Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Hey Ross, don't look now but somebody is impersonating Dr. Phil.  Better jump on him!

Re: Video: Women Take Joe Biden's Shotgun Advice, Hilarity Ensues...

« Reply #13 on: Today at 06:52:30 pm »
      The only kind of artist you are " jackson " is a con - artist.

    I have no doubt , however, that you may be bi-polar and have had Jungian therapy.


Ya know at the County Commissioners Meeting where there was begging for reinstatement of the County Youth Development position, at least until Elk Konnected was told there was county money available through the extension office, there was talk about other groups in Elk County.

Those groups were the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H and churches and such. I asked Elk Konnected why they don't work with these other groups in Elk County.  And I believe the answer was, "we are, you just don't know, you just don't understand". And it sounded to me as if it was said with frustration and let down.

How's that working out for you Elk Konnected, has there been any improvement on your part, working with other groups within Elk County that is?

Those groups are pretty independent aren't they?
Their volunteers don't get paid do they?
They don't go around begging for money don't they?
They earn their own money right?

So exactly, what would Elk Konnected be able to offer the other groups?
Would Elk Konnected offer to let these other groups do volunteer work for Elk Konnected, and let Elk Konnected take credit for their efforts in the newspaper?

Has Elk Konnected, LLC been able to acquire any of that money from the extension office, the money provided by Elk County, rhe money that lite up their eyes up at that particular County Commissioners meeting in this post?

I would really like to know what Elk Konnected, LLC has to offer anyone!

Oh, that is besides having a Konnected School Board President that has all kinds of ideas on how to spend taxpayer's money on things other than actual education.

How about it Elk Konnected, LLC what do you really have to offer anyone or even Elk County?

Real answers from Elk Konnected, LLC would be appreciated. Or is Elk Konnected, LLC gonna remain bashful?
Unless of course some Followers have received inside information, then that would be okay.

Butt, I don't believe any Followers (outsiders) are allowed insider information, are they? 


Well nothing in the paper about all the fabulous things Elk Konnected, LLC is doing for Elk County this week.
But boy, did the editor tell us about our supposed leaders in Washington.
I wonder what the difference between those supposed leaders in Washington and the supposed leaders right here in Elk County?
Aren't the supposed leaders in both places considered the elite.
If so how can he question the elite half way across the nation and not here at home?
Oh, that's right isn't it, he affiliated isn't he?

But that is alright we have the Elk River Drive-In has something planned that may raise interest in Elk County.

Hey isn't that amazing a privately owned company that isn't begging for money and operating on their own and generating interest.
And they are performing their very own Economic Development, just amazing what a small company can do, isn't it.

Let's give kudos to the Elk River Drive-In for being real leaders in our community.

I plan to continue to support them. Especially by eating their great hamburgers and fries.

Elk River Drive-In you  rock.


Someone asked, on another thread, if it means that every community, business, church, etc., that has the slogan (other than the very first one) is a socialist, ACORN style entity?

No! Would be my answer!

I don't believe it is a community we are talking about and it sure isn't churches or any other legitimate business.

Could it perhaps be called a socialist (none religious) cult?  Could it be that the insiders, that claim to have a (make believe) community, are people who simply that want to grab OPM (Other Peoples Money) in order to provide lollipops to the (small amount of) masses in Elk County to keep them happy and quiet?

They also appear to have defenders/outsiders know as followers and they also want everyone else to volunteer to work for them!

But why all the secrecy and lack of communications?

I suspect the small group is out of touch with reality and the real and actual community of Elk County citizens!  

But what do I know, it's been two years the 24th of this month for this thread and no answers, just bullying and name calling and threats.

Where is the transparency and honest dialog with these few people?

We will be hearing a lot of B. S. about how we are attacking them and we will hear a lot of twisting and turning of words, we may even hear some more name calling in defense of a lack of communication that was promised by the group, all the flack will most likely come from the outsiders known a followers. So fasten your seat belt and enjoy the abuses to follow.

What are they accomplishing, but more division with in Elk County?
Isn't the division, what they said they wanted to repair?
Isn't the division why, they wanted everyone to pull together?
Where is the effort on their part to pull together?
Where or what is their plan to communicate openly and honestly and communicate right here on this forum?

They did say they would be using this media to communicate didn't they?

What are they hiding?
Are they possibly hiding the fact, that they are the "Old Guard" that they claimed they did not want involved in their group?

