Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

My word Ross, the little people in your head must be talking again.
   It is true, slow witted people do get bored easily and have very short attention spans.  It's Obvious man!
I the future, I'll try not to be Liz, I'll try to use shorter words and I'll send you a first grader's place keeper book marker so you can follow along and not lose your place.  In consideration of your repetitiveness, perhaps we should name you "Rerun." Won't you be glad when the election is over?  I just can't imagine what you'd do if all the incumbents got back in...Or the new commissioners ignore you. 
  Why haven't your two choices been on the forum to explain themselves and how they plan to make Elk County a better place?  What do they plan to accomplish? I'd have thought by now you would have made those arrangements so the good voters could ask them questions.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2012, 04:11:37 PM
My word Ross, the little people in your head must be talking again.
  It is true, slow witted people do get bored easily and have very short attention spans.  It's Obvious man!
I the future, I'll try not to be Liz, I'll try to use shorter words and I'll send you a first grader's place keeper book marker so you can follow along and not lose your place.

Diane at least my little people have some common sense and they tire of your pettiness.
Yes, I can tell the difference.
This sounds more like your arrogant edumacated ignorance.
Just like ED, Erectile Dysfunction mentioned earlier by another member. You just don't get it.
I'm just as important as you, I retired as a Rear Admiral and Graduated Yale University and fought the VietNam war single handedly, NOT. But I am much more important then you because I am a registered voter in Elk County and because I add to the economy of Elk County. While you on the other hand live many, many miles away.

I have actually gone out of my way to be decent with you to no avail.

But letting someone else write for you is just going too far.
And I am not the only one to have noticed the difference.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2012, 04:11:37 PM
In consideration of your repetitiveness, perhaps we should name you "Rerun."

You may call me anything you want because what you have to put forth is of little interest to me.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2012, 04:11:37 PM
Won't you be glad when the election is over?  I just can't imagine what you'd do if all the incumbents got back in...Or the new commissioners ignore you.

Not for you to worry about.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2012, 04:11:37 PM
 Why haven't your two choices been on the forum to explain themselves and how they plan to make Elk County a better place?  What do they plan to accomplish? I'd have thought by now you would have made those arrangements so the good voters could ask them questions.

What the hell is it to you anyway, way up there in Delaware? You won't be voting?
What you have been on this thread is just a plain busybody with nothing at stake. Where in the heck is your common sense? Did Liz take it away from you?

I thoroughly explained I have no connection with either of these gentlemen. But I do know after a few dealings with them that they are honest and also they want what is Best for Elk County.

It was a smart ass remark about the Quality of Life in Elk County aimed at Konnected Kommissioner Hendricks and I believe she is well aware of that.

Those gentlemen have never said anything about using the internet and what they choose to do is their business, do you comprehend that?

Where as Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks made it a point to use this forum to Kommunicate with the citizens of Elk County. However, it appears she is only interested in one way communications and fled this Forum particularly this thread? Doesn't appear she could provide honest and open dialog. IMHO

Therefore a better choice in my personal opinion is someone that doesn't make statements as such and then not stick to them.

In her district that would be:
Mr. Hebb

For Honest Leadership
But Diane, I wouldn't expect you to understand and comprehend any of this. I expect you to come back with similar garbage as is in this last response of yours. Please save us all, even the Konnected Followers from such an assult. Thank you.


Ross.  This will be my last time on this  particular thread.  Not because I do not find it quasi-amusing, but it serves no purpose for me now. 
I origionlly came on this thread interested in that things had ran amok in Elk County with this new and improved IamcommissionerKonnected and it could come closer to my home.  I asked the question:  and now I can't find it as the owners have purged all of my 787 posts.  no problem....I know what I asked.

So, I will say this: bluntly and as raw as I can be with no intention of being upset. This is my take.....then I have only 1 question and it is all your personal blogg/titter/campaign trail, Ross.
What I thought as a true and solid county ran government, is only about the 'good old boy' system, and it has been taken advantage of.  Want proof?  Oh, give me time, I can do it, however the elections are about to be here, and then it will be water under the taxpayer's bridge that will be built with your taxpayer's dollars.
I do believe ELK Konnected is not up to standard of ethics.....However I do believe they are NOT responsible for Waters being pissed in and on by  (insert a name)

Ross started this thread (and yes, I do NOT know what you are thinking).
I have an opinion, and so do others.  If it doesn't follow your line of thinnking, well then hell ,it is just a marxist statement and I am wrong..so be it.
Some of your answers back to some people, Ross just floored me!  That wasn't your way of conversing back at the beginning.  You have become hardened and cruel at people to say the least. Let's just get this out of the way:
You have a 'hard-on' for the Elk Konnected crew, being made of of elected officials and what not.  I get that.  You were not heard and ushered out.  I get that.
You have spent the last year telling us your theory and i am thinkin g you now have an 'Agenda'  (spare me the Wiki) the set of goals of an ideological group; also used as above, the topics under discussion by a government'

