Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Ross, did you ever think that they May Join a Major Company and start out in a Job that did not require a College Degree, but they no doubt will progress Faster because they have it. When I started With Phillips in 1970, I started in a job that did not require a College Dgree, but I had one and Progressed Rapidly to a Much Higher Level in the Company. In fact I was Head of the Midland Texas Crude oil Supply Office.Before that I worked out of the Home Office in Bartlesville Oklahoma and Traveled all OVER the World. ENOUGH SAID, good night all.


Quote from: proelkco on June 21, 2016, 07:31:58 PM
And your point is?

My point?
Did i make a point?
Or did USA Today make a point?
Are you offended by USA Todays point?


Quote from: frawin on June 21, 2016, 07:52:34 PM
Ross, did you ever think that they May Join a Major Company and start out in a Job that did not require a College Degree, but they no doubt will progress Faster because they have it. When I started With Phillips in 1970, I started in a job that did not require a College Dgree, but I had one and Progressed Rapidly to a Much Higher Level in the Company. In fact I was Head of the Midland Texas Crude oil Supply Office.Before that I worked out of the Home Office in Bartlesville Oklahoma and Traveled all OVER the World. ENOUGH SAID, good night all.

Well good for you, I'm very proud of you.
I did quite well with only a piss poor high school education, my real education started in the US Navy
abd I am proud of that fact.
But this is not the 1970's is it?
We live in a very different world today, don't we?

But really, no I did not consider what you are asking, I simply posted a fact pointed out by USA Today. nothing more.
I'm sorry if you are offended by USA Today. Where has all that open mindedness gone.

But since you make it a point about not needing a degree for a lot of jobs starting out.
I have to say, a lot of college graduates in the eighties worked as so called managers
in convenience stores earning little more than minimum wage. College is not the answer for everyone.
It's like the liberal that get's a degree in Humanities and can not find a job to match that degree
and blames everyone else for her poor choices, and
doesn't think she should have to pay the debt she ran up getting said degree.

There is more to life than a degree and many ways of being considered successful.

Even some wealthy people with degrees commit suicide, apparently they were not to successful !

Money helps but it is not the cure for everything!

Just look at the very successful Hillary Clinton with her Law degree and as corrupt as can be.

Oh well, it was only USA Today's point, not mine.

Good night, I just finished putting in a long day haying my little retirement farm and enjoying my success.


Ross as usual you missed the whole point of my Post. I never said I was offended, I just made a Post, I like Many on the Forum learned along time ago to not read your Postings, the only reason I read this one is because it was in response to my earlier Post on the same Subject. I we, rarely even look at the Forum anymore, like most of the people I know. You and Redcliffe are almost the only Posters on the Forum. Your use of Profanity on the Forum is Rude in my Opinion, you could have made your Point without that. To all my friends and Family in Howard and Elk County HAVE A GREAT DAY. I Graduated from College without any Student Loans or Government Money, my wife and I both Worked and had 1 Baby at the time, we got along fine.


Quote from: frawin on June 22, 2016, 05:56:49 AM
Ross as usual you missed the whole point of my Post. I never said I was offended, I just made a Post, I like Many on the Forum learned along time ago to not read your Postings, the only reason I read this one is because it was in response to my earlier Post on the same Subject. I we, rarely even look at the Forum anymore, like most of the people I know. You and Redcliffe are almost the only Posters on the Forum. Your use of Profanity on the Forum is Rude in my Opinion, you could have made your Point without that. To all my friends and Family in Howard and Elk County HAVE A GREAT DAY. I Graduated from College without any Student Loans or Government Money, my wife and I both Worked and had 1 Baby at the time, we got along fine.

Give me a break with the whinny liberal crap. You asked me if I thought, " they may join a major company and no I did not.
You missed two points the post was simply a picture from USA Today. Not my personal opinion.
The poster represented a survey, again not my personal opinion.

You started a job that did not require a degree in 1970.

Two more points you missed.

This was about people that already have degrees and this is not 1970.

One more point it is reported that there are 94 million workers no longer working.
And not listed as unemployed.

You keep saying you have a degree. Put it to work.
You keep saying no one else posts on the forum, You are wrong,
Check the forum Web Stats.
Stop trying to censor the forum and get active, use that degree instead of whining.

Good Day, I am headed out for a job interview.

Yea, no degree, 70 years old, and job interview. Sounds like fun huh!


Ross what Whinny Liberal Crap. I am probably more a Conservative that you are or ever will be. I am POSITIVE that many if not most of them joined a Major Company.  Ross tell me how many people are posting on the Forum. There are Days when only you and Redcliffe and maybe one or two others do. I am not trying to Censor the Forum. I am 75 Years YOUNG and I still have my own Oil and Gas Marketing Company. I was the youngest of 15 in my Family. My Dad worked all of us from the 1st Grade on. I think everyday I am going to Post how Many Times you and Redcliffe post and how many others post. ENOUGH SAID


Quote from: frawin on June 22, 2016, 05:13:38 PM
Ross what Whinny Liberal Crap. I am probably more a Conservative that you are or ever will be. I am POSITIVE that many if not most of them joined a Major Company.  Ross tell me how many people are posting on the Forum. There are Days when only you and Redcliffe and maybe one or two others do. I am not trying to Censor the Forum. I am 75 Years YOUNG and I still have my own Oil and Gas Marketing Company. I was the youngest of 15 in my Family. My Dad worked all of us from the 1st Grade on. I think everyday I am going to Post how Many Times you and Redcliffe post and how many others post. ENOUGH SAID

I am so impressed !
You seem to think things work the same way today as they worked in the 1970's per your own statements.
I post information I think might be of interest to some people, not all the people.
But when you insinuate that the poster from USA Today is my opinion, you might be wrong.

When you try to impress me with your money, well that's a total mistake.
Money does not mean you are right.

Use that degree to start a thread and post your heart out.
The forum is available for that purpose, for your use and you can keep your money, it's free.
Just be thankful it is available .

And by they way, who forces you to read my crap? Who?

There are plenty of other threads and subjects for you to read, it is your choice.

I never ask anyone to believe anything i post, I only ask that they consider what I post concerning Elk County
politics and talk about it. Nothing more.

I also admit I am human and subject to making errors.

So have a good day and post what ever triggers your happiness.


A poem for our local Socialists.
                                                   I thought you might enjoy this 1949 piece of wisdom.

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