Political Opinions from the East Coast

Started by Diane Amberg, August 14, 2015, 09:47:11 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
Thanks Pro and JS. I appreciate the kind comments. I have never felt like an outsider there. :-*

Of course they won't be truthful with you.

[quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=17068.msg226257#msg226257 date=1441198868
I have not read any of Ross's last few posts and I'm sure I don't need to. I can just guess what he had to say, none of it nice or complimentary and all of it refuting anything I or anyone else said. [/quote]

There is that tired old lie again.
You are beginning to sound like Obama and Hillary. LOL

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
I'm sure he got another crack in about how I don't live there and don't pay taxes there, as if that's all there is to it.

When it comes to politics that just about covers it Diane. You have no vote.
But then you really don't understand much!
That college degree doesn't do much for you does it?
That is proven by your next statement. LOL

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
I am very interested in how his petition business turns out.

I will be very happy to let you know how it turns out Diane whether it works or fails.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
Apparently ,except for showing it to the school board it, has no weight at all and can cause nothing to happen.

No Diane, I don't just show it to the school board.
And apparently you have no idea what you are talking about!
I will make a presentation to the School Board at a Board Meeting and it will be documented in the School Board Meeting Minutes.
The petition is a very legal document and gets certified by the Elk County Clerk.
I do get the pleasure of addressing the School Board with the legal document!
And if they do not abide by it, I ask the State Attorney General to investigate the school board..

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
I thought it might legally force a voter referendum, but I'm told that isn't correct.I wonder what the school board with do with it?

Why do you bother to think?
It does not force a voter referendum, it simply states if they want the property tax increase they must ask the voters.
It  does not force the school board to go to the voters.
Why don't you ask what you don't know?
Do you believe in property owners and taxpayer rates Diane?
What part of Elk County, Kansas is it that you care about?
Is it only the elite?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
  On a totally different subject, I'm glad Denali is going to officially get it's name back. The people of Alaska tend to call it Denali, "The Great One" as it is. It was given its name eons ago and should have been allowed to remain. INMHO

Oh goody, goody, Obama finally did


Ross why do you have to be so hateful? Diane said and asked nothing out of line.


Quote from: proelkco on September 02, 2015, 08:24:03 PM
Ross why do you have to be so hateful? Diane said and asked nothing out of line.

I'm not hateful just honest.

Why do you have to be so hateful to call me hateful ?

So you think I'm hateful for providing her in return for what she dishes out. That's just plain stupid.

Just where is the critical thinking in that.

She hasn't tried to have a decent conversation in three years. And sh plays the part of a victim when she is corrected. That's been going on for a mnimum of three years and all her name calling as well.

And I'm the hateful one.

Really I enjoy her bull shit and she knows it and you know it.

What's hateful about enjoying her and her posts.

Oh wait a minute you read my post about the petition didn't you and that's hateful.

No sir you are dead wrong --- it is honesty.

What about her ignorance about the petition having no weight and stating so. I guess that was what you deem as love.

Go pick on someone else Proelkco it doesn't work with me.

Because I am really Pro Elk County.

And I have proved it but not by hiding behind a phony name.

I'm moving this over to the thread you are talking about because this need to be very clear.  Hang on a minute.

Diane Amberg

Well, I just heard that my nemesis is moving posts around to where he thinks they should be.That is really funny.  Why does he think that is even slightly alright? If he ever moves any of mine again, I'll put a spell on him.
I see he has posted again and I'm sure really believes that I'm so enraptured by him that I just must read every word....Not! I can always guess just about what he has said and don't have to waste my time reading it. He is so predictable. He'll slam every line of anything I say with worthless, mean spirited comments and insulting questions.I don't need to read any of that. He will stay on ignore.I put him back,on this thread, on Aug.31 and haven't read ,or plan to read any here since then.

Diane Amberg

So, it seems he did tear apart my post from here and reposted it on the E K. thread. No, I didn't have to read his post to find out.
His petition has nothing to do with Elk Konnected. Why is he allowed to do that? Apparently he also thinks that every citizen in Elk County thanks him for doing the petition. Where did he get that idea?
Would someone please explain to him the difference about feelings, thoughts, truth and facts? He doesn't get it. 
I'm working on that spell. He'll know when it hits him. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel:
Now, back to face book.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:24:36 PM
Well, I just heard that my nemesis is moving posts around to where he thinks they should be.That is really funny.  Why does he think that is even slightly alright? If he ever moves any of mine again, I'll put a spell on him.
I see he has posted again and I'm sure really believes that I'm so enraptured by him that I just must read every word....Not! I can always guess just about what he has said and don't have to waste my time reading it. He is so predictable. He'll slam every line of anything I say with worthless, mean spirited comments and insulting questions.I don't need to read any of that. He will stay on ignore.

Oh, but you keep calling me because of your infatuation with me. LOL

As far as moving posts it is perfectly alright ofr it would not be possible. You see you have no control over the internet.
And by moving it I show your coniving and deceptive practices and you drama queen attitude.

There is that story again that you don;t read what I post but you know all about everything I post.
And I have ocean front property here in Elk County, Kansas.How much would you like to buy Diane.

What insulting question have I ever asked you Diane? I've never asked you how much you weigh or anything else similar. So what are you talking about?

If I throw around a little humor you can't handle it.

