Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Patriot, I'll post once more thing and then I'll leave this thread again.Teresa's post was right after mine. Nothing was said in that post that led me to believe she didn't mean me. If I'm wrong she'll tell me who she did mean. You have 667 members on the forum. Tell me there were a huge majority of pro Pat. and Ross responses ,then you've got something.
Your saying that anybody who has a difference of opinion and speaks up is playing a "victim," is a cheap shot and is not true anyway. I don't like to have to play in your mud to, in this case, ask a perfectly good question about what you had said.You apparently didn't want to answer my question. So, now I know that everyone is apparently miserable and unhappy in Elk County, or should be according to a few of you. You have essentially said that people who don't feel as you do are fools. I doubt everyone appreciates that. But that's your business I guess ,none of mine. I'm gone again. :P


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 01:28:48 PM
So, now I know that everyone is apparently miserable and unhappy in Elk County, or should be according to a few of you.
That statement is untrue as the day is long and maybe more so.
We have a beautiful county with beautiful country and scenic drives.
Travel the back country roads for a different and beautiful view of our world.
And Diane there are some mighty fine people here in Elk County and I am not speaking of people of money that think money buys respect. I am speaking of hard working, honest and respectable everyday people. That's what makes Elk County great.
But, like anywhere else we have a few (a very few) that in my opinion want to control anything and everything and everybody.

I just spoke on the phone with one of the greatest people in Moline, she is the sweetest, most honest and helpful people I know. It was concerning a matter of a very young couple that needs help, a couple I don't even know. Oh, yea I was skeptical when I first meet this lady and it took time to trust that all that sweetness and kindness still existed after living in the cities for 40 plus years. But it is alive and well in Elk County. This lady has connections that may get the couple some help and that is why I called her.

The issue on this thread isn't about Elk County citizens being unhappy but staying happy. I hope you can recognize the difference.

People with hold posting for many reasons and I can't say what their particular reason is. But in my experience in life with politics in a small community in Texas the people would not speak up because their daddy worked for the richest man in town who happened to be on the city council. Another had an Aunt or an Uncle or brother or sister that worked for a friend of the person.  You see in that town they did live in a slavery type of atmosphere. I spoke up and wrote letters to the editor and they were published. A city councilmen went to my supervisor and told him to fire me, my supervisor could not do that because of the company policy (a major company). So next the city councilmen asked me to go for a ride with him out in the country, which never happened.

So Diane don't belittle the citizens of Elk County with out knowing more on the subject. I know they are reading and they are talking and it's not gossip.


Oh yes Diane I forgot.

There are very few Elk Konnected,LLC followers that oppose our questions. They are not members of Elk Konnected, LLC because Elk Konnected, LLC the privately owned company (which claims to have no owner) has no membership. Very few of them out of the 667 members of this forum that you refered to respond so your point is mute. But the ones that do respond have no answers and in my opinion that is way they lash out at us with all the ugly remarks. And that is another reason, I try to be decent and kind to a point. Because I understand their frustration.

I'm right in there with them, I don't understand what the heck Elk Konnected, LLC really is.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

How can seven people in an organization with no leader and no registered membership speak for the entire population of Elk County?  
In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 01:28:48 PM
Patriot, I'll post once more thing and then I'll leave this thread again.

Pick at scabs and then wonder why they get infected.  Sheesh.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 01:28:48 PM
You have 667 members on the forum. Tell me there were a huge majority of pro Pat. and Ross responses ,then you've got something.

Do you have any idea how many 'non-registered' folk read this forum as guests, and could they be among those who have a vested interest in the questions being presented? 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 01:28:48 PM
Your saying that anybody who has a difference of opinion and speaks up is playing a "victim," is a cheap shot and is not true anyway.

No, I'm said YOU were whining like a victim in re Teresa's post.  You were.  And that has nothing to do with differences of opinion on the topic of this thread. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 01:28:48 PM
I don't like to have to play in your mud to, in this case, ask a perfectly good question about what you has said.You apparently didn't want to answer my question. So, now I know that everyone is apparently miserable and unhappy in Elk County, or should be according to a few of you.

