Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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The smartest thing about the re release of DDT is that they don't let average joe homeowner have it.  But folks like me who have pesticide applicators permits can buy all they want!    There are far worse chemicals out there than DDT.  FAR worse.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Jarhead, I Don't doubt yoru squashbugs snort sevin  they are becoming immune to it.  Its from all the IMPROPER use of sevin.  People these days are dumb. They do not follow the directions on the bag.  The simple fact is this..IF YOU DO NOT put enough of the product out to kill all the bugs, those that survive will lay eggs and those eggs hatch producing immune bugs to the pesticide.  But average joe blow out there can't be convinced to apply the proper amount cause of the cost of the pesticide.  They wanna do it on the cheap
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Do you reckon our Elk County Economic Development And Youth Services employee had the conscent of the Elk County Commissioner's Board meeting to call the Elk County Summer Day Camp the Elk Konnected Day Camp on the Grant form filed for Elk County?
Just asking?
If she did have their permission what would that mean?
Would that possibly mean that our elected officials no longer work for all the county taxpayers?
If the commissioners did not give their consent would that mean they should take some kind of action?

I mean really, what's happening to our county?

Does anyone have any answers?
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?


Steve.....I have one word for what you're pushin.........BULLSHIT.

Quote from: srkruzich on June 28, 2011, 09:57:01 AM
The smartest thing about the re release of DDT is that they don't let average joe homeowner have it.  But folks like me who have pesticide applicators permits can buy all they want!    There are far worse chemicals out there than DDT.  FAR worse.

Aint we lucky you are such an expert about every friggin thing in the world...How did that neck of the woods ever draw a personage of your eminence to grace it with your presence much less be enticed to share your abundant wisdom about every thing with the un-educated average joes................who are deluded by images of birth defects and seeing cancer deaths associated with the WONDEFUL chemicals our scientists have invented...............

QuoteThe benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.

oh.........well that makes it okay then.........my bad :P ::)
thats a justification that has NEVER come back to bite anybody in the ass.....ever


Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on June 28, 2011, 10:47:04 AM
Steve.....I have one word for what you're pushin.........BULLSHIT.

Aint we lucky you are such an expert about every friggin thing in the world...How did that neck of the woods ever draw a personage of your eminence to grace it with your presence much less be enticed to share your abundant wisdom about every thing with the un-educated average joes................who are deluded by images of birth defects and seeing cancer deaths associated with the WONDEFUL chemicals our scientists have invented...............

Yeah i am a expert on it. I have been trained in the use and have years of use of the chemicals.  So i call your bullshit statement and raise it to TRY AGAIN!

As far as gracing you with my presence, You would be so lucky if I were to do that!  Doubt it will happen though.

Quoteoh.........well that makes it okay then.........my bad :P ::)
thats a justification that has NEVER come back to bite anybody in the ass.....ever
Yep it does.  Malaria or a couple eagles.  I'll take the couple eagles any day.  You can keep the malaria.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


BTW I do have the paper that says i am a expert at it!   SO i must be an expert at it!
Wheres your paper that says your qualified to evaluate the potential of these chemicals.  Got a degree in chemistry do you?  One of my majors you know. :)   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


   Yeah I have what I call a grass roots education.......It came from my own research....ON BOTH sides of most questions...and the fact of the matter is for every study you can find about "How Safe" and "Wonderful" our modern science experiments are I can give you a refuting one. So instead of gettin in a pissin contest with you I'm sayin to everybody RESEARCH it for yourself....read BOTH sides and decide if you want a chemical cocktail everytime you get a drink, take a shower, do your laundry.....not to mention doin such things will get a lot farther and fewer between because of the amount of water being used in a already water thin place to mix their wonderful chemical cocktail.

  I have a degree in hard won experience.......I didnt pay for the privilege of listenin to some big-feelin college professor give me his opinion.

   A college degree trotted out as justification does not impress me....I'm cool like that.

QuoteAs far as gracing you with my presence, You would be so lucky if I were to do that!  Doubt it will happen though.

uh...dude......I was BEING sarcastic......I apologize if you thought I was actually impressed with your eminence or actually wanted to hang out with you.......


Diane Amberg

Actually Steve, my father did, and a masters and on and on. In 1962 (I think) when the studies were released he stopped using DDT and never touched it again. He did some research on his own and agreed with what had been released. I won't argue with you because you never ever change your mind, but I know what happened here. I could write a lot about the eagles and ospreys and bluebirds here and what happened with the DDT run off and fish and thin eggshells but I won't waste my time. Go back and reread Silent Spring again, see where it was written. Steve, I respectfully disagree with you on the DDT business, but you go right ahead and do what you want....out there!

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