So here is my Question:   If you didn't ask Mr. Hebb or Mr. Wunderlich if it was okay to write them in, then why are you?  Do you know them?  I persanlly know Mr. Hebb.  And now why did you just take Mr. Wunderlich's name off your marquis?
I do think you are a pot stirrer....and please spare me the "I am just a dumb old hick" routine. 
I agree to vote your beliefs this November. 
I just don't like how this has turned into a personal campaign .

Ross....if I have offended you, I know you can take it.
So can I.  I don't need refuted to my words. 
I am done.


Quote from: readyaimduck on September 09, 2012, 06:46:00 PM
So here is my Question:   If you didn't ask Mr. Hebb or Mr. Wunderlich if it was okay to write them in, then why are you?  Do you know them?  I persanlly know Mr. Hebb. 

Perhaps that's my bad that I didn't ask them. I have had dealings with both gentlemen and find them to be very honest men. I do know a couple of Mr. Hebb's children and respect them as well.

Quote from: readyaimduck on September 09, 2012, 06:46:00 PM
And now why did you just take Mr. Wunderlich's name off your marquis?

During that particular post I was nly refering to that one particular district.

Quote from: readyaimduck on September 09, 2012, 06:46:00 PM
I do think you are a pot stirrer....and please spare me the "I am just a dumb old hick" routine. 
I agree to vote your beliefs this November. 
I just don't like how this has turned into a personal campaign .

Thank you Ready, I agree I have been a pot stirrer. But I am still just an uneducated hick.
However, I am not alone on this forum. There are college educated people involved that agree with me.

Quote from: readyaimduck on September 09, 2012, 06:46:00 PM
Ross....if I have offended you, I know you can take it.
So can I.  I don't need refuted to my words. 
I am done.

Ready you have never offended me. I happen to like you. Sometimes, I had difficulty understanding somethings you said. But I always enjoyed reading what you had to say. Please don't say the last time on this thread, I'm sure others have enjoyed your being here.

Diane Amberg

Ross, you can keep prattling away to your hearts content and pretend to be so offended, but at least I know the difference between then and than. Your "dumb hick" comments doesn't hold water with a number of us and excuses nothing.
  I made the comments about the elections, not because they mean anything to me personally, but I thought the new folks running should have the same "Ross Requirement" to show up on the forum.   I just thought some of the forum members might not have thought of it. Did you notice the post about some things that were stolen...didn't yer barn just burn? :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2012, 07:08:57 PM
Did you notice the post about some things that were stolen...didn't yer barn just burn? :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sorry for the intrusion... just wanted to save that one.  Carry on.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2012, 07:08:57 PM
Ross, you can keep prattling away to your hearts content and pretend to be so offended, but at least I know the difference between then and than. Your "dumb hick" comments doesn't hold water with a number of us and excuses nothing.
  I made the comments about the elections, not because they mean anything to me personally, but I thought the new folks running should have the same "Ross Requirement" to show up on the forum.   I just thought some of the forum members might not have thought of it. Did you notice the post about some things that were stolen...didn't yer barn just burn? :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

You my dear have far surpassed pathetic.
What is with the burn remark!
Are you really so stupid?
What was stolen?


Quote from Patriot:
Sorry for the intrusion... just wanted to save that one. Carry on.

Not to worry --I had all bases covered.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2012, 07:08:57 PM
Ross, you can keep prattling away to your hearts content and pretend to be so offended, but at least I know the difference between then and than. Your "dumb hick" comments doesn't hold water with a number of us and excuses nothing.
 I made the comments about the elections, not because they mean anything to me personally, but I thought the new folks running should have the same "Ross Requirement" to show up on the forum.   I just thought some of the forum members might not have thought of it. Did you notice the post about some things that were stolen...didn't yer barn just burn? :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sorry Diane there is no such thing as a " "Ross Requirement" to show up on the forum." That's a figment of your imagination. Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks was the one to say she would use this Forum to it fullest or something like that to communicate with the citizens of Elk County. Simply that and no more.

I also wanted to copy your post again for safe keeping.
Perhaps a few others will click on quote on your post to save it as well.


Those remarks should show the Citizens what we have to look forward to if we do not vote in new commissioners.
The Followers have absolutly nothing decent to put into this thread, so do we really need 4 more years of Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

Just give it some thought, please!

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