Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Ross what do you mean by  your statement that the ideas were presented to the commissioners by elk konnected? The many people that attended the first meeting gave those ideas to elk konnected.


Quote from: proelkco on January 03, 2013, 05:51:25 PM
Ross what do you mean by  your statement that the ideas were presented to the commissioners by elk konnected? The many people that attended the first meeting gave those ideas to elk konnected.

And that is the number one fact that Ross has ignored for 20 months!
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on January 03, 2013, 06:02:38 PM
And that is the number one fact that Ross has ignored for 20 months!

Do you believe in fairytales as well?

Where is the fact in that statement?

How many names of people do you see attached to any of the suggestions?

Oh, now let's hear the fairy tale, okay?

Fact is it was not a community but an Elk Konnected, LLC meeting.

There was no public conversation but there was a well rehearsed circus of rings with people bouncing up and down when told to, wearing kindergarten type name tags with little colored stars.

But you are entitled to believe in what ever you want!

All I ask is, show us the facts?

The only name ever associated with this crazy list was Elk Konnected, LLC and unless you have facts otherwise share them with us, please?

You sound just like a follower that will blindly believe anything they tell you?

Quote from: proelkco on January 03, 2013, 06:06:09 PM

Are you yet another follower that blindly believes everything you are told?

Where are the facts?

The only name ever associated with the list on page one of this thread has been Elk Konnected, LLC, isn't that right?
Isn't that a fact?

Does Elk Konnected, LLC deny having anything to do with that list now.

I don't think they can because it is on their web page and it was in the newspaper that they were responsible for the so called Community Conversation, right?

They are the only entity to take credit for it, right?

So you still haven't provided any answers to me or the proud citizens of Elk County now have you?

Oh, now let's hear the fairy tale, again, okay?

Let's let the people decide for themselves?

Fairytale or not fairytale!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2013, 02:25:53 PM
Ross, you are starting out the new year as an old grumpy fuddy duddy. Of course I make errors, and as often as possible I try to correct them before they are ever read. In this particular case some time had passed before I read your original. You could have repaired it before I ever saw it.

And you my Dear Diane are starting out the New Year name calling and bullying, I prefer to be the grumpy fuddy duddy.  While, I am simply asking questions about an NGO and their facilitators, you are attempting to put me down. I'm sorry Diane, but it is that attitude that exist right here in a small part of Elk County, that is the problem. And there you are what,1500 miles away, and perpetrating and continuing the attitude? Attitude by a few may be seriously broken, IMHO!

First you followers call me out for changing my posts, which I don't do.
Now, you call me out for not changing my posts.
Then you fail to read and accept an apology for a typographical error and spout of about it. Please try to make a decision. To do-it-or  not-to-do-it, that is the question?

I am just an average human being, capable of typographical errors and other errors, thank you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2013, 02:25:53 PM
Perhaps your "just an uneducated redneck' business is hurting you. Don't you want to be taken seriously? It sure looks like you really do have a grudge and some sort of score to settle with certain people and nothing anyone tries to tell you will ever satisfy you. Is your caring about Elk County honest, or are there strings attached?

I don't want to be taken serious, especially by you and your attitude. But thanks for asking anyway.

As for people living in Elk County, I don't wish to be taken serious by them either, I only hope they consider what they are reading and give it some thought. And that Diane is what bothers you and the few followers that are out there. Doesn't it sound like I am talking to a cult or something similar?

Fer instance Scientology, I bet if you are not like minded or follow their way of thinking,
OR don't think positive, the way they say to, then you are out. By the way don't they qualify as an NGO, as well?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2013, 02:25:53 PM
  Wind farm rent jealousy? Why?  Did certain land owners create a miracle so the wind would blow just on their places? Do you honestly think people can control that so just the ''right people''get the rents? Use your head man!
Jealousy, now that is a ridiculous thought. I have never been jealous a day in my life.
But in my opinion some of those that may be receiving that money were sitting on the county commissioners board as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and failed the county miserably because of their own interest?

