Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Let's look at the West Elk long term Educational Plan that we paid T.D. and Associates of 506 Ridgewood Circle, Carl Junction, Missouri  a $1500 consulting fee and mileage of 840 miles times $.55 a mile for $462 for a grand total of $1962.00 taxpayers dollars. That was Chris Christman who has email address at Pitt State.

I wonder why the school board does not publish this amazing study they hired done?
Wasn't it worth the money? Is it because it was a job they could have and should have accomplished as the School Board of Education?

To me it appears that they paid someone excessively only to put together a shopping list, I read no recommendations from Mr. Christman to improve matters. So where is the gain for the massive consultation fees.

I'm taking notes right from the report that we paid $1962.00 taxpayers dollars for. No I won't be covering every line in the report. Sure I'm biased, but I like to think biased on behalf of the county taxpayers and Education. Sure, biased against building a Taj Mahal for Howard. Biased against waste of your and my money.

My remarks are mostly in parentheses.

They speak of Facilities overcrowding, scheduling conflicts and additional gym.
(There it is again folks another gym. If it is overcrowding why are they planning to move the grade school kids out of those expensive trailers and into the main building? Is it the sports they are concerned about or education?)

Mr. Christman listed the following issues:
•   Limited Resources   (so where do they get the idea they can build a gym)
•   Declining Enrollment (later he lists home schooling and internet schooling as a reason, they don't mention kids attending other schools in the area)
•   Changing demographics
•   Bond issue-taxes  (will they waste more taxpayers dollars to be told no again)

This long-term educational plan will allow West Elk USD 283 some degree of control over the impact of internal and external forces can hav on a school system. (Really? What external forces are they talking about? Would it be the taxpayers wallet? Would it be that residents may be asking that they concentrate more on Education and less on sports and to use our monies more wisely?)

They state the residents acknowledge the positive relationship between a successful and high achieving district and growth for the communities. (Really? If they understand it that way, why do the harm to Moline by closing their grade school?) (Do they really believe Howard will grow in population by building a Taj Mahal they can not afford? Is this issue more about the businesses in Howard taking in more money?)

Under appendix A:

Outside community involvement is listed. (So how do they plan to accomplish this if they won't work with the public, the taxpayers? We paid for this so called study and it has never been published, nor has the one from Wichita State University. In fact they never followed up to completion of that study did they?)

They also list Board Policy Development. (Just what they heck does that mean? They have Kansas State School Board laws to abide by don't they? We will get into this a little more later. I personally think it is the intent to stop board members voting against what the minority want to do. But they is exactly why we have so many board members, it is called diversity.)

(Why do I harp about Howard you may ask. Well if you don't recall Howard talked about moving their city limits out to encompass West Elk and Elk Konnected who list their business at Howard address refer to West Elk as Howard West Elk. And if you notice approaching Howard either from the North or the South at the city limits is a sign that says, "West Elk 2008 State Championship 2A Boy Track and Field" did the City of Howard earn that distioction? NO! Why then are they stealing the glory from West Elk, have they no pride? Those signs belong to West Elk and should be on the north and South side of West Elk not Howard. After reading this will they set things right and return the glory to the children of West Elk? All we can do is wait and see if they do the morally right thing.

I'll be back with more from Chris Christman's $1062.00 report. And some more of my personal opinions. But listen I don't ask you to believe a word of this, and please don't take my opinions as your own. Decide for yourself. You can also go to the school and ask to see the report if you think I am making an of this up. Thanks for indulging me. Don't forget it is your money at play here and don't you suppose it should be used effectively and efficiently?)


Let's continue to look at the West Elk long term Educational Plan that we paid T.D. And Associates of 506 Ridgewood Circle, Carl Junction, Missouri  a $1500 consulting fee and mileage of 840 miles times $.55 a mile for $462 for a grand total of $1962.00 taxpayers dollars. That was Chris Christman who has email address at Pitt State.

My remarks, My thoughts, My opinions are in parentheses.

Apendix B

Group: Administration

4. Maintained high expectation.

(High expectation of what? How empty is that statement?)

5. Communications are better between faculty and staff and parents.

(Better than what? Better by what measure? Have they been working on a problem of communication? Can't they communicate what they are talking about? Or is this just so much hooie?)

