Political Opinions from the East Coast

Started by Diane Amberg, August 14, 2015, 09:47:11 AM

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Diane Amberg

 Ross, I'm not going to read your post, so you wasted your time.

Jar, really? Snickers? I also said it is good to be careful ,or some such.
You people make such enemies that some apparently are always on the prowl to "get" someone for something, it's wonder you have anybody to run for anything.
Elk County can believe me or not about the ignore business, I really don't care.  Perhaps I have stronger will power than they do. I'm not alone on ignoring him either.
  Now, back to that Snickers. Here, it would never be a problem. I'm personally very aware of how that works here.. A Snickers would be considered diminimus, nothing of value. Especially if all the board members are offered the same, like if the school kids make food for the school board.That would be fine.  Now, if one board member was taken out for an expensive meal, by one person who paid, no, that doesn't fly.Especially if they had active business with the school board.
So none of "those people" can go to your free bean feeds and such? No free hot dogs or anything ever? Bummer!
If your person wants to be extra careful, that's fine.
I would never accuse someone of telling a lie about something as diminimus as a Snickers. Now a whole truck load? ....HA!.
  Al and I have turned down offers several times because it wasn't ethical to accept, even after the fact. He even recused himself when the New Century Club building was on the agenda because the lodge he belongs to is next door and they would be able to increase their parking, if what was proposed passed.
Back to doing some kid's fire safety work.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2015, 10:29:08 AM
Ouch! Why so touchy? I'm hardly calling anyone a liar for goodness sake!

What so touchy?
He was as you say addressing someone else and you use socialist liberal soft speak to call him a liar.
That is the hard core truth.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2015, 10:29:08 AM
I DO have Ross on ignore and only took him off for that one thread when he responded to Mr.Moore's letter.I wanted to see what he would say back about Mr. Moore's letter. Of course he wouldn't just let is go.What an explosion.

Mr. Moores so-called letter was his very own political post and put into a flyer at taxpayer expense.
And I doubt he had the School Boards approval to utilize school time and school equipment and school employees to perform his own personal politics.

Did you read where Mr, Moore proved there are no secret meetings he was talking about? NO.
But by making that statement he has now told countless people of the possibility and in essence spreading the rumor even further.

Did he say why he was taking on 27 kids from another School District with out receiving state aid when he thinks the school  board thinks they have sufficient reason to raise property taxes again and again? No he did not!

Well I know why those kids come with out state aid. Because the state aid stays at their School District and that is a fact.

Did he explain why they are coming to West Elk? No he did not!

The so-called explosion is justified because he claims misinformation and backs it up with nothing.
The so-called explosion is justified because his information is misinformation by choosing not to provide the rest of the story.

Do the people in Elk County the State increased our property values in order to get more property tax?
Does anyone stop to think, by increasing out property values West Elk recognizes a property tax increase?

Diane do you realize that the Elk County Government gave the property owners a tax break but only the few that live outside of the West Elk School District saw that tax break? Why?
Well because West Elk sucked it right up plus a little more. That is a fact!

I was at the board meeting when they were talking about this resolution and I did not lie about it.
Mat Hilton the President of the board was looking directly at me when he said they didn't need the whole 8 mill and that's a fact. My neighbor who had never been to a board meeting later told me the President of the board was talking directly to me. Some one else on the board said they really could get by with just taking 1 mill. Well that's all fie and good so they voted for 1 mill. That really means nothing to me because what is to stoop them from coming back to vote and take the other 7 mill.

Now if you recall the Superintendent did tell us they have the right to raise our property taxes by 4 mill with out asking us. You do recall that right? They voted to take 1 mill on the resolution, but he did not say what would prevent them from coming back to take the other 7 mills did he?

Well folks that just got added up to 12 mill and I think it is best if you hope my petition flies.

