Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on January 18, 2012, 10:48:25 PM
I do want to say that when I started up my daycare in 2005, I used the assistance of the Elk County Economic Director, who was at the time Charles Durbin. He was vital in helping me open the daycare, set up my business plan, and a load of things that I really had no idea of at the time. And yes, I am no longer in business, but that is of my own choice. I am currently student teaching in which I will graduate in May with a Masters in Special Education. My whole point being that the one of the many duties of the Economic director is to assist people who need help in starting up businesses in Elk County. Now, you might ask or think that it doesn't take alot to start up a daycare, but to do it legally it sure does.

Again, I am just letting you know that they did help me.

Was that before or after Elk Konnected?

You don't say a thing about what the help was, why?
The reason I ask is because it just sounds like another Elk Konnected support statement with no facts.

Remember this post supporting Elk Konnected:
From an Elk Konnected follower:

Quote from: Hefe de vaca on July 02, 2011, 08:54:03 pm

    NEWS FLASH  , Elk Konnected was started by Richard Fish, a well respected citizen who sought to bring all of Elk County together and quit quibbling over small things and work together as county. The original idea went through the Chamber of Commerce, DONATIONS were given by many people who want to see the county grow. TIME was , and is, VOLUNTEERED by many people , YOUR If you would ever give up your time to help "people wanting to start a business" ( some people don't know about the assistance the government has..... Stupid people who don't know what they're talking about ) , but wait, then you wouldn't have time to come up with your BS here.

 You will not likely see me waste another keystroke on you. You are a  person who has one agenda, you're own.Go out and get a real job.
The actual post was apparently deleted but an actual quote of it can be seen here, http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php?action=search2

I read that statement to mean if one were to do a little research on the internet they can find and get government assistance from professionals.

But anywa, we were discussing today's Elk County Economic Development, not past Economic Development which apparently was no better then today's.

Anyone can say go to this web site or this web site to get government help setting up you tiny little business.  But, I thought we are actually talking Economic Development for the whole county?

What is Economic Development? In my opinion it's a polititcal catch phrase or sound bite if you will. No strings attached, no meat to it. What does it mean>?  I gave a very simple answer, here it is.
Quote from: Ross on January 11, 2012, 12:13:47 PM
I asked Mr. Leibau if he could define what Economic Development was. He said, "I have no clue Mr. Ross would you tell me!". So I gave a simple answer to bring jobs into the county. I also said, I haven't seen even a simple thing done like a web page on our Elk County Web site. County Commissioner Liebau asked our Economic Development employee if the new website was up and running yet. In my opinion, I really never received an answer.
Well the Elk County web site is finally up and running and still there is nothing there that amounts to a hill of beans about Economic Development. And how many thousands of dollars in salary are we paying for this? Check it out at

Elk County Economic Development made the statement on the web site, "This office is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the citizens of Elk County." Improving the Quality of Life, isn't that what Elk Konnected, LLC claims they are doing? Oh, yea, our employee is on the Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee, that's right. But neither one says anything about how they are going to do that. Just another sound bite, with no meat in my opinion.

Same thing with Elk County Youth Services before I said anything at the County Commissioners meeting they had done nothing to earn their pay as Elk County Youth Services for the fall and winter months. Now, WOW Youth Services will rent a movie for a weekend showing. Wait a minute, correction, the web page is now calling it Youth Development. Is that simply a movie on a DVD you watch on a television set? Will it be educational for developmental purposes? http://www.elkcounty.org/youth-development.htm And again, this is costing the taxpayers how many thousands of dollars?

I'd like to suggest that our County Officials look at other county web sites and perhaps learn a few things. Since, I assume that the majority of public information in the court house is now on computers we have bought with tax payers dollars, that information could be easily linked to our County Web Site. Just imagine, Elk Coounty Government going green. People wouldn't have to burn gas, causing those carbon emmisions to drive to the court house to find the information. let's put the 21st century technology in the court house to good use.


You know there is a organization that cost nothing to utilize at all that is available to anyone.  Its Called SCORE.  i don't know why you would need to duplicate this organization on a county level.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on January 20, 2012, 02:34:17 PM
You know there is a organization that cost nothing to utilize at all that is available to anyone.  Its Called SCORE.  i don't know why you would need to duplicate this organization on a county level.

Good point Srkruzich.
But that would take an education which included research to find it.  ::)
Wait a minute, isn't that the bigest part of higher education? :o


Quote from: Ross on January 20, 2012, 03:58:07 PM
Good point Srkruzich.
But that would take an education which included research to find it.  ::)
Wait a minute, isn't that the bigest part of higher education? :o
Uhmm personally i use the yellow pages!  Actually the first thing the SBA asks is have you tried SCORE.  They aren't going to loan you a dime without a business plan and thats what SCORE does. 
Lastly all one has to do is enter these keywords into a google and guess what?  SCORE comes up with their website! OH BTW It comes up as the very FIRST listing in google!

business advice,business template,business plan template,small business advice free,how to start a business,grow a business,business education,business mentor,business idea,small business tips,small business start up,advice on starting a business,business coach
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Hey, Elk Konnected, LLC is going to have a Coed Volley Ball Tournament.
Another tournament, way to go.
All them visionaries with Elk Konnected must have thought this one up to.
I suppose that will improve the quality of life in Elk County, watcha think?
Only $75 dollars to play. Sounds like a fund raiser to me.
They must need money.

