Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Where does the community get the lots to sell to the new residents?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 11, 2012, 09:45:40 AM
Where does the community get the lots to sell to the new residents?

Good Morning Diane,
As I said to be discussed.
It has been done by other communities.


Eureka has a similar program. BUT the only problem is that it is so restrictive that no one will be able to afford to comply with all the restrictions.  I also know of folks that have been screwed by the PTB in eureka and their land was siezed after improvements were made.  They changed the rules after they improved the property thereby disqualifying all their improvements and by not complying legally with the rules aka valid improvements they were forfeit on their property.

This leaves the only thing that is sensible in this day and age as well as when adams children started bartering and trading amongst themselves.  Something from nothing = nothing.   

Quote from: Ross on March 11, 2012, 09:30:36 AM

If the county is truly interested in population growth and attracting people to the community there is a program that has been used by other communities that were desperate for grow population as well. The community would make available a lot (a small piece of property) available to a family with children for free, with conditions.  The conditions were to build a house on the lot with-in a year and 5 years with no property tax. The idea was to grow the population and to increase the student enrollment in the local school district.


Because each child increased the monies collected by the school district from the state and after five years the county, the school district and the city started receiving more property tax.

This would also improve the local merchants profits by each and every new family and the spending of money at their local stores.

A win for the new family.
A win for the community and local stores by having a new family, adding more spending money to the local economy.
A win for the school district by adding children to the enrollment.
A win for the school district by adding another taxpayer.
A win for the county by adding another taxpayer.
A win for the town they move into by adding another taxpayer.

And most of all not a "Beggar-They-Neighbor" Plan.
That provides for those people that may not have school age children.
After all aren't children the essential key to overall growth, aren't they?

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



Quote from: Ross on March 11, 2012, 09:14:05 PM
Well, it was just a thought.

A lot of cities in kansas have been pushing this for years but its pretty much been a scam. Usually these folks end up with a massive burden of  debt.   Its like back in the 80's when denver colorado started selling houses that were vacant in the area, to people for pennies on the dollar. Well what they didn't disclose to them was the massive debt incurred by bonds on those proerties for teh streets and lights.  The city encombered the properties with so much debt that it made the houses tax liability more than a normal house note every month. Most of those folks lost bigtime.

When perusing any government offer like this, caveat emptor!  9 out of 10 times you'll lose.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on March 12, 2012, 12:20:25 AM
A lot of cities in kansas have been pushing this for years but its pretty much been a scam. Usually these folks end up with a massive burden of  debt.   Its like back in the 80's when denver colorado started selling houses that were vacant in the area, to people for pennies on the dollar. Well what they didn't disclose to them was the massive debt incurred by bonds on those proerties for teh streets and lights.  The city encombered the properties with so much debt that it made the houses tax liability more than a normal house note every month. Most of those folks lost bigtime.

When perusing any government offer like this, caveat emptor!  9 out of 10 times you'll lose.

That jsut sux big time. Than ks for the heads up.


I couldn't help it.
How's this for an economic development situation?

State Ignores Financial Damage of Smoking Ban

Proponents of the statewide smoking ban approved by the
2010 Kansas Legislature said businesses would not be appreciably harmed by the ban.
But a growing body of evidence and experience from Kansas and other states shows they were wrong.

Anything for a buck, right?
Will they reverse their ruling on the statewide smoking ban for economic development?


It sure is a beautiful day for eating crow.

My apology's folks.

Nothing happened at the Elk County Commissioners meeting today as far as discussing the
reported $850 G's from the initial start up of the wind farm.

Perhaps because one of the Elk Konnected County Commissioners was not there, I don't know?

There appears some kind of problem getting road work done by the wind farm since the project has finished.

I have a hearing loss problem and even with hearing aids it is difficult for me to hear every word they are saying.
So, I apologize for that as well.

A member of the audience helped keep the Commissioners straight on the request for a recess to go to executive session. Which was politely handled. And consequently followed the Kansas open meeting rules. See working together does help.

I hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful day.

Janet Harrington

Thanks for going to the meeting, Ross. I wish I could.


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