Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Mr. Ross:
To be bluntly honest, I don't really care what your opinions are, except when you try to involve me in them.  I challenge you to show where I have ever once defended, followed, or associated myself with the organization Elk Konnected.  I do not live in nor do I visit Elk County as much as I used to.  The people you credit as being Elk Konnected are not people that I am that familiar with.  To my knowledge I have never met nor spoken with Liz Hendricks, David Whetstone, Rudy Taylor or many of the others you think ARE highly involved with that group.  The one exception is Ken Liebau.  I do know him from being schoolmates back in the 1960's and I have had occasional run-ins with him over the years.  I do not have strong opinions about the organization Elk Konnected either favorably or unfavorably.  I have taken exception to some of the points you have tried to make in your unending stream of posts, but they have been related to far more topics that just Elk Konnected.  As others have also pointed out, whenever anyone disagrees or corrects you on ANY matter, they in your mind become Followers and you label them as such.  It is regretful that your whole way of thinking seems to center so much on what can only be seen as a hatred, yes hatred, for Elk Konnected.  Based on all your previous posts on this forum, I am sure that you will promptly respond to this, taking exception to each and every word and sentence, and try to point out that I am full of beans and that you are the only sensible being with anything to say, so go ahead.  It is certainly your right to do so, just as it is my right to say first that you are the one full of beans.

To all the other readers:  I fully realize that I will be unsuccessful in causing Mr. Ross to see any other view points, other than those he has repeated unendingly on this thread for over a year now. I normally would not even bother responding to him, but it's snowing outside--Hurray, Hurray--and I'm just bored enough to denigrate myself enough to share my thoughts with him.


Quote from: ddurbin on February 20, 2013, 01:12:02 PM
Mr. Ross:
To be bluntly honest, I don't really care what your opinions are, except when you try to involve me in them.  I challenge you to show where I have ever once defended, followed, or associated myself with the organization Elk Konnected.  I do not live in nor do I visit Elk County as much as I used to.  The people you credit as being Elk Konnected are not people that I am that familiar with.  To my knowledge I have never met nor spoken with Liz Hendricks, David Whetstone, Rudy Taylor or many of the others you think ARE highly involved with that group.  The one exception is Ken Liebau.  I do know him from being schoolmates back in the 1960's and I have had occasional run-ins with him over the years.  I do not have strong opinions about the organization Elk Konnected either favorably or unfavorably.  I have taken exception to some of the points you have tried to make in your unending stream of posts, but they have been related to far more topics that just Elk Konnected.  As others have also pointed out, whenever anyone disagrees or corrects you on ANY matter, they in your mind become Followers and you label them as such.

This whole is all about Elk Konnected and if you didn't "I don't really care what your opinions are" why read them? You invited yourself on to this thread for some weird reason.

Why is it your business, if like you said, "I do not live in nor do I visit Elk County as much as I used to.  The people you credit as being Elk Konnected are not people that I am that familiar with.  To my knowledge I have never met nor spoken with Liz Hendricks, David Whetstone, Rudy Taylor or many of the others you think ARE highly involved with that group."

Just what brought you to this thread?

Quote from: ddurbin on February 20, 2013, 01:12:02 PM
It is regretful that your whole way of thinking seems to center so much on what can only be seen as a hatred, yes hatred, for Elk Konnected. 

I have only experienced hatred on one occasion in my life time and they was way back in the 1970's and I never want to experience it again. It is simply terrible, and unexplainable. No sir, there has been no hatred involved and apparently you don't understand hatred and I sincerely hope you never do. Do I distrust Elk Konnected, you bet, I do. Why? There is no way of getting a straight answer out of any of them. Now there is big difference between not trusting and hating. How have they in any way shown they can be trusted?

Quote from: ddurbin on February 20, 2013, 01:12:02 PM
Based on all your previous posts on this forum, I am sure that you will promptly respond to this, taking exception to each and every word and sentence, and try to point out that I am full of beans and that you are the only sensible being with anything to say, so go ahead.  It is certainly your right to do so, just as it is my right to say first that you are the one full of beans.

Now you are knocking a clear and concise communication technique. Why? Can you not find anything positive in your assaults?

Quote from: ddurbin on February 20, 2013, 01:12:02 PM

To all the other readers:  I fully realize that I will be unsuccessful in causing Mr. Ross to see any other view points, other than those he has repeated unendingly on this thread for over a year now. I normally would not even bother responding to him, but it's snowing outside--Hurray, Hurray--and I'm just bored enough to denigrate myself enough to share my thoughts with him.

Don't you mean you will fail because you fail to communicate without communicating, and because you can not make Ross a sheeple?

And Sir, get the facts right, this thread has been running 2 years this coming April.
The actual start date and time is  April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 am, you can verify that by going back to page 1 of this thread.