First, if you don't want to play in the mud, then put on your damned bobby socks n penny loafers an get out of the mud puddle.  Second, I have never even suggested that everyone is, or should be, unhappy here.  Quite the contrary.  As I said a couple of posts back, I have tremendous confidence in the citizens of Elk County.  I believe the majority, however, both want and deserve facts and government transparency.  Seems Teresa's information supports that position.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 01:28:48 PM
You have essentially said that people who don't feel as you do are fools.  I doubt everyone appreciates that.

Not true.  But some of the distractions and non-answers do appear to be quite foolish.  If those folks can't appreciate the foolishness of their responses, then so be it.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 01:28:48 PM
But that's your business I guess ,none of mine.

No need to guess.  On that point we agree completely. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 01:28:48 PM
I'm gone again. :P

You and your sourpuss smiley have a nice, mud free, day.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

It worked!  Mr.Ross, I was hoping you would say something nice and you did. ;) :-*
I've been all over your area many times during my entire life and know how nice it is. I'm not the one belittling the good people out there, but posts from a few of you over and over and over become annoying and will put people on the defensive.
You few do have some political gunslingers on your side. There are also some out there who see you few as a total embarrassment to the area because of how you talk to people.  
 Get your personal  EK followers, that you say agree with you, and file charges for an investigation. Be prepared to pay for legal counsel and pay if you lose. If there is something afoot, you'll find it. Every time I look on here, it's to see if something new has happened or something has broken free. But it's always the same.
 You will not get any more answers than you already have and you expect what you want to be served up to you.....not happening. You won't take any legal steps, so that's that.
  I know, and have as family, many other people in Kansas, OK,Texas and other Southern states that I've known all my life. They are proper polite people, conservatives, and would never, stoop to  talk as mean,common and rude as some of you do to others here on this forum, particularly people you've never even met. (Even telling someone they are whiny should be beneath you it is so critical, rude and uncouth.) The  family would be very ashamed.  Good people know how to debate opposite sides of an issue, but never make it personal.
I do know how nice and friendly the people out there can be. So squabble among yourselves you want. You don't want to be friends? It's fun to try to insult this Yankee moderate Independent? Oh,well.  No "victim" here.
Ya make it sound like everybody has to be labeled predator or prey.  Gone and no replies this time... and it's moot not mute...you just wish I was mute!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 01:28:48 PM
Patriot, I'll post once more thing and then I'll leave this thread again.Teresa's post was right after mine. Nothing was said in that post that led me to believe she didn't mean me. If I'm wrong she'll tell me who she did mean.

Diane Diane Diane............you poor thing..
Why do you always jump in the middle of the circle and assume everything anyone says is about you?  I'm just continually amazed at the high level of your narcissism. ..or maybe you just feel guilty all the time and so you're the first to step up when the least little thing is said that is from the opposite side of the street that you're standing on.   I really don't know why you always assume such things...~~ And not to be rude.. But I really don't care.. Maybe you just think the shoes fits nicely.. and you like to stomp around in them all the time.  Personally I'd think the pity party would get mighty boring after awhile .. but that's just my opinion..
And to my knowledge I didn't specifically single anyone out. That wasn't even my intent for the post.  YOU were not singled out.. and I don't know what section of the forum you were reading, but as far as I could see... Unless you deleted it before I got on the forum to read it..... you didn't have a post even close to when I posted. ( And the part about "If I'm wrong she'll tell me who she did mean. ......well~~~ you're wrong on that part.. I'm not telling you anything.

As I said.. I don't have any answers or any information about what is going on or what isn't going on. I'm not in a postilion to get in the middle of this with anything I might think.  All I did was post some stats encompassing a week and a half. I get feedback on a regular basis.. sometimes it's small amounts and other times it's on a large scale.
I have received feedback since all of this ( and the windmill and road threads ) started. Some are positive.. some are negative..and some are REALLY negative and REALLY positive..  ;D.. but I try to calmly listen to all of them.. generally responding as best as I can on both sides.. and try to ..in short... keep my sanity and my humor during it all. I also get phone calls and face to face verbiage and have enjoyed hearing what others have said about what they think is going on.. plus other feedback about the forum.

And since it's continually posted by some in here that Ross is "pissin' in the wind" and no one is listening.. I just thought I might clear it up a bit.

