Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Ross, I've posted your comments in red:

It would appear County Events would by put on by Elk County such as the Summer Day Camp which County Government funded with a grant they received. Now wasn't that a County Event

This statement prompted my earlier reply listing a number of Howard chamber events that are open to anyone who wishes to attend. They are not considered to be strictly Elk County events nor Howard-only events. They are community events sponsored by the chamber, not by the city or county government.

I believe all those events would be open to any one in the state or even people passing through but that does not make them a state activity or a national activity to raise funds, does it. Therefore the proper terminology for a City of Howard function or activity would appear to me to be a "City of Howard function or activity" open to the public. Or if you only want to limit the function or activity to the citizens of Elk County you could say City of Howard activity open to Elk County residents only. But let's try using proper terminology and keep things clear to the general public instead of deception by omission as you suggested lying by omission.

Again, the Howard chamber does not claim to be a state or national group in regard to fund-raising or any other activity. Neither does it exclude anyone from attending or participating in its events. You ask that proper terminology be used; I agree and ask that you do the same.

I don't have the membership roster in front of me, but I can state with certainty that there are members who live outside of Elk County. I know there are a few in Wichita. I'm not sure about Severy. I believe at one time there was, but I don't know if that person has renewed membership. As I said, I don't have the roster. The reason I mentioned this originally was to illustrate that the group is not comprised of nor does it serve only Howard people to the exclusion of others. It is not a City of Howard organization, a term that you used that is not correct.

I feel I've responded to your questions sufficiently. The chamber is planning a wonderful fall festival, and everyone is welcome to not only attend, but to help with preparations. Volunteers are always welcome and encouraged. I hope all who are reading this, no matter where they live, will attend the festival and enjoy themselves.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 26, 2011, 09:12:01 PM
Yup, you just made my case for me.  Don't you ever get tired of shooting yourself in the foot?
I'm so sorry that you don't comprehend what you write or read!
Clearly it is your foot that gets in the way.
you also don't seem to comprehend the questions. Please try re-reading them and try again.
Here they are again:

Quote from: Ross on August 26, 2011, 09:01:51 PM
Why do you keep coming back if all that you say is true?
And would you please quote all those  vicious, backbiting, condescending things that you say I have written? Please?

No Catwoman I am not sad I am quite happy. And you have no idea about my life or the people I associate with.
Therefore, you continue to prove your point.What qualifies you to say what everyone else hears?

Especially, quote the viciousness, backbiting and condescending things that you allege that I say on the subject matter.
This is extremely important to prove your truthfulness or prove don't and  prove yourself a liar.

Try to have yourself a very good wekend.


Indyal My responses to your post are in italics and Blue.
Quote from: indygal on August 27, 2011, 05:32:50 AM
Ross, I've posted your comments in red:

It would appear County Events would by put on by Elk County such as the Summer Day Camp which County Government funded with a grant they received. Now wasn't that a County Event

This statement prompted my earlier reply listing a number of Howard chamber events that are open to anyone who wishes to attend. They are not considered to be strictly Elk County events nor Howard-only events. They are community events sponsored by the chamber, not by the city or county government.

I believe all those events would be open to any one in the state or even people passing through but that does not make them a state activity or a national activity to raise funds, does it. Therefore the proper terminology for a City of Howard function or activity would appear to me to be a "City of Howard function or activity" open to the public. Or if you only want to limit the function or activity to the citizens of Elk County you could say City of Howard activity open to Elk County residents only. But let's try using proper terminology and keep things clear to the general public instead of deception by omission as you suggested lying by omission.

Again, the Howard chamber does not claim to be a state or national group in regard to fund-raising or any other activity. Neither does it exclude anyone from attending or participating in its events. You ask that proper terminology be used; I agree and ask that you do the same.
I did not say they claimed to be "state or national group in regard to fund-raising or any other activity."
So what is your point? My point was that it is not a County Function. Okay call it a function taking place inHoward, how's that/

I don't have the membership roster in front of me, but I can state with certainty that there are members who live outside of Elk County. I know there are a few in Wichita. I'm not sure about Severy. I believe at one time there was, but I don't know if that person has renewed membership. As I said, I don't have the roster. The reason I mentioned this originally was to illustrate that the group is not comprised of nor does it serve only Howard people to the exclusion of others. It is not a City of Howard organization, a term that you used that is not correct.
The organization is located in Howard and has the name Howard. Most of it's members are in Howard.
Hence the organization is a Howard organization. Not ran by the City of Howard and no one has ever said it was ran by the city government have they? The Easter Egg hunt, the 4-H fair, Christmas Open House you may put on will be in the City of Howard, ergo Howard functions open to the public. Even if they are from Texas.
The Batson Ace Hardware Store is in Howard therefore a Howard buisness, right?
It is not a Moline Business even though they have customers in Moline, right?

I feel I've responded to your questions sufficiently. The chamber is planning a wonderful fall festival, and everyone is welcome to not only attend, but to help with preparations. Volunteers are always welcome and encouraged. I hope all who are reading this, no matter where they live, will attend the festival and enjoy themselves.


Rosco, you are one sad, strange little man.  Get outside, get some sunshine...Maybe increase in your vitamin D level will help.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 27, 2011, 06:54:35 AM
Rosco, you are one sad, strange little man.  Get outside, get some sunshine...Maybe increase in your vitamin D level will help.
You just can't help yourself can you. You just like to diss people and I understand.
For your information I have been out in the sun and working in the heat.
And as an extra value I have lost 8 pounds in the last two weeks. All without the Elk Konnected Wellness Center.
And really I am not or have not been over weight.
I bet as a sixty five year old ol fart, I am far more active than you are.
And strange is a very good attribute far better than being a disser.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

How can seven people in an organization with no leader and no registered membership speak for the entire population of Elk County? 
In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 27, 2011, 06:54:35 AM
Rosco, you are one sad, strange little man.  Get outside, get some sunshine...Maybe increase in your vitamin D level will help.

Speaking of strange, sad and lacking sunshine...

Is it appropriate for a government agency to seek and obtain a private grant on behalf of and for the use of a private company? And further to receive and hold those grant monies in the government coffers to be disbursed by a county employee through a government owned credit card on behalf of the same private company?  Is it right for this to happen once?  How about twice... or better yet three times?  Each for more than $13,000.  And each for what amounts to little more than a glorified marketing and branding promotion.

Where does the government end and the private company begin?   Such is the relationship between Elk Konnected and the government of Elk County, Kansas.

I bet there are a lot of small businesses that would like to have a government signature on their requests for project funds. 

Talk about special interests running government!  Maybe the EK steering committee should steer EK in a direction that avoids such collisions.  Unless their intentions something other than as advertised.....

Now, back to your regularly scheduled backbiting catfight.....

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


LOL  :D Patriot.
But if catwoman is an educator I sure hope she doesn't teach a class in dissing people.


"In God we Trust!"

In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinborough, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

Sort of like lollipops for dollars, don't you think?

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage."

Where are we at 5,6 or 7?  
Or maybe even 8.

It seems to me everyone has their hand out for money to further their own causes, but who cares?

This is truly scary! Of course we are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic. Someone should point this out. Of course we know too many pay little attention to The Constitution.

But who cares???


Quote from: Ross on August 27, 2011, 01:55:32 PM
LOL  :D Patriot.
But if catwoman is an educator I sure hope she doesn't teach a class in dissing people.
I don't know, i've seen better dissing.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on August 27, 2011, 02:36:45 PM
I don't know, i've seen better dissing.

I know srkruzich but I am just entertaining myself by providing the poor educator a little ego.

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