Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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 ::)  Yes, I am an educator...No, I'm not going to waste time and space by listing what you can easily find, here on the Forum, with a little research.  As far as you thinking you know me from a few "sound bites"...LOL... ;D...If you know me that well, then you know about how much patience I have with worthless verbal exchanges that have no bearing on how things progress.  My time is worth more than that...Hence, my absence from the Forum for the past 1-2 years.  But, don't let my lack of enthusiasm/reticence to get embroiled in online rhetoric dissuade you...Have at it.   ::)     


Quote from: Catwoman on June 12, 2011, 09:06:22 PM
::)  Yes, I am an educator...No, I'm not going to waste time and space by listing what you can easily find, here on the Forum, with a little research.  As far as you thinking you know me from a few "sound bites"...LOL... ;D...If you know me that well, then you know about how much patience I have with worthless verbal exchanges that have no bearing on how things progress.  My time is worth more than that...Hence, my absence from the Forum for the past 1-2 years.  But, don't let my lack of enthusiasm/reticence to get embroiled in online rhetoric dissuade you...Have at it.   ::)      
Then why are you wasting our time with starting a worthless verbal exchange when you have nothing of value to add, and when you could simply say, "I don't know anything",  instead of it is easily found here on the forum.  You are more than welcome to move on.

I had noticed you had been in hibernation for a spell, so why come out to put people down? Is it to create a  for Elk Connected?

No edumcation from this edumactor, huh?

Who are the officialiy registered Elk Konnected members???
                Why won't they Converse with us???
                       What are Their Real goals???


Wow...Scratch the surface and you come up with a schoolyard bully.  Well, Don Quixote, you keep on tilting at your windmills and the admirable personnages who make up the entirety of EK will keep on with their efforts to better Elk County. 


Hey, Cat, I've missed you!  Welcome back!

Larryj (What am I doing in the Politics section when I said I wouldn't go there?) (Oh, just to say hi to Catwoman.)
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Hello to you, too, dear friend!!!  :D  LOL...I've said I wouldn't go there, either...But I'll stick around long enough to say that I'm in the mood for another slice of wry, please?  ;)


Quote from: Catwoman on June 12, 2011, 06:24:42 PM
Oh, for God's sake...90 pages of this...

Yep.  Ain't it fascinating?

And just think... we haven't even begun to ask about the influence EK, LLC is trying to exert over our school system and the education of our children!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Ever since the Osage exited Elk County, the Republicans have pretty much had their way.  Conservative?  Not hardly.
Even the Democrats have became so liberal that both parties and their people are in a race for government money and programs. 
Do Constitution principles matter anymore?

You're probably not going to see the EK or EKLLC, whichever or both, on this forum.  It's too open for them.  Besides they're into
implementing the Delphi Technique and they use a facilitor from out west to control the meeting discussion and results.     
I don't see any reason to support any groups like EK that operate under the socialist banner.
Patriot and Ross are doing fine.  If you're absolutely contrary to these boys, then what is it that you're supporting?


Hello Cat!!! Been wonderin what happened to you!

and before you even comment Ross.........free country....comment where I want....bite me.


Quote from: Catwoman on June 13, 2011, 07:19:53 AM
Wow...Scratch the surface and you come up with a schoolyard bully.  Well, Don Quixote, you keep on tilting at your windmills and the admirable personnages who make up the entirety of EK will keep on with their efforts to better Elk County. 

That's the Elk Konnected way diss communities and citizens that don't buckle under to them. Call them names. Good job. But it doesn't work with me. I believe you are aiming your insult at the wrong person. Remember someone said, I was so polite it made them want to puke.

Elk Konnected has done nothing new except blow their own horn and I am not speaking of the followers/volunteers or the paid volunteers, I am speaking of the hidden registered members. Have you ever spoke to a registered member?

Just how is Elk Konnected with their efforts to going better Elk County. By dissing the commuities and citizens that don't buckle under to them --- I understand that. By using taxpayers money to do what --- hand out lollipops --- I understand that too.

Where did the money come from for the summer day camp. From Elk County not Elk Konnected. It's apparent that Ms. Brummell our County employee for Elk County Economic Development and Youth Development.  It is aparent Ms. Brummell doing the job we pay her for. Applying for and getting the grant money for the summer day camp. Elk County Economic Development and Youth Development, not Elk Konnected gets the credit.

Really who are the registered members, does anyone know? Now that's a reasonable question. And apparently nobody knows the answer. What?


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on June 13, 2011, 10:14:14 AM
Hello Cat!!! Been wonderin what happened to you!

and before you even comment Ross.........free country....comment where I want....bite me.

Knock yourself out, I don't own or try to regulate the forum or the link. I'm not like Elk Konnected telling people to shut up.
No I won't bite you. Have fun.

Who are the Elk Konnected, LLC registered members?[/b]

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