Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Fantastic County Commissioners meeting this morning.
It's too bad I had to leave early.
But I guess this meeting was called for balancing books and getting department head reports.

Usually their meetings are the first Monday and second Monday of the month, not the last Monday of the month. So it must be like a clean up day of sorts.

There was only one Konnected Kounty Kommissioner present. I was informed Mr. Liebau is ill today and would not be showing up. For a little bit it didn't appear that the other Konnected Kounty Kommissioner was going to show up and people were beginning to get a little antsy. Someone joked that Mr. Hebb might have to be sworn in early.

But before many people showed up our Youth Development Employee showed up with a laptop that she connected a projector to and flashed a picture up on the wall. I asked told the man sitting beside me that the picture looked just like an Elk connected picture. You know what, I was right.

Well, our Youth Development Employee was called on first to make her report as department head of Youth Development. Well, I know if I had ever pulled what she did in presenting a report I would most likely have been terminated right there on the spot. She turned her report over to the Elk Konnected, LLC Youth Development Action Team. Someone not employed by the county but representing an NGO, specifically Elk Konnected, LLC making the report to an Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner! Why?

This person from the Elk Konnected, LLS Youth Development Action Team report on things that went back 3 or 4 years ago most of which has been pointed out in this thread that Elk County was responsible for but Elk Konnected, LLC took credit for. Otherwise there would not have been much for a report for this year.

(Oh, for you folks that argued that a whole lot more kids showed up for that Kick, Pass & Punt, well this lady only reported maybe 25 kids showed up. Kinda makes me think it was only for kids of the Konnected, Just a thought.)

Why is our employee allowed to let someone else give her Department Head report?

In the future will Elk Konnected, LLC be allowed to give Department Head reports for the road Department Head?

In the future will Elk Konnected, LLC be allowed to give Department Head reports for the EMS Department Head?

In the future will Elk Konnected, LLC be allowed to give Department Head reports for the Sheriff's Department Head?

How about we allow other citizens, taxpayers, voters and other LLC's just give a report on their favorite subjects, in order to try to make themselves look good.

Where will the B.S. with Elk Konnected, LLC end as far as the continuation of trying to control our county government?

Do we need to continue to employee a Youth Development Employee?

It was Elk connected, LLC who suggested to the Konnected Kounty Komissioners that the county hire her? But what does she do?
She doesn't even give her year end report, does she, Elk Konnected, LLC did it?
Let's let Elk Konnected, LLC a privately owned company have her, they wanted her hired, right? Let them pay her wages and the county can save a bundle of money?

Or does Elk Konnected, LLC really want her or are they just using her?
How about it Elk Konnected, LLC which is it?

Diane Amberg

  MT,  sounds very romantic, but not very practical.
Who would run the general private or religious schools?(does elk County have any private schools of any kind?) Where would the money come from? So only the very wealthy will have educations for their kids? No sharing of resources for efficiency?
Where would the teachers come from? Colleges would stop teaching for teacher certificates because they wouldn't be able to supply the needs of a kazillion little areas, all with their own programs.
How would the kids get to school? or not. How many grades do you think your child really needs? What about other kids?
Home schooling is fine, but they aren't as totally independent as you might think. How would curriculum be developed for each grade that would suit each and every parent or guardian?  Would you know or care that your child was competing well with other areas? How would potential employers know if your child knew what was was necessary for the job they were applying for?  Hiring exams?
No more art, music, sports or clubs? Too expensive! No languages.. English is it, and local English at that. Kids would have to live where ever they were born, because that's the only education they would have gotten ,whatever the local school taught. No more higher education? So all your professional people would have to be outsiders, or only in the biggest cities?Think about it. what else would you drop because it cost too much?
I agree, I could do with less Gov't interference in schooling too, but are you willing to accept that if your child has special needs they will be washed out and won't be helped because it's too expensive? Who decides ?  Then what becomes of them? A life of crime? An early death?   Back to work houses?
Back to our glory days? Mind telling me when that was? ;D ;D ;D
This really isn't as silly as it might seem, if you really think about it. You may be trying to solve the wrong problem. Rural Kansas isn't all there is in this country though.
I do have serious concerns about the future of public education in this whole country, but they are the not same concerns.

Janet Harrington

Ross, on the last day of the year, the county is required to get the books balanced, get all bills paid, and do something with any money that might be left in someone's budget. This happens every year and has to be done before noon. If the last day happens to fall on a Saturday or Sunday, then the county must meet on the last business day of the year.

Starting tomorrow, Jan. 1st, it is a new budget for all departments.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on December 31, 2012, 06:10:04 PM
Ross, on the last day of the year, the county is required to get the books balanced, get all bills paid, and do something with any money that might be left in someone's budget. This happens every year and has to be done before noon. If the last day happens to fall on a Saturday or Sunday, then the county must meet on the last business day of the year.

Starting tomorrow, Jan. 1st, it is a new budget for all departments.

I think I uuderstiif that Janet. What I didn't understand was:

Quote from: Ross on December 31, 2012, 11:08:59 AM
Well, our Youth Development Employee was called on first to make her report as department head of Youth Development. Well, I know if I had ever pulled what she did in presenting a report I would most likely have been terminated right there on the spot. She turned her report over to the Elk Konnected, LLC Youth Development Action Team. Someone not employed by the county but representing an NGO, specifically Elk Konnected, LLC making the report to an Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner! Why?

