Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Whatever happened to konnected kounty commissioners hendricks, NGO, elk konnected, llc and their Quality of Life Issue?

Wouldn't you think that communication of the facts in Elk County, to the citizens of Elk County would be vital to such an ambitious plan?

What happened to konnected kounty commissioners newspaper article in the paper following each konnected and non-connected County Commissioners meeting? No longer vital information?

Is there no longer a need for the citizens to be informed by the chairman of the board?

What was the real reason for those articles, was it PR to cover-up and to hide something?

If not, why did those articles from the konnected kounty kommissioner cease?

Or did the konnected kounty kommissioner Hendricks and her NGO, elk konnected, llc get to busy?

Are they way too busy with the Konnected President of the West Elk School Board in acquiring that Very Expensive High Priced Professional FACILITATOR?

Is this another one of elk konnected, llc's big idea's and shouldn't it be listed on page one of this thread?

I believe three attorneys would probably be cheaper to hire, than this Very Expensive High Priced Professional FACILITATOR.  IMO!

What could be so important to require spending that kind of money and taking that money away from the education dollars away from the children?

So what is "PRO" about that Proelco, I beg you for an answer?

What is "PRO" about wasting taxpayers money or giving it away?



Good luck opposing that group of socialists.  They'll well established with government money and support.

Your facilitator will be taking money from the deal and you all will be paying for his 'expertise'.

Many ought to stand.  Stay right in there.


Well you notice Proelkco and konnected kounty commissioners NGO, elk konnected, llc can not defend themselves from being Pro-socialism of the kind that sucks the taxpayer dry can they?

They can't defend the Socialist taxpaying system of the "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" and its WELFARE entitled rebates, can he?

They also can't defend the wrong doing of accepting applications before the program comes into official recognition, can they?

He also can't justify allowing projects that have been completed prior to the official recognition of the program, to be approved, can they?

I do believe the program calls for application before the project is started, how does that, work, inappropriately right, based on lies, right?

I do believe the program calls for approval before the project is started, how does that, work, inappropriately right, based on lies, right??

Those that wanted this Welfare Program want respect, yet they have no respect for themselves, or their own rules, do they?

They don't respect their own rules, of their own WELFARE program. So how do they deserve any respect from anyone else?

See the attitude here?
Zero respect for themselves or the rest of the society of Elk County, what a shame and a sham, huh?

I bet the bad attitude Elk County, Kansas is the worst it has ever been in Elk County, since the inception and birth of konnected kounty commissioners NGO, elk konnected, llc.

However, all this bad attitude has managed to get konnected kounty kommissioner Hendricks promoted to that Position of PRESIDENT of, what's it called, let me see, oh yeah, public squares communities, inc of Leoti, Kansas. Hey, isn't that another outsider  konnected Followers talk about?

What a complete farce in my opinion!
What a complete scam by our government!
Isn't that what we are gittiong from the school district board as well?

Oh, I know a couple of them mean well and can't do it on their own.


There is still time for HOPE!
There is still time for CHANGE!
As the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners so politely pointed out
With passage of the program to fix blighted area's, apparently
Elk County is a completely blighted area.

Thank you Konnected Kounty Kommissioners for that enlightenment!

Elk konnected, llc so proudly announced in an open letter that is still available
on the internet that the residents of Elk County and their individual city councils
would not co-operate with the rest of the communities or whatever, it was about as clear as mud. But to me it indicated complete despair for some people of the county.

And now it appears the School District wants to start the thing up again about building a new grade school or a wing on to the high school. Just forget the school was designed to hold 600 students and they only have 300 hundred students. Let's just keep spending money on buildings instead of on education. Also a new gym is an absolute need for teaching Geography, Math, English  and Home Economics, isn't it?

But there is still time for HOPE!
But there is still time for CHANGE!

We have Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks President of Public Squares Communities, INC for bringing Elk Konnected, LLc to Elk County with the promise of a better Quality of Life, don't we?

So there really is still time for HOPE!
So There really is still time for CHANGE

We have received the miracle of outsiders called facilitators from elk konnected, llc to guide us in our decisions, right? Apparently local leaders are incapable of leading and brought in the outsiders called facilitators to lead us. Right?

There in lies our hope!

We even have the school board leadership that has brought in an outsider called a facilitator, I think they took a step up from elk konnected, llc and hired a very expensive professional facilitator to control us and to manipulate our thinking, oops my mistake I meant Facilitate us and our children for the School Board.

Just some weird twisted thoughts and mental problems I have.

Problems, I seem to be diagnosed with by the konnected Followers.

I sure hope no one else has an affliction of thinking for them selves.

So please just ignore this post, please! Thank you!


Should USD 282 and/or county employees be reading the Forum during work hours from government owned, taxpayer funded computers?  What else are they doing when on the clock?

Just askin.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.

Rhetoric is the art of discourse, an art that aims to improve the facility of speakers or writers who attempt to inform, to persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific situations, to control and manipulate.

Ask any lawyer about the importance of being precise – or evasive – with language as needed.

Bill Clinton was a masterful practitioner of the Art of Word (I did not have sex with that woman...). Which, by certain Talmudic parsings, he didn't. Not exactly. Wiggle room, you see.

