Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: flintauqua on June 15, 2011, 05:27:22 AM
You're the one claiming they are dishonest, not Wilma.

Guess we've gone from attack, attack, attack to delfect, deflect, deflect.  Sad, just sad.

Would you show me that?
Did I use the word dishonest, gasp?
Show me, please?

I believe your elk konnected followers are the ones that have used that word.

Who are the elk konnected registered members?


Quote from: flintauqua on June 15, 2011, 06:06:36 AM
Deflect, deflect, deflect.

Who's the one not answering simple questions now?
I gave you several answers:
Because I can.
Because I am afforded that privilege by the owners of this web site.
Because I am entitled to my opinion.
Because the Constitution of the United States Of America says I can.

And then I asked you
What is your point? What do you think it means?
What are you insinuating?
What, what, what?

And no answer. But that's just fine. You are not required to answer.

Didn't you learn that word deflect from Patriot?
Good job.

If you don't have any registered members how can you have a club, how can you have an organization?
No registered members, no organization, who collects the taxpayers money from the County Commissioners?
I think that should stop if there is no organization.
Who is responsible for where the money is spent? How do we know it's not being embezellled?
Even the Mickey Mouse Club had registered members. No, I wasn't a registered member.
My family was so poor we couldn't afford the postage stamp. Moving on.

Who are the elk konnected registered members?


Re: reply # 1019

"How immature and childish."

Just following the leader here.  Just following the leader.


Quote from: Wilma on June 15, 2011, 07:07:36 AM

"How immature and childish."

There seems to be plenty of that to go around.  Quoting a line from a good movie, "How about a nice game of checkers?"

All this still doesn't advance the discussion regarding EK, LLC true ownership or its' use of government resources.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


It occurs to me, after review of this thread, how terribly little the staunchest supporters of Elk Konnected know, or are willing to share publicly, about the legally established, privately owned company behind the movement they support so strongly.  It seems that if one supports, works, or volunteers for a formal organization, they should at least know something about the 'people & processes behind the curtain'.

If so little detail is known by the long time supporters, why would the rest of the public want to jump on the wagon? 

Two old sayings come to mind:  All that glitters isn't gold.      Ignorance is bliss.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


They know.  They are just not going to share with you or Ross because their words always get twisted.  You don't want the truth....you want what you want to hear.....bad things.  Those don't exsist in Elk Konnected.  Also, a lot of those people don't even read the forum....just because they are working people and have no time to read junk.

Diane Amberg

I know LLC laws differ from state to state, but I'd still think between tax records and the  Secretary of the State of Kansas ,the name (s), and I have a feeling there may be only one or two to make it legal, would be available there.
  Some states have privacy acts so that the "member" can be a figure head, even from another state, possibly a lawyer, who does not have to be publicly disclosed. I would assume that the formation of the LLC, that was created for liability purposes ,would have used legal guidance to be sure everything was done properly.  Why EK became an LLC in the first place seems to be getting lost in the arguments. I don't know enough about how the Kansas LLC laws differ from  Delaware to make a definitive statement. Also to assume that all people who work in Gov't  are corruptible and not to be trusted is just not so and very unfair.
 Ross, unless I remember the wrong name, in which case I apologize, you did  state, suggest, or otherwise accuse EK of being a fraud and did tell people not to go to their meetings, conversations or whatever anyone calls their group assemblies.Yes, you did secondarily modify your statements, but your meanings were very clear. I don't know why you would call for the boycotting of EK.  Are other groups that are doing projects independently of EK complaining? Is the creation of pro and con factions helping anyone in any way? Have any local activities stopped or lost worker bees because EK was started?
I know you have what you think is an honorable question stuck in your craw, but if you haven't seen an answer acceptable to you on here by now, you aren't going to. School is out ,projects are going on and people are busy doing what they set out to do, trying to make Elk County a good place to live. It's a beautiful day here and I have a date with the garden to see about annoying some weeds. Have a good one! :-*


Quote from Patriot:
I was told that the Youth Coordinator function of the Elk County government, a position now held by Ms. Brummel, was created in recent years by the county commission at the suggestion of Elk Konnected.  I was also told the joint function of Economic Development Director was a part time function prior to the addition of the youth coordinator duties.  Will anybody here confirm that?

The silence is deafening  huh , Patriot ??  :)


Quote from: flintauqua on June 15, 2011, 05:46:21 AM
From a readily available definition of character assasination:

"In practice, character assassination may involve doublespeak, spreading of rumors, innuendo or deliberate misinformation on topics relating to the subject's morals, integrity, and reputation. It may involve spinning information that is technically true, but that is presented in a misleading manner or is presented without the necessary context. For example, it might be said that a person refused to pay any income tax during a specific year, without saying that no tax was actually owed due to the person having no income that year, or that a person was sacked from a firm, even though he may have been made redundant through no fault of his own, rather than being terminated for cause."

My desire is that this smear campaign against the honest, hard-working, forward-thinking citizens that are associated with Elk Konnected in various capacities would come to an end so that all of the people involved (on all sides) could get on with their lives, doing productive things for themselves and others, instead of wasting so much time, energy and spirit on something so absurdly petty and crass.

I noticed you called it a smear campaign, your choice. We are only asking honesty and openess of Elk Konnected and to stop the use of Controlling tactics. Those used by the man from Wichita County. Tell them to stop taking credit for the things they do not accomplish.

What is wrong with a retraction letter for bashing Elk Falls and the truth about the self serving letter praising themselves.

Your turn.

Who are the registered  members of Elk Konnected, the non-organized organization?


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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