Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: proelkco on January 01, 2013, 04:09:28 PM
Your last post is again arrogant and nuts.

What is it with socialists, liberals & progressives?  Always with the name calling.  Fascinating.  As the youth of the recent decade have come to say, "Whatever".

Nan, when you're ready to have a real debate on real issues & facts, let us know.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: proelkco on January 01, 2013, 01:38:41 PM
Patriot you are a nut case like Ross. I sincerely wish the best for Mr. Hebb. I also want to thank Liz for 12 years of good hard work for Elk Co. If everything is wrong here please tell us all why you stay?

Wow! I agree with Proelkco for a change, how amazing it that? Not a bit offensive but a badge of honor.

The man has finally said something that makes sense. Atta boy Proelkco!

You know, it's crazy folks like myself and several other people on this thread that made this a free country and many before and after that have maintained that freedom as veterans of our military service. And damn proud of it.

Where as, it appears to me and is my personal opinion, that certain NGO's similar to Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, also known as President of Public Squares Communities, INC and self proclaimed founder of  Elk Konnected, LLC seem to have a goal of undermining our county government. What do you think of that?


By having attitude, IMO.
What attitude, you may ask does Elk Konnected, LLC have?

By disrespectfully Commandeering the following:
•   Having two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners have the controlling votes on the
County commissioners board. Soon to end, thank GOD.

•   Commandeering the Official County Web site for their own use.

•   Commandeering the Official County Emergency Call system to announce the cancellation of one of their functions.

•   Commandeering  an Official County Commissioners meeting to provide a slide show to the board which was basically an advertisement for Elk Konnected, LLC.

•   By Elk Konnected, LLC appearing to cover up for the "Konnected" Elk County Youth Development employee's lack of respect for the County Commissioners Board, by not giving her Department report.

Do these people have any respect for anyone or anything?  I'd really like to know!

I find these attitudes and actions both deplorable and rude, and also reflect's a lack of class IMO.

And what I consider exploitation of children for advertising this privately owned company.

Where is the decency and couth in these activities, I ask you.

I also believe in the very near future you will learn more about how they have used me and you and our county government, I don't believe you will be too proud of it, all we need do is set back and wait, right? I'm waiting are you? I predict plenty of headlines in the Prairie Star!

That is my vision not the visionaries of Elk Konnected, LLC just so we are not confused.

Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks even admitted in the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners meeting to starting Elk Konnected, LLC by dissing two of our communities in an open letter on the internet and I believe in the magazine Kansas Country Living. That is great publicity for Elk County isn't it.

I'd rather be a redneck, than be connected with crap as outlined on this page.

In my opinion there is just nothing there to provide a konnection to be proud of.
Perhaps that is why only a few claim to be connected, do you suppose?

Just read this thread to make your own decision.

Do you wish to be konnected?

Are you connected?

Are you ashamed to admit being konnected?

Happy New Year, NEW County Commissioners Board. We are pulling for you!

In with the new Non-Konnected County Commissioners Board.
Out with the OLD konnected kounty kommissioner kontrolled Board!

Quote from: proelkco on January 01, 2013, 01:38:41 PM
I also want to thank Liz for 12 years of good hard work for Elk Co.

I just want to tell her goodbye and here comes a better
County Commissioners Board.

That is a lot more then the School Board gave her, isn't it?

Quote from: proelkco on January 01, 2013, 01:38:41 PM

If everything is wrong here please tell us all why you stay?

You must be older than myself and perhaps a bit confused. No one, let me repeat no one has ever said everything is wrong. Or is that what you thing about our beautiful county?

I am here because I choose to! I chose to move here because I like the beauty of the county and most people are genuinely friendly. And it is located close enough to several major cities in the event I need one. I'd much rather avoid the craziness of the city, the traffic and such. Besides they won't prmit me to have a few cows in the city, LOL.

Why do you stay here if you feel everything is wrong?
Is it so you can be connected?

Good Luck with that.


Why in heavens name would the school board need to say something to Liz,Ross? The only thing wrong in Elk County is people like you and Patriot that like to start gossip or talk down to people.


Quote from: proelkco on January 01, 2013, 07:25:16 PM
The only thing wrong in Elk County is people like you and Patriot that like to start gossip or talk down to people.

If you're sincere in your position, then perhaps you could illustrate & prove your potentially libelous claim by pointing to anything I've said that is, by virtue of falsity or privacy, gossip?  

