Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Hey Patriot where have these people been for the last week? I thought everything was so peaceful and civil. But heck a little bit of fresh information and here they come with their diversions and attacks. Just destroying the civility of the thread.
But not a one of them has any answers. Do you suppose we are talking over their heads???

No, not me? As I told you I have two brain cells, ones dead and the other is asleep so my questions are really very simple. Don't you think???


Oop's was I just rude to myself?
I appologize self.
Appology accepted self.
Don't be so sensitve next time self.


Quote from: Ross on September 13, 2011, 06:04:16 PM
Sorry for the diversion Patriot but, I just talked to some people that have lived here a long time.

They told me of a similar organization that was here a long time ago called ECCA which worked to restore the bridge in Elk Falls and sold planks with peoples names on it.

And they supposedly tried to get the old quarry near Moline turned into a land fill for Wichita garbage to be shipped here. However it was put to a vote and was voted down by the county voters. The rumor goes on to say that they tried to work around what the voters wanted and were not successful.

I was told it was a forerunner of Elk Konnected because it was started by the same people or relatives of the people that started Elk Konnected, LLC. Is there anything to that? I'm just wondering.

ECCA is the Elk County Coucil on Aging and still exists:


The bridge refurbishment and the landfill debate occurred during the thirty-seven years of my life that were spent living in Elk County.  ECCA was not a leading organization on either of those issues, nor is it a forerunner to Elk Konnected.

Try again.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on September 13, 2011, 07:57:13 PM
ECCA is the Elk County Coucil on Aging and still exists:


The bridge refurbishment and the landfill debate occurred during the thirty-seven years of my life that were spent living in Elk County.  ECCA was not a leading organization on either of those issues, neither is it a forerunner to Elk Konnected.

Try again!
What do you mean, "Try again!".

I asked a few civil questions and recieved a few civil answers which I really appreciate. 
The folks that were telling me the information were not sure of the name of the organization that was involved with the bridge refurbishment? Do you recall what the name of the organization was?

I thank you very much.


My (Flint) comments are in red.

Quote from: Ross on September 13, 2011, 08:12:40 PM
What do you mean, "Try again!".

I asked a few civil questions and recieved a few civil answers which I really appreciate.  

The folks that were telling me the information were not sure of the name of the organization that was involved with the bridge refurbishment?

Then perhaps you should be sure of the organizations name before attributing actions to them.  To do otherwise ends up with responsibility falling on people and organizations for actions they had no hand in.  Grand misunderstandings begin this way.

Do you recall what the name of the organization was?

Yes, I believe I do, but I won't say here because any facts that I present on this thread end up being called into question, or turned around to mean something completely different.

I thank you very much.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.



You sure twisted that didn't you. I never attributing actions to anybody. I simply asked a few questions about something I was told.

I asked in a very civil manner:
Do you recall what the name of the organization was?

And your respose was:
Yes, I believe I do, but I won't say here because any facts that I present on this thread end up being called into question, or turned around to mean something completely different.
So there was an organization??? But Not so civil a response.

But thanks for the response anyway. And goodnight.


Let's get back to the main topic of Elk Konnected, LLC.
This I feel is information that needs studied a bit.

Quote from: Patriot on September 12, 2011, 10:32:54 PM
Thanks to Mr K.R. Leibau, Chairman of the Elk County Commission, who in the open county commission meeting today, said he was on the board of Elk Konnected.  Progress?  Perhaps. But there wasn't sufficient time to clarify his statement. Does that mean he's a legally admitted member/owner or only on a volunteer committee of some kind?  Don't know.

Mrs. Hendricks indicated that "we" (Elk Konnected) had paid substantial monies from donations & grants received to Public Square Communities, LLC for their services in helping organize Elk County... something like $13,000 to $15,000.   During a discussion of the county fund of taxpayer monies that budgets $10,000/year for youth development activities, she also said that she was unaware that "we" (Elk Konnected, a heavily youth development oriented group) had received $10982, from ECCEF in 2008 or $31,573 from the same source in 2009. That fact was illustrated by the ECCEF federal tax returns provided by Mr. Ritz, District 1. ???

Did you know that the median income in Elk County is something like $32,000/yr?

When asked there seemed to be no information available about any measurable results from Elk Konnected's community development efforts.  As a matter of fact, Mrs. Hendricks said she couldn't see how such results could even be measured.  The same answers were offered in response to questions about the successes achieved via the county economic development directors work, past and present... How about new businesses established, old business retention/expansion, increases in population, new jobs, etc.?  Well, there was the fact that there's been a small increase in enrollment at West Elk schools.

Has anybody ever wondered why a newspaper doesn't attend and report the facts about these meetings?  Meeting minutes are necessarily abbreviated... but rarely cover a lot of what is discussed.

More to come... stay connected.

I still trying to digest all this and the fact that Mr K.R. Leibau, Chairman of the Elk County Commission, who in the open county commission meeting Monday, said he was on the board of Elk Konnected. But I thought Elk Konnected. LLC said they had no board of governors or any membership. Could he have really meant a member or an owner of Elk Konnected, LLC????? Perhaps he could post on here exactly what he meant so we would all have some clarifactaion, do you suppose?????

And all that money being paid to the compay from Wichita County, you know Public Squares Communities, LLC. ?????
I wonder what that is all about?????
Is all this really being done for the benefit of Elk County citizens?????

I understand Elk Konnected, LLC is a private company but when they claim to be working to be involved in the county for the betterment of the county shouldn't they be communicationg with the people and taxpayers of the county?????
Especially since it appears that two of the county commissioners are Elk Konnected. LLC, are they members ?????

Since Elk Konnected, LLC does not produce an actual physical product I don't see any trade secrets that could be exposed, do you?????
Nor do I see any Possible patent secrets to be exposed by talking with us, do you?????

But really, I think the quote I add here above needs more thought, don't you agree?????

In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members?? It would be nice to have some clarification.

There are always individuals or very small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of imperical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of anonymity, then others must ask why?????

Elk Konnected, LLC some answers would help, how about a real conversation?????


I stopped at the Elk falls bridge today and carved into the first two planks it says " Dept. of Wildlife & Parks/ Americorps' and "Thanks from the Friends of Elk Falls ". Not sure if that's what you want to know or not. Now don't be twisting my words around to fit your agenda !!  ;D


Quote from: jarhead on September 14, 2011, 10:35:44 AM
I stopped at the Elk falls bridge today and carved into the first two planks it says " Dept. of Wildlife & Parks/ Americorps' and "Thanks from the Friends of Elk Falls ". Not sure if that's what you want to know or not. Now don't be twisting my words around to fit your agenda !!  ;D
But, but, I want to twist and twist to Chubby Checker that is.
Thanks Jarhead the folks that were telling me the story  did mention the "Thanks from the Friends of Elk Falls ", but not the
" Dept. of Wildlife & Parks/ Americorps'. Aj=nd i just bet if I tell them they will remember. I'll pass that back to the people.

Thanks again Jarhead I appreciate getting a straight answer and a civil answer.


Ross, I wonder if who ever told you that ECCA had something to do with fixing the old bridge in Elk Falls didn't mean the NCCC. My limited research on AmeriCorps says a division of it is NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps ). Hell as far as I know the NAACP might of done the work. Yep, I bet the Rev. Al Sharpton was there swinging a hammer---or running his racist mouth. Whoops, there went me being civil---but I'm truthful. ;D

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