6. Beginning to become unified. We are now West Elk and the elementary and the secondary staff is blended into 1.

(Really? Why is there two principles and two librarians for one school?  Do you really need two people to do the job of one person? If you are truly blended two of each is very unnecessary, isn't it? Would any of you people that run a business that requires one person to run a cash register pay to have a second do the same job at the same time at the same cash register? I hardly think so. JMHO!)

To be continued. Again these are only my opinion, nothing more.

Even with help from outside the state with an apparently retired college professor our Konnected School Board President can't get a clear report. Just words without much meaning, no meat between the slices of bread. Where is the leadership in that?


Let's continue to look at the West Elk long term Educational Plan that we paid T.D. And Associates of 506 Ridgewood Circle, Carl Junction, Missouri  a $1500 consulting fee and mileage of 840 miles times $.55 a mile for $462 for a grand total of $1962.00 taxpayers dollars. That was Chris Christman who has email address at Pitt State.

( I'm trying to keep My remarks, My thoughts, My opinions in parentheses.)

Apendix B

Group: Parents/Patrons/Community

3. Above standards speaks a lot for teachers and parents.

(Perhaps for those that don't understand that even the State says the standards are way below the national standards(as posted earlier). When does the West Elk School Board of Education address that Educational issue?)

5. Concerns about the viability of the modular – not enough community support to make the change.

(What concerns? Would that be the approximately ¼ million dollars spent on the modular's and the loss of money if they are removed? Does the West Elk School Board of Education think it is best to continue wasting the taxpayer's money? Is that the viability they are talking about?  Does the West Elk School Board of Education believe what it states in this report that having a school in the communities will bring growth to that community? Is that the viability they are questioning?  If they truly believe that, why not save tons of money and reopen the Moline Grade School? I'd bet that Moline would be more than happy to sell it back to the school district for the $1 they bought it for. And it sure wouldn't cost the $1.2 to 6 million I heard mentioned at the school board meeting. Rather than just adding a gymnasium you would regain all the classroom space and office space and a gymnasium. Or is this just all about Howard and the COMMUNITY Storm Shelter for HOWARD that they keep saying FEMA money is available for? What the hell is viable? I suggest, if Howard wants a community shelter let them get the FEMA grant and build it inside their community. Not all the residents have the ability to travel out side of the community to access a storm shelter out on the highway, a better option to service the majority of Howard would be to place their storm shelter in the center of their community, wouldn't it? Or is it they don't care about the majority of the citizens of Howard? Perhaps the Konnected School Board President can clue us in if they care about the majority of citizens?)

8. Sports not over academics, but classes are squeezed into the gym – maybe not another gym but at least a PE area.

(Now if that is true, why all the talk about constructing a gymnasium and the association of Community Storm Shelter? They are not talking of constructing class rooms now are they? If they need an area for PE, why don't they try stepping out the door into the fresh air, out there you will find all kinds of room. You even have a track to run on. PE can be as simple as jogging , calisthenics, playing dodge ball and so many other things that don't require a giant room. Do the teachers lack creativity? Or is it simply the goal of the Konnected School Board President to build a kingdom or a Taj Mahl?)

12. Healthy lifestyle philosophy into school and community.

(since when is it the function of the West Elk School Board to address the childrens or the communities lifestyles? Are they in a position to condemn or disapprove of personal choices? If so by what authority? Shouldn't they stick with Education and improving the quality and standards of educating? Do they have a problem with reading, writing and arithmetic? Sure, that is the standard statement used about education, but that also includes science, grammar, biology, science, spelling, languages and other aspects of education. What is it they don't comprehend? We will discuss the three "R's" as we move through this $1600 taxpayer report, okay? It should be coming clear, why they don't post any of these expensive reports so the public can read them. But, I will try to further clarify as I move through the report.)

Group: Licensed Teachers

1.   Space and increased classrooms and another gym – takes away from the junior high teaching schedules.

(Say what, another gym, see what I mean, it's all about another gym. How does building another gym increase class rooms? They say it takes away from the junior high teaching schedules, that to me would mean they are failing to teach and the school board should encourage the teachers to teach. What do you think. Really though this statement just reads as foolish as hell and it's only purpose is to construct another gym? Why are there no real facts in this study? Where is our $1600 worth? Why doesn't the retired Professor offer any recommendations?)