To undo it, there must be a rebirth of what they called in cowboy flicks, straight-talking. Calls things by their proper name – and challenge those who don't or won't. Make them say what they mean – openly.  If you fail to do so, you've accepted their terms.

He'll soon be "asking" you to "help."

Infact he is doing it right now by asking you to come to a meeting.
Who is his personal contact in Elk County for his information for this meeting?
Who is his personal contact in Elk County to negotiate his pay with?
What is his goal, what is his job, after all he will not be giving a sermon from the good book, will he?
What is he asking you to help with?
Is it to help him accomplish the job he was hired to do?
What is his job,            isn't it to manipulate you?

Watch how gracefully he does it, pay close attention?

Who is it that you think you are listening to, what is he an expert at?

Does he have your best interest in mind?

Does he work for you or someone else?

Where is his office, where is his home?

There are many more questions you should ask yourself about this stranger, beyond his education?

But his education, does it include any form of psychology?

Why would psychology be important, control purposes with out you knowing psychology is being used on you?

Give it some serious thought?

Why do you think certain people want to see this thread die?

Why does this thread worry some people so much?

Why do you think the Followers tell me to shut up?

Why? Is anyone required to read this junk? So, why?

Why do those that don't like it, read it and yell, "Shut Up"?

Just don't read it! Simple enough solution, right?

But no, they want to yell, "Shut Up"! Why?

You might want to go to the show -er- meeting tonight because it is going to cost you between $2000 an $5000 dollars or the School District tax dollars. We don't know how much because they don't want us to know this kind of public information. That's, that precise – or evasive – or no language type of information, don't you see?


Quote from: Ross on December 04, 2012, 07:34:24 AM
And now it appears the School District wants to start the thing up again about building a new grade school or a wing on to the high school. Just forget the school was designed to hold 600 students and they only have 300 hundred students. Let's just keep spending money on buildings instead of on education. Also a new gym is an absolute need for teaching Geography, Math, English  and Home Economics, isn't it?

Ross - I work at the high school. You're implying we have wasted space or that the space is not being used wisely. I seriously would like some input on what options we have.

I work in a room that is used by students from before school begins to the end of the day. No breaks. There are several rooms doing double duty; a classroom in the corner of the library; classes taught in the cafeteria; virtually no play area when weather is bad and the elementary students can't go outside.

If you talk about grades instead of students - the building was designed to hold 6 grades (Jr-Sr High School) and now holds (with modulars) 14 grades, counting pre-school and kindergarten. Some of the grades are large enough to be divided into two classes.

Where would you put the students at different times during the day?


I'm sorry, I wasn't implying anything.
I was informed when that school building was built it was designed to hold 600 chiildren!

Are you saying it was not?

Or are you saying there are more then 600 student's in the school?

I don't get it, where did all the space go?

Maybe we need to hire a very expensive, very high dollar efficiency expert to look into the situation?

So what is wrong with the present arrangement with kids in the very expensive portable buildings that the school board deemed sufficient over the brick and mortar school building in Moline?

I'd imagine if they truly need a grade school building of brick and mortar that Moline might be encouraged to return the school building to the school district if politely asked.

Or is this and hasn't this really been about building a Taj Mahal in Howard?

Spending so much money and wanting to go into debt during a period of time our nation is dealing with austerity is not really a great idea, now is it?

It won't be built for free, will it?

Didn't the school district get the message from the voters, at the last bond election?
2/3rd voted it down! Only in the City of Howard had 2/3rd of Howard's voters voted for it.
Does it take a visionary with a crystal ball to figure out why such interest in Howard?

Howard is the home of our county seat, right?
Howard is home to Elk Konnected, LLC, right?
Howard is home ro West Elk where Elk Konnected, LLC, claims they went to school, right?

It is really all about want rather then need isn't it?

They will make all kinds of excuses to build a new grades school.

But, these are not prosperous times and it may be a long, long time before prosperous times return. We have to deal with austerity first, don't you see?

They were voted down once so what do you think will happen a second time?
Every one knows they will try again and if turned down again, they will try again.


Quote from: Ross on December 04, 2012, 05:58:14 PM
I'm sorry, I wasn't implying anything.
I was informed when that school building was built it was designed to hold 600 chiildren!

Are you saying it was not?

Or are you saying there are more then 600 student's in the school?

I don't get it, where did all the space go?

I'm saying you're comparing apples to oranges, that's all.

We used to raise chickens. When we gathered the eggs, we put them all in a bucket. If, instead, we had gathered them and immediately put them in egg cartons, we'd need different space to hold 5 dozen eggs. One group would fit in the bottom of a 5-gallon bucket. Five full egg cartons, though, wouldn't fit the same way in that space. It would be easier to carry the cartons in plastic sack. Same number of eggs, different space needed, though.

It's not a matter of how many students; it's a matter of how many grades are now using the buildings.

And my question was how would you arrange the students and classes in the current buildings?

What would you do now? Ideas?


How many grades were there in the former one-room school houses that provided
a better education than the very expensive pro-government schools nowadays.

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