Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Here is something for you to chew on Bullwinkle,

In ths weeks newspaper Konnected Kommissioner Hendricks said in her column is a person wanted a copy of the Community Revitalization documents drop by the court house and pick one up.

Well first why can't they post it on the expensive web site we are paying for?

When arrived at the court house and asked for a copy, I had to sign oner papers saying I'm a resident of Elk County and some other stuff on it. and then I'm told the document is not available. It cost me a 20 mile trip round way to be told it is not available? What's with that? We just can't trust what that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner put's in print, I guess not!

But, I was held accountable to the court house, I had to sign a paper testifying, that I am a citizen of Elk County.
Now I'd just ask why doesn't the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners hold Elk Konnected, LLC accountable jsut like a private citizen?

Are private owned companies not accountable to the citizens and taxpayers of Elk County when they beg for money?

They are a privately owned company using funds from county coffers and I would like to know where the reciepts are for every dime?
How much money is left over and what gets returned to the county coffers?
Documentation and transparency where is it?
What are they hiding?

Also, they state they have sent copies of the Community Revitalization documents to the various communities.
I'd like to know was it via computer e-mail?
If so why at the same time couldn't they post it on the very costly web site?  

The Konnected Kounty Kommissioners also stated they are awaiting verbal responses, why?
What's wrong with some documentation?
You know with signatures on a response letter?
Doing it with no names like Elk Konnected, LLC ? just doesn't cut it in my humble opinion.

Then those letters, could also be posted on the county very expensive web site, right?
Then everyone in Elk County who has a right to know what their county government is doing, would know, right?

Operating like Elk Konnected, LLC  just doesn't cut it with me, how about you ?  

Some transparency from the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners would be greatly appreciated.

Why is our Elk County Government, acting like the privately owned company, Elk Konnected, LLC, anyway ?

So since you are my neighbor, how about volunteering to drive anyone in our area that needs a rde to the polls in August?

Let's work as a team, how about it?


Quote from: Patriot on June 21, 2012, 08:25:03 PM

How a fact can be presented other than factually is beyond me.  Personal reproach?  You'll have to expand on that a bit.  With respect to public officials there's a firm line between them and a private person, practically, legally and ideologically. As for 'truths' being shoved, I would hope anyone would verify the information before accepting anything I post as a truth.  If verified, only then should the information be evaluated as truth.  Now, when it comes to opinion, there may well be dozens of ways to express those, and heaven knows everybody's got one.

With regard to information I present as facts, I invite you and everyone else here to challenge my sources.  Compare that source to the 'common' perception and decide for yourselves.  I will gladly provide those sources for external review.  I usually do as with statutes in support of my arguments, etc.  If I discover something I've presented as fact is in error, I'll admit the fault... and have several times.

One thing I won't apologize for, is being me.  Whether you love or hate me, your choice will be based on who I am, not who I pretend to be.
. I will stand on the hate side.  You think there is a big brother overlord organization calling the shots for elk county or for that matter for Elk Konnected.  Liz didn't invent Elk Konnected, she is a steering committee member that will rotate off that post and someone else will take up the slot.  All board positions are limited in both responsibility and term.  Just like opinions every person involved with Elk Konnected has a voice unique to their own personality.  You walk all over the individual to grasp at the headline.  The socialists are taking over elk county.  Bull shit.  You obviously don't comprehend the community in which you live.  West Elk will flop because an Elk Konnected board member is handling the gavel???bullshit.  You don't have the balls(Kevin) or follow through to run for office(Loss).  You bitch constantly about elk county wasting tax money they increase the road budget and you are all praise.  Increasing the amount of money in a budget, the number of people employed, and the increase of benefits to said employees is growth of government.    Where is the lower taxes plan?  Where is the solo brilliant commissioner campaign to increase jobs, quality of life, education, or anything that will remotely attract someone to move the this barren wasteland on underachievers and under-employed?  You have the bitch' down to a science. What is the alternative?  What is your better way?  I have not read of any two to one votes in the minutes. 

You undermined all efforts to attract the wind farm, site anti wind organizations worldwide about the waste of government subsidized energy policy, publicly criticize the commission accepting such a low amount for no, I repeat no county financial input what so ever, then immediately allocate, to the penny where and when the unearned dollars should be spent and how quickly.   Defines a beggar thy neighbor project if there ever was one.  Why don't you anti wind click recluse your self for the life of the ill-conceived  wind agreement from any and all proceeds from this, another government welfare program and pay your taxes based not on next years budget with the wind money but your proposed plan of nothing, no growth, less government and higher mil levy.  Board up the school, your kids go out of district anyhow.  Or don't need education at your stage of life.  Save those mils for more gravel, another overworked right-of-way mower, and more insurance. 
Loss why don't you just call the federally funded Elk County Transportation to take you where ever you want to go if you are too cheap to finance your own travels. 