Most of the folks signing this petition have no trust or faith in the West Elk School Board and quite a few do believe they are doing this to get enough money to build a new gymnasium. I tell them no, but then they start to get a little tense with me --- not a lot mind you --- but enough for me to understand not to argue with them. Just whose fault is this? The school boards fault. The school board shut down grade schools with out any real justification, the people did not want them shut down for good reasons. Then the board wants to build a new grade school on the same ground as the High School even though the voters made it clear not to. The board spent in the neighborhood of $50,000 give or take on architects and contractors to come up with a blueprint of what they wanted. While working with the architects and contractors they asked for teachers input and received none. The board get upset at a meeting close to the end of the planning time because the finally got a suggestion or two, really they were fuming and said tough, they did not respond when we asked. See the friction? Another meeting they were talking about having teachers come to a board meeting to make suggestions on something and one board member said the teachers would be afraid of retaliation? That ended that plan. But then they went to the voters and that cost money and received a great big "NO".

So the School Board comes back again after spending another $50,000.00 on architects and contractors once again for new plans for a wing on the present building. They run a mail survey to find out how the voters feel about it. But the survey was a form of trickery. They didn't ask if the voters approve or disapproved. No, they asked to number certain aspects of the rooms by priority what they would like to se first as #1 and so forth.

What they received was a lot of surveys  marked re-open the Moline grade school or the word "NO" written on it. Also a quite a few were thrown away. I spoke with a few people that threw them away and they did so because they figure the School Board is going to ignore them. You know what they were right.
After the expense of the survey basically coming back saying "NO" the board then runs a mail in ballot at yet more expense and receive yet another resounding "NO".

All this type of information is conveniently left out of Mr. Moore's post.
Some people were use that your precious Elk Kom nected ran community conversations about closing the grade schools. Why wasn't the so-called leaders of the community capable as elected officials able to talk to and listen to the people they work for.

That my dear Diane, is misinformation by omission.
If you lived here you might know that.

Remember I discussed the Superintendent holding a meeting on the School auditorium stage with 3 Board members. Only three were allowed on the stage to avoid calling it a school board meeting and having to have minutes taken. Mr. Moore orchestrated the whole thing. Mr. Moore stood on the floor below the stage and answered what few questions that were asked.

They had the Tech Employee set up video camera's and microphones and amplifier and then they posted that on the West Elk School web site. They edited that video which I guess was legal because it was not a board meeting. But they won't do the same with school board meetings. School board meetings are not allowed to be edited, legally speaking so it would be so easy. Why do you suppose they won't record the meetings for the community? I have explained why many, many times. What I think is because they really don't want the public to have easy access and it also avoids accountability. It would also require some form of protocol which they terribly lack.

Why should they trust the School Board or the Superintendent.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2015, 10:29:08 AM
I also told him I was reading that one thread and why. I can always guess what he is going to say after I post something. I don't have to read them, he is so predictable. He will refute, poke and pinch anything I say, just to have some thing to say and get in the last word. So?  "THE ONE," are you an expert on who all has Ross on ignore? Are they all reading him anyway? He ain't that great.
OK, so I'll take him off ignore and you won't know if I'm reading him or not. Who cares anyway?

Nobody cares Diane except you.
Say all you want about ignore. Your actions show you are lying and that's all that matters.
And your rebukes show exactly how much you care.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2015, 10:29:08 AM
Perhaps he's the one who should put on his big boy shorts and learn to deal with dissension like Mr. Moore's letter. Speaking of feeling like a victim. He better get used to it if he's gonna play with the big boys.

What's your problem, I've got my depends on, do you?
You might need them later this evening.
No Diane I an not a victim because I am a responsible person not a victim.
If I make a mistake or error I take full credit for it, unlike you who blames everyone else.

And Diane once again no one has to believe what I post but it will give then something to discuss if they so choose. See no pressure, no orders. It's all up to the beholder.

Will you read this whole of this post er explosion or is it too much for you to handle?

I am all about and for the common man of which I am one.

I gotta run now, gotta appointment to keep.
Yep, I got my depends on. ROFLMAO.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2015, 12:38:42 PM
Ross, I'm not going to read your post, so you wasted your time.