Are they planning to get more of their group elected to the West Elk School Board, so they can control it, since they lost the controlling votes on the Elk County Commissioners Board? I sure hope that doesn't happen.

What is with that logo, "Watch Us Grow"?
Who is the us?
It appears it has been changed on their web sight to, "Stay with us as we grow!".
Where is the growth and what is the growth?
Is it just a smoke screen?
I wonder how many people have dropped out of their various committees and why?
Why has the steering committee continued to shrink? Is it possibly because of poor leadership?

How long does our EX-County Commissioner plan to continue to advertise herself on every page of the Elk Konnected Web site as County Commissioner? http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/index.php

As President of the Mother Company of Elk Konnected which is Public Squares Communities, Inc. doesn't she have the responsibility and the ability to delegate someone to change that post for her? Isn't that what a good leader would do, work to get the job done right?

What exactly have they successfully accomplished?
Anyone got any answers to the above question?

Yes, in my opinion there are still a lot of questions to be answered.
Isn't this new high tech age great?

So, on we go looking for daylight type truths, one of life's better challenges.

Where are the answers?
Straight answers would be appreciated!

Okay, I'm ready to be slapped!


Information from the,
"Kansas Rural Development Resource Guide"
"Small Towns ... Big Plans"


 l. Business Development
11. Community Capacity Building
lll. Community Development
lV. Regional Assistance

But let's look at the one in action here in Elk County. Okay!

Elk Konnected, LLC is a child or branch of Public Square Communities, LLC.
Public Square Communities, LLC was founded we were told by our (now) EX- County cCommissioner Liz Hendricks an employee of Public Square Communities, LLC at the time, who is now the President of Public Square Communities, LLC!

Was this all done here in Elk County for the personal gain of the founder Liz Hendricks?
Made her President of a Corporation didn't it?
You decide for yourself!

II. Community Capacity Building

(Under this topic there are 7 Organizations, we got saddled with this one. Not part of the quote.)

Public Square Communities, LLC consults with cities and counties to improve capacity in four key areas: business, education, health/human services and government. Service is provided through a grassroots process, utilizing interviews, community conversations, goal setting, citizen action teams and public accountability.

Expected outcomes include a change in community attitude, entrepreneurship activity and the development of new leadership and partnerships in all four areas.
(End of Quote)

Let's look at what is said in the above statement.
First important word, consults! What does this mean?
      Consults --- 3rd person singular present of con•sult (Verb)
                         Seek information or advice from (someone with expertise).
                         Have discussions or confer with (someone), typically
                                                  before undertaking a course of action.

"Consult" --- Did they ask or consult with the community as a whole if the communities wanted their interference or activity in each of their separate communities? Or was did they just skip over consulting with the communities?      

Next word: Improve --- to enhance in value or quality : make better    
                                    What has been improved by them in the following four areas
                                    business, education, health/human services and
                                    government and what part did they play in the    
Lets move on down to "Goal Setting", shall we. What goals have been set and how do they intend to accomplish those goals?

And next is "Citizen Action Teams", notice plural usage. Why is it they only have one action team listed on their FaceBook?

And that is followed by "Public Accountability". I don't think that means the public is accountable to them, but just the opposite. Where is their "Public Accountability?

"Community Attitude" was next down the list. I believe each community has the right to have their very own personality and their own city councils for governing themselves. It goes on all across America.  Is the attitude that is being addressed, the attitude that these individual communities don't want fall into the attitude of this organization?

"New Leadership" in all four areas, in the schools and government isn't that determined by the voters?
What part does this organization play in our elections?
They do have people on the school board don't they?
And they don't have enough people on the school board yet, to control the school boards actions, do they?
They lost their controlling votes on the County Commissioners Board didn't they?
They can vote but beyond that, what authority do they possess to control anything?

"New Leadership"
In business there is the Chamber of Commerce and don't they elect their own leaders? This privately owned business could vote in the elections of their local Chamber of Commerce, but beyond that what authority do they possess to control business?

"New Leadership" in health and human services, what the heck are they talking about? I surely don't want a small group of people like this group controlling my health provider, do you? If that were to happen, I definitely would not use the local clinics.

The biggest thing that caught my attention the most in this Kansas Department of Commerce Guide under Public Squares Communities, Inc description was "PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY". Doesn't that apply to their associated organizations?

So where is Elk Konnected, LLC's "PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY"?

Leadership? What leadership?
Good leadership would reply, for the purpose of "PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY"? wouldn't they?
It must be lacking, do ya reckon?

