Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 02, 2012, 09:01:44 AM
Ross, I'm really sorry you don't get it.

I don't get it, sorry Diane, you don't get it.
With our Elk Konnected County Commissioners and Elk Konnected School Board Members, it is like a political action committee working inside the County Government. And it falls right in line with the message from the voters to the Government of Wichita, Kansas. Let me repeat:
Quote from: Ross on March 02, 2012, 06:42:40 AM
Stopping Crony Capitalism

By Paul Jacob   

Voters in Wichita, Kansas, went to the polls, Tuesday, to smash a measure that would have forked over $2.25 million in tax rebates to a downtown hotel project. Those supporting the giveaway spent $300,000 to promote the deal, while opponents ponied up a scant $30,000 against it. The vote nevertheless strongly weighed against the big money, 62 to 38 percent.
The Wichita City Council had enacted this      "economic development" deal with the hotel developers, and that would have been the end of it ... but for some pesky Wichita taxpayers.[/b]

This is farm country, this county has less then 3000 people in it counting babies, small children an old fogies like me. What would Elk County have to offer a major employer?
Would the county be able to provide 200 employee's, or even 100 employee's, I doubt they would be able to find 20 employee's.
Do you suppose that's why the wind farm imported most of their employees, from Texas, Wichita, Oklahoma, and other places? And there was not enough housing for them.

There are no major employers coming to or looking at Elk County, if you know of any let us know?
It appears that only those that live here and have money are the ones that want more money and want to "beggar thy neighbor".
That is why I believe our County Employee is keeping secret who she is working for and that is the only reason.

As Elk Konnected, LLC so explicitly stated what they did about the, "Old Guard".
Only in my opinion, I think they failed to explain that they are the, "Old Guard" with a new name.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 02, 2012, 09:01:44 AM
How do you think businesses decide where to expand when they are ready to make a jump into a new market? They investigate the business atmosphere in many areas, see what the tax structure is like, what the current infrastructure, etc. is like,  what generally are the land prices,check out whether there are enough of the kind of employees they would need, etc.

You see Diane we don't have the population in our little county that you probably have in your's,
We would probably have to go clear to Wichita (70 miles away) or to Bartlesville, Ok (60 miles away) to get the population that you have.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 02, 2012, 09:01:44 AM
Tax relief is often one of the carrots dangled to attract them. We just hooked an Amazon fulfillment center south of here, and yes, the dealings weren't made public until the details were worked out. It's not that they had anything evil to hide, it's just good business practice. For example, if people find out a business rep. is looking, they do sneaky things like raising their land prices or rezoning.

Everyone that lives in this county would like tax relief, why give it only to a few that live here.
The details are not a requirement to make public. But the government has no right to keep secret from the taxpayers who they are working with. Perhaps you were not following what was going on with your local government.

How far south of where you live is not far? 
What state is it again that you live in?
What is the name of your county?
I'd like to look up the statistic's for myself and compare them to our's.

But understand the economic package the County wants to put in effect, as I understand it has to be voted on.
Do you think the general population of the county will vote yes on it,
while their elected county officials are working in secret? 
I say fat chance.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 02, 2012, 09:01:44 AM
Is  it that you don't think Elk county is worth saving? You don't want it to grow? As I said before, you came with your own income, you could live anywhere.

Save Elk County from what?
Elk County grows plenty.
Plenty of cattle, and crops?
My income has no part in what the local government does?
But if that is a point, I have added to the county by bring my income here.
I spend plenty locally and I try to do most of my spending locally.
But Diane, I am a poor man on a fixed income.
No, I am not poverty stricken.
And I don't "beggar my neighbor".

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 02, 2012, 09:01:44 AM
How would you encourage new businesses?
Not by showing them Elk konnected, LLC and farmland and no people to employee and no housing to live in, and no hospital. So, I guess you have made a point.
Farm land just doesn't have much to offer to the industrialised world.

Besides, I believe that certain people would rather not have their power usurped by outsiders.
Outsiders with more money then they have.
Just my opinion.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 02, 2012, 09:01:44 AM
What would you like to see happen to put Elk County on the map as a business friendly place so venture capitalists of one type or another would take the chance?

Why is it necessary for Elk County to be placed on the "MAP"?
Is your County on the so called, "MAP".
How come, I never hear about your county, if it is on the so called "MAP".
I'm sure if most of these people in Elk County wanted the big city life, they would be living in the big city, don't you?