Quote from: Ross on June 21, 2012, 10:01:34 PM
When arrived at the court house and asked for a copy, I had to sign oner papers saying I'm a resident of Elk County and some other stuff on it. and then I'm told the document is not available. It cost me a 20 mile trip round way to be told it is not available? What's with that? We just can't trust what that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner put's in print, I guess not!

But, I was held accountable to the court house, I had to sign a paper testifying, that I am a citizen of Elk County.
Now I'd just ask why doesn't the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners hold Elk Konnected, LLC accountable jsut like a private citizen?

Say what?  Interesting considering the document comes under the purview of the Kansas Open Records Act (KSA 45-215)  and as such would be available to anyone, county resident or not.  In particular:

K.S.A. 45-216 Public policy that records be open. (a) It is declared to be the public policy of the state that public records shall be open for inspection by any person unless otherwise provided by this act, and this act shall be liberally construed and applied to promote such policy.

      (b)   Nothing in this act shall be construed to require the retention of a public record nor to authorize the discard of a public record.

K.S.A 45-217 (f) (1) [(g) (1)]   "Public record" means any recorded information, regardless of form or characteristics, which is made, maintained or kept by or is in the possession of any public agency including, but not limited to, an agreement in settlement of litigation involving the Kansas public employees retirement system and the investment of moneys of the fund.

Perhaps this is something for our government officials might avail themselves of:

WICHITA, Kan. — The Kansas attorney general's office will hold five training sessions next month on the state's Open Meetings and Open Records Act.

Attorney General Derek Schmidt said Wednesday the sessions will give elected officials, the news media and the public a chance to learn about the requirements of open government laws.

The three-hour seminars are scheduled July 16 in Hutchinson; July 17 in Dodge City; July 19 in Iola; and July 20 in Leavenworth and Topeka.

Sponsors include the Kansas Sunshine Coalition for Open Government, Kansas Press Association and Kansas Newspaper Foundation.

Admission is free, but space is limited and registration is requested at Schmidt's website or by calling 888-428-8436.


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
I will stand on the hate side. 

Fine, that's between you and your maker.  Also sets one heck of an example for our youth, IMO.  Hopefully they will learn the difference between protected free speech directed at government and venomous, baseless personal attacks on private citizens.

Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
You think there is a big brother overlord organization calling the shots for elk county or for that matter for Elk Konnected.  Liz didn't invent Elk Konnected , she is a steering committee member that will rotate off that post and someone else will take up the slot.  All board positions are limited in both responsibility and term. 

Au contraire. 
1.  Overlord organization?  No.  Just a few self-aggrandizing folks who pander to the public in the daylight and perpetuate personal agendas and preferential treatments in the background.... and methinks the public suspects it too.
2. There are public statements claiming her founder relationship with Elk Konnected viewable at this link (http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/st_lhendricks.htm).  Hint:  See item 3 in the resume list.
3.  Would you be willing to post certified copies of the statutorily required organization/operating agreements to demonstrate the properly adopted 'board positions and limits' in this Kansas registered Limited Liability Company?  Wait... we've been told on this thread for a year that there is no Board  of Directors within the Elk Konnected structure.  Can we take your statement as a retraction of a previous falsehood?
4.  If I recall correctly, we were told at a Grenola Kommunity Konversation about the rotational term limits for EK steering committee members and wondered then why a couple of folks had long overstayed those stated limits.  Managing members/partners as described in Kansas Statutes, perhaps?

Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
Just like opinions every person involved with Elk Konnected has a voice unique to their own personality.  You walk all over the individual to grasp at the headline.  The socialists are taking over elk county.  Bull shit.  You obviously don't comprehend the community in which you live.  West Elk will flop because an Elk Konnected board member is handling the gavel???bullshit.  You don't have the balls(Kevin) or follow through to run for office(Loss).  You bitch constantly about elk county wasting tax money they increase the road budget and you are all praise.  Increasing the amount of money in a budget, the number of people employed, and the increase of benefits to said employees is growth of government.    Where is the lower taxes plan?  Where is the solo brilliant commissioner campaign to increase jobs, quality of life, education, or anything that will remotely attract someone to move the this barren wasteland on underachievers and under-employed?  You have the bitch' down to a science. What is the alternative?  What is your better way?  I have not read of any two to one votes in the minutes. 