I doubt there will be any answers to reasonable questions, due to lack of leadership or lack of public accountability.

I'm certain they are not done and will pop up again! Most likely with a new school bond issue, via the Konnected School Board President. After all we haven't been updated on the last two studies performed at our expense concerning building a bigger building. You know brick and mortar edumacation?

So I'll just wish everyone a great weekend.



Elk Konnected Here is an Economic Development program that doesn't rip off the taxpayer.
I hope you will consider this as a positive option.

laissez-faire economics

One of the guiding principles of capitalism, this doctrine claims that an economic system should be free from government intervention or moderation, and be driven only by the market forces. Centered on the belief (termed invisible hand by the 18th century Scottish economist Adam Smith) that human beings are naturally motivated by self-interest and, when they are not interfered-with in their economic activities, a balanced system of production and exchange based on mutual benefit emerges....


Think back does any of this sound familiar as what has happened in the last couple of years in Elk county?

Agenda 21

They could be using different words that mean the same thing.

Your community has a Vision, Master or Comprehensive Plan typically created within the past 5 – 10 years that promotes the three E's of Sustainable Development (Environment, Economy and Social Equity) also known as the "Triple Bottom Line".

Your community has embraced and is building the infrastructure of the new "green" energy alternatives including solar and wind farms.

Your community is working through state and local mechanisms including NGO's ( Non-Governmental Organizations) to gain more and more control.

Your community is actively promoting healthy communities.

Your town has joined with local regional councils or with the state or federal government to promote Sustainable Communities Planning or to launch sustainable initiatives.

You find symbols in your community's that show Enviroment, Social, Economic.

Your local government uses the language of Social Equily; such as food justice, ecomomic and environmental justice, fairness, direct democracy, diversity, food deserts, social justice, and wealth redistribution.

There is involvement from multiple Non-Governmental Organizations in your city's planning involves these NGO's and many other "stakeholders" in the collaborative, consensus-building, "visioning" process that details the plans for your community's future.

Your local government authorities begin using and exceeding their constitutionally granted powers alongside private organizations.

Your community uses language that calls for "redefining" how we determine progress and prosperity away from traditional wealth and growth measures like GDP (Gross Domestic Product) toward more philosophical non-specific ideas sucha as well being and happiness.

"Remember, the progressive left always has an agenda, an end game or goal. No matter how good something sounds up front, look for their end game; what do they hope to accomplish?"
Todd Issac "Ike" Skelton 2/6/13

Agenda 21" is little more than an all-out attack on personal property rights. Indeed...the body that drafted the initiative (the U.N.) has openly and without hesitation stated its opposition to property rights:
"Land... cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole.*"
* Source: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I),Vancouver, BC, May 31 – June 11, 1976. Preamble to Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report.

Good News!  Missouri Rep. Lyle Rowland and Sen. Brian Nieves have introduced companion bills that would protect Missourians from the onerous plan known as U.N. Agenda 21.  Rep. Rowland's bill, HB42 has already passed out of committee.  (To see the text of HB 42, copy & paste this link in your browser:  http://legiscan.com/MO/text/HB42/id/671594)

Sen. Brian Nieves' legislation, SB265, will be heard in committee Tuesday, March 5, at 3 p.m. in Hearing Room 1 in the Capitol Building, Jefferson City, Missouri.

Just asking.


Quote from: debid on March 08, 2013, 04:57:51 PM
:'( Someone call the Coroner... Nobody except Ross has posted on it since Feb 26th.  

Do you think posting over there is any different than posting over here?

It isn't the first time a Follower has posted else where trying to hide is it?
Let's post this over here so we make sure everyone watching this thread doesn't miss your post, Okay, OK!
That way everyone gets to see how you followers operate. Great huh!

Debid Are you suggesting Elk Konnected, LLC has died?

I don't think so!

The Followers will be back.

The rest of the Followers are probably just following orders and keeping their mouths shut just like good little Followers should.

Because they can't argue against anything I have posted over there, that's why!

They can't take the heat.

They can't even post over there anything Elk Konnected.. LLC has done for Elk county since it's inception?

Must be because everything they have done has failed, don't ya reckon?


Quote from: ROSS on March 10, 2013, 11:22:28 PM
Debid Are you suggesting Elk Konnected, LLC has died?

I don't think so!

And judging from the Fredonia paper, the Public Squares NGO is busy over there trying to get a local sales tax increase so the city can build a new swimming pool.  Free money, right?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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