I have a neighbor and I mean a real close neighbor that works in Wichita, Kansas nearly 70 miles away, and he is quit content to live out here in the boondocks even though the property tax is higher out here.

What's the advantage?
Little or no crime, I seldom hear a siren, fresh air, mostly friendly people.

What are the disadvantages?
The dis-advantages are plenty, so why does anyone choose to live out here?

I chose to live here because of the lack of crowding, but also because, if I so desire, I can go to a few small cities that are within 40 miles either east or west. And too, I have the convince of only a 70 mile trip to Wichita and major hospitals or 60 miles to Bartlesville, Oklahoma and the Jane Phillips Hospital. I had to drive that far when I lived in Seattle to get to a major hospital. So I don't find that a disadvantage.

Elk County also has a very diversified landscape and a number of beautiful drives. It is also fun to just go driving on the back county roads, there is so much to see. I have seen eagles flying around out there and I have watched the deer bounding over fences. There are great sunrises and sunsets, without having to peer between sky scrapers to enjoy them. A person can actually see the stars because the stars are not blocked by the city lights. And It is quit tranquil out here.

If and when rioting starts in the cities, I don't believe we will have it out here?

I'm sorry Diane you are the one that doesn't get it.

I hope you have a great weekend, I know i will out here in the country.


I felt compelled to bring this over from another thread in case some of you haven't read that thread.
That thread is:

Quote from: Patriot on February 29, 2012, 10:32:26 PM

Remarks from an Elk Konnected Follower who apparently finds it TRASH to question our Elk Konnected, LLC County Commissioners and/or Elk Konnected School Board members. In essence calling us trash. How sweet is that?

It seems that when the Elk Konnected, LLC followers (they are not members because Elk Konnected, LLC I bellieve has said they have no members), just followers, so anyway when they have no real answers thaey seem to resort to name calling.Is that the extent of their education, just asking?

Quote from: ELK@KC on March 01, 2012, 07:40:01 PM
Wilma you are right on. I know the families of all 3 commissioners and all 3 commissioners are fine hardworking young people. Most of the people I have talked to in Elk County think they are doing a fine job. In addition they think that Elk Konnect is a good organization for Elk County, they like the programs that EK does for the young and old alike. I say to the Commissioners KEEP ON KEEPING ON and ignore the the negative trash that people are making up.

How many people have you talked to from long distance? Would that be the 10 or 12 that are Konnected?
Would you please show what is being made up?
What is Elk Konnected, LLC actually doing besides begging for money?
And using county resources with out proper authorization?
They failed at their fitness center in howard and had to sell it, didn't they?
They failed at their baseball tournament, didn't they?
They fail at having any kind of membership, don't they?
Where they don't seem to fail is having family running Elk KOnnected, LLC do they?
They didn't fail to write a letter of self praise, did they?
They didn't fail to diss a community in Elk County in writing their start up letter, did they?

Quote from: Ross on March 01, 2012, 08:15:22 PM
Lest you forget Elk KOnnected, LLC is a privately owned company that runs around begging for money, taxpayers money.
They go to the County Commissioners and ask for money and they are asking their own members to vote to give them money?
Good job, huh.

They do the samething with the School District where they have their members on the the School Board?
Just amazing isn't it. Perhaps that is where you need to direct your vile remarks.

Now that is just vile calling people trash.
Especially when you don't know them.
But that is typical of Elk Konnected followers. decide to
If people question Elk Konnected, LLC's  motives, put them down,
That appears to be the Elk Konnected, LLC way.

I suppose you agree with Elk Konnected County Commissioners and I have to quote because I wasn't at the meeting.
So do you agree with suggestion by Elk Konnected, LLC?

I totally disagree. This is a beautiful county, beautiful drives anywhere you go in Elk County. With the exception of the old high school in Howard.

I have taken pictures of old houses and buildings that are leaning over so far it's amazing they are still standing. I don't find them to be a blight but artistic. There is one I believe on Road #2 south of 160 that s just amazing. The drive from Moline to Sedan is a very beautiful drive as well.

So why is Elk konnected working so hard to suggest the county is a blight?

And why is a privately owned company trying to control the county?

Isn't that what people across the US are upset about. Corporate America controlling our Federal Government?

Think about it, for all of a minute if you will.

County Commissioner Liebau you made the remark at the Board meeting that my posts are vile, well I must ask you a question.

