Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Wow! Have I missed out on some good stuff.
My isp has been down for the past twenty four hours.
And it has been a great moment to come back and catch up.
Good job communicating in my books people.
A very positive thing people, I believe Elk Konnected, LLC should be able to appreciate it.
Perhaps Elk Konnected, LLC   might try emulate it.


Well, I just found out the meeting tomorrow evening being sponsored by the Extension office and was informed by Kansas State Department of Health and Enviroment that the presentation is being presented by Childcare Aware of Kansas.
Their web site is:

I haven't studied their finances closely, however, to me they appear to be another "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" Organization, but have they have ton's of money. Search and read their web site your self. Of course remember often web sites are a form of advertisement.

From their web site:

Child Care Aware® of Kansas (formerly Kansas Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agency)

1991: Passed Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Received 501(c)3 Tax Status
Received first funding from the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services CCR&Rs serving 30 counties.


Membership is open to any individual, group or business who is interested in helping us positively influence the lives of children in Kansas. The purpose of our membership campaign is to build a community, which can assist us in promoting the welfare of children who need child care services and advocate for quality services in the child care industry. If I have been given truthful answers, it remains to be seen.

Membership Benefits
■ Free annual subscription to KANSAS Child Magazine
Special alerts and publications
■ Updates on Child Care Aware® of Kansas special initiatives
■Join us as we strive to create a positive future for the children of Kansas.

I think it is always nice to know a little bit about what/who might be making a presentation.

Perhaps if some of the local land owners had known more about the landmen that talked to them a year ago about leasing their mineral rights for $25 an acre, perhaps they would have said no and waited untill the offer was $2oo an acre as it is today. And with a little more knowledge may have waited untill the actual oil companies had arrived and got substantially more for their leases. Afterall the oil companies stand to make huge profits. Possibly not from the oil or natural gas but from the butane and propane in the natural gas. All the other is possibly just lollipops for the oil companies.

Knowledge can be very useful and that is why some people don't want others to have any knowledge.

Please don't believe a word of what I have written here. Do your own thinking.


So, are you saying that maybe EK Konnected, LLC may not have had anything to do with scheduling this meeting?
Are you saying that maybe Mom70x7 may not have posted the announcement of this meeting on behalf of EK Konnected, LLC?
Are you saying that maybe you jumped to incorrect assumptions, without fully checking out available information, before making your allegations?
If so, in my opinion, you owe some apologies, especially to Mom70x7.  It would, after all, be the ethical and honorable thing to do.
But of course, don't believe a word I'm saying here.  Do your own thinking.



Quote from: ddurbin on April 17, 2012, 01:48:40 PM
So, are you saying that maybe EK Konnected, LLC may not have had anything to do with scheduling this meeting?

No! I have no idea one way or another.
Do you have an idea?

Quote from: ddurbin on April 17, 2012, 01:48:40 PM
If so, in my opinion, you owe some apologies, especially to Mom70x7.  It would, after all, be the ethical and honorable thing to do.

You are entitled to your opinion!
However, all I did was ask questions!
Asking questions require no apologies!

Unless Elk Konnected, LLC and their followers have came up with a new rule of course, have they by chance?

Quote from: ddurbin on April 17, 2012, 01:48:40 PM
But of course, don't believe a word I'm saying here.  Do your own thinking.

But I do, I believe everything you have attempted to do here has been in the sincerest of intentions.  
And thank you, I do, do my Own thinking.

I have responded to each of your statements to the best of my abilities.

Have a nice evening, I'm going fishing.


Quote from: readyaimduck on April 16, 2012, 05:37:32 PM
If is off topic and inappropriate, then why hasn't Teresa moved it?

Quote from: Patriot
Mighty fine question.  Can't say for sure, but perhaps these things are real life topics on the real life streets in real lfe Elk County, and therefore relevant.  Be ready... November's coming.

Quote from: readyaimduckThat is an answer I can believe!

 :) Then believe it!! Because you will be correct. It was started in here as a local discussion.. and as far as I'm concerned, its' still a "local discussion".
Carry on with the discussions.   :police:  ....
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



This thread was started as a compliment to a private company organized under the Kansas Corporation Code as a limited liability company & to their volunteers.  Perhaps some of the members, supporters and volunteers would be so kind as to itemize specifically the many fine deeds accomplished via Elk Konnected, LLC.  

