Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Government is taking over the country.  Government is increasing its employment and property ownership so more jobs will be foreign markets and foreigners will work here too.

If you want anything, call the government.  If you need anything, call the government.
Good luck.


Ross, I thought the letter was very well written by Shari Kaminska.  Your personal dislike for Kaminska and Liebau came out loud and clear in your last post.


Quote from: proelkco on October 10, 2015, 07:55:32 PM
Ross, I thought the letter was very well written by Shari Kaminska.  Your personal dislike for Kaminska and Liebau came out loud and clear in your last post.

It's nothing personal because I have no personal relationship with either one, it's strictly political.
What ever happened to conservatism in Kansas?

What is so great about comparing a clinic that is closed at 2 am to an EMS ambulance to your home?
Is that real intellect? 
What was so very well written?
You mean her grammer was proper and her spelling were correct?

I can't help we have two Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners, now can I?

I guess you have a problem with them accepting responsibility for their errors and that is fine with me.

But what about all the real questions about a Taj Mahal progressive liberal type EMS building, don't you have any answers?

Why haven't the floor plans been posted in the newspaper or on the County web site?
Don;t they wish to share the  extravagance with the people of Elk County?

Why 5,000 square feet? Just excessive wasteful spending isn't it, just like the West Elk School Board wants to do, isn't it?

Will you be attending either of the two meetings?

How about answering some of the questions asked in my first post of this subject of EMS?

The people would love to hear what you really know?

Do you think wasteful spending is something that rates approval?

If so, what is to be gained by the wasteful spending?

Do you believe the only reason Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Liebeau is in office is to spend money and make policy?

Or do you believe there is more responsibility to the job than that alone?

Why do you suppose it was a two to one vote?

Could it be possible that it's because we only have two Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner's and only one County Commissioner with common sense and care about all of the citizens of Elk Couty? What do you think, is that a possibility?

I think it is a very strong possibility.


Ross, I'm thinking that you're on to something there.  However, Americans want more government, not more liberty. 

So-called "conservatives" are the worst.  Liberals/socialists they truly are.


Ross, please go to the meeting and ask your questions with an open mind.


Quote from: proelkco on October 11, 2015, 07:43:39 AM
Ross, please go to the meeting and ask your questions with an open mind.

Well thank you for the invite. Will you be there?

I hope to go, but I have other more important obligations pre-scheduled that day.

If I can find some help with the other more important obligation, I will be there. Will you?

What do you mean by open-minded?
Do you mean, be ready to accept whatever answer they wish to provide whether right or wrong?

I mean the term open-minded is used very loosely these days.

Perhaps, it is the open-mindness that got Obama elected twice to the Presidency, to which you refer?

Perhaps the open-mind means to accept what is wrong as right and what is right as wrong?

To me when someone use that term they are wanting a person to fail to think for themselves.
Especially in the area of Critical Thinking which is frowned upon by many of the elite of this county.

I think most of the Elk County elite allow someone else to think for them and as puppet's just go along.
A wild observation I have made especially at West Elk School Board meetings.

So what is it, you are really trying to say, when you say open-minded?

Just in closing, you haven't shown any open-mindedness on this thread, but you seem to think other people should. I find that pretty amazing thinking. LOL



Quote from: proelkco on October 11, 2015, 02:32:45 PM
You just proved how truly narrow minded you are.

Boy does the truth hurt you progressive liberals.
Must I apologize, hell no!

I think for myself and if a few elected officials both locally and nationally would, our country would be much better off.

But apparently you have no answers, except to attempt, to put someone down for thinking for themselves.


Quote from: proelkco on October 11, 2015, 02:32:45 PM
You just proved how truly narrow minded you are.

Actually I proven how conservatie Iam.

Here is an example, when ever I purchased a home the realtors always told me I qualified to purchase a $750,000 dollar home of 3 or 4,000 sq ft. And wanted to know why I wouldn't buy one.

Being conservative I didn't need that much room and double the heating and cooling bills and double the property taxes. Actually Ten times the property taxes. Because I bought a 2,000 sq ft home for $70,000 with the appropriate down payment. And I  return.made a super return on it when I sold it, and I a mean super

And as it happened, I was furloughed from my job for six months and had no problem making my house payments and insurance and property taxes. Where as if I had a $750,000 home, I most certainly would have lost the home.

Conservativism is a very good thing.
Why build what you don't need?

If you don't need a 5,000 sq ft ambulance barn why build it, if 2,500 sq ft will do the job?
It damn sure isn't going to impress anyone to have a a giant building you don't need. It would also be less expensive to heat and cool and to insure, saving lot's of money.

And just think what would happen if the windfarm got shut down for some reason or another or God for bid a tornado wiped it out what would an albatros of 5,000 square feet cost the taxpayers. Planning for the worst is better than no planning at all.

Extravagance is a waste of taxpayer dollars, in my opinion.

It's just like government out of control, as with our federal government.

Our federal government is so large the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.
And we have ended up with all kinds of wasteful spending and corruption in our federal government and $18 Trillion in debt and climbing.


Quote from: ROSS on October 11, 2015, 04:37:42 PM

If you don't need a 5,000 sq ft ambulance barn why build it, if 2,500 sq ft will do the job?
It damn sure isn't going to impress anyone to have a a giant building you don't need. It would also be less expensive to heat and cool and to insure, saving lot's of money.

Extravagance is a waste of taxpayer dollars, in my opinion.

Just how big do you think 5,000 square feet is?  Was the City of Moline being extravagant when they built a 6300 square foot fire station?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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