one of the People, just like everybody else."

'Sleep smiled. "You din't lose any of yer fight though."

"Nah," she said. "I guess ya don't come through a war, a raid, and God knows whatall else and just forget what you can do. That made me kinda sad though."

"Why's that?" Sleep asked relighting his pipe.

"Cuz I liked bein a girl," She said with little chuckle. "Was nice to not have to protect myself or pretend to be something I'm not for a change. Got kinda usta my "position" in life I guess." She tilted her head at him. "Is that wrong?"

'Sleep shook his head. "I don't think so. Women of the People have pretty high position and a great deal of honor. At least in my experience. Unlike some of the cads around here who treat thier women as second class citizens." He threw the match stick down as he spoke, almost as if he were angry about that in some way.

She reached over and patted his hand. "Good thing we don't have cads like that at the Starr," she said with soft smile.

"Ya got that right," Sleep said with a stiff nod. "If we did I'd have to skin'em."

Patches laughed. "I have no doubt!"

"So when was the wedding planned for?" He asked after a chuckle of his own.

"Almost a year to the day later." She responded.

"A year? Dang!" He exclaimed sitting forward again. "Why so long?"

Patches shrugged. "Just the way of things I reckon. Big Heart had to choose land, build a wigwam, collect a dowery. I had to make my wedding dress, gather or make our household items." She turned to look at him. "Do you know how long it takes to make leather white? Egads, there was tons of work to be done."

"Huh," 'Sleep scratched his chin. "How do ya make leather white anyhow?"

Patches held up her hand. "Trust me, ya don't wanna know. Lets just say it takes a very long time and getting the smell out of it takes even longer."

"Yuck," 'Sleep wrinkled his face. "Yer right I don't wanna know. But ya did it right?"

"Yeah, I did it. I had good advice from the other women, and eventually it came together." She smiled. "Would have been a lovely dress too."

"You never finished it?" He asked.

She looked down and shook her head. "The first piece was nearly finished when an incident with Running Wolf cause me to have to start over."

'Sleep growled and punched the arm of the chair. "There he is again! What'd he do?"

"Everything he could think of to keep me from marrying Big Heart." She said dryly. "Little stuff mostly that we didn't even think about until later."


"Like stuff would come up missing, little things, beads mostly. Or he'd find a way to insert himself in plans through other people...I"m tellin ya it was strange. But the day he ruined almost three months worth of work was the day I got really upset...."


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