Since they have taken public funds and used taxpayer resources, it would also be helpful to know how the results of their efforts are measured in terms of economic development.  How has prosperity and quality of life in Elk County been measurably improved?  And for whom?

C'mon ddurbin, catty, mistress di, et al... show us the beef.  Give us something specific to praise, please.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Thanks for clearing that up for us Teresa.
Your efforts are appreciated.

However, I think I will drag my last communication with Mr. durbin over to the political side.
And resume communication with him there, if he would be so kind.

Thanks again.

Diane Amberg

A very interesting turn of events for sure.  But what's good for the gander is also good for the goose.
  Varmit, the only people who don't understand what bullying is are bullies themselves. They never see what they say and do from anyone else's perspective, least of all the person who they are trying to victimize.  ( being bullied themselves at some point in time may be true, but is no excuse!)  
 Here's one definition for you..."Bullying is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves an imbalance of power"........"
   Now that Teresa has turned the junk yard dogs loose that means I don't have to be polite here either. .Goody!
Varmit, this is for you and your ridiculous short fuse. I'll refer you back to reply# 63.
 Nobody is out to get you, in spite of your troubled history. Nobody on here contributed to any of that. It's sad but over.
If  some of you must try to get back at me somehow, at least be honest and a person of good character and quote me correctly.  To do otherwise is cheating and that devalues anything else you may have to say. People do notice!
Frankly, I have family and life long friends in southern states and they are shocked at how I am treated by Kansans, the home of my relatives, both living and dead. Even some on here who sometimes disagree with my moderate independent politics will PM me and tell me how shocked they are at how I, and others, are  treated. And the hot tempered Varmit is just a kid! Poke,poke.How dare he be so disrespectful!
  I remember telling one young bully (6th grade) years ago that he might want to rethink what he was doing as he might want to work for that child's father some day.
  Varmit, I know how you are employed. Are you really sure you want to complain about people" wasting" tax money? ;D ;D ;D ;D
As far as what EK has done that is positive, that has been answered before! Asking again and again won't change what others have already said. and yes, if you demand it, I will finish that list of initials and bore you to death. I know they aren't fake. I know right where I left off. They think that they or others are getting something out of the EK efforts.
 If some projects are not popular or successful, perhaps they will try others, especially from the ideas that have come from the meetings .
  Ross suggested that the notes and ideas from the first meeting were collected an weren't really even considered.  Is what you would do? Are you that dishonest yourself? Prove it! Prove what you think they did. That's what some of you demand quite often when someone's comments opinions don't suit you.
If the bully tactics and constant negative attitudes do causes EK to finally fail, perhaps someone should contact all those who like the effort and name names so they know exactly who did them in. No, it wouldn't be me. But there are some parents who would!  
 Am I always right? Of course not, but I do try. Will I error some times? Of course, but I normally respect my opponents ideas don't belittle them, label or call names. That  restriction will no longer apply to me or stifle my comments in any way. My Kansas upbringing will suffer, but too bad.
So now when you choose to come back at me the "well what about what "YOU"said or whatever. It won't work.  My self- imposed manners barrier has been dropped. Some of you who really ARE dumb hicks just might get called on it. Now you decide who fits that description. Yuck,Yuck.
  I may be back since this is still in the coffee shop, but you can have all the political threads to you few who will soon be listening to just your own voices echoing up and down the empty political halls. You few already know who you all hate and why, so there won't be much left to say, now will there. Red can keep on posting other people's words ,some of which can be proved to be political lies, but with some points I do agree. I'm not nearly as pro Gov't as some of you think, but perhaps in ways you can't, don't, or just plain won't understand. I still think it's hilarious that those political bloggers list their degrees and academic achievements like they have value, while at the same time criticizing formal education.  
  Ya better pay attention to what just happened in Michigan. It could easily be coming your way ,especially in very rural areas.
  Better break out your oil lamps again and be prepared for 7 day work weeks and 10 hour work days...for the same money. Of course real ranchers and farmers already do that. ;D  
Hey Varmit! Go get stuck in a mud puddle! Now that's a real order I can live with. :angel:


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
A very interesting turn of events for sure.  But what's good for the gander is also good for the goose.
  Varmit the only people who don't understand what bullying is are bullies themselves. They never see what they say and do from anyone else's perspective, least of all the person who they are trying to victimize.  ( being bullied themselves at some point in time may be true, but is no excuse!)  
 Here's one definition for you..."Bullying is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves an imbalance of power"........"