Do you find the remarks at the Board meeting suggesting that Elk County is a blight to be vile to be true? If you do find the remarks vile, I think it would behove you to come out on here right now, right now and clear the air?

Or are you still going to DEFEND Elk Konnected, LLC and stick with the remarks suggesting the Elk County is a blight?

I'm sure it would be of interest to everyone in the county to know your exact feelings on those statements, I know I am very interested. So please tell us.


You know this is almost like a personal blog.
How cool is that?
But it is open for two way conversations?

Every month in the Kansas Country Living magazine I receive from my rural electric company, I read a full page of what I consider propaganda. Why? They are always talking about everyone else's negative attitudes. But they fail to talk about their own negative attitudes. This page I am referring to is associated with Elk Konnected, LLC. Every month, why every month? It is never backed up with anything factual, nothing any more factual then my asking questions?

Elk Konnected, LLC started up because of a big negative that they claimed, didn't they?
Didn't they say something to the effect that none of the real and actual communities in Elk County could get along?
How much more negative can you get?

Didn't the Elk Konnected County commissioner just recently insinuate the Elk County is a blight or something like that?

Why is it they are so negative about being questioned about their methods of operation?

Why do they twist words to meet their own needs?

For instance:
Why is it they call their meetings, community meetings when they are anything but community meetings? That in itself is a negative, isn't it?

It is their meetings and they can have you removed by the sheriff at the drop of a pin.
Sorta like a police state, huh?
Not a positive thing is it?
So, it is their meeting not a community meeting.

Aren't those their meeting's totally controlled by their professional facilitator?
Where do they get a third disinterested party out of that?
Isn't the facilitator there to do what the LLC want's them to do?
This again is a negative isn't it?

If you don't set in their circle of chairs, don't they tell you, you may not participate?
Yet another negative on their part isn't?

If you don't talk about what they tell you to talk about, they don't want to hear it.
Negative attitude for sure, isn't it?

They refuse to have an honest open two way communication here on an open forum?

They are always asking for a hand out and in return hand out an occasional lollipop?

Where are the receipt's for all that money?
Where is the accountability?
Where is the transparency to the real and actual community of Elk County?
Negative? Negative? Negative?

They do not accept constructive criticism at all in my opinion.
Another negative, don't you think?

The trouble with constructive criticism is that not all people are receptive to it. They may either feel their self-esteem shrinking under criticism, or they may feel that all criticism is negative. This can destroy the intent of constructive criticism. Attitude? Attitude?


Perhaps if they Recognized the value of constructive criticism, and that such criticism can improve relationships and productivity.

If only they would only acknowledge criticism that focuses on their behavior. and that it could be used to correct specific behavioral issues that would improve community relationships for the benefit of all concerned.

If they work hard to avoid becoming defensive and Resist any tendency to want to dismiss criticism or retaliate it would be a large improvement.

Perhaps if they would welcome criticism; and use the criticism appropriately to improve their own attitude, that also would be beneficial to all parties as well.

But no, they become an LLC they say to protect themselves from the real and actual community of Elk County, didn't they say that? How negative is that from a few people that call themselves positive?

I personally believe, they became an LLC in order to keep their business secret, which is what business do, they keep their business secret except for what they want you to know. Don't they? 

I consider that another negative attitude for an organization that wants us to believe they have Community Conversations.

So mean while, while they condemn us and even call us names, in hopes that we will go away, because of their negative attitude towards us, they are just wasting their time, IMHO?

Why would our Elk Konnected County Commissioner call these post's vile during an Elk Konnected County Commissioners meeting, if not to be simply insulting to me on behalf of Elk Konnected? And in hopes that it would shut me up? Isn't that really a serious negative on the part of Elk Konnected, LLC?

I had a person tell me several days later the the man owed me an apology for that remark, the person thought the remark was way out of line. I told the person, an apology is unnecessary as far as I'm concerned, but that it simply showed very well, the attitude of Elk Konnected, LLC.

So really what is Elk Konnected, LLC's real purpose?

Besides using the county and the school district's resources?

I'm still asking questions and receiving no answers from Elk Konnected, LLC.

The trouble with constructive criticism is that not all people are receptive to it. They may either feel their self-esteem shrinking under criticism, or they may feel that all criticism is negative. This can destroy the intent of constructive criticism. Attitude? Attitude?  Attitude?

And along with other concerned citizens and taxpayers of Elk County we are watching, for an honest response.