They negotiated a miserable $1 million for the Elk County from the same company and the same size wind farm in Enid who received receives $3 million. That was stated earlier in this thread. It's not about the money it's about principles, ethics and such. But way up there where you are that doesn't seem to matter to you, why is that?

But then these same Konnected Kounty Kommissioners approved the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor program called the "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" offering kickbacks called rebates to a few possible friends, family, cronies and maybe even themselves, IDK, yet! I believe these kickbacks called rebates could also be referred to as subsidies. Now this affects my wallet and other taxpayer's wallets and the County Tax Base and therefore is every Elk County Citizens Business. Yes, I will do everything possible to try to get the names of each participant posted on the Official Elk County Web Site because it is Public Information. I will also ask that they post along with the names the values of the improvements, the taxes and the tax rebate (kickback) Amounts. I figure if you are not to proud to ask for welfare, you are not to proud to have it posted, again because it is public information.

No not an old grumpy fuddy duddy, just an old concerned citizen, thank you.
But you apparently don't like concerned citizens and I'm sure if you gave it some thought you might find the lack of concerned citizens and the abundance of people and NGO's with their hands out for subsidies which consist of federal grants and such is part of our Nations deficit problems. Do we need those kinds of problems in Elk County? Do you appreciate having to support the GLBT crowd with your tax dollars? Personally I don't care what those people do, but when their NGO's and I believe many exist are asking for hand out's from government in the form of grants and subsidies that affects my wallet and yours too! But I guess you are okay with that too, right?

No, I don't believe those people can control the wind, how ludicrous can you get?
But, I do believe you can control your wind and silliness, care to try?
I am trying real hard to be nice to you Diane, but you keep making it more and more difficult to do so. But, I will strive to do my best.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2013, 02:25:53 PM
Some people also have oil or water on their places. So what? That's what they bought, in some cases a very long time ago.

That is fine with me. Were they subsidized by the Elk County Government taxpayers money? If not your point is moot! Of little or no practical value or meaning!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2013, 02:25:53 PM
Keep in mind, with my "spouting off' as you so graciously call it, you are the one with all the repetitive questions, not me. You want to be taken seriously, so why not do everything possible to present a readable, cohesive stand?

Asking questions is far, far different then spouting off, Diane.
You as a teacher should easily recognize that simple fact.
Don't good teachers tell their children by asking questions they learn?
And it is not your job to grade the forum; it is not a school test, perhaps giving that some thought my make life a little easier for you. I hope, I have helped you, even just a little bit to comprehend something.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2013, 02:25:53 PM
You still seem to still be wallowing in self pity, complaining about things as far back as the very first ''community meeting." You have new commissioners now. Isn't it time to move on, wearing big boy pants and revealing your grownup character? Perhaps they will pleasantly surprise you.

(Sarcasm on) Well, well Diane if I need big boy pants, I assume you need big girl panties, don't you suppose. (Sarcasm off)

If looking after, what is removed from my wallet and being a concerned citizen that lives in Elk County and pays taxes, then I am proud to be full of self pity!

However, teacher I do believe you lack the comprehension of the term self pity and should consult the dictionary, isn't that what a good teacher would tell a school student.

Yet another failed attempt at insulting me, putting me and any other concerned citizen of Elk County down by a    (non-resident)      Konnected, follower, from many miles away. I just consider the Konnected source; I hope that is okay with you?

Sorry Diane, but keep up the good effort, perhaps, your connected leaders will reward you some day for your efforts. (Sarcasm on) Perhaps a nice big sweet lollipop! (Sarcasm off)

Are We Having Fun Yet?


Good evening everyone!

I was just crusing our official county web site and stumbled on to something interesting, I like to share with you and perhaps learn something and recieve some answers to some questions?

Now about that Elk Falls Outhouse Festival flyer posted on the county web site.

I bet this page will be deleted real quick even though it has been up there since at least November 17th.