If i was on ignore you would not be playing the part of a victim and drama queen. So ignore is just a joke.

And to start this thread with me in mind proves it.

You sure have a problem with the truth, you poor poor dear.



Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
So, it seems he did tear apart my post from here and reposted it on the E K. thread. No, I didn't have to read his post to find out.

I did not tear anything apart. There is nothing to tear. I simply spaced your remarks for the purpose of clear communications. Just because you are not smart enough to do the same thing for clarity does not mean it is something bad.

You got that story going again that you don't read what I post and I have that story again about having ocean front property in Elk County Kansas – how much would you like to buy?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
His petition has nothing to do with Elk Konnected. Why is he allowed to do that?

I am allowed to express my opinion that through my petition I hope to help the good people of Elk County, Kansas maintain their present "Quaality of Life" which is something that Elk Kon nected has preached about and has posted on their web site. But Elk Konnected appears to be incapable of defining what they mean by "Quality of Life" and you know very well I said that on the Elk Konnected thread.

I am allowed to express my opinion just like you are. And that is because you do not have control of the internet or this forum. I simply expressed that my petition is an attempt to help the Elk County citizens maintain their "Quality of Life" and you can not deal with it can you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
Apparently he also thinks that every citizen in Elk County thanks him for doing the petition. Where did he get that idea?

That is just plain silly Diane. I would think a college-educated person would know better to make such a remark. You have simply twisted what I have said once again. And that is the reason you started this thread aimed at me, hoping to get away with your back-stabbing ways. It hasn't worked yet and never will.

Why do you want to spread such a lie. The truth is everyone that has signed the petition have said thank you to me for doing the petition and have said they are glad I am doing it. And that is more than enough for me. And to quote myself just for you, please read the following:
Quote from: ROSS on September 02, 2015, 05:16:22 PM

Do the people owe me anything?   No ma'am! It was my pleasure to serve the Elk County Citizens and all of them thanked me for doing the opposition petition and that is payment enough for me.

And I was refering to those tha signed the petition and you know very well that I was.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
Would someone please explain to him the difference about feelings, thoughts, truth and facts? He doesn't get it.

Diane do you really understand feelings if so you should understand feelings don't belong in politics.
I just have and have always been truthful to a fault. I have even said I am human and subject to making mistakes.

I just quoted a fact and a truth just above this portion of you post. That is to correct your lie about me believing everyone in Elk County owes me a thank you. That is simply not true.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
I'm working on that spell. He'll know when it hits him. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel:
Now, back to face book.

Does that make you a wiccan? LOL

Did you notice how Elk Kon nected is discon nected? Where are they Diane?

Where is Dr, Whetstone of Elk Kon nected? Why did he resign from the School Board after being re-elected and resign before his new term even start. If you are so Konnected and concerned about Elk County, Kansas enlighten us please.

Good night Diane.

Diane Amberg

Oh my. I don't think I can put into words what I'm feeling now.I actually feel sick over Ross's letter attacking Mr. Moore.  Too much Ross, much too much. You must stop!
I'd assume Ross certainly can pull up a petition of he wishes, but spouting on the forum as he has been today makes me worry seriously about him. There may be something truly wrong.
I'm sure Mr. Moore didn't take putting such a letter on this forum lightly. He must have really been troubled.
  Ross has commented more than once how rude the school board is for eating at their meetings.I don't now what time they meet, but is it considered a dinner meeting for them? If so, then they would be allowed to have food, same as is done where I am. I suspect no one would object if the attendees brought food in too.     
Or perhaps I'm wrong. One thing is for sure, Ross has outdone himself with the disrespectful, rude, totally uncalled for comments going on and on and on.. and moving my post to where HE wants it. I just don't have the words.
Busting my chops is one thing, he can't really hurt me, and my friends know how rude and patronizing he can be, even to the point of calling me a liar over and over. But his latest stunt? OH MY.He doesn't know when enough is enough.
I heard read some very interesting information recently that confirmed what I already thought I knew. I'm afraid this isn't over.Yes, Ross is on ignore on this thread.


Diane -

I'll just address the eating at school board meetings portion. For several years I attended all the school board meetings; they usually occur at the dinner hour. The food, however, was usually just snacks - cookies, coffee, water and/or soda drinks. Nothing spectacular. And, yes, the community members attending were also allowed to bring food and/or drinks to the meetings. No one objected.

When I was attending, the food for the school board members was donated. Sometimes one of the members brought it, sometimes it was provided by individual administrators, sometimes it was provided by students who had cooked during a class time.

Again, when I was attending, we were allowed to have some of their coffee and water. There was a refrigerator in a side room, along with a Styrofoam cup for donations. School board members put their monies in there as well.

Admittedly, it's been a couple of years since I attended a meeting, so the procedures might have changed.

I quit attending, by the way, because we finally had a school board that I trusted. Not one that I always agreed with, but that I trusted would be ethical in their dealings and vote what they thought was best for the district. I still feel that way: not always agreeing with them, but liking the integrity.


Mom, I was told by a school board member (Not West-Elk) several years ago that there was a law stating something to the effect—"no member shall receive  compensation for work or duties preformed for the district " That member thought eating snacks or whatever was a gratuity/compensation so didn't partake of eating Snicker candy bars at the meetings.It does seem to me if the meeting are scheduled at dinner time they would change the time of the meeting---or eat early.

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