The tyrants are taking over - everywhere. 

Will folks in Elk County make Elk County an exception?

Looks like you can either stand for Elk Konnected or take a stand for liberty. 

Diane Amberg

The sky is falling!  Oh, never mind, that was just a meteorite.
  Weren't your commissioners elected? Red, do you even live in Elk County? Did you vote the last time? If so, I assume your candidates didn't win? Are you a radical?  Do you what that word means?
   Have you ever tried working inside the system to accomplish something? I find it works better than using controversial  negative language and veiled threats and trying to cause trouble under the guise of free speech. If people think all one wants to do is make folks uncomfortable in public ,they will put up a wall against you and you may get a reputation as a problem child.
.  We have those kinds of people here too. One, whose name is Fritz, is anti everything and for many years personally caused the waste of millions of tax dollars by causing legal problems and delaying tactics to prevent  much needed county projects from moving forward. They finally put him on the planning board and Mr. Smug got a taste of his own medicine! Is wasn't as easy as he thought! Not the same as your situation of course, but the confusion and anger and uncomfortable feelings it caused was just like yours, but yours is little, like in a glass snow ball.
     As far as "propaganda" is concerned. It is used by everyone to promote their view. It's just who is doing what to whom as to  whether it's called "truth","facts," "opinions" or other names.
Ross your blog is now 11 months old. It's all propaganda don't you think? How is it not? Huge assumptions are being made about how people think and you assume they accept all that is said on your blog as fact, not opinion. So be it. It's harmless.
Ross, be careful my friend, you are starting to repeat yourself. I'd take your last blog and edit and do a critical analysis of it, but you might not understand the constructive criticism nor my reasons for doing it.
Have a nice day.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2012, 11:11:46 AM
     As far as "propaganda" is concerned. It is used by everyone to promote their view. It's just who is doing what to whom as to  whether it's called "truth","facts," "opinions" or other names.
Ross your blog is now 11 months old. It's all propaganda don't you think? How is it not? Huge assumptions are being made about how people think and you assume they accept all that is said on your blog as fact, not opinion. So be it. It's harmless.
Ross, be careful my friend, you are starting to repeat yourself. I'd take your last blog and edit and do a critical analysis of it, but you might not understand the constructive criticism nor my reasons for doing it.
Have a nice day.

As far as what you say about it being harmless you are absolutely right?
I do not prestent to many facts mostly opinion and questions.
I have said many times, I don't expect anyone to believe anything on this thread.
And I truely would hope they are capable of thinking for themselves.
If you can not explain your constructive critism then it would be a waste, wouldn't it.

I have another post that I wasn't going to put up for a few days, but just for you, I will do it now.

You also have a nice day, after I make the next post I am going outside into the warm sunshine day and enjoy it some more.
Nearly 70 degrees outside.


I have been hearing there is talk that I lack tact and diplomacy, well that is a true fact.
I don't believe tact and diplomacy is all that important.

And I really appreciate the people that recognize this quality in me.
I don't find anything offensive about that talk at all.

I have even stated myself in this thread, that I lack tact and diplomacy.
I am proud of that fact.

Just what matters more to you, the truth or tact and diplomacy?

Mr. Gingrich on meet the press this morning said about Iran, either you accept diplomacy or else. Great tact and diplomacy isn't it.

Take a look at the tact and diplomacy used by the people running for the republican presidency nomination, the back stabbing and lying, it just doesn't work for me. How about all them divorces and other things, does that work for you? And ladies does the fact that the men in our government are telling you, they know what is best for the use of your body and the medications you and your doctor use, when they don't understand what they are talking about, does that please you? They are using tact and diplomacy aren't they?

Tact and diplomacy is hocus-pocus the other party wants to use on you, which means you should disappear.

Tact: What we have been taught or brain washed to believe = the ability to do or say things without offending or upsetting other people.

Which easily translates via hocus-pocus to the purpose of kissing or sucking up to a  person or party that can not deal the truth.

Diplomacy: What we have been taught or brain washed to believe = Skill in handling affairs with out arousing hostilities.

Which easily translates via hocus-pocus to sneak around and stab them in the back.

Tactful Diplomacy: translates via hocus-pocus to, be sweet to the people, while you slip around and back stab'em.

Is it tact and diplomacy when a County Commissioner says at a County Commissioners meeting that what I post here is vile , especially when they say they don't have time to read this thread?
But we know they are reading this don't we?
The truth hurts, doesn't it?

