Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Looks like the Saul Alinsky Method has come to Elk County USD 282: http://www.tysknews.com/Depts/Educate/alinsky_method.htm

What The Heck Is The Alinsky Method?

The education establishment in this country, at all levels, continually decries the absence of parental involvement in the everyday process of educating the young people of this country. We are asked to volunteer time to ease the burdens on the teachers. We are NOT expected to assume that we will have any input into decisions effecting what they will be taught or how the teaching process is to be done. ..

..It is interesting, and EXTREMELY important to Americans, both as parents and as citizens, to clearly understand just HOW the "squeezing out" process takes place. It is a well defined, if not well perceived, process known as the "Alinsky Method" (which was derived from a procedure named as "The Delphi Technique.") This method of manipulating people is based on the fact that people in groups tend to share a common knowledge base and display certain identifiable characteristics known as "group dynamics."...

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Do I need to eat crow? No, I don't think so.
I may have erred on the side of caution and I say I may have erred!

I was informed by Mr. Moore that Dr. James C. Christman Professor Facilitator wanted to meet me because of what I had posted on this forum about facilitators and because he did not believe I understood what he was trying to do.

Well, I walked into the school this evening and he was the first person I bumped into. I walked straight up to him and introduced myself and not really knowing what to expect! I am no expert on trickery but, I did not sense any from him. And we visited for a few minutes and I really enjoyed the gentlemen. His actions did not represent anything that I might expect.

I then saw Mr. Moore another gentleman that I happen to like and I informed him that I had just met Colonel Sanders. And he laughed. Dr. Christman really had a striking resemblance to Colonel Sanders.

This old redneck does appreciate something's. LOL

Anyway, I counted about thirty people which included myself and the Sheriff and a Deputy and a few staff members and at least one school board member and maybe three elk konnected, llc people. Not much of a turn out I don't know how many were the ones that received the special letters of invitation. However if the school board members followed their instructions and invited 5 people each and insure that they show up, they failed. I know at least 5 that did not receive special invitations. So that left 25 that may have received special invitation. That's ten short of the special that were suppose to be under the influence of the school board. Too bad, there appears to be apathy among some of the elite.

The meeting got started and the poor professor had to work pretty hard to drag any responses out of the few people that were there. There was no post it notes tonight, there was no easel with a huge tablet on it, just the professor trying to get people talking.

I heard a remark about over crowding in the school; I heard remarks about FEMA helping pay for a community storm shelter. I heard a remark about the state cutting money out of the budget for schools. I heard a remark that more of the resources for the school will have to come from the local community? I heard a remark that the people can't afford it.

I wish my hearing was better, but even with hearing aids, I still have a lot of trouble hearing. I hear from others with hearing aids, they have the same problem. So, I can't tell you everything that was said, and I apologize for that.

Oh there was talk about communication and something said about mis-information by people talking amongst them selves at the coffee shop and such. LOL  I would like to ask that person, Mis-information as determined by who? And if you have the proper information, why don't you post it right here and answer any questions asked about it. Now, that would be communicating, wouldn't it? Or is it that, if people don't agree with you, it is considered mis-information? Please clarify?

After the meeting I spoke with Dr. Christman again and I asked him if he knew of the study we paid the Emporia State University to do for our school district and he said no. I informed him that the follow up visit from the University never happened and that the Universities printed results were never published as promised.

I asked him if he knew about the grade school building at Moline and he said no!

I had been informed he had been given all the information about the school district but apparently he had not. How can this man do a completely honest job of helping the school district by with holding pertinent information from him?

I reiterate, I liked the gentleman and now I feel sorry for him and the lack of all information being provide to him to be able to do his job properly. Now there is mis-information by omission in my opinion!

This is simply my opinions and observations and you can totally ignore all of it if you so desire.

I have had a long hard day and I'm tired, so good night my friends,


Well I took a look at the newspaper and the picture of Dr. Christman is just not what I saw last night. Last night he had a small goatee and I swear he resembled Colonel Sanders and I really liked it.