Where are all those donors they claim they have when they need them?

I never heard a thing about the Baseball Tournament they held, did anyone else?

And how about all those fat people in the contest to be "The Biggest Loser"?
What's happening there? How many have signed up? What's the story?

Don't they get to go to that exercise room in Howard that Elk Konnected, LLC started and failed to run ?

County Commissioner Liebau let's hear about all the successful things Elk Konnected, LLC has done to improve the quality of life in Elk County? You said you support them because they are good for the county, so tell us, Please?

Unless of course it is to vile a question to answer.
We know you are reading this.
So please tell us.



Oh, a couple of question's for Elk Konnected, LLC and our Elected School Board Official & Elk Konnected, LLC member, David Whetstone if you please?

In what way is Enel Windfarm sponsoring the coed volleyball tournament?
Is Enel going to help pay for the expense of using our school facilities?
Will they Help pay for all the electricity used for the big bright lights used?
Will they Help pay for the clean up after the tournament?

Who will be reimbursing the taxpayers for the additional cost of the electricity to run all those high powered lights in the school gymnasium? Or will this privately owned company --- Elk Konnected, LLC  just be sticking it to the taxpayers while they get paid by the supposed teams to play the tournament?

Will Elk Konnected be charging a fee for people to come and watch the Elk Konnected, LLC Volleyball Tournament?

Who will be reimbursing the taxpayers for the clean up after the Elk Konnected, LLC Volleyball Tournament?

Or does the privately owned company, Elk Konnected. LLC just continue to take advantage of the taxpayers?

Perhaps the schoolboard won't require any fees be paid by Elk Konnected, LLC because they have a member as the School Board President?

Please Elk Konnected, LLC tell us what the deal is please?

How about it fellow taxpayers of Elk County did I miss any questions? Are my questions too vile ?



Isn't it time to wake up?

Quote from: Ross on January 20, 2012, 05:04:11 PM
14 signs that the collapse of our modern world has already begun
Monday, May 02, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032258_economic_collapse_2012.html#ixzz1k2gv1Zuj

This lesson should be long remembered: If you let the corporations, the banks and the governments run your economies, your farms and your lives, they will enslave you and steal your future while you sleep; they will inject silent poisons into the very world around you until you awaken one day to find that all you created has been destroyed. They will promise you paradise but deliver only death. Beware of any entity that is not a living person -- no government, no institution, no corporation has a soul, nor a heart,  nor a conscience . They are forces of organized destruction that decimate those things we hold dear while delivering to us things that will only enslave us or harm us.     (Lollipops anyone ?)             (LLC's ?)

Beware the corporation; the government; the non-profit institution working as a front group for private industry.

Never allow yourself to be ruled over by any institution which exists only as a fictional construct organized from the projection of human greed.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032258_economic_collapse_2012.html#ixzz1k2glc4mw


It has been over 5 years since I have owned the daycare. And some small businesses do bring people to Elk County, like: Traci's Trend, Sweet and Spicy, D&D Guns, and a host of others. As for using the internet, I did that. What I utilized Eco-Development was for the loan. Elk County was awarded money to help start up small businesses, and the county makes a percentage of the interest that is paid on the loan, (something like that). This helped us not use all of our savings to start the business.

Why if I am just answering your questions would you make snide remarks, like that would take an education to use the internet and do research? Is that a slam on me? I just nicely answered your questions and everytime I do you seem to make a slam. I was just stating what I know, just like you are stating your opinion. Please refrain from the rudeness when people are just answering or helping answer your questions.

If you want to know what Economic Development does, surely someone at the commissioners meeting has a job requirement for the job, at least I would think that they would.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Have a question for you Ross, I know that you don't like Elk Konnected. So if it is such a vile organization, why do you let your child go to the things that they put on? I mean, wouldn't you not let him go, kind of like boycotting it? Just wondering!

Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on January 22, 2012, 11:55:11 AM
Have a question for you Ross, I know that you don't like Elk Konnected. So if it is such a vile organization, why do you let your child go to the things that they put on? I mean, wouldn't you not let him go, kind of like boycotting it? Just wondering!
First off I never said Elk konnected, LLC a privately owned company was vile, but you seem to have just suggested that.

However, I do believe Elk Konnected, LLC the privately owned business has no business controlling our local governments no more than your privately owned business --- the day care center.

If you ever attended a County Commissioners Meeting you would see there is only one Commissioner that is not associated Elk Konnected, LLC. So virtually there is no line drawn between Elk Konnected, LLC and Elk County Government.

I also see everytime I turn around they are standing there with there hand out, looking for a hand out. Gimme money, gimme money!  And taxpayers dollars are great free money, right? Again my personal opinion.

Also they proved they couldn't run their own business the fitness Center in Howard, and sold it. Good Job on improving the quality of life in Elk County, right?

Elk Konnected, LLC appears to be just a handful of people, not at all representative of Elk County. They even deny having any membership. What kind of civil organization is that?

Second, who said my son has ever attended their mindless events?

The so called Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp appeared to me to be nothing  more then a subsidized day care for a few children. My opinion.

My son had far better things to do with his time. I will catagoricaly deny refusing to let my son participate, he just used his time more productively.

Are you suggesting people boycot Elk Konnected???
By making such a statement to me, it appears that would be your desire.

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day. I am headed outside again to enjoy it some more.



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