Political Opinions from the East Coast

Started by Diane Amberg, August 14, 2015, 09:47:11 AM

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Diane Amberg

Ok, thanks! I always appreciate reliable information.

Diane Amberg

 I just heard that apparently I won't have a certain party bugging me any more, or moving my posts around. I'll bet he finally officially got his hand slapped. Regardless, I didn't know since I put him back on ignore. I don't know what he said, but as usual, it wasn't his fault, whatever it was. I will not miss him at all.
  People here are really starting to be interested in whether Joe Biden will run for President or not. There will be some interesting changes at the 2016 election regardless.
The County Executive here wants to run for Governor,I think. I hope he gets it if he does..It'll get him out of New Castle County.  He spends all kinds of money on "Feel Good" stuff, like ice cream festivals and Easter Egg hunts, to get voters, but lets the infrastructure go to pot because it's hidden.
He just gave the county employees a $750.00 "reward" for suffering through the ''hard times." (tax money of course,) I wonder how long it will be before he pressures them for big campaign donations?

Diane Amberg

I just finished reading the Prairie Star.I see there will be a legislative luncheon at the Senior Center in Howard on the 29th.
I'll bet a certain person is too chicken to show up and tell it like he thinks it is. Face to face... get "the truth" out in a room with people who have the reins.
I hope they get a good turn out again this year.Since it requires reservations, he'll use that as an excuse not to go... or several other excuses in his personal handbook for cynics and complainers.
The town hall meetings that are held here can be very interesting.I'm expecting Joe Biden to decide one way or the other in a week or so.
I wonder how long Trump will keep playing around.


Diane, I can't imagine who you are talking about. Surely there is no one in Howard or Elk County like that.


Frawin you are so right, surely there is no one in Howard or Elk County like that.

Diane Amberg


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 23, 2015, 02:00:24 PM
I just finished reading the Prairie Star.I see there will be a legislative luncheon at the Senior Center in Howard on the 29th.

Ain't that just dandy! Are you gonna be there?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 23, 2015, 02:00:24 PM
I'll bet a certain person is too chicken to show up and tell it like he thinks it is. Face to face... get "the truth" out in a room with people who have the reins.

Why do you have to be such a low life back stabbing fool?
Why can't you be decent and call me by name when you are backstabbing me?
I tell it like it is, if you had any decency you'd do the same.
Any body with any leadership ability or knowledge would know better.

I have no need to show up.
Remember the petition you said was just a piece of paper that carried no weight, well it carried plenty of weight. It kept the School District from raising our property taxes another 8 mill over and above the 4 mill they already took. I proved my point, what is your point and can you back it up?

And it did not take an organization to do the petition, did it?
In fact our famous organization Elk Kon nected failed to even give any thought to the "Quality of Life" episode for the elderly of Elk County. And that is my opinion, and I stand by it.

And my letter in the newspaper proved the school had a lot of extra money. And that we were being bullshitted. And Mr. Moore's letter right below mine proved a Kon nection! And they had a special gray box for show. It also proved the letter, I posted was truthful about a ton of extra money.  Mr. Moore claimed it was money that the school already had coming. Be that as it may they have all that extra money even though Mr. Moore calls it something else.

Anyone with a couple of brain cells can see he did not deny the amount of money, no matter what he calls it. And he failed to support what he said with any facts. I do believe the analysis is more than satisfactory proof.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 23, 2015, 02:00:24 PM
I hope they get a good turn out again this year.Since it requires reservations, he'll use that as an excuse not to go... or several other excuses in his personal handbook for cynics and complainers.

I don't need an excuse, I have no intention of going. Apparently you failed to understand Mr. Moore's letter when he quoted the Governor as saying the school budgets are too difficult for legislators to understand. I don't even think Mr. Moore understands it, fully. Or he would not have made the remarks he did about the extra money being owed to the school with out facts to back it up.

Have you ever seen the audit of West Elk done by a professional company?
No I bet you haven't.  And you didn't read the letter attached, that said only for the administrator and school board, did you? I posted it and put a link where it could be downloaded. Those two pages included!  You see Diane, the company can't legally do that, because the audit and everything is public information.
I bet you didn't know that either, did ya?
Just like the petition on paper with no weight?

You should learn before you bad mouth and back stab someone, don't ya think?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 23, 2015, 02:00:24 PM
The town hall meetings that are held here can be very interesting.I'm expecting Joe Biden to decide one way or the other in a week or so.
I wonder how long Trump will keep playing around.
Oh yea, I'm moving this over to the Elk Konnected thread so everyone can see what you do?

As always it's a pleasure to set you straight.

Good night Diane Keep your knives nice and sharp. LOL


I have not seen anything about the legislative luncheon.  However, you gotta know they're up to no good as always.  I can't imagine it being anything about the cause to defend American liberty.  The Republicans and reconstructed Democrats (prominent welfare types)will be there to see what government/tyrants will do for them.

Somebody please post a list of those in attendance.

Diane Amberg

Hey Ross! I have you back on ignore, so I'm not reading your posts. I can guess what you have to say though. HA! I thought you had given up. Since I was told to ignore you, it must have been especially gooey. I DON'T CARE!!!!!!

Diane Amberg

Oh my...squabbling over a new ambulance station? Good grief. Depending on where you get your funding, it has to be more than just a two car garage kit. There are minimum building standards!
A simple, but complete unit (not expecting an EMT to sleep on a sofa!) should be had for around $100.00 -$125.00 a square foot, not including site prep.
For safety you need a separate area from the garage part itself, for sleeping, proper bathroom(s) and showers, also a proper place to clean equipment, perhaps a boot sink.Heating and air conditioning of course...
There should be a small Pullman kitchen with refrigerator, sofa and small lounge area, with TV., table and chairs, desk, radio, phone and computer area, book shelves, closet, and adequate ambulance equipment and 02 storage area, as well as space for snow shovels, oil dry, perhaps a lawn mower and such depending on how you handle all that, and perhaps an onsite fuel tank, again depending on how you handle that there. Assuming it's one floor, skylights and good insulation are a must and solar would be a good idea depending on the site plan. I'd like to see a storm cellar too, but that's just me. Some places would add a small classroom/meeting area for CPR classes and such. But that will get into ADA and you might not want to tackle that. I'm assuming the land would be donated. Be nice to your EMT's.They may save your life one day. :)

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