Fred Phelps tribe is going to strike again.

Started by Teresa, April 27, 2008, 11:11:18 AM

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My sister found, copied and pasted this article from the Pratt Tribune Website.  I can't believe that this group continues on...

Shirley Phelps-Roper, daughter of Westboro Baptist Church pastor Fred Phelps, said this morning that "probably 15 to 20" persons affiliated with the congregation will be in Greensburg the afternoon of May 4 to picket the appearance of President George W Bush, who's scheduled to address the school's graduating seniors during a 3 p.m. commencement.

The group is best known for picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers in line with a belief that God has been using the war in Iraq to kill American military personnel to show contempt for a nation and military that has allegedly become overly accommodating to and sympathetic of gay/lesbian concerns.

In addition, members of WBC protest public events they feel are representative of sham religious leaders, as when efforts were made by the group recently to protest the Pope's appearance in Washington and New York. Bush is a target of the church, according to Phelps-Roper, because of his leadership betraying biblical principles and "pretending he's righteous when he's given this country over to the fags."

Asked if the WBC's appearance at Greensburg next weekend is directed more at Bush, or Greensburg itself, Phelps-Roper said, "It's equal."

She went on to say Greensburg is "the face of the wrath of God upon this state (Kansas) and on this nation."

Typically cordoned off to an area set apart from a funeral or event site, the group is known for flying inverted American flags and holding signs thanking God for dead soldiers and his apparent wrath against particular institutions and/or cities.

Phelps-Roper said a specific sign has already been prepared for the group's visit to Kiowa County, headlined with the words "God's Fury." Below is an illustration of a tornado - which she said illustrates God's whirlwind of wrath against the community - lifting and dispersing such articles as a house, dead babies and at least one cross. The infant corpses refer to the horror of abortion, while the cross is a symbol of idolatry, vis-ˆ-vis "false religions (denominations/churches) that don't follow the teachings of Christ."

A mother of 11 children and grandmother of four, Phelps-Roper said it's "very possible" she herself will be in Greensburg as part of the protest. If so, she said it's likely nine of her children - aged six to 22 - would be there as well. Her youngest grandchild, aged three months, has already been present at pickets strapped to her back.

Serving as the congregation's attorney and picketing organizer-she prefers the term "enabler" - Phelps-Roper said she won't be certain until the middle of next week exactly where in Greensburg the WBC will set up to picket the day's events.

"I haven't looked at the overhead map or spoken to the police," she said. "But we'll be within sight and sound of what's going on...we'll be able to deliver our message to those who suck up to Bush."

Saying it's a distinct possibility her group will be within sight of the school gym where commencement is scheduled to take place, Phelps-Roper affirmed she's definitely looking to be in a visible location within city limits. "We're not going to be out in a corn patch some place," she said.

While the Patriot Guard will be in town the same day, it won't be to act as a buffer between the WBC and their target of protest. According to Dodge City Guard Ride Captain Kenny Thomas, the group was invited by the senior class to honor them with an avenue of flags before the picketers' announced plans.

"We'll be there to honor the class," he said, "but not to act as a buffer against Phelps. He's not our main concern that day. The kids are."

With the entire weekend set aside with numerous activities to commemorate the town's experience since the May 4 tornado and its ongoing recovery, City Administrator Steve Hewitt said he finds WBC's plans to protest "ridiculous" and describes the church's press release reference to Greensburg as a "God-cursed town...(and) rebellious little demon-possessed hotbed of evil masquerading as a municipality" as a "personal attack" he finds "disrespectful to the efforts of this town."

The release also references the commencement event as the school's "pitiful graduation", prompting Hewitt to state nothing the WBC "does will damper the efforts or diminish the accomplishments of this town or this senior high class."

"We don't need negative stuff coming to this town," Hewitt said. "What he (Phelps) represents is irresponsible. Greensburg is having an inspiring effect on Kansas and the nation with our effort to come back and to do so as a green community.

"After what these kids have been through I just hope their (WBC) presence here doesn't put a damper on the day. I don't think it will. I think we have too much positive energy here for that to happen."

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

momof 2boys

I hope that Greensburg has a beautiful commencement ceremoney for their graduates.  I hope they all stay positive and enjoy themselves and not let WBC's hateful, negative protest bring them down.  The best way to hurt those types of haters is to show them how happy and positive we are and that no matter what they (WBC) do, they can't break our spirit!!!


How sick that they would protest at a high school graduation!! It's already bad enough that they do this at funerals, but now, a very special moment for a child - as well as a parent. Ugh...


When a poor disconsolated drooping creature is terrified from all enjoyment,—prays without ceasing 'till his imagination is heated,—fasts and mortifies and mopes, till his body is in as bad a plight as his mind; is it a wonder, that the mechanical disturbances ... of an empty belly, interpreted by an empty head, should be mistook for [the] workings [of God].
- Laurence Sterne

Think the above pretty much describes phelps and his bunch, specially the empty head part, not to mention their hearts and souls are empty and desolate. They deserve pity more than anything else, to be so empty of any joy or light  that all they can spout is hate.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


My sister just sent that to me.. so I will pass it on.

This week there will be a excerpt on the CBS Early Show on Greensburg.  Below is the website to see these. 

This website is having all kinds of video all this week on this little tornado busted town. 
The CBS early show crew is here and set up on corner of the old main street.  They are doing interviews and all that jazz. 
Areo SpeedWagon is going to be here on Friday morning to do the early show as well.  They are setting up and stage and all that.  This is a big week here and this weekend with the President, the Patriot Guard, Graduation.  They are having a big car show too.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The WBC people are just in it for the TV Time.  I feel think that they feel that if they are there while all this are going on they will get their point across.  I am like momof 2 boys, they need to stay positive and enjoy themselves.  The WBC people want to send their message out and knew about CBS being there and also because the president is going to be there.  That is sad that they have to try a stunt like this.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

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