But anyway they referred to a centralized campus and that our students like going to school in one place. Actually in my own personal opinion that translates to Howard parents don't like busing their children to other communities! But hey let's leave it up to the children to decide what is best for the school budget and how much the property owners get taxed. That makes a whole lot of sense, doesn't it?

And that idea of a Centralized Campus doesn't that remind you a little bit of page one of this thread from Elk Konnected, LLC? Centralized this and Centralized that. Centralized Unified Government, does that ring a bell?

How about that, doesn't that tie right in with the long term facilities plan for remodeling, upgrades and future construction.  What is the future that they are talking about? Isn't tomorrow and next week or next year the future? 
Construction of what?
How about some specifics?
Or why have such an exercise?
What are they actually planning?

Are they planning to raise our taxes to build a new school building or add a grade school wing to the existing building with a new gym and a storm shelter for Howard?

Is it they don't want you to know what their specific thoughts are?

Is it because of the remark printed in the paper that there are still wounds from shutting down schools?

Would it be more economical to build a wing on to West Elk for a Grade School with a gym and a storm shelter for Howard?

Or would it be more economical to re-open the Moline Grade School where there is already a gym?

I believe it was the Konnected School Board President that suggested Construction at West Elk!

I've heard some worry about the children being in the portable buildings because of Tornados! Why weren't they worried for the fifteen or so years that children were in portable buildings at the Moline Grade School? Why didn't they want to add a wing to the school at that time? I believe economics played a major roll most likely.

Just look at today's economics on a national level, which affects the local economics.
The Federal Reserve has been running a perpetual Quanitative Easing of $40 Billion a month purchasing mortgage bonds which just today has been increased by $45 Billion a month purchasing Treasury Bonds. To me that shows a strong indication of fear on their part about what might be coming down the pike.

Also read the article in todays  newspaper from the School District Superintendent USD 286, our neighbor. He calls it The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. I believe he is trying to remain optimistic through everything.

So, do we want to go crazy spending money building a new school?
Especially with the continuing decline in population?

The first study, we paid for from the Emporia State University was never presented to us? Why? I understand it said we were doing just fine. If so why hire a second one done? Why?

Talk at the meeting was to utilize the internet to communicate with the population of the school district, but they won't do it. Why?

Oh heck I'm done for the moment with my questions and suggestions that never get answered by those that claim leadership abilities.

I just received a phone call fro an outstanding member of Elk County that asked me to post the e-mail of Dr. Christman.

Dr. Christman gave out his e-mail last night and said feel free to e-mail him with your ideas and opinions or anything else you wanted to contact him about. He said he would be pleased to hear from you. Okay a disclaimer; they are not his exact words, thank you.

jchristman@pittstate.edu .  Please say howdy for me. In my own personal opinion he is a fine person.

Tell him what you think, tell him what you know; it will help him with his work for West Elk School District. I don't believe he know everything he should know to perform his job properly. I believe some information was probably omitted. Just my opinion.


Quote from: Ross on December 12, 2012, 06:51:04 PM
I've heard some worry about the children being in the portable buildings because of Tornados! Why weren't they worried for the fifteen or so years that children were in portable buildings at the Moline Grade School? Why didn't they want to add a wing to the school at that time? I believe economics played a major roll most likely.

Ross, just where were these portable buildings at the Moline Grade School? 
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


I was wondering that to Flint. I think it is like that 60,000 Square Feet house someone was buliding in Elk County.


Quote from: flintauqua on December 12, 2012, 07:16:16 PM
Ross, just where were these portable buildings at the Moline Grade School? 

Setting right where they are today. Drive by and take a look for yourself.
In fact Elk Konnected, LLC was going to use one of them for their daycare.
By the way what happened to that daycare project, is that just another failure of Elk Konnected, LLC?

I mean, I tried to help them, I got them a couple of appliances they were begging for.
If it has turned into another failure for them I'm sure sorry to hear that.


Quote from: Oldtimer on December 12, 2012, 08:07:02 PM
I was wondering that to Flint. I think it is like that 60,000 Square Feet house someone was buliding in Elk County.

That was simply a typographical error, so your point would be what?

Did someone tell you Followers you could start up with the harrassment again?
Did someone give you permission, huh?

Well, welcome back, I'm sure everyone has been as worried about you Followers as I have.