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


You know, much of Ross' recent assessment may be correct.  Having now seen, first hand, that certain 'respected' individuals in this county have openly referred negatively to various communities while others have referred wrongly to various citizens as CAVE people or refuse to acknowledge their affiliation with Elk County and obscure the truth by saying they reside in Wichita or simply 'in the Flint Hills', perhaps their personal shame & embarrassment should be viewed with pity.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: proelkco on January 01, 2013, 07:25:16 PM
Why in heavens name would the school board need to say something to Liz,Ross? The only thing wrong in Elk County is people like you and Patriot that like to start gossip or talk down to people.

Quote from: proelkco on January 01, 2013, 07:25:16 PM
Why in heavens name would the school board need to say something to Liz,Ross? The only thing wrong in Elk County is people like you and Patriot that like to start gossip or talk down to people.

You must really be older than me or don't read this thread.
When Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks quit the school board even her relative of fellow Konnected School Board  didn't even thank her for her service to the school, did he?

What gossip are you starting about gossip?
What gossip are you talking about?

Do you disapprove of people discussing and communicating?
Do you disapprove of questions about what is going on in Elk County?

If any are lies or gossip, why don't you disprove it?

Or is it you just don't believe County Business is the peoples business?

Is there something you are trying to hide, behind calling people names?

Are you a member of "The Old Guard" that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks referred to in her letter?

Or are you a bona fide member of Elk Konnected, LLC?

Can you explain who the bona fide members of Elk Konnected, LLC are?

Or perhaps you think Elk Konnected, LLC is a rumor, is that it?

\What rumors are you speaking of?

Or is that simply you way of bullying people?

Enlighten us of your wisdom, please?

You just don't want the truth to come out do you?

What happens when the headlines start telling what has been planned?
Do you suppose that could happen?

I think that I am going to ask the County Commissioners to put our county web site to good use and print the names and locations and cost to the county in property taxes for the "Beggar Thy Neighbor" program called the "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" because it is "Public Information", under the freedom of information act. If they won't do it I will.

Then there won't be any rumors about that will there!

Before, I go for the night, I really would like to know what rumors you are talking about, please?

Would it be anything like the big numbers of dollars that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks told us that her NGO, Elk Konnected, LLC had in their coffers?  I don't believe that was a rumor, but you tell me, please? She put the figures right here in this thread.

Is it rumors that the county acquired money to put on the Summer Day Camps and paid our Youth Development Employee to handle it?

Is it rumours that our Konnected Elk County Youth Development Employee put the Nname Elk Konnected on them?

Please what rumors?

Good night and good luck coming up with any rumors.


Quote from: Patriot on January 01, 2013, 08:30:11 PM
You know, much of Ross' recent assessment may be correct.  Having now seen, first hand, that certain 'respected' individuals in this county have openly referred negatively to various communities while others have referred wrongly to various citizens as CAVE people or refuse to acknowledge their affiliation with Elk County and obscure the truth by saying they reside in Wichita or simply 'in the Flint Hills', perhaps their personal shame & embarrassment should be viewed with pity.

All I can say about that CAVE thing is, they must have me confused with their ilk.

First and foremost I am a citizen of the United States Of America.

Next, Born and raised in Kansas.

A Kansas State Veteran of the Vietnam War.

And a bona fide resident and  citizen of Elk County, by choice.

I happen to love this little county, but I can't say the same of a small group of small minded people belonging to an NGO that puts our citizens and communities down. Such a nasty habit to form here in beautiful Elk County.

And above all, I was born a redneck and I am a redneck not some phony baloney pretender.

So, I hope they enjoy their CAVE, no skin off my bones because it just shows ignorance on their part. Sort of juvenile, like high school bullies, I assume.

A proud redneck,
I'll be till the day
I pass
to better
grazing grounds.

Janet Harrington

Ross, you wrote this...When Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks quit the school board even her relative of fellow Konnected School Board  didn't even thank her for her service to the school, did he?

Hendricks quit from the job as the volleyball coach. She didn't quit from the school board. To my knowledge, Hendricks has never been on the school board.

As for the school board not thanking her for the service to the school, I am not aware of the school board telling anyone that has quit working there thank you. Why would they when the employee chose to quit?


You are exactly right Janet.  My children go to West Elk and I know of a few coaches over the past couple of years that have quit coaching and they did not receive any kind of acknowledgement from the board.  IMO, this is Ross trying to attack Mrs. Hendrick's  character.

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