Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: readyaimduck on August 05, 2012, 02:40:18 PM

The county had no revenue from that piece of land, so no loss.
The county gets a few years of still getting nothing....(if not an incentive, then they get a big pacyheck, and the owner can't pay the next year's tax bill.) that is a loss.
In due time, the county gets its revenue, proviiding the owner is serious.

My take, and no squirrels were hurt in this message

And why are we so concerned about the County/government getting "its revenue"?

Think liberty.


There are at least a half a dozen homes in and around Moline that are vacant and for sale.
How many homes are vacant in the other communities?
To me this is a strong indicator of the real problem, and it does not indicate a need for taxbreaks or welfare for those people that already live here.

Fact is if you don't have jobs, you don't have population growth.
County Welfare to a few at the cost to others does not  provide jobs.

But hey, those that come up with these weird ideas, don't want outsiders, do they?

Well, with out outsiders, and wiith out jobs you will never have growth.

Welfare has never improved anything.

Outsiders = People not born and raised within the confines of Elk County.

Do you think Independence and Winfield would have any kind of population. if they only had people that were born and raised there?

Do you think Independence and Winfield would have any population without having decent paying jobs?

Does Neighborhood Revitalization provide any of those things mentioned? I don't think so! Just Welfare for a few!

If it passes we will see who the biggest mooches are, won't we? It will be public information!

Again I'll say, it only provides County Welfare for a few that already live here and don't need it?

I don't ask anyone to agree with me!
I don't even suggest people believe anything I say.
I suggest each and every person think for themselves.
And it would not hurt my feelings one little bit, if you straight out called me a liar!

But it is simply a fact the  are either incapable of answering any questions put forth in this thread or refuse too based on some weird reason. Why?

Why are all the Elk Konnected, LLC followers, what few there are, so evasive?

Why can't the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners explain what Elk Konnected, LLC has done, beside leach on to every Elk County Government program that they can leach on?

Why can't they explain how Elk Konnected, LLC  will provide a Superior Quality of Life, they talk about on their web page?

How is it Elk Konnected, LLC plans to Strengthen Family Life in Elk County, they talk about on their web page ?

What business does Elk Konnected, LLC  have in messing in various family lives ?

What has Elk Konnected, LLC done besides ask Konnected Kounty Kommissioner for "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money, which I feel they used to advertise their company by giving out lollipops ?    Are you tired of lollipops yet?

I'd like to respectfully ask you, if you recognize the relationship between Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau ?

I hope people vote the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners out of office tomorrow and stop this Welfare program.

I think we need a change for the best interest of every taxpayer, not for just a few. Let's vote for good change.

Neither Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner has bothered to provide any information that disputes anything on this thread and they have had every opportunity to do so.

This is my personal and humble opinion.

Please get out and vote tomorrow, take your friends, neighbors and family. I'll be out there.

I think you will be glad you did.



frawin, don't you know by now that noone is supposed to disagree on this Forum with Ross and Patriot. This is their Forum and if you disagree with them they start their name calling and put all kinds of trash out there about you. They have run almost all of the good Forum members off and now the Forum is dominated by them and the trash they want to put out there about everyone.


Quote from: Oldtimer on August 06, 2012, 11:15:30 AM
frawin, don't you know by now that noone is supposed to disagree on this Forum with Ross and Patriot.

I'm so sorry you happen to feel that way.
I'd actually prefer that you factually disagreed with me.
Then we could communicate about it.
And perhaps, then you could answer some questions that would clear the air.

Quote from: Ross on August 06, 2012, 09:33:24 AM
I don't ask anyone to agree with me!
I don't even suggest people believe anything I say.
I suggest each and every person think for themselves.
And it would not hurt my feelings one little bit, if you straight out called me a liar!

Quote from: Oldtimer on August 06, 2012, 11:15:30 AM
This is their Forum and if you disagree with them they start their name calling and put all kinds of trash out there about you. They have run almost all of the good Forum members off and now the Forum is dominated by them and the trash they want to put out there about everyone.