Merry Christmas to you followers.

It's just to bad the leaders and the visionaries don't join us.Perhaps one day they will come out of hiding, do you suppose?


Quote from: Ross on December 12, 2012, 08:44:11 PM
Setting right where they are today. Drive by and take a look for yourself.
In fact Elk Konnected, LLC was going to use one of them for their daycare.
By the way what happened to that daycare project, is that just another failure of Elk Konnected, LLC?

I mean, I tried to help them, I got them a couple of appliances they were begging for.
If it has turned into another failure for them I'm sure sorry to hear that.

1.  The only building (singular) on the Moline Grade School property that is not part of the two main buildings is an all steel, built on-site, metal building on a concrete slab that housed the pre-school when the grade school was in operation.  It is not a 'portable' or 'modular'.  I don't know where you came up with the information you have posted, including the plural "they" part.  I have lived or owned property adjacent to the Grade School since 1983, so I think I might have first hand information on this subject.

2.  No one within or outside of Elk Konnected told me to do anything.  I am merely trying to correct information that you have presented.  Why is it that anyone that disagrees with you has to be 'Konnected'.  Konnected citizens are not the only ones that might have first-hand information that contradicts your assumptions.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on December 12, 2012, 10:58:44 PM
1.   The only building (singular) on the Moline Grade School property that is not part of the two main buildings is an all steel, built on-site, metal building on a concrete slab that housed the pre-school when the grade school was in operation.  It is not a 'portable' or 'modular'.  I don't know where you came up with the information you have posted, including the plural "they" part.  I have lived or owned property adjacent to the Grade School since 1983, so I think I might have first hand information on this subject.

Okay, I'll concede to what you say. But I have often heard of them referred to as portable buildings and I know they have access through two doors to the outside at the front of them. Still not much difference between them and a portable building that is properly anchored, now are they?

But perhaps if your point is strong enough all the more reason to reopen the Moline Grade School with it's gymnasium, huh? It would be far cheaper and perhaps the most economical way to go versus building a new school building during these financially trying times. Or do you seriously believe the voters outside of Howard are going to vote for a multi-million project? There are always better ways to solve problems, if real solutions are sought in earnest.

Quote from: flintauqua on December 12, 2012, 10:58:44 PM
2.  No one within or outside of Elk Konnected told me to do anything.  I am merely trying to correct information that you have presented.  Why is it that anyone that disagrees with you has to be 'Konnected'.  Konnected citizens are not the only ones that might have first-hand information that contradicts your assumptions.

Why is it that most followers have to be nasty in their responses and frequently threatening and into name calling?

And why is it at certain times all the Followers go dead silent at the same time?

Or are you one of the visionaries?

Who are the Konnected citizens you are referring to? Or is being a Follower a shameful thing? This, I believe is the first time I have heard the term Konnected Citizens and I find that very interesting. Could you elaborate on that, please?
Clue us all in?
Is the movement changing?

Does anyone, anyone at all belong to Elk Konnected, LLC?

Thanks for that slight bit of enlightenment!


Quote from: Ross on December 13, 2012, 12:52:14 AM

Why is it that most followers have to be nasty in their responses and frequently threatening and into name calling?

And why is it at certain times all the Followers go dead silent at the same time?

Or are you one of the visionaries?

Who are the Konnected citizens you are referring to? Or is being a Follower a shameful thing? This, I believe is the first time I have heard the term Konnected Citizens and I find that very interesting. Could you elaborate on that, please?

Does anyone, anyone at all belong to Elk Konnected, LLC?

Are you saying I am a follower, and was being nasty and threatening?  If so, none of what you stated is true.  I am also not a visionary in the way you mean it, though I have a lot more vision than you do.

Why did you elevate Konnected citizens to a proper noun of Konnected Citizen.  You did that, not me.  Is it not true that those who are in Elk Konnected are also citizens? 

Why must you always attach an assumption or implication to anything that is written that is detrimental to your view of things? 

There are many members of Elk Konnected, LLC.  I have known most of them personally for many years, and their names have appeared on this website many times.  Why are you still asking the same question that has been answered repeatedly?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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