I attended the festival and really enjoyed it.

I can appreciate the County providing Elks Falls with advertisement for their festivity.

But the advertisement for Elk Konnected, LLC, I just don't appreciate them as being sponsors, without knowing how. So I ask?

Was Elk Konnected, LLC invited to be a sponsor of this festival and by whom, if so?

It's just not polite to push yourself on to someone else's festival; in fact to me it would be absolutely rude, unsophicated, and undesirable! So, I am asking who invited them to be sponsors?

Can some one explain how Elk Konnected, LLC sponsored the festival or why they have their name on the County Flyer or Elk Falls Flyer which ever the case may be?

Actually what part did the County provide, in other words how did the county government sponsor the Community Event?
If money how much?
Did the Elk County Youth Development Employee provide the inflatable obstacle course for kids to enjoy?

Or was it only the flyers and our Employee to provide those Flyers?
If so why do we need to pay for a Youth Development Employee to print flyers, that is awful expensive, isn't it?
Any employee can print off the flyers?
Or even the festival people could have printed them off with the county equipment with proper authorization. 

The definition for sponsor as defined by Merrian-Webster:

a person or an organization that pays for or plans and carries out a project or activity; especially: one that pays the cost of a radio or television program usually in return for advertising time during its course.

If Elk Konnected, LLC provided the inflatable obstacle course for kids to enjoy during the festival and not our Youth Development Employee, why do we need to pay for a Youth Development Employee? Or is it possibly because our Youth Development Employee is also on the Steering Committee of Elk Konnected and provided the money to rent the obstacle funds to Elk Konnected, LLC from County Coffers? I ask this because the lines are very blurred between Elk Konnected, LLC and the Elk County Government?

Once again if Elk Konnected, LLC only provided the inflatable obstacle course, why aren't everyone else that provided Outhouses listed on the flyer as sponsors? Why only Elk Konnected, LLC and Elk County?
Really, what is going on?

And the free advertisement should only run for the duration of the event. Yet there it is still up on the Official County web site, the Elk Konnected, LLC logo. Why?

Is it because of  the konnection between our Youth Development Employee and the Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee?
Just where do loyalties in Elk County lay? Is it with the County as employeer or the NGO?

When our Youth Development Employee was called on to give her Department report, she failed to do so. She turned the meeting over to Elk Konnected, LLC who advertised what they claimed to have done over the last 3 or 4 years.

So yea, what really is going on?
Will this be an ongoing habit?
Why did the County Commissioners permit such action by an employee?
In my opinion if an Employee can not provide services, they should not be retained.
Bye-Bye, huh!

Yes, I will keep asking questions until I get some clear answers.

Good night!



Quit posting "what they claimed to have done over the last 3 or 4 years" regarding the info that was presented at the commissioners meeting. The slides had attendance numbers from events from 2011 and 2012 specifically.  These events were not "Claimed" to have happened.  They DID happen and were well attended. They had exact numbers for 2011 and 2012 not "3 or 4 years". 

In fact here is the exact info shared.

Youth Development Action Team
2011 to 2012 report

Longton – February 2011 (21 kids) & 2012 (18 kids)
Moline – February 2011 (22 kids) & 2012 (28 kids)
Grenola – February 2011 (8 kids)
Howard – February 2011 (32 kids) and 2012 (37 kids), December 2011 (45 kids) and 2012 (48 kids)
Dive in Movie at Howard Swimming Pool - July 2012

Soccer Academy
Saturday in each town – Longton, Howard, Moline and Grenola
2011 (96 kids)
2012 (85 kids)

Pitch, Hit and Run
At the West Elk ball field
May 2011 (25 kids)
       2012 (30 kids)

Punt, Pass and Kick
At the West Elk football stadium
Fall 2011 (15 kids)
Fall 2012 (18 kids)

Supporting Community Events

Mechanical Bull at Grenola Octoberfest
October 2011
Rock Climbing Wall at Moline Crazy Days
June 2011 and June 2012
Water Slide at Elk County Free Fair in Longton 
August 2011 and August 2012
Whirly Gig at Elk River Festival in Howard
September 2011
Water Slide at Elk County Fair in Howard
July 2011
Free Swim during the Elk County Fair at Howard City Pool
July 2011

Ross continues to twist and manipulate the facts to fit his agenda.  Nothing was "Claimed" and it was not "3-4 years". 


