Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Patriot on June 19, 2011, 05:49:40 PM

Uh... the earth isn't flat and there are more important things in life than lollipops n liberals!   ;D

You know i was about to bust a gut laughing when Wilma suggested that you hire a Private Investigator. :D....
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: kshillbillys on June 19, 2011, 11:29:24 AM
Now that ain't gonna happen, is it? It may be just me, but your little innuendos along with Janet's innuendos could be construed as threatening. I mean, God hopes Ross' knee doesn't get any worse if he was to have a bad accident. Or some kook could hunt someone down because of your name on the forum and knowing that you work for the post office or some kook knowing that you live behind the county shop at Howard.

These are my words and only my words.---Mr. Kshillbilly

Robert, How do you get any threats out of my mother asking Ross how his knee is today? My mother sufferers greatly with pain and all she said was that she has found it is better to not aggravate the condition. This she knows from experience. How is that a threat? You would be better ahead to not read things into what is written in this forum.

As for what I said about the 2nd amendment, etc., was to let everyone know that I believe in these things. Don't read stuff into what I write. I have no hidden agendas, nothing like that.

I have never written anything bad about you or Jennifer nor have I written anything bad about the Elk County Sheriff or Elk County government. I have never criticized you or your relative that works for the sheriff here. It is really hard for me to understand how you can say what you did. When I was trying to help with ideas on the thing in Longton about the teacher, I was just a fine and dandy person then, wasn't I? I never did berate anyone over that or put anyone down for what they were doing. Why are you being so hateful towards me now?

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Ross on June 18, 2011, 05:46:24 AM
If you really don't care why the diatribe?

Mr. Ross, You picked apart what I said to ask me if I really don't care why the diatribe? What I really don't care about is the identity of you or the identity of Mr. Patriot.  You guys are so funny. However, I do have a serious question that I will post soon.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: the shadow on June 17, 2011, 08:45:48 PM
I have been doing a little research on my good friend, Attorney General Derek Schmidt's website about conflicts of interest and ethics for local government. I didn't have to look too hard considering this was the first question answered in his frequently asked questions area about Local Government. I wonder if either of the commissioners that stand to gain money from this windfarm filed a substantial interest report with County Clerk Kaminska prior to voting on that windfarm?

Shadow, I have been pondering all weekend about the question on whether any of the commissioners that stand to gain money from this windfarm filed a substantial interest report with the county clerk?  Is substantial interest report called exactly that? I do believe that this is something that needs to be asked. I am going to make a promise here. I am going to write to the County Clerk and ask her, for the interest of the public, if she has a document like that on file or even if she knows what it is? I am going to send a copy of my letter on to the Attorney General with an exclamation to him about what is going on.

This is not just for Shadow. I telling you all that I am writing to the attorney general with these concerns and I wish you would do the same. I hate the idea that we keep bantering back and forth, back and forth, but I can see that no one wants to take that huge step and contact the AG's office.

And, Robert, an answer to what you wrote...I'm glad that you both agree that this whole thing does need to be investigated and NOT by Elk County flunkies. I have never once called the Elk County Sheriff's Office flunkies. You did. However; I know that this type of an investigation is not a criminal action, so it is beyond the scope of what the sheriff's office can do. That is why we have an attorney general's office. Enough said.

I will take action. What will you people do?

Janet Harrington

Quote from: srkruzich on June 19, 2011, 06:00:27 PM
Actually Janet, the 2nd amendment says nothing about permitting. It says BEAR arms (which means to carry, concealed or openly, to possess on ones person) SHALL NOT be infringed.  That LITERALLY MEANS they cannot require any law that interferes with Keeping and bearing arms. 

Steve, I know what the 2nd amendment say. Where did I use the word permit in reference to the 2nd amendment? Please point it out to me because if I wrote that I want to know where.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 19, 2011, 05:48:20 PM
Mr. Walker,

All my friends, and I mean all, believe in the 2nd amendment and believe in the right to have a concealed carry permit. And as for spending most of my week in Independence to work, how is that your business? How are you so knowledgeable about what I do and don't do? As for losing the election, I did. Do you see me saying anything on this forum about that? That was 6 years ago. I go over that many moons ago. Why can't you?  
So why is any of that on this link? Personal affairs should be left personal unless released by that person. And really this thread has nothing to do with the second admendment. So back to the subject. What's happening in our County? Why do a few people get so upset over a few questions about Elk Konnected? Is there something to hide?

So, if you write the Attorney General does that some how indicate that we may no longer express our concerns on this forum? I don't think so. If you don't like the banter back and forth why keep coming here? Even the Federal cops have no control over free speech on the internet.


You know, Patrick claims that Elk Konnected was not involved with the school closures, and on a previous post I mentioned that the same people were involved in that as were involved with Elk Konnected. In fact it was Dave Whetstone, Kate Perkins, Corey Reese, and others who went from town to town holding 'informational' meetings. I attended two of these; one that was led by Dave Whetstone. He showed us a board covered with yellow post it notes that were supposedly the results of a community consensus gathered at an Elk Konnected round table meeting a few months prior. It was claimed that these papers showed that it was a consensus of that meeting that both Moline and Severy schools be closed and a new school be built in Howard. At another meeting that was led by Corey Reese, he claimed that it was a done deal that Moline and Severy schools would be closed, when in fact the school board had NOT YET VOTED to close them. His very words were, 'It's a done deal"! These are the very same words he used to a channel 12 reporter when there was coverage done on the bond election, although he declined to appear on camera. Soon after these instances, Corey Reese appeared on the front page of The Prarie Star as a member of Elk Konnected. School employees were used to promote the bond issue, and many did, knowing that there was soon to be a large reduction in the West Elk work staff, and not wanting to lose out. Folks did not want to lose their jobs, and many were coerced according to a friend who worked for the school district at that time. She said that people were afraid to openly oppose the new school effort as they did not want to endanger their jobs. But people did in fact respond in the voting booth, and it is just too bad that is had to cost the people of Elk County for a special bond election. Maybe it was a good thing too; folks are paying more attention these days.


Quote from: Ross on June 19, 2011, 06:36:54 PM
Even the Federal cops have no control over free speech on the internet.

Really...So the lawsuits concerning child predation on the internet and the laws covering cyber bullying are just a figment of everyone's imagination...LOL.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 19, 2011, 06:06:16 PM
Robert, How do you get any threats out of my mother asking Ross how his knee is today? My mother sufferers greatly with pain and all she said was that she has found it is better to not aggravate the condition. This she knows from experience. How is that a threat? You would be better ahead to not read things into what is written in this forum.
I am not offended by Wilma in the least.
However the grouping of some sentences can lead to assumptions. So perhaps a litlle caution in that area, grouping of sentences that is, might be considered. I know I have made mis-statements in the past and I am sure I'll do it again. But I shall try not to.


Quote from: Catwoman on June 19, 2011, 06:44:00 PM
Really...So the lawsuits concerning child predation on the internet and the laws covering cyber bullying are just a figment of everyone's imagination...LOL.
I was referring to decent people, not extremists and criminals. Duh!

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