This is a very open forum provided by some very nice people for everyone's use. So you must be confused.
I don't believe, I have ever called you a name, other then "Oldtimer". But just the same would you, please quote the incident, where I have called you name, so we can all see it. Oh, unless calling you an Elk Konnected, LLC Follower is considered a bad thing or name. Is that a bad name ?

I on the other hand have recieved, what I considered, a back handed death threat on this thread,
I was also told, everything I post on this thread was being printed for use in a possible lawsuit against me.
So as far as I am concerned you are reading from the wrong side of the conversation.

I must ask you once again, because you have failed to give a single example of what the privately owned company Elk Konnected, LLC has done for Elk County as the community organization they claim to be. Can you please, give even one good example?

Lrt's talk about it.

I just happen to thing they are the "Old Guard" they claim as one of the reasons they came into existance.

You know I would never have thought of that term ---  "Old Guard" --- if Elk Konnected, LLC hadn't used it. I think the more modern term is --- "The Good Ole Boy's Club" or something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong please.

Hey, wasn't it great to wake up to 63 degrees this morning?


Quote from: Oldtimer on August 06, 2012, 11:15:30 AM
frawin, don't you know by now that noone is supposed to disagree on this Forum with Ross and Patriot. This is their Forum and if you disagree with them they start their name calling and put all kinds of trash out there about you. They have run almost all of the good Forum members off and now the Forum is dominated by them and the trash they want to put out there about everyone.

Sorry you feel that way, but your statements sound like another personal attack from one who obviously hasn't read this thread from the beginning.  Why is discussing & debating the real issues so difficult for some?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Ross on August 06, 2012, 12:02:17 PM
I on the other hand have recieved, what I considered, a back handed death threat on this thread,
I was also told, everything I post on this thread was being printed for use in a possible lawsuit against me.
So as far as I am concerned you are reading from the wrong side of the conversation.

Then there was that attempt by an elected official to publicly humiliate you  by calling your written views 'vile' during a county commission meeting.  Since when, in America, did open disagreement with government & government actions become a bad thing?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Ross on August 06, 2012, 12:02:17 PM
I on the other hand have recieved, what I considered, a back handed death threat on this thread,
I was also told, everything I post on this thread was being printed for use in a possible lawsuit against me.
So as far as I am concerned you are reading from the wrong side of the conversation.

Quote from: Patriot on August 06, 2012, 12:13:19 PM
Then there was that attempt by an elected official to publicly humiliate you  by calling your written views 'vile' during a county commission meeting.  Since when, in America, did open disagreement with government & government actions become a bad thing?

Just explain to me how that represents a positive attitude that Elk Konnected, LLC want's everyone else to have?
Dosen't that positive attitude apply to Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau ?

I really wasn't offended by his attitude but I was honestly flabbergasted by it.
I mean a County Commissioner attacking a taxpaying citizen, during a County Commissioners meeting is just plain flabbergasting, isn't it ? Especially, when it is not concerning county business, but the organization (privately owned company) that he plays cheerleader  for. Don't you think? And to think it didn't even make it into the minutes of the meeting.

I think we need better government, don't you?

Remember to vote tomorrow!


I just read this article about cities filing Bankruptcy, This is only the headline.

Zombie City Roundup: Miami, Detroit, Stockton And Oakland

They said there were far too many cities across the country to list that are filing bankruptcy and raising taxes.
I noticed it is almost the four courners of the US of A.

How many government programs like Neighborhood Revitalization do you think they had running?

Probably numerous of those types of programs !

Did that save them?

Do we need to go down the same path?

Do we need to do what other county's do?

Do we follow the leader to destruction?

Well if not then it's time to vote for positive change and stop the flow of WELFARE, don't you think?


Well, I did my civic duty this morning and I had to return to town a second time this morning and it sure looks like a steady stream of others doing thier civic duty. And that is just this morning.

I was really proud to see what looks like a good turn out of voters.

Which looks promising to me for some change. I can hope anyway.

I hope everyone registered gets the chance to get in and vote.


Aye aye Sailor, as did I. Even wrote Ron Paul's name in for something just to make a certain forum poster happy. ;D

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