2.   Cap the size of class size – need policy.
(Really? They state in this report that enrollment is shrinking. How many kids do you have in a class? Where are the facts and numbers? Do your classes exceed 25 students, do they exceed 35 students? A report of this nature is worthless with no facts, IMHO. $1600 worth of taxpayers for nothing, that is what I am reading here, what do you read?)

(Oh, I know, I am not making any friends by exposing the worthlessness of this expenditure for a worthless document, But, that's okay, they are not making a friend of me by wasting my tax dollars.)

(There is still plenty more to go but lets take a short break. I think as we go along you will understand that problem solving for the school board is to blame you and me. (I'm aware for every problem there is a solution and often many choices for that solution and it doesn't always require building new buildings and tearing down trailers and spending millions. So, let's continue to explore this expensive document, okay?)


Let's continue to look at the West Elk long term Educational Plan that we paid T.D. And Associates of 506 Ridgewood Circle, Carl Junction, Missouri  a $1500 consulting fee and mileage of 840 miles times $.55 a mile for $462 for a grand total of $1962.00 taxpayers dollars. That was Chris Christman who has email address at Pitt State.

( I'm trying to keep My remarks, My thoughts, My opinions in parentheses.)
( I couldn't put this one off because the kids remarks seem to make the most sense to me than the adults remarks. And I believe a couple of their remarks should be addressed during School Board meetings. JMHO)

Apendix B

Group: Classified

2. Space – Facilities – Build a grade school. We are crowded, teaches on carts, mobile units and rooms are used for dual purposes.

(See they even have the Classified employees saying build. What difference does it make, what the room is used for when it is unoccupied. Get real!)

5. Second gym.

(Again with the gym, for what purpose other than sports? What about education improvements?)  (Why not try to listen to the kids about bad teachers? Ou wanted their input, didn't you?

Group: Students

1.   New Facility – the grade school should have their own instead of a trailer park at the North end of the building.

       (Since when is this the a responsibility of the kids?)

2.   Teachers – the bad ones should go and keep quality, involved with students.

          (Are you paying attention?)

3.   Better lunch – not enough and improve quality.

(Perhaps the same quality of the picnic at each of the school board meetings. Don't the kids rate quality food and enough to satisfy their hunger? Isn't it said by all you education people that a good breakfast is important for paying attention in the class room?)

4.   Bullying – "Better Look Out" the teachers say they don't know it's happening – reported by nothing being done.

(This sure strike me as an attention alert or does the school board intend to wait until there is a real serious problem.  Where are the teachers and the two principals and the school superintendent, in the teachers lounge? Who is paying attention?)

5.    PDA (Public Display of Affection) – Lots in the halls – way to much.

                 (Where are the teachers and the two principals and the school superintendent, in the teachers lounge?)

6.   Breakfast is crowded – Grade schoolers everywhere and maybe 1 or 2 tables for high school.

7.   Shared gym with elementary.

(Sharing is better than not having a gym isn't it? I believe this is a good lesson to learn, sharing that is. I think it is far better than greed, don't you?)

8.   Always feel prepared for the next grade level – middle school Math teacher (Former) always had us prepared.

       (Is this another indication of poor teaching, will anyone look into it?)

9.   Scholarship lady is awesome.

10.   Smaller class size is a plus.

11.    Gym – We need better equipment and weight facilities. Wrestlers practice in the cafeteria. We need a second gym.

(They do not need better equipment and weight facilities, they would simply like to have it. Go home and ask your parents to buy it for you and work out at home, study at school. Practicing wrestling in the cafeteria should be no problem when th cafeteria is empty. You have some where to practice right? We wrestled in our back yards.)

12.   New Gym floor.

(How about better floor maintenance, why spend, spend, spend. Oh, it's not your money is it?)

13.   AC in gym.

         (You go to the gym to work out and to sweat, why air conditioning.)

14.   School Board and Superintendent need to see the student body. School Superintendent should come and introduce himself the first day of school.

(Are you listening School Board, you asked for his input! But wait not all of you even know the layout of the school building do you? That is what you said at the last school board meeting? At least one of you didn't know you could tour the building, go figure!)

15.   Better English programs @ HS. We need grammer – less movies and literature. Bring Grammar back! And explain more.

             (A cry for education from the students, how about that?)

16.   More college prep.

(This sounds like a very good suggestion doesn't it?  Another cry for education from the students, how about that?)

