Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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'Night John Boy!    ;D

Good finale...loved a good conversing
Ready....and out.


Here's an answer, if you'll accept it...

A "true Elk Countian" is a person who either does reside or has resided in Elk County and continues to do their best to help the children...And adults...Of Elk County in whatever way possible to continue positive progress into the future.  

Just because some of us have moved away, that doesn't mean that Elk County isn't still in our thoughts and prayers.



Quote from: kshillbillys on June 13, 2011, 06:50:54 PM
Pam, I was just calling it as I see it. I do speak my mind and I like to tell the truth. I am so sorry that maybe Patriot and Ross may be attacking one of your beloved friends that I'm sure you hang out with, go shopping with, spend your Christmas with, have coffee in the morning with, converse on a regular basis with, etc. I do live here in Elk County and I am employed by Elk County. I was born and raised in Sedan, 18 miles south of Longton. Came to Longton many times as a child. You being a true Elk Countian, who chooses no longer to live here and knowing your history, being of your superior intellectual years, that Chautauqua and Elk County were once ONE county named Howard County and Longton was once called Elk Rapids. What I'm trying to say is that when I left Sedan and moved to Longton, 10 years ago, I might as well have been just moving across the street NOT out of state and NOT out of country. I have friends, I have relatives, that live in this county and surrounding counties, that I do converse with on a weekly basis. I will help them within my means and I would like to think that they would help me too. I do NOT stick up for anyone I don't know or is not a close personal friend. And a lot of my friends, I would know in pitch dark with nothing more than a handshake. Can you say the same?---MR KSH
Speak your mind all you want dude.....means little to me......I DONT know YOU  ;D
Was born in Cowley county cause thats where my Mom went to the hospital....raised in Severy....graduated from West Elk.....2 sons graduated from West Elk.....lived in Severy for most of 35 years give or take one or two....lived in Moline for little over one...went back to Severy......I probly know a hell of a lot more of these people personally than you THINK I do.....WE...meaning my husband my children and me moved to Missouri 11 years ago for very good reasons which include more chance of making a decent living without driving 100 miles a day and others which are none of your business. I have friends and relatives which I visit with on a regular basis...I was just there two weeks ago....sorry I didnt stop by Longton and let you know my travel agenda and who I would be seeing and speaking to. Went through a COUPLE times....I'll wave next time....might even use ALL my fingers  ;D

I HAVE moved out of state several times :) Arkansas, Missouri, Idaho.......broadened my horizons a bit :)

I'm a GREENWOOD countian :) born and bred

Roma Jean Turner


It is my opinion Elk Konnected is a fraud because.
They fraudently abused our Elk County Government web site until County Commissioner Liebos aunt called them on it.
They fraudently abused the Elk County Crisis phone system buy using it for their own purposes until a ruckus was raised.
They fraudulely claimed to be sponsering the Elk County Summer Day Camp.
The Elk County Summer Day Camp was set straight at the Elk County Commissioners Meeting. When the commissioners admitted that our Elk County employee in the position of Economic Development and Youth Development applied for the grant and when it was admitted to that she is also running the program.
When asked of the county commissioners why Elk Konnected  is claiming credit for the Elk County Summer Day Camp, County Commissioner Hendricks asked, "What difference does it make who gets credit?" That question only required an answer of DUH. But I was polite. It was stated by me, that I am proud of this county and the work our employee had done in setting this thing up. Odds are you won't read any of it in the minutes of the meeting because two board members are admitted supporters of Elk Konnected. I believe they have misguided loyalties, that's my opinion and I stand by it.

If you wish to continue to support people that diss our communities and take credit for what others do and abuse our government resources that is totally your option and no on is telling you other wise.

Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected


Quote from: flintauqua on June 13, 2011, 06:24:04 PM
Depends on who constitutes "we".  Just because you and Ross and your handful of witch-hunters don't know who is associated with Elk Konnected and in what capacity, doesn't mean that they are unknown to everyone following this thread.

'Owns' vs 'associated with'?  Big difference in regards to a privately controlled limited liability company. 

'Witch-hunters' would be a pejorative term liberals use to demean, isolate and suppress opposing views, right?  Sad, really sad.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on June 13, 2011, 08:40:34 PM
'Owns' vs 'associated with'?  Big difference in regards to a privately controlled limited liability company. 

My post stated "is associated with Elk Konnected and in what capacity "  Ownership would be one capacity, as would director, officer, contributor, supporter, etc..

Nice try at deflecting by using selective interpretation and context.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


LOLOLOLOLOL  OMG...You don't know Flint, do you?  LOLOLOLOLOL...Before you start assigning terms to people, it would be wonderful if you actually knew the individuals in question...

Flint not only encourages opposing views, I've known him to take the opposing view in an argument, whether or not he agreed with the supposed view he was espousing, just in order to promote a discussion.  Flint is a highly intelligent, engaged individual who doesn't meet a stranger and most certainly never demeans, isolates or suppresses the rights or views of those around him.  Elk County lost a jewel when he moved away with his pretty wife.  We are lucky he still keeps track of Elk County online.  His family still resides in Elk County, a member of which passed on not too long ago (and is sorely missed).

I can understand your wanting to know the information you are pursuing...I can't understand your penchant for personal attacks.  I responded in an unkind manner earlier this evening when goaded beyond my normal limits...And I hereby apologize for lowering myself to that level...Now, I am requesting that the personal attacks cease.  The information you are seeking can be found on the Coffee Shop board, on the Elk Konnected threads (there are two of them).  Read everything there...And some of your questions should be answered.

Stop with the personal attacks.  



You know what. I don't really care who lives here an doesn't who doesn't. That doesn't answer the question.
Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected? And all the ugliness and bad mouthing proves nothing except the inability to communicate decently. All that is a control factor of a group hiding something and attmpting to disrupt the actual conversation. What a pathetic waste of time on their part because it is not working.

Let's play nice.

Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected?


Quote from: flintauqua on June 13, 2011, 08:52:34 PM
My post stated "is associated with Elk Konnected and in what capacity "  Ownership would be one capacity, as would director, officer, contributor, supporter, etc..

You are quite correct.

Now, can you provide any authoritative input regarding ownership (i.e. admitted membership)?  Or you just filibustering again?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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