To address this.........
Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 03:40:17 PM
  I know, and have as family, many other people in Kansas, OK,Texas and other Southern states that I've known all my life. They are proper polite people, conservatives, and would never, stoop to  talk as mean,common and rude as some of you do to others here on this forum, particularly people you've never even met. (Even telling someone they are whiny should be beneath you it is so critical, rude and uncouth.) The  family would be very ashamed.  Good people know how to debate opposite sides of an issue, but never make it personal.

I will say this..you're right ....... As far as rudeness goes? There's plenty of rudeness in this forum. I think all you have to do is read some of the posts and public language to see the writing on the wall of who might fit in this category. But to be fair....  " No one ..not any of us.. me included.. hasn't lost our temper in here and took a trip down the rude road." Not pretty... but its human frailty, I'm afraid.

But as far as the posts from Ross? I  don't think there's any rudeness at all within his questions and statements that he has continually ask and made.  Even when he is rudely slammed and put down.. he continues ( as far as I have seen) to strongly stay the course and to be courteous and consistent in his main objective.. and that is to just ask valid questions to an issue that should concern people who live in Elk County.

Now Patriot is a little more " in your face" with his posts... but if you're honest with yourself and look outside the box.. its hard to try to denounce the things he says... because franky.. the man is on his A Game with it comes to intelligence and being able to back up what he says.  I personally feel extremely inferior and wouldn't get in too much of a debate with him unless I really liked to have the feel of egg on my face.

I am singling these 2 out because it seems that everyone wants to make it "about them"...
It ISN'T ABOUT THEM people~~~ They don''t even insinuate or want it about THEM..
It's about issues and concerns with what is going on within our county.  I would think that no matter what the subject is.. and what organization it involves "the tax paying people of this county" would want to know all areas of the issues good and bad..
I think that's where people are at this moment.. They want some answers by valid parties to be able to answer the questions that they have. They're not hard questions... or I don't think that they are. I would think that the answers ..if there are answers.. would be pretty easy to post and explain.  I'm just sayin'...........................
The quieter it is... the worse people think..

I probably talked more than I needed to.. but I didn't realize I had to have a post for the  justification on my post..
If I can clear anything else up for anyone on here about what I am thinking or posting.... just let me know.
I'm here in this town for the duration of my life.. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I am not going to quote anyone, and just say how I feel:

I am one of the 400+ members of this forum, and found it very interesting and a yellow flag to me of the topic.
I signed up and started asking questions.  Some were answered with not so appropriate answers in my opinion, however the answers were always polite as someone who thought I was blowing smoke, could be
I also live in proximity to Elk County.  And I thought I would follow it to see if any   ANY group that is similar to what is happening in Elk County might come to mine...and with the information.
If so, I would:
1.  welcome them
2. Be weary of the group

So far...nothing has come to light except a muddled twist of titles and names. 

Personally, I think by the facts and info presented....there is a slight of hand and a name laundering going on with the taxpayers money.

Can't proove it,  need to follow the money triail.

Just my Opinion.
And, why hasn't there been anymore meetings with Elk Konnected to obtain more goals?  (That may be hypothetical at this point)
I guess Elk Konnected is self sufficient and ongoing by  joining forces with those that have Konnections.  
That is where my focus is...not who is responsible.

Good Luck, Elk County....I know the citizens are good people and are aware of a smoke screen.



CAUTION: if instrument is shaken sufficiently to cause arm to swing violently, damage may occur!


Amen Teresa... I AM a taxpaying citizen (although sometimes my taxes are paid late, they still get paid) of this county and state and I do deserve to have questions answered. Ross and Patriot are both very good men that have been given a lot of hell for starting this thread, but I appreciate the fact that they did start it and bring it to light to a whole lot of uninformed people, myself included. I realize that others did not want any of this brought to light (therefore give anyone with a good point on the subject hell) but it is out and these people should just man up and start answering questions instead of having obscure meetings in the country when it's so hot outside...stay in your air conditioned house and chat it up with us here on the forum instead...Just a thought :o ----Jennifer




Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 03:40:17 PM
It worked!  Mr.Ross, I was hoping you would say something nice and you did. ;) :-*
I've been all over your area many times during my entire life and know how nice it is. I'm not the one belittling the good people out there, but posts from a few of you over and over and over become annoying and will put people on the defensive.