I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting with you and reading your opinions, it has been real entertaining, even though you really have nothing positive to add to the thread from such great distance.

What a flimsy excuse for being here! Isn't the real excuse for being here to put someone down? Do you practice this type of communications on other forums across the country? Makes one wonder, since you say you have no real connections with Elk County. Kansas.

Try to enjoy the snow and have a great afternoon.
It's time for me to go out in the snow and look after my livestock.
I enjoy anything and everything I do.
I have no time for hatred, I'm sorry; I'm the wrong person for that.
It is too time consuming.

Next post will be in response to your request, "I challenge you to show where I have ever once defended, followed, or associated myself with the organization Elk Konnected."


Quote from: ddurbin on February 20, 2013, 01:12:02 PM

Mr. Ross:
I challenge you to show where I have ever once defended, followed, or associated myself with the organization Elk Konnected

Challenge accepted!

I am not going to go overboard, just a couple of your posts and one is so exaggeratedly long and ludicrous, I'll have to invite people to go look at it. Let's start with it first. It is defending Elk Konnected by the fact it is on this thread.
And defending Elk Konnected by ridiculing the people who are not Elk Konnected. (including myself).

Please click on Quote from: ddurbin on May 31, 2011, 04:50:05 pm in the very next line to go there.
Quote from: ddurbin on May 31, 2011, 04:50:05 PM
Daddy, May I have a lollipop?

No.  It's too close to dinnertime.

Daddy, May I have a lollipop?

No.  I don't want you to spoil your appetite.

You repeated this sequence above in the one thread far to many times to count or to repost the whole thing.

See here another attack on a poster that questioned Elk Konnecteds methods and purpose.
This is clearly in defense of Elk Konnected.
Quote from: ddurbin on June 04, 2011, 09:07:38 AM
Backing up one post
"The result is that painfully simple questions like,  "Who are the official admitted members (owners) of Elk Konnected, LLC." go unanswered ad infinitum."
Seems the painfully simple question of "Who is Patriot" goes equally unanswered.

Daddy, May I have a lollipop?

I think this should be a sufficient response to your Request/Challenge.

Challenge Completed!

Now. I have chores to do out in the snow.



Oh, what the heck.  I've already gotten into this pissing contest with a skunk, so might as well keep it going.  
Ross, you take great liberty in trying to downplay my interest in Elk County.  Where did I say that I wasn't interested in what goes on there?  I did say I wasn't familiar with certain people you associate as being Elk Konnected.  I don't have the inclination right now to go back and try and find the post, but I have pointed out in the past that I was born and raised in Elk County until the age of 21.  Then except for three years of living in Iowa, I have spent the rest of my years so far in Cowley County.  I wouldn't call that being such a great distance away.  I belong to the Elk County Rodeo Assn., the Elk County Historical Society, and the Moline High School Alumni Assn.  I have attended 42 out of 43 annual banquets since joining in 1970.  Does my belonging to these organizations make me a sheeple?  If so, then all the other members must be sheeple as well according to your way of thinking.  

My parents lived in Elk County until their passings, my mother in 1998 and my father in 2010.  I have a sister still residing there.  As I said, I just don't get over there as often as I used to.  Never said I didn't have any interests still going on.  For the record, I joined this forum in June, 2006.  Since your thread does pertain to activities of the Board of County Commissioners, it behooves me to give it some attention and follow the discussions posted here.  I do have financial interests in Elk County, and will once again become a taxpayer like yourself in the very near future.

BTW, since you point out that this thread will not pass the 2 year mark until this coming April, you can't really take me to task for saying its been running for over a year.  Nice try though.

Also for the record, this is the only forum I belong to and follow.  Don't give me more credit than deserved.  Seems I've heard that last expression somewhere before.


Quote from: ddurbin on February 20, 2013, 11:07:10 AM
In my opinion, you seem to follow the activities of Elk Konnected far more than anyone posting on this forum.

Of course, things aren't always as they seem.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington


Did you enjoy looking at my facebook page? Did you happen to look at my pictures and see my beautiful family members and the new litter of puppies that we have? Did you see my grandson that was born on my birthday? Did you enjoy stalking me on facebook? Do you not have anything else to do, but look at my facebook page?

Janet Harrington

Just because I have certain people on my friends list does not mean that I am associated with Elk Konnected. These people have been my friends long before Elk Konnected ever came about.

I also checked my facebook settings and my privacy was set to Friends only. I wonder how you accessed my facebook? Interesting.

Would you kindly get yourself a life, Ross, outside of Elk Konnected?


Janet Harrington

Well, since he put that info on the forum, there is always that possibility. However; I would have to report it to the KBI because I don't think our sheriff's office would do anything. But then again, I am in Independence. Maybe the Independence Police Department would be interest. I will have a visit with the chief who is still a friend of mine. Social media stalking. HMMMM!

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