This person from the Elk Konnected, LLS Youth Development Action Team reported on things that went back 3 or 4 years ago most of which has been pointed out in this thread that Elk County was responsible for but Elk Konnected, LLC took credit for. Otherwise there would not have been much for a report for this year.

What, I consider disrespect for our County Government Officials by failing to provide a proper report, which she our Youth Development Employee is paid to
Quote from: Janet Harrington on December 31, 2012, 06:10:04 PM
Ross, on the last day of the year, the county is required to get the books balanced, get all bills paid, and do something with any money that might be left in someone's budget. This happens every year and has to be done before noon. If the last day happens to fall on a Saturday or Sunday, then the county must meet on the last business day of the year.

Starting tomorrow, Jan. 1st, it is a new budget for all departments.

I think I understood that Janet. What I didn't understand was:

Quote from: Ross on December 31, 2012, 11:08:59 AM
Well, our Youth Development Employee was called on first to make her report as department head of Youth Development. Well, I know if I had ever pulled what she did in presenting a report I would most likely have been terminated right there on the spot. She turned her report over to the Elk Konnected, LLC Youth Development Action Team. Someone not employed by the county but representing an NGO, specifically Elk Konnected, LLC making the report to an Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner! Why?

This person from the Elk Konnected, LLS Youth Development Action Team report on things that went back 3 or 4 years ago most of which has been pointed out in this thread that Elk County was responsible for but Elk Konnected, LLC took credit for. Otherwise there would not have been much for a report for this year.

What, I consider disrespect for our County Government Officials by failing to provide a proper report, which she our Youth Development Employee is paid to provide. Instead of giving her report, she turns it over to Elk Konnected, LLC, which IMO, provided a false form of advertise to the county Commissioner. Very disrespectful of and by its self, IMO!

I'd almost bet no other county in Kansas permits such disrespect.

I sure hope today was the end of such disrespect Elk County.

And one less Konnected Kounty Kommissioner, hint, hint.
provide. Instead of giving her report, she turns it over to Elk Konnected, LLC, which IMO, provided a false form of advertise to the county Commissioner. Very disrespectful of and by its self, IMO!

I'd almost bet no other county in Kansas permits such disrespect.

I sure hope today was the end of such disrespect Elk County.

And one less Konnected Kounty Kommissioner, hint, hint.


Looks like you all have discovered there's a position in Elk County that can be abolsihed.

That ought to save some money.


Quote from: redcliffsw on January 01, 2013, 10:49:10 AM
Looks like you all have discovered there's a position in Elk County that can be abolsihed.

That ought to save some money.

When you account for wages, benefits & costs associated with that position, a bit over 2 mills by my calculations.  Let's hope the new commission has sharper pencils and better loyalty to the Constitution than prior boards have demonstrated.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Ross on December 31, 2012, 11:08:59 AM
Well, our Youth Development Employee was called on first to make her report as department head of Youth Development. Well, I know if I had ever pulled what she did in presenting a report I would most likely have been terminated right there on the spot. She turned her report over to the Elk Konnected, LLC Youth Development Action Team. Someone not employed by the county but representing an NGO, specifically Elk Konnected, LLC making the report to an Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner!

I thought the Elk Konnected, LLC board meeting went well.... but did you notice the name Elk Konnected, LLC was dishonestly left out of the presentation?  The title page in the presentation only named the Youth Action Team, but I didn't realize the Elk County government even had a Youth Action Team.  However, Elk Konnected, LLC does.  Typical liberal progressive liars.... manipulation and pure intellectual dishonesty.

Well, Kommissioner Hendricks, your successor has been elected, your term is about over.  Your family, friends and political cronies have all been rewarded with millions in wind farm lease income, property improvements, tax rebate programs & foolish wastes of taxpayer monies on historical preservation half steps all while you padded your personal resume and advanced as a 'community organizer'. It's been a good 12 year run for you & your private sector pals on the backs of the taxpayers.  Good luck and good riddance.

We'll hope for a more conservative and fiscally responsible future for the majority of good Elk County citizens.  Now, about your role model Obama......

Oh.... Happy New Year!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot you are a nut case like Ross. I sincerely wish the best for Mr. Hebb. I also want to thank Liz for 12 years of good hard work for Elk Co. If everything is wrong here please tell us all why you stay?


PROELKCO you are right on.


Quote from: proelkco on January 01, 2013, 01:38:41 PM
Patriot you are a nut case like Ross. I sincerely wish the best for Mr. Hebb. I also want to thank Liz for 12 years of good hard work for Elk Co. If everything is wrong here please tell us all why you stay?

Nut case? Your amateur psychiatry training is showing again.  LOL

I never said 'everything' is wrong here.  Please don't put words in my mouth or make such unfounded assumptions.  Perhaps you would have been a better fit in an 1800's wild west community where power, position, control and benefit was vested in only those with resources & relatives, the rest of the public be damned.  Are you, perhaps, one of the privileged few?  I opine that Woodrow Wilson, J Edgar Hoover & Franklin Roosevelt (in their background methods) would have loved the way you and yours think & operate.  They're all cognate. Progressive to the end.  Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!

I do, however, find it particularly shameful that you support and constantly defend elected officials and/or government employees who, by their actions, demonstrate a lack of integrity and expose personal characters that do not generally operate in the best interests of the public trust.

As for my reasons for staying here... ultimately that is yours to guess.  ;)

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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