Started by Teresa, June 16, 2005, 01:16:17 PM

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Just let me ask you folks something!!!
Can it get any more wet around here
How in the world is a person supposed to get anything done outside?

But it looks like after tonight, that the rains are over.. and then we all..me included..
will beĀ 
groaning about the dry hot weather and praying for rain.

Guess we should be satisfied with whatever weather we have and make the most of it..
so maybe I will just make the most of it at the lake with my family,
cause it is going to be beeeeuuutiful weather.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


there was some very, very awesome lightning last night. i wish there was a place around here with less trees so i could have seen it better. i saw 5 awesome bolts of lightning within half a second. it was really cool.

other than that the rain is making me mad...  :laugh:

Janet Harrington

I personally would like it to dry up so the dog doesn't have to walk in mud.  ha


 :)   yeah, that puppies cast is just not water proof...:)   

Rain , Rain , Go away, save it for another day !!!!   We will want it in July and August !!!!

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