Imbalance of power?  I don't see a imbalance.  You know think about it.  They are asking questions is all.  And when the answers don't add up, you call it what it is.  The truth hurts sometimes. 

Frankly, I have family and life long friends in southern states and they are shocked at how I am treated by Kansans, the home of my relatives, both living and dead. Even some on here who sometimes disagree with my moderate independent politics will PM me and tell me how shocked they are at how I, and others, are  treated. And the hot tempered Varmit is jut a kid! Poke,poke

uhmmm quite frankly Diane, your letting shit just get to you for nothing.  The locals here don't accept me for the most part and i live here. to them i am a outsider..  So what. I don't give a rats ass.  I'm still going to give my opinion and as far as i care i don't care what they think.   

So if you think You will ever be accepted as one of the locals, your sorely misguided.  ITs that way all over small town america. They don't like new folks.  Usually it takes a influx of new folks to break that.

QuoteI remember telling one young bully (6th grade) years ago that he might want to rethink what he was doing as he might want to work for that child's father some day.
  Varmit, I know how you are employed. Are you really sure you want to complain about people" wasting" tax money? ;D ;D ;D ;D

Actually he ought to be majorly concerned about it. IT affects his job!   IF they keep sucking the teat dry, there will be no job.

QuoteAs far as what EK has done that is positive, that has been answered before! Asking again and again won't change what others have already said. and yes, if you demand it, will will finish that list of initials and bore you to death. I know they aren't fake. I know right where I left off. They think that they or others are getting something out of the EK efforts.

EK's positive actions are only those actions that have given things bought with tax dollars away apparantly. Don't see any Positive Economic results. 

QuoteThat's what some of you demand quite often when someone's comments opinions don't suit you.
If the bullying causes EK to totally fail, perhaps someone should contact all those friends and name names so they know exactly who did them in. No, it wouldn't be me. But there are some parents who would!  

What are you calling bullying?  The questions asking where the hell the taxdollar is being spent?  If thats bullying then by God this nation needs to start beating the crap out of everyone in charge of taxdollars.  In fact we need to get out the bullwhip and rain barrels and strap them all down and give em a lesson. They have BENT us all over far too long and screwed us silly.  ALL in the name of fairness.  Screw the fairness, lets get the govt out of our pockets!

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Your rant looked very much like that which you incessantly complain about.  You have done well... by appearances you've become the very thing you claim to disdain so much... a bullying buffoon.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
A very interesting turn of events for sure.  But what's good for the gander is also good for the goose...
...Now that Teresa has turned the junk yard dogs loose that means I don't have to be polite here either. .Goody!...

I'm glad to see that two wrongs make a right in your value system.  Hypocritical?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
...Here's one definition for you..."Bullying is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves an imbalance of power"........"

However, I'm not without empathy.  You poor thing.  I do realize how terribly painful it must be for any know-it-all busybody to have so little power over events in Elk County and over some posters on this forum (hence your constant self perception as a victim).  Feeling powerless can be tough.  While I don't really feel your agony, I can understand it.  However,   in reality with respect to this forum, there is no imbalance of power and therefore no 'bullying'.  You have equal power with all other posters here:  to post or not, to reply in kind or differently, to favor one thread or another, to stay or leave.  What more power is there here?

Perhaps a professional counselor could help you work through it all.  I'm sure the Biden state offers lots of government subsidized counseling services.  While you can't fix us, maybe you can fix yourself.  Good luck.  

Now.... for folks who are locally, personally and painfully aware of realities in our community:

EK pays dues to Public Squares Communities, LLC and is operating under the program developed by Public Squares Communities, LLC.  Public Squares is a community organizing operation that advocates, encourages and helps develop public/private 'partnerships' to enhance community economic development.  

Notwithstanding my personal views that such programs are leaches on the public teat that promote social engineering (and line the pockets of their promoters), our two Konnected Kommissions have both said they don't know how to measure the results of economic development activities or don't believe it can be measured.  How can one know that EK's efforts are praiseworthy if they have no idea of the real effects they are having on the community?

While a thank you note from a prepubescent child for the Elk River Festival Tilt-a-Whirl ride or some teen for after school movies are nice, those are hardly a substantial testimony to or evidence of economic growth in Elk County.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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