Wow! Ha, ha, ho, ho, what a belly laugh, I can't help myself. ROFL

Quote from: patriotdad on January 07, 2013, 10:43:43 AM

Quit posting "what they claimed to have done over the last 3 or 4 years" regarding the info that was presented at the commissioners meeting. The slides had attendance numbers from events from 2011 and 2012 specifically.  These events were not "Claimed" to have happened.  They DID happen and were well attended. They had exact numbers for 2011 and 2012 not "3 or 4 years".  

In fact here is the exact info shared.

Youth Development Action Team
2011 to 2012 report

You totally missed the point.
•   It was a county commissioners meeting.
•   Our Youth Development Employee was called to the panel to give her report.
•   She failed to do it.
•   Elk Konnected, LLC then took the floor and gave their report.
•   What Elk Konnected, LLC claims at a County Commissioner s Meeting is moot, because they are not County Employees.
•   If our Employee is incapable to make a report to the County Commissioners as requested, I personally think she should be looking for another job, where such actions are not required.

I ask you, why does Elk Konnected, LLC continue in such disruptive behavior, is it perhaps because they can get away with it? After all didn't Elk Konnected, LLC have citizens thrown out of their Community Conversation simply because the wanted a conversation instead of playing musical chairs and wearing kindergarten name tags with little different colored stars. Didn't Elk Konnected, LLC feel these people, including myself were distruptive to their meeting. I personally was extremely polite to white haired guy from Leoti, Kansas in Wichita County, not his Community here in Elk County, yet I was extremely polite to him.

Do you think such disruptive behavior will be allowed to be continued by a tiny NGO after there is one less Konnected Kounty Kommissioner?

You do make a good point however, so I ask why should we pay someone to do a job if Elk Konnected, LLC is doing it for free, that is not counting the begging that they do IMO?

Are you certified, registered or what ever kind of  member of Elk Konnected, LLC their members are? is?   Now don't be bashful, please speak out!

I think perhaps you may be the power behind the tiny NGO, would you please verify that thought?

Otherwise, how would you be able to acquire the above information from Elk Konnected, LLC so quickly?

Quote from: patriotdad on January 07, 2013, 10:43:43 AM

Ross continues to twist and manipulate the facts to fit his agenda.  Nothing was "Claimed" and it was not "3-4 years".  

Can you prove that with some facts with out twisting the point of the post?
I didn't think, so.
Can we say smokescreen in unison? LOL!

I'm sorry pops but you are wrong, I haven't twisted anything?
It is simply your misconception or desire to discredit me, IMO!

But, I have repeatedly discredited myself by asking people to think for themselves, so it must be your misconception, right?

So Patriotdad what is the point of this post?
What is the subject to you?
What do you comprehend?

Just some ignorant, crazy old redneck, fart shooting off his mouth right?

So why get your blood pressure all out of wack, relax my friend, no one believes this stuff anyway?

However, I did notice that the less than 1% percent that wanted a $5.5 million grad school were voted down by, wasn't it 75% of the voters. The poor people, you know that make up the majority of voters recognize their power, don't they?

Oh. Well.

Thanks Patriotdad for responding.


If you call the way you acted at the community conversation meeting in Moline polite I thank the heavens I have not been around you since. You made an ass of yourself.


Why were the communists meeting in Moline?

Years ago the communists pretty much kept to themselves down on
a tract of land about 3 or 4 miles from Cedar Vale.  They called themselves
"The Progressive Community".

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