I believe Elk Konnected, LLC has been on the defensive since it's inception, it's my opinion when they hired a private company and used it's facilitator to totally control the citizens of Elk County that was a defensive move. Even denying any citizen from asking questions that Elk Konnected did not approve of. Even going to the extent of calling the Sheriff for simply asking to talk during a supposed community conversation. So, no I have not put them on the defensive, that happened way before this thread. You are not here to see and know what is going on.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 03:40:17 PM
You few do have some political gunslingers on your side. There are also some out there who see you few as a total embarrassment to the area because of how you talk to people.
I think you have the wrong perception of civic minded taxpaying citizens of Elk County, they are not political gunslingers. Oh, they are not on my side, they are concerned citizens, each with their own perception and thoughts on this matter. The few that find me an embarrassment should perhaps look in the mirror, they are the supporters of Elk Konnected, LLC who are not even members. Remember Elk Konnected, LLC says they have no membership. But by the way perhaps you could give your meaning of  who that "some" is that you refer to just in case I am wrong.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 03:40:17 PM
 Get your personal  EK followers, that you say agree with you, and file charges for an investigation. Be prepared to pay for legal counsel and pay if you lose. If there is something afoot, you'll find it. Every time I look on here, Every time I look on here, it's to see if something new has happened or something has broken free. But it's always the same.
I do not have or want any personal EK followers, that statement by you is totally out of whack. I want open dialog, and truthful dialog with a so called organization that is a private company called Elk Konnected, LLC. But as you have been told many times you don't have to return here. If it bothers you so much that Elk Konnected, LLC won't respond or that I keep asking the same questions, simply discontinue this thread. I will miss you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 03:40:17 PM
 You will not get any more answers than you already have and you expect what you want to be served up to you.....not happening. You won't take any legal steps, so that's that.
So that's that in your opinion which is fine. But not in my opinion. So we disagree on that one for sure don't we?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 03:40:17 PM
  I know, and have as family, many other people in Kansas, OK,Texas and other Southern states that I've known all my life. They are proper polite people, conservatives, and would never, stoop to  talk as mean,common and rude as some of you do to others here on this forum, particularly people you've never even met. (Even telling someone they are whiny should be beneath you it is so critical, rude and uncouth.) The  family would be very ashamed.  Good people know how to debate opposite sides of an issue, but never make it personal.

I do believe you are referring to the Elk Konnected, LLC followers not me. I have tried very hard to be decent, but I am human and susceptible to error. I spoke up on behalf of one of the followers after she made a disparaging remark about obese people. And I truthfully believe she did not mean for what she said to be taken the way it was taken.

But on the other hand here are a couple of rather mild displays of a couple of followers:
Quote from: Catwoman on August 30, 2011, 06:40:32 PM
OK, Flint...Fork it over...Not even a full 48 hours...I said by 8 P.M., I believe?  
Quote from: Ross on August 30, 2011, 07:36:02 PM
You called me a moron on the thread about teachers will I refused to stoop to your level then.
Guess what?
I still refuse to stoop to your level.
:) ;) :D ;D  :o ::) :P :-* :-\ :'(  :police:
I believe it was a follower that referred to the people of Elk County that wanted to start a business as stupid about starting a business and Elk Konnected, LLC was there to help those stupid people. Yet, Elk Konnected, LLC could not operate there own precious Elk Konnected Wellness center. Just so you understand whom you are apparently referring to.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 03:40:17 PM
I do know how nice and friendly the people out there can be. So squabble among yourselves you want. You don't want to be friends? It's fun to try to insult this Yankee moderate Independent? Oh,well.  No "victim" here.
You are talking to me, Ross and I have never referred to you as a victim. And I'd prefer to avoid squabbling.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 03:40:17 PM
Ya make it sound like everybody has to be labeled predator or prey.  Gone and no replies this time... and it's moot not mute...you just wish I was mute!
Yep, I'm human you proved it. I screwed up and used the wrong moot. You are the only one using the terms " predator or prey" which leads to a misconception.
As I see it there are followers and there are civic minded people on this thread. But you may call us anything you want, that is your right.

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