(There is still more to come, and even better in my opinion.)


I stopped by the West Elk District Office this last Friday asking for information pertaining to the trailers and was told the School District Superintendent was not in that day and that he had to be available to provide the information. I was not asked to fill out a request under the freedom of information act at that time.

So I stopped by again this morning and had not even stated what I wanted I simply asked to speak with Mr. Moore and after a slight hesitation I was told he was on the telephone. Then I was offered a Freedom of Information Act form to fill out.  Folks everything at that school concerning it expenses, construction, School Board Meetings everything except personal information about staff, teachers and students is public information.

In fact it is my humble opinion the School Board should listen to themselves about understanding high technology and the importance of it and what they that they think we don't understand.

Every bit of public information should be posted on the Schools Web Site under the title of "Public Information".

We are paying for all that high tech and it should be used by the School Board which is the elected governing body to provide the information freely.

My question is why don't they provide this public information openly and freely?

Are they trying to hide the truth?

Come on School Board do something constructive tell the School Superintendent to tell the administrative staff to get the job done.  The School Superintendent is there for that purpose. That is to work for you the School Board not the other way around. Step up and show some leadership on behalf of the citizens of Elk County.

Mr. Elk Konnected School Board President as president it is your job to facilitate the meetings not to have total control. Here is something for you to facilitate at the next meeting and exercise you leadership skills if you have any. Bring it up and let the board discuss it and vote on it if you think tat is necessary.

Let's see some concern for the taxpayer, please.

I sure hope this simple task is not to difficult or challenging for Mr. Elk Konnected School Board President's leadership skills. I really shouldn't take much effort or even to post the info on the web site should take little effort. Let's see if he can get any results and action completed shall we?
In fact this is a challenge to the School Board as a whole to accomplish something rather minor.

I hope they are up to such a small challenge forma taxpayer.

Also, before I even asked about the study performed by Wichita State University which some of us participated in, I was politely informed that the school district had nothing to do with it. Pardon me, but those people couldn't just walk in on the school campus and do as they wanted, now could they? The district office would have had to be consulted and have approved of their presence, wouldn't they? And the school superintendent would most likely have had the consent of the school board, right? Would our elected officials or our school superintendent approve a totally secret study by outsiders? I doubt it! WI do believe we were informed the study was being done to provide our district with suggestions to improve the education process at the school. So where is this report? Where is this information?

You don't suppose those professors and maybe students would have lied to us about returning as a follow up to discuss their findings with us and then not do it, do you? You don't suppose they would keep their findings and final report secret do you? I don't think so.

Well I am in the process of trying to find out. I have just e-mailed Wichita State University requesting information, which I will gladly share with you when I receive it.

Diane Amberg


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 17, 2013, 01:38:24 PM
CCTP... ;D ;D ;D ;D. We have them here too. ;D ;D ;D ;D

So exactly what does that mean?
And what does it have to do with the subject?

What I find is CCTP is Community-based Care Transition Program (CCTP) associated with the Federal Office: CMS/Medicare?

Please try to make some sort of sense when you post, please!


I find this to be a very appropriate statement considering our nations several recent embarrassing scandals.
I think it applies locally concerning adult and leadership decisions, so I am sharing it.
I don't recall where it came from, but you decide if you agree.

For the children:
Used as a substitute for what it really means; bad policy or really bad policy. Tyrants and dictators have long cloaked themselves with the faces of children. Higher-form creatures take every effort to protect their young, and humans are no exception. So any policy, no matter how feckless, is accepted if it can be sold as a protector of the children. "For the children" rivals "to keep us safe" as the most dangerous of phrases that result in loss of freedom.

Diane Amberg

Um, what has this to do with the county commissioners?The school board business doesn't either does it? Or am I wrong? CCTP?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 17, 2013, 06:26:43 PM
Um, what has this to do with the county commissioners?The school board business doesn't either does it? Or am I wrong? CCTP?

I have to assume what you are asking because of your lack of communicating what the "this" is.

What it has to do with Diane if you would kindly read what is posted is the Elk Konnected School Board President and any other Konnected Board Members. Is that clear enough for you? We are down to only one admitted Elk Konnected County Commissioner at this time and Elk Konnected no longer has two controlling votes. Do you get it?

Please pay attention and try to follow along and comprehend.

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