Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Janet Harrington

Quote from: srkruzich on June 28, 2011, 09:13:42 PM
THats pretty much what almost killed me in the first place and disabled me.  The sitting and using my brain.  Ok lets get it out.  Worked my butt off most of my life. worked construction when i was teen, worked restaurant work in my late teens early 20s, became a sous chef in aspen.  That was seasonal and didn't provide a good enough living so i worked back in contruction this time walking iron. That is steel beams in the building and my job was bolting them together.  Slipped and fell off the 6th story beam, and lost my nerve to climb on beams anymore so i drove a truck for a living.  Worked til i was hit by another driver, crushed my right side.  Took 2 years to heal, got out of my wheel chair cause i was bound and determined i would not die in a wheel chair.  Still walk with a limp to this day.  Went to school for electronics.  Graduated 4.0 went to work for myself started a computer company.  Sold company 2 years later when i moved.   Got pushed out of computers due to big box stores coming in and selling lower than i could build them for.  Took my skills started over again.  This is where the job started killing me.  Worked IT for around 9 years.  1st year at 35, 1st heart attack, next year second heart attack, went two more years 3rd heart attack, next year 4th, and in 2001 my sixth heart attack took me out of the workforce.  TOtally.   Surgery was botched up, level 5 angina pain all the time.  wnet back to school thinking i could retrain and go back to work.  Got my hort degree in 2006 and found out, couldn't work at that either.   Moved here in 2007 and have been somewhat healthier than before but still not able to do more than a few things.    So no I can't go sit at a job. It will kill me. 

Geeze, Steve. You have already lived a lifetime and more. All I can say is, more power to you. You are a brave soul to have come back from all that. Now that you have shared that with us, it makes for better understanding. About those computers, I am so mad at mine right now, I could throw it against the wall. However; it is going to the computer doctor tomorrow and I hope they can find out why the toasterlauncher.exe has quit working. LOL

Janet Harrington

Or maybe it is toastlauncher.exe. Can't remember.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 28, 2011, 10:01:11 PM
Or maybe it is toastlauncher.exe. Can't remember.

Maybe it is your toaster...
or your brain after it was toasted...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 28, 2011, 10:01:11 PM
Or maybe it is toastlauncher.exe. Can't remember.

Dang Janet, I'm just impressed that you computer can make toast.... ;D

Lisa, another Harrington


Who are the admitted members who own, and run, Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?




Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 28, 2011, 10:01:11 PM
Or maybe it is toastlauncher.exe. Can't remember.

I would suspect it is a virus or trojan.  They target toasterlauncher since it is a vital part of windoze.  It is essentially a file manager for system files.   Before spending money on a repair bill, try going to www.housecall.trendmicro.com  and scanning your puter.  Then fix errors. 

I suspect it has been replaced with a virus or trojan.  I can help with removal of it if you need help.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 28, 2011, 10:00:44 PM
Geeze, Steve. You have already lived a lifetime and more. All I can say is, more power to you. You are a brave soul to have come back from all that. Now that you have shared that with us, it makes for better understanding.

You know, i'm tired.  Just plain worn out. Raised 6 kids most of the time by myself. I figure i cut at least 15 years off my life with the 16-20 hour days i worked all those years.  Thats why i love this minifarm.  Wake up, drink my coffee and watch the sun come up through my east window by my computer, sometimes i go sit out on the front step and do it.  I love watching my critters graze, chickens doing what chickens do, and the bees forrageing everywhere in town.  ITs cool to go anywhere in town and see them, say to myself yep those are my girls out there!  But i haven't stopped.  I just slowed way down!  IF i were to give advice on working to the youth, I would say prepare yourself by finishing school, get a higher education you can't make it these days without it. Be it college, tech, or one of those pay plenty schools but do so as cheap as possible. Do not go into debt period.  Then do not fall for the 40 hour week lie.  That will only get you by.  You put in the extra 10 -20 hours. BUT do not go over 60 UNLESS its your own business. Then you put all you can into it.  Take any excess you have in pay, which you will IF and ONLY IF you put in the hours over 40 and invest it in something.  Never stop upgrading your skills through education. 

IF you want to work a decent job these days, you must get an education beyond highschool. AND don't go picking something like history major(Not dissing the new folks that are).  Ask the new guy.  YOu have to be very smart and look to the future as to what jobs are going to be there.  For now, 2 fields will be paying the best in the next 10 -20 years.  1.Nursing (that particular field) 2.Medical techs, 3. Information Technology Field but you have to specialize in something buisness uses, NOt windows administration. Everyone and their brother is doing that. Pick something very few people are doing. 

traditional jobs like construction ect are too volitile and depend totally on economy.  There is one constant in this, People will get sick and die, and Businesses cannot operate these days without computer systems.   IF you think like that, you will always be employed at a GOOD paying job not some 7 - 15 dollar an hour job.

Thats one reason i picked raising bees here.  IF everyone could do it, then honey would be cheap and the honeybee wouldn't be declining and if the SHTF and the economy goes bust, I will still have a market for honey.  People use sweeteners and IF the market goes bust sugar will be sky high, and People will still drink, i can make mead out of any honey supply i have that i can't sell. LOL

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 28, 2011, 09:57:52 PM
You know, that is really a legitimate question. A question that could best be answered by the county clerk. As for the mileage, I don't know what the rate is currently, but ready said it was at "state" rate. The county commissioners in the past have always chosen to go with the state rate just to make things simple.

Another question would be, what county employees are working at Elk Konnected functions besides Jennifer Brummel? A question best answered by the county clerk. Someone could call. Maybe me, maybe you.

You don't get it. Elk Konnected says it has a community. I ask where? Who are the registered members or owners? Not who are the followers. Let the real Elk Konnected come out and talk, how would that be? Why are they hiding.


  Steve...I apologize for any stress I have given you. This aint sarcasm or given lightly. Won't happen again. I know what stress can do to hearts from personal experience.


I just happened to drive through Moline and I saw the state state employes putting up a stop signs on each of main street.

I also noticed the Elk County grant funded Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp in a church yard. Wow, what a turn out --- I counted 12 kids. Wow, I'm impressed. The kids were playing with water guns and hulahoops and really looked bored. But that's just my opinion.

But let's see, wasn't that grant for $13,800 for 6 weeks of day camp for 2 hours a day 5 days a week. By my calculations that comes to about $230 an hour to have 12 bored kids. What do you think? Does that come to about $19.16 an hour per kid?

Isn't that about par for government spending?????

To my way of thinking Day Camp at day care would be a lot cheaper and maybe more thrilling for the kids. Something to think about.

Why couldn't a grant like that be used each year in the different communities to install better play ground equipment for the children.

So they could use the equipment in their own community year round. Instead of traveling to other communities fo two hours of boredom? Just something to think about. As I have heard Elk Konnected say we need something more permanent, something that will last.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?

How do you plan to meet your goals?

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