If I say something you don't like, and then you say I lack tact and diplomacy, that translates right back, that you lack tact and diplomacy by using such a phrase on me.

I prefer open and honest dialog versus tact and diplomacy, don't you?

However, the inference by Elk Konnected, LLC and their very few followers that they have would prefer that citizens who disagree with them, and their policies, refrain from voicing their own viewpoint, this is clearly not the way a free society operates, is it?

And the taxpaying citizens and concerned citizens have a right to oppose the misuse of their tax money and resources, don't they?

Especially, when the two out of three County Commissioners voting to give the money to the LLC are also admitted members of the LLC. No conflict of interest, nothing unethical about any of this is there?

How about if and when ECCEF asks for county taxpayers money to give to Elk Konnected, LLC? No conflict of interest, nothing unethical about any of this is there? Really?

Please explain this thinking to me.
I'd truly like to understand why?

There is just no way to be tactful and diplomatic about something of this nature, especially when a privately owned company is perceived to be overstepping their boundaries, and perceived as untruthful and as a "beggar thy neighbor" organization.
It is just going to anger them. Again, Especially, when they appear to be unable to prove other wise.
Where is their tact and diplomacy?
Where is their open and honest two way dialog?

When they slam the door shut on open and honest dialog, that truly simplifies tact and diplomacy for me, what do you think?
Yea, I am talking about when they came on thi thread and then failed to continue communications.

The same goes for calling their meetings, community meetings, which in fact are no such thing. Pointing out the fact that they are twisting words to meet their own means also lacks tact and diplomacy. So much so, that it angers them.
And they lack the tact and diplomacy to explain themselves and instead simply call for the sheriff to escort any one raising any questions about their company meeting, called a community conversation, out of their meeting.

Just words, just thoughts, just questions, just ignore all this if the truth bothers you, it is just my opinion anyway.

So, you may use tact and diplomacy and ignore every word put down here.
It's unimportant at this immediate time.

How come we never hear from all the Elk Konnected, LLC's visionaries?
Do any of the visionaries have names?

Why is it the Elk Konnected, tells us they have all those followers but none have names?

Don't all of those donors of money have names?

It appears we are told something by Elk Konnected, LLC and are suppose to believe it without any documentation or proof, do you buy that?

But if, iall of this eventually affects your property tax for county and school board purposes, it may be important then, don't you suppose?

But perhaps, by then it will be to late to voice your opinion?

It's totally your choice.

I think Elk Konnected, LLC would prefer for us to dutifully fall in line and do their bidding, er volunteering, so they can make headlines and to control.


Quote from: Ross on March 04, 2012, 03:08:30 PM
Just what matters more to you, the truth or tact and diplomacy?

Unvarnished truth.  Political correctness and false positivity are often just a lollipops called by another name.

Quote from: Ross on March 04, 2012, 03:08:30 PM
I think they would prefer us to dutifully fall in line and do their bidding, er volunteering, so they can make headlines and to control.

I'm sure that would make life a lot easier for anyone seeking their own political agenda.  Guess my sheeple gene is defective.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Pat, you certainly do have a huge sheeple gene...you are just following a different Judas goat! ;D
As far as dismissing diplomacy as "unimportant"...so does the kid who can't do math...he says math is not important as a protective mechanism.  Honesty and diplomacy do not have to be mutually exclusive!
Don't you think generally calling people sheeple and stupid because they accept "lollipops" rather defeating  to your objective? How does that work?  You guys are trying to do exactly the same thing you say others others are doing, but if you do it it must be alright? One persons brain washing and hocus pocus another person's "truth" served up on a platter? That's politics for ya, but it's a shame some folks have to make it ugly to seem important.
   Even dear Rush finally went over the line! Yuk. Would you want your daughter talked about that way? He better be careful or he'll have a contract out on him! :P


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2012, 04:21:55 PM

Don't you think generally calling people sheeple and stupid because they accept "lollipops" rather defeating  to your objective? How does that work?

I didn't see anywhere that the man called any one sheeple.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2012, 04:21:55 PM
  Even dear Rush finally went over the line! Yuk. Would you want your daughter talked about that way? He better be careful or he'll have a contract out on him! :P

That's some more of that big city talking, ain't it?

We are discussing lil ole Elk County here and how things appear to work here. Not talking assassination and the like, that big city folks do. All that big city violence don't happen here.

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