Yeah, no since reading it twice it was very clear and to the point.


The eleventh quote box within this post is what Diane is talking about.

Re: 9-4-15 Letter to West Elk Parents, Patrons & Tax Payers

« Reply #22 on: Yesterday at 11:13:01 am »
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Well I got home from the Elk County Courthouse at 4:30 pm
The petition has been signed, sealed and delivered way before 5 pm on this day.

The school tried to tell the County Clerk she could wait until tomorrow.
Tomorrow the petition would have been dead and our County Clerk knew that and she believes in doing her job properly. That make me pretty prod of her.

I asked the County Clerk if this was the first petition ever done in Elk County because some people said they had never seen one here.

And I learned something new!

There was a petition ran when the board was working to shut down the grade schools but it failed.
I did not ask why it failed, I may try to find out another day.
I never saw the petition or heard of it back then.

And I can understand why.
Because it is pretty difficult to study all the laws and get it right and it is pretty difficult to catch people at home.
Even people here in Elk County have pretty busy lives.

The County Clerk will be certifying the signatures on this petition tomorrow morning.
When she is not rushed or distracted which I happen to think is an excellent idea.
I want a thorough check, I'd rather be short one signature and fail than have the School Attorney find an error and have enough signatures to pass only to be challenged in court if he finds one little error.
And they would do exactly that. They don't care about what the voters and taxpayers want.
And not a drop of this money goes into the class room contrary to what Mr. Moore would have you believe by saying is goes to education.

Does a new expensive sprinkler system help in the class room. no but it gives maintenance more time to goof off.

Does a new rebuilt professional football field go towards the class room for education. NOPE.

Oh yes, the School Superintendent saw my petition and I believe he and the attorney saw that it was all very proper. That's why he went ballistic and performed his personal political action.
And I can understand why, posting on the forum and sending out flyers and using school employeesand school time on our dollar for personal politicking was urgent to him. But it did not work.
And yes he did that during work hours using school property.
I sincerely do believe he knows that is very improper of him.
And I don't believe he was authorized to take such action by his employers, the School Board because we are between meetings. Unless they had one of those clandestine - secret meetings he was talking about.

But when you are desperate you take desperate measures.

I will make myself very busy this evening catching up on the work I left so I could do this petition and I have a very busy day tomorrow so I won't be worrying about the petition.

I will post something as soon as I possibly can after I hear about the count certification.

The School Board is already taking a 4-mill tax increase on our properties and I would suggest they use 1 mill of that to pay off the loan they took out on the roof and air conditioners. They would not have had to do that if they would have done the job 2 years ago, but they didn't listen to their architects and contractors they paid a great deal of money to.

If they were smart they would use the full 4 mills and pay the debt of 4 times faster. But are they smart.
Diplomas don't actually make a person smart. LOL
That is proven by the fact they had not planned how to pay off the debt before making the debt.

I double-checked and triple checked the grammar and spelling to keep the grammar and spelling police off of this post. LOL




I've grown tired of this thread and Diane and her jummping all over the place. I'm gonna unsubscribe from this thread and her East Coast Happenings thread. I agree I played her game far to long.

Bad mouth me all you want on your threads now Diane, I won;t knw because I won;t have anyone reading it for me. It been real and it's been fun. But it hasn't been real fun.

You can have all the last words you wnat on your two threads. Have lots of fun with that.

I am going back to:
Quote from: ROSS on September 07, 2015, 04:34:53 PM


Join me if you wish.


A better title for this thread is Socialist Opinions from the East Coast.

Diane Amberg

What every suits ya, pal.
As WC Fields once said,"go away kid, ya bother me."

Diane Amberg

I'm not sure if this is really political or not, but I'll put it here. I was recently sent information that your sports teams out there really do hop schools and districts to make up teams.I had never heard of such a thing, but apparently it does work well. I can't imagine trying to schedule having players at the right time for the right thing, but if it works, why not?
I guess the petition date has come and gone. I wonder what will happen next ?


That is not true. There are State rules and regs that they have to follow.

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