And I'm pilloried for my 'sugarless presentation' techniques.
1.  Socialist?  Probably not.  Ideologically speaking (as Dr Walter Williams points out) it's more like practical fascism.
2.  Underestimation of testicular fortitude might be a mistake.... just look at this entire thread.
3.  Perhaps you should actually read the county budget before you lecture.  As for my praise of the commission in re. the wind farm expenditures, am I not entitled to my opinion, just as you? 
4.  As for commission votes, perhaps you should get the actual minutes (the local paper admitted, in writing, to editing our minutes prior to publication). Or, better yet, plant your butt in the commission meetings and actually listen to the votes.  Perhaps someday those meetings will be recorded and published for all to hear.  Again, you are mistaken.  Your 'facts' are in error. 
5.  Your questions regarding 'the plan'?  Ask the current commissioners to step up and detail it for us.  I'm sure we would all like to hear more than crickets chirping and taxes rising. 
6.  As for what I really think, I've been quite unvarnished in most of my opinions.  As Bullwinkle has been so thoughtful to point out.  Did you misread my posts, perhaps?

Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
You undermined all efforts to attract the wind farm, site anti wind organizations worldwide about the waste of government subsidized energy policy, publicly criticize the commission accepting such a low amount for no, I repeat no county financial input what so ever, then immediately allocate, to the penny where and when the unearned dollars should be spent and how quickly.   

1.  I was not even commenting, publicly or privately, when the wind project was being negotiated.  It was a done deal before I said a word.
2.  I've never commented on the amount of PILOT being low.  I think that was Ross making a comparison to a comparable project in Oklahoma.
3.  While I may have reported the allocations made, I never allocated a damned thing.  Our county commission did.... by unanimous public vote.
4.  Once again, your 'facts' aren't facts.  You seem to be projecting that hate you mentioned earlier.

Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
Defines a beggar thy neighbor project if there ever was one.  Why don't you anti wind click recluse your self for the life of the ill-conceived  wind agreement from any and all proceeds from this, another government welfare program and pay your taxes based not on next years budget with the wind money but your proposed plan of nothing, no growth, less government and higher mil levy.  Board up the school, your kids go out of district anyhow.  Or don't need education at your stage of life.  Save those mils for more gravel, another overworked right-of-way mower, and more insurance. 
Loss why don't you just call the federally funded Elk County Transportation to take you where ever you want to go if you are too cheap to finance your own travels. 

Wow, what an illogical, venom filled, hateful, almost incoherent rant, Vitriol.  Feel better?  Perhaps Bullwinkle will now admonish your 'presentation'.  Though I won't hold my breath.  Oh, I think the word you were searching for is recuse, not recluse. :)

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Wow... I never thought I'd come back to see posts as horrible as what Vitriol has posted (fitting name though). Maybe I should go back into hiding again... :o


Quote from: mtcookson on June 21, 2012, 11:49:45 PM
Maybe I should go back into hiding again... :o

Awww shucks.  Stick around, the half time show is gonna be super.  LOL
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Yeah, I'm planning on sticking around. Was really starting to miss this place. Have some interesting things I want to post and get a discussion going about as well... but that will have to wait for another time as I'm getting quite tired. Comfy bed, here I come!


Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
I will stand on the hate side.

Hate, is a might strong word and an even more terrible and strong emotion in my opinion.
I dismissed hate from my life many, many years ago.
Personally, I may disagree with someone, but I will never hate anyone. 
Because hate can destroy the person carrying it.
I even try to avoid using the word.

Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
  Liz didn't invent Elk Konnected, she is a steering committee member that will rotate off that post and someone else will take up the slot.  All board positions are limited in both responsibility and term.  Just like opinions every person involved with Elk Konnected has a voice unique to their own personality.  You walk all over the individual to grasp at the headline.

Know one has said Konnected Kounty Kommisssioner Hendricks  invented Elk Konnected, LLC but that she claims to be the founding member of Elk Konnected, LLC, big difference right?

There is a big difference and as I state in a minute she is on the staff of the MOTHER company, Public Squares Communities, LLC.

And LLC means they are both privately owned companies, right?

Oh, but Vitriol, I do believe you are very wrong. I do believe Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks stated very clearly that she IS the founding member.

Also, I do believe, she lived in Leoti, Washington County, Kansas.

Also, I do believe, Leoti, Washington County, Kansas is the home town of Public Squares, LLC.
They also have an office in Kansas City. This is all verifiable with a few simple google searches.

