Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on June 27, 2011, 08:20:02 AM
Depending on who does the reports......depends on how bad or "good" a thing it is.

Bottom line....it pumps high pressure chemicals mixed with water into the ground to fracture the rock plates and open pockets of gas for "harvesting". Bottom line....these chemicals are toxic as hell and anybody who thinks NONE of them get into the water table and STAYS there needs their head examined.

They suck the water back out of the wells and take it to evaporation ponds where the chemicals and toxins just magically disappear and everything is jelly beans and rainbows..... :P

Not even goin into the earthquake question............but those rock plates gotta go SOMEWHERE when the gas thats been holdin them disappears.......

No.....it aint gonna kill YOU....right now.....but its gonna kill your grandkids and great grandkids....FACT.

Excellent post.
I especially like the, "They suck the water back out of the wells and take it to evaporation ponds where the chemicals and toxins just magically disappear and everything is jelly beans and rainbows..... "

But you did leave out the lollipops. The land owners get to make a little money. Isn't that good for the economy?

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?


  The Dakota have a word for the people who do things for the money....especially things that destroy.....they call em fat-takers.....cause they skim off the fat like greedy children and run away thinkin it wont catch up with them.

  NO......... money is NOT the answer or a JUSTIFICATION




It is my opinion the wrong with our something drastically County Commissioners. Please Correct me is i am wrong.
I know you will.

What is this about? I just discovered it on the internet.

Elk Konnected Day Camp Grant Amount: $13,850.00
Grant Cycle:
Spring 2011
Approved Date:
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Duration (months):
Grant Purpose:
Summer day camp for grade school children living in Elk and Greenwood counties.

Elk County
Grant Type:
Recognition Grant.


Why would the Elk County Commissioners name the Elk County Summer Day Camp --- Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp, and then not tell us about it at the county commissioners meeting, when the subject was broached? Is that considered lying by deception or something to that effect?

I thought we were suppose to be able to trust our elected officials, especially here at home.
I guess, I owe Elk Konnected an apology.
I hear by apologize to Elk Konnected for this error on my part.

There is an Elk County Commissioners meeting today at 1:00 pm at the Elk County Courthouse in Howard. I hope to see you there.



Ross, You seem to twist every word that I put on here. Why is that?? No I am not interested in going to the meeting, because don't you think if we had anything on our land in the past 100 years that my husbands family have owned it someone would have found it. Plus we need everybit of land for grazing our cattle. I am not going because, for one I don't own the land, and two believe it or not I go to enough meetings and don't want to go to it. Has nothing to do with circle of chairs or anything.

But since you did mention that circle of chairs that is, we had a Kstate lady come and meet with our parents of the members of our 4-H club and she did say it is nice to change up the seating of the chairs in meetings once in a while. Kids don't need to sit in perfect lines to run a meeting. I also would like to add, this year our club started doing Gavel games, and we have 2 groups of 4 kids in each go to club days and perform. I am proud to say the age of the kids ranged from 7th grade to 1st grade and one of the groups got to go to regional club days and perform. They are really learning their parlimentary precedure!! They can run a meeting really good.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Angie, you're absolutely correct...Ross and his minions are pro's at twisting words.  Example...Copying and pasting until Hell won't have it and then telling me that I made a point without meaning to make it?  WTH??????  I make exactly the point I mean to...There is NO time I make an unintended point.  If you want to misconstrue what it is that I say, then have at it.  Duplicity of that sort is not the way I'm built and I refuse to engage in it.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on June 27, 2011, 09:47:25 AM
Ross, You seem to twist every word that I put on here. Why is that?? No I am not interested in going to the meeting, because don't you think if we had anything on our land in the past 100 years that my husbands family have owned it someone would have found it. Plus we need everybit of land for grazing our cattle. I am not going because, for one I don't own the land, and two believe it or not I go to enough meetings and don't want to go to it. Has nothing to do with circle of chairs or anything.

But since you did mention that circle of chairs that is, we had a Kstate lady come and meet with our parents of the members of our 4-H club and she did say it is nice to change up the seating of the chairs in meetings once in a while. Kids don't need to sit in perfect lines to run a meeting. I also would like to add, this year our club started doing Gavel games, and we have 2 groups of 4 kids in each go to club days and perform. I am proud to say the age of the kids ranged from 7th grade to 1st grade and one of the groups got to go to regional club days and perform. They are really learning their parlimentary precedure!! They can run a meeting really good.
I did not present an invitation personally to you. The suggestion was open to everyone and it was only a reminder that there is a meeting today. Correction I misunderstood what meeting you were refering to, but it still stands, I was just letting the information out about the Bluescape townhall meeting.

What words exactly did I twist. I simply quoted what transpired. I quoted myself and the redcliffsw and you verbtim.

And meetings between adults and children are entirely different things. Don't you think?

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?


Quote from: Catwoman on June 27, 2011, 11:24:20 AM
Angie, you're absolutely correct...Ross and his minions are pro's at twisting words.  Example...Copying and pasting until Hell won't have it and then telling me that I made a point without meaning to make it?  WTH??????  I make exactly the point I mean to...There is NO time I make an unintended point.  If you want to misconstrue what it is that I say, then have at it.  Duplicity of that sort is not the way I'm built and I refuse to engage in it.

Where do you get twisting from verbatim quotes???????

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on June 27, 2011, 08:20:02 AM

Depending on who does the reports......depends on how bad or "good" a thing it is.

Bottom line....it pumps high pressure chemicals mixed with water into the ground to fracture the rock plates and open pockets of gas for "harvesting". Bottom line....these chemicals are toxic as hell and anybody who thinks NONE of them get into the water table and STAYS there needs their head examined.

They suck the water back out of the wells and take it to evaporation ponds where the chemicals and toxins just magically disappear and everything is jelly beans and rainbows..... :P

Not even goin into the earthquake question............but those rock plates gotta go SOMEWHERE when the gas thats been holdin them disappears.......

No.....it aint gonna kill YOU....right now.....but its gonna kill your grandkids and great grandkids....FACT.

What water table?? They dont' even have a underground aquifer here.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


 you want a pond full of this shit on your land knock yourself out. you want a pond full of this shit gettin in any creek near you knock yourself out. I'm not arguing with you about it.


Now, now let's be decent.
As I understand it the water table can be shallow or deep. There are a lot of factors involved.
Here is one explanation of what a whater table is and I hope it helps.

Here is another:
The water table is the underground depth at which point the ground is totally saturated with water. Much of the Earth's potable water is actually locked up underground, and while it may not be as physically obvious as big lakes and rivers, it is critically important. When underground water deposits are large enough to be considered sustainable for use, they are known as aquifers. The water table could also be thought of as the top of the aquifer.

A number of things contribute to the formation of the water table. Every time it rains, for example, water trickles into the water table. Runoff from lakes, rivers, and streams also contributes, as does snow melt. It is also necessary for the rock in the water table to be permeable, meaning that it can be saturated with water. Impermeable rock cannot collect water, although aquifers are often surrounded by deposits of impermeable rock which keep the water trapped inside.

The level of a water table can fluctuate considerably. A dry spell, for example, can cause the water level to drop, and in some reasons, the seasonal fluctuation of the water table is common enough to be expected. Excessive use of water can also deplete the water table, as for instance when a population increases suddenly, demanding more water than was used previously. Water table depletion is especially common in areas where water is used in industrial production.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?

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