Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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W. Gray

Ross, get hold of your faculties. You are making a spectacle of yourself. You don't even know who you are talking to nowadays. You sound like you could blow a gasket at any minute. Calm down some. Take some long deep breaths, go for a walk.

As soon as you think you are okay, come on back.

But, before you say anything, check again and confirm with yourself who you are talking to. Then double check and tell yourself you have your head on straight, everything is okay, and you can proceed.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Quote from: proelkco on April 16, 2016, 10:44:40 AM
Ross i do not see it the same as you do on the County Commissioners giving some of the pilot money to the cities. Question answered. Please tell me if you intenionally misspelled Howard in your previous post.
I'll tell you noithing!
Because you failed to answer the questions.
Here they are again plus one.
Afraid of the truth!

On the subject of FREE MONEY  !

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 10:52:11 AM
Oh, my word. Now I'm getting in "trouble" because Ross thinks I am writing as Waldo? I was just told that he has been addressing ME over something that Waldo wrote? Now that is really sad. I guess I'm going to have to take him off ignore and really let him have it.
No Diane, once again you fail to understand, you fail to comprehend!
Your College Degree is failinf you!
You see there is no difference between you and Waldo as you call hin!
Neither one of you live hear and only operate on hearsay consequently you have no clue what you are talking about.

You both fail at answering honest questions!
It must be a low IQ problem or something.
There may be one difference between the tow of you - you lie and so far I haven't caught him in  a lie.
Do you have a clue, any kind of a clue, a tiny-tiny clue that gives you to answer these questions?

Would you please respond to the following that you deniers seem to lack the courage to do so!
Do you believe the Government should should be giving away FREE MONEY ?

How about  thousands and thousands to all the blacks in the country as repatriation because they may be descendants of slaves? Should we give them FREE MONEY ?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of benefits for illegal immigrants?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of free furnished apartments for illegal immigrants?

It's all just taxpayer dollars collected by Government to take care of their business and there is always more isn't there?


Quote from: proelkco on April 16, 2016, 02:35:17 PM
Again Ross did you intentionally misspell Howard?

How does it feel not to get your question answered.

Calm down and respond to my questions and I will respond with a great answer to this particular question.



Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 04:28:53 PM
Ross, get hold of your faculties. You are making a spectacle of yourself. You don't even know who you are talking to nowadays. You sound like you could blow a gasket at any minute. Calm down some. Take some long deep breaths, go for a walk.

Much like Diane you failed to comprehend the game I played with you two.
You might as well be one person. So you get a grip, calm down and have a laugh?
It's a freebie, the laugh that is, just like FREE MONEY is to Socialists.  You can't possibly believe I take you and Diane seriously, do you?
Colorado and Delaware makes you two a laugh!

Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 04:28:53 PM
As soon as you think you are okay, come on back.

I have always been okay! What's your problem? LOL

Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 04:28:53 PM
But, before you say anything, check again and confirm with yourself who you are talking to. Then double check and tell yourself you have your head on straight, everything is okay, and you can proceed.

I totally and thoroughly explained there is no difference between you two.
What is there to confirm?

Ya all are taking it all to seriously, get a grip!


Hey everyone.  We can all relax.  The TRUTH is finally told.  Ross is just messing with everyone.  Playing some
silly game.  Guess that means all the nonsense he's put out here in his 5,629 posts really don't mean anything or have any validity.  It's all been a big joke.  He's not really some crazy old fool.  Just someone who moved in and decided to see how riled up he could get everyone.  What great fun he must have been having these last few years.  Thanks Ross for finally fessing up.  OR IS THIS JUST ANOTHER GAME OF HIS? 


Quote from: ddurbin on April 16, 2016, 05:52:19 PM
Hey everyone.  We can all relax.  The TRUTH is finally told.  Ross is just messing with everyone.  Playing some
silly game.  Guess that means all the nonsense he's put out here in his 5,629 posts really don't mean anything or have any validity.  It's all been a big joke.  He's not really some crazy old fool.  Just someone who moved in and decided to see how riled up he could get everyone.  What great fun he must have been having these last few years.  Thanks Ross for finally fessing up.  OR IS THIS JUST ANOTHER GAME OF HIS?

Another idiot that fails to comprehend.
Ya all never end do you.
I don't recall do you live in Oklahoma on the reservation or was it Texas?

I know one thing ya got no sense of humor. 

The only thing settled is none ofyou Socialist Liberals will answer simple questions.

Would you give it a try?

Would you please respond to the following that deniers seem to lack the courage to do so!
Do you believe the Government should should be giving away FREE MONEY ?

How about  thousands and thousands to all the blacks in the country as repatriation because they may be descendants of slaves? Should we give them FREE MONEY ?

How about FREE or=blue] taxpayer dollars collected by Government to take care of their business, there is always more where that come from isn't there?

I am anxious to read your response.
You sure have came to play late didn't you?


Diane Amberg

His mean "game" goes back a long way. If anyone wants to take the time, go back to the beginning, April 2011 and read the first 60 or so posts. It's very interesting and telling stuff, some from posters who have sadly left the forum.There is some verbage about the business with the sheriff and / or deputies and who was and wasn't there. Shoot, he even took a poke at me... went on the attack very quickly even then.
It was a wise move then and an even wiser move now to avoid that endless list of trap questions he demands people answer like he has some special power or privilege. Weak social skills Ross, ya otter work on dem. :angel:
Thanks DD.


Dan, ignore Ross, don't you know he is always right. Ross if Elk County and almost everyone in it is so bad, why don't you move somewhere else. If this Crap keeps on Teresa and Kjell are going to shut the Form Down, AND I HOPE THEY DO. Like many of you I have not even been Reading Ross's Post. I saw this because of Dan's post.


Haven't been on in months glad too see nothing has changed  . Check back in fall to see whats new. LOL


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 06:31:36 PM
His mean "game" goes back a long way. If anyone wants to take the time, go back to the beginning, April 2011 and read the first 60 or so posts. It's very interesting and telling stuff, some from posters who have sadly left the forum.There is some verbage about the business with the sheriff and / or deputies and who was and wasn't there. Shoot, he even took a poke at me... went on the attack very quickly even then.
It was a wise move then and an even wiser move now to avoid that endless list of trap questions he demands people answer like he has some special power or privilege. Weak social skills Ross, ya otter work on dem. :angel:
Thanks DD.

Oh Diane you never fail me. You just don't mention how innocent you are, do you/
Oh don't mention that you know everything about everything because you have a college degree, that just wouldn't be fair. And don't forget all your experience of being a puppet of organizations?
And don't discuss all your lying and backstabbing.

My social skills in your opinion may be weak but your social skills are terrible, just a big kiss ass for organization and no ability to stand on your own two feet. How many times have you told me to organize? I bet you voted for the great organizer Obama!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 06:31:36 PM
It was a wise move then and an even wiser move now to avoid that endless list of trap questions he demands people answer like he has some special power or privilege.

There is another one of your lies.
Where are the trap questions.
This shows your social skills are non existent?

Post and quote those trap questions, because if you can not you prove with out a doubt you are a chronic liar!

Please Diane don't instruct people to read only the first 60 posts, let them read the whole thing is they desire to know the truth. And if you think I am mean then there is no word to explain you.
How many times he=ave people told you off and you played the victim? When you were the victim-izer?

And it all took place long distant from Delaware. Pitiful, just pitiful. You poor abused woman.
You better jump on the ambulance and go save lives and perform open heart surgery while going down the highway at 60 mph. You will feel much better afterwards.

For someone who lies and says she doesn't read my post you sure do keep up with every word I type.

Show those trap questions I ask, quote them, if you have the guts and have the proof!

Really you just don't like the truth that's the problem, not trap questions. How stupid for supposedly an educated person. I sure am glad you were never my son's teacher!

Oh by the way your mean game goes back a lot further than mine does. LOL
Talk about calling the pot black, you take the cake?

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