Also, I do believe, Konnected Kounty Kommisssioner Hendricks is on the staff of Public Squares Communities, LLC ? 

You can check Public Squares Communities,LLC  web site and find her listed as such in the drop down list of staff.

Doesn't being on the staff of Public Squares Communities, LLC staff mean they pay her?

How many of those Elk County Dollars paid to Public Squares Communities, LLC by Elk Konnected, LLC that were begged from the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners have been used to pay Konnected Kounty Kommisssioner Hendricks as their employee?  You have no way of knowing, right?

Konnected Kounty Kommisssioner Hendricks has even written the letters signed as Elk County Commissioner that were written to her own organization, both praising it and also dissing a community in Elk County in one of the letters. Those letters are accessible right here on the internet.

Doesn't using her title as County Commissioner in the letters tend to make it sound as though everyone in Elk County approves of what she is doing? When in actuality not everyone does!

Just how many conveniences do you require?

Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
You think there is a big brother overlord organization calling the shots for elk county or for that matter for Elk Konnected.

By all means on, and I don't believe anyone has suggested any such thing.

However, Elk Konnected, LLC raised the issue of "The Old Guard", didn't they?
It now appears to me by the actions of  Elk Konnected, LLC that perhaps they are "The Old Guard",   just in new dresses.

Vitrol, can you tell us who were the member's of "The Old Guard", I have no idea who Elk Konnected, LLC was refering to with there claims?

[quote author=Vitriol link=topic=11780.msg191554#msg191554 date=1340338391
Liz didn't invent Elk Konnected, she is a steering committee member that will rotate off that post and someone else will take up the slot.

Really, Vitrol, really?

When Elk Konnected, LLC was conceived they said the steering committee members would rotate out every two years didn't they?

But the truth, don't people just get feed up and bailout?

Well, hasn't Elk Konnected, LLC been around 5 or 6 years?

And hasn't Konnected Kounty Kommisssioner Hendricks been on the steering committee since it inception?

And didn't Elk Konnected, LLC just recently say, they voted to extend the period of time to serve as a steering committee to four years?
(Really, I like referring to the steering committee as the board of governors.)

And isn't it apparent they grandfathered the present members in for next four years?
Aren't a couple of members the same members that have been members since the conception of Elk Konnected, LLC ? There is no harm in being truthfull about this is there?
Afterall Elk Konnected, LLC ? is a prvately owned company and has the right to do inside there companythey want to do, so long as it is legal, right?

Why is that extension of the steering committy members necessary?
Is it perhaps, because, they can't get anyone, to volunteer?
Where is the list of membership?
Elk Konnected, LLC apparently has no real membership, right?
Just a steering committee, right?

I seriously believe the steering commity's responsibilities are limited, probably seriously limited, r

Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
All board positions are limited in both responsibility and term.  Just like opinions every person involved with Elk Konnected has a voice unique to their own personality.  You walk all over the individual to grasp at the headline.  The socialists are taking over elk county.  Bull shit.  You obviously don't comprehend the community in which you live.

This thread is about Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and all their big ideas  given Elk County and a bout all the "Beggar-Thy-Neghbor" money they beg for, from the taxpayers. Why is it Elk Konnected, LLC with all their big ideas always seem to be holding their hand out for a handout?
I only ask for answers, is it my fault that Elk Konnected, LLC, Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and the Followers can not provide any answers? But, instead attack me and attempt to bully me in what, I believe is are simply actions to avoid giving any answers.

Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
You don't have the balls(Kevin) or follow through to run for office(Loss).  You bitch constantly about elk county wasting tax money they increase the road budget and you are all praise.

Isn't the county responsible for all those mile of county roads?
Isn't it the county responsible to pay off it's debt's?
Isn't it better to pay off the county debt's rather then waste the by giving it away?
What? Did you want that money for your organization to have control of?
Don't you think when something is done right that it should be praised?

I think you may be a bit to vitriol.
(Vitrol means Cruel and bitter criticism. I looked it up just to be absolutely sure of the definition)

Where is the solo brilliant commissioner campaign to increase jobs, quality of life, education, or anything that will remotely attract someone to move the this barren wasteland on underachievers and under-employed?  You have the bitch' down to a science. What is the alternative?  What is your better way?  I have not read of any two to one votes in the minutes.  [/quote]

I have never said, I have the answers or a better way,  I believe Elk Konnected, LLC has insinuated that they have all the answers, right? But, they won't speak up? Why?
Why, won't they provide some substantial answers?

If asking legitimate questions is bitching, I do have it down to a science, and I thank you for the compliment. Now, if we can just get Elk Konnected, LLC to be equally good at science and provide answers then we might get something going in Elk County, don't you think?

Quote from: Vitriol on June 21, 2012, 10:13:11 PM
Loss why don't you just call the federally funded Elk County Transportation to take you where ever you want to go if you are too cheap to finance your own travels. 

There is some more of that vitriol, not very nice is it? NOT!

I, sir, have always paid my own way with dollars that I have earned the old fashioned way.
I worked for them dollars.

I have never mentioned Elk County Transportation in this thread, thank you.

I tire of you and have work to do, so I will bid you adieu for now.



Vitrol while the world Economical finincial crises worsens daily do you really believe that there is great hope for Elk County to grow a larger population, or to grow Economically?

Can Elk County do any better then paying their debt's and tending to the necessities of all the Elk County citizens and taxpayers?

After all isn't that the purpose of County Government?

Or is it the County's purpose only to tend to the wants of a few people, who may be associated with some organization?

Just Check Out the real world financial situation:

I copied this word for word, and I believe it is simply because of greed and the need for power!

NEW YORK (AP) -- Moody's Investors Service has lowered the credit ratings on some of the world's biggest banks, including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, reflecting concern over their exposure to the violent swings in global financial markets.

The downgrades late Thursday ultimately are a measure of Moody's view on the ability of the banks to repay their debts. The ratings agency also cut its ratings on Barclays, Deutsche Bank and HSBC, some of the largest banks in Europe, a region fighting to contain a government debt crisis.

The banks "have significant exposure to the volatility and risk of outsized losses inherent to capital markets activities," Moody's global banking managing director Greg Bauer said in a statement outlining the rationale for the downgrades.

The behemoth banks are all major players in the global stock and bond markets, which have become extremely volatile. Critics such as former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker argue that the stability of the financial system is threatened when banks' profits rely on proprietary trading desks that make high-risk bets on derivatives and other opaque financial instruments. Rich profits can be made from such trades but the losses can also be huge.

JPMorgan said last month it suffered a $2 billion trading loss related to a hedging strategy.

Analysts said the lure of larger profits from riskier, highly leveraged trading may prove too tempting compared with traditional banking such as loans for housing or small businesses, which require high volume and a network of branches to boost returns.

Does Elk County need the same attitudes with in it's boundaries?

Even our beloved state of Kansas has a financial crisis of it's own, does Elk Conuty need to join the rest of the world in debt crisis?

Let's get out the vote in August, let's have some real change in Elk County.
Change for a better attitude.


My sincere apologies to you and anyone else who has misinterpreted my information or intent based on presentation.  I will examine my part in that.  I would ask, however, that we all accept that understanding in communication is a two way street requiring as much diligent effort on the part of the reader as there on the poster.  I'll gladly apply some sugar, if you'll also be ready to accept that not all pastries are heavily coated in chocolate.  And please remember, it's the message that's important, not the messenger.  Names & personalities are far less important than facts and ideas, IMHO.

How a fact can be presented other than factually is beyond me.  Personal reproach?  You'll have to expand on that a bit.  With respect to public officials there's a firm line between them and a private person, practically, legally and ideologically. As for 'truths' being shoved, I would hope anyone would verify the information before accepting anything I post as a truth.  If verified, only then should the information be evaluated as truth.  Now, when it comes to opinion, there may well be dozens of ways to express those, and heaven knows everybody's got one.

With regard to information I present as facts, I invite you and everyone else here to challenge my sources.  Compare that source to the 'common' perception and decide for yourselves.  I will gladly provide those sources for external review.  I usually do as with statutes in support of my arguments, etc.  If I discover something I've presented as fact is in error, I'll admit the fault... and have several times.

One thing I won't apologize for, is being me.

      Well said,sir. This is a post that will be taken by those who are reading it  as much more sincere , and humble, than a few of your others. Just saying.

     Vitriol,( certainly picked a fitting moniker), however is obviously quite an angry person, and no amount of tact will make the debate a civil one.   :o

     Ross, I do think it is time for Elizabeth to go, and get some fresh ideas rolling. Elk Konnected has fizzled, IMHO as well as any economic development attempts. Enough money has been sent that way. Perhaps different personel would make a difference, maybe not. One point you did make is that we need to know who we are voting for and be sure we aren't moving in the wrong direction. It would be nice if those running put their views here for many to see.

    I apologize if my attempts at humor agitated you. I'm not making a living